Great Tang's Talented Little Landlord

Chapter 407

On the temporary operating table, Li Chengqian was undressed. Li Qieyou picked up the alcohol and carefully disinfected Li Chengqian\'s body.

Sun Simiao has been watching Li\'s actions carefully. At this time, he can\'t help asking, "huxianzi, what are you spilling in this palace?"


"What is alcohol?"

"Er, the essence of wine."

"What\'s the use?"

"Disinfection and sterilization."

"Sterilization? But as huxianzi and I said, bacteria can only be seen with a microscope?" Sun Simiao asked with a curious look of the baby.

Li forgot to worry about the black line in his forehead. Uncle, this is not a time for 100000 reasons. If you don\'t hurry up to have an operation, Li Chengqian can\'t live. If you have anything to say, ask again later?

Fortunately, Sun Simiao also reacted. At this time, he stopped talking and commanded his apprentice Liu Shenwei to get the lancet.

The lancet of traditional Chinese medicine, similar to the scalpel of later generations, is used by traditional Chinese medicine for surgery.

Because Sun Simiao is too old and Liu Shenwei is in his prime, for the sake of safety, after discussion, several people decided to let Liu Shenwei take the lead. Sun Simiao and Li forget worry assisted in the operation.

Although Liu Shenwei has also been a doctor for many years, he has done this work there, and his hand holding the lancet trembles.

"Huxianzi, where do you cut?"

Li Qieyou rolled his eyes and asked me? How do I know?

"Brother Liu, you can do it."

"How long is the cutting edge?"

"Well, go with it."

Li forgot his worries and was so angry that Liu Shenwei almost didn\'t throw the lancet into him. Is that still human? What is casual? Come and show me one!

Seeing Liu Shenwei glare at himself, Li forget worry is also very wronged. He is not a doctor. Don\'t you ask him if he is blind?

Fortunately, Sun Simiao has rich experience. Although he has not had surgery, he also has a general judgment.

"The sore part of intestinal carbuncle is in the right lower abdomen. I think it should be this position. Disciple, cut from here. Don\'t cut too long. Slide open three inches for the moment."

Liu Shenwei nodded, took a deep breath, clenched the lancet and gently touched Li Chengqian\'s right lower abdomen. When he was about to row down, he heard Li forget worry suddenly shout.


Liu Shenwei\'s hand shook and the knife almost fell. The feeling in his heart was that ten thousand grass and mud horses galloped past.

He and Sun Simiao both looked up at Li forgetful and wanted to know what he was shouting at first.

Li Qieyou couldn\'t help wiping the sweat from his forehead. He was also nervous.

"Old immortal sun, forget something."

"What\'s up?"

"Anesthesia! I haven\'t given the prince anesthetic yet!"

Li forgot to worry about this, which made Sun Simiao and Liu Shenwei look at each other. Sun Simiao coughed to hide his embarrassment.

What a shame! Both teachers and disciples forgot about it!

The main reason is that for the first time, people have to open their stomachs, and the patient is still the crown prince of the Tang Dynasty. Even the old Taoist Sun Simiao is a little nervous. In addition, Li Chengqian was unconscious all the time. In a moment of panic, the teachers and disciples forgot about it.

Sun Simiao smiled: "now where to boil the anesthetic, but it doesn\'t matter. I\'d better stab the acupoint with a gold needle to reduce the pain of the crown prince."

This was how Sun Simiao cut rotten meat to Niu Yong in Dingzhou village that day. Li forgot to worry about Sun Simiao\'s power, so he didn\'t say anything.

Sun Simiao took the gold needle and stabbed it into the acupoint in Li Chengqian\'s abdomen. Only then did Liu Shenwei pick up the lancet and prepare to start the operation again.

Liu Shenwei took a deep breath and clenched the lancet. The muscles on his arm swelled up.

The extremely sharp lancet instantly cut open Li Chengqian\'s abdominal skin, and blood seeped out. Li forgets to worry on one side, and his heart is about to jump out of his throat.

He opened his mouth about three inches long, and Liu Shenwei\'s forehead was sweating: "Sir, how do you operate now?"

Sun Simiao turned his eyes to Li forgetful worry: "huxianzi, what do you think?"

What do I think? I look with my eyes!

Li Qieyou is going to faint. How does he know what to do next? He didn\'t even know what was in his abdominal cavity, let alone what his appendix looked like.

"Old immortal sun, do you have any lesions? That is, the intestines of carbuncle and gangrene. Er, it should be cut off."


Li Qieyou, Sun Simiao and Liu Shenwei are like learning slag in the examination room. At this time, we can only rush the duck onto the shelf and grope for the operation for Crown Prince Li Chengqian of the Tang Dynasty.

At this time, before Li Er and Li Tai reached the Li main hall, someone hurried from the rear.

The visitor was stopped by the Imperial Guard and shouted: "I\'m a doctor of Shangyao Bureau. Tell your majesty something important! Let me go quickly!"

Li Er frowned when he heard the noise behind him. He is in a terrible mood today. At this time, there are still people who don\'t open their eyes and make noise in the palace, which makes him even more upset.

"What\'s the matter in the rear? Why is it so noisy?"

"Everyone, I\'m a doctor from Shangyao Bureau. He said he had something important to report." the Chamberlain replied quickly.

"Let him come over." Li Er\'s heart clicked for fear that the prince\'s bad news came.

The doctor of Shangyao Bureau was brought to Li Er and hurriedly knelt down: "Your Majesty, huxianzi just went to Xiande hall with the jade pendant of the Queen\'s highness. He said that the queen ordered him and Sun Simiao to act immediately to treat the crown prince. The ministers thought there was something strange, so they came to ask your majesty. Is there anything about it?"

"What? You say it again! Li forgot to worry. He said he would serve the Queen\'s order?" Li Er was stunned and asked incredulously.

"Yes, Geng Fengyu wanted to stop him and was beaten by huxianzi. The ministers were incompetent and failed to stop huxianzi from acting recklessly."

Li Er fiercely turned his head and looked at Li Tai, who was nervous beside him: "Qingque, can this have anything to do with you? Tell me honestly, did your mother really ask you to go to Xiande hall to find me?"

He just regained his mind. If empress Chang sun really felt unwell, there would naturally be internal attendants to Tongbing. How could Li Tai, a little boy, run to Xiande hall.

Li Tai was shocked by his father\'s stare. He quickly knelt down and honestly replied, "Dad, the teacher taught me to say so. The teacher said that only in this way can he save his brother."

The little fat man sold his teacher very happily. When Li Er heard Li Tai say so, he naturally understood everything and was furious.

"Li forgets worry! What does he want to do? He\'s so brave! He dares to send a correction edict! Come, go to Xiande hall immediately and catch the Huxian son! Don\'t let him hurt the prince!"


At the command of Li Er, the palace guards who followed Li Er immediately turned and rushed to Xiande hall. Li Er also hurriedly followed up. Now he doesn\'t care to clean up Li Tai.

When Li Tai saw his father hurried away, he couldn\'t help sticking out his tongue and turned his head and ran to the main hall of Li. In case his father wants to beat him back, he has to ask his mother for protection.

However, when the guards arrived at the Xiande hall, Li forgot to worry and disappeared with the Crown Prince Li Chengqian