Great Tang's Talented Little Landlord

Chapter 276

During Sui and Tang Dynasties, there was no special autopsy in Yamen.

In Sui and Tang Dynasties, Wuzuo refers to people engaged in funeral industry.

Since it is a very humble and hard job to check the corpse, the government usually asks these funeral workers to come to check the corpse when checking the corpse.

It was not until the Song Dynasty that Wuzuo became an official servant in the government, which was equivalent to the forensic medicine of later generations.

After checking the body found in the fire, Wuzuo, who was recruited by Wannian county government, gave the judgment that he died of a weapon and was charred again.

Hearing such a report, Lu Dejing felt even more toothache.

Nowadays, there are not only arson, but also homicide cases. This is a great big case.

After dawn, the Yamen serviceman of Wannian County found Master Sun Fang from Hu County and took him to Wannian County Yamen for questioning.

After learning that his bookstore was burned to ruins last night and that people were dead, sun Fang almost fainted.

The charred body was confirmed to be the shopkeeper who kept vigil in the bookstore last night after sun Fang\'s owner identified the remaining items and clothes.

The clerk in his shop died unexpectedly, and the bookstore was also set on fire. The old man cried and kowtowed to Lu Dejing. He asked Lu Ming\'s house to decide for him. We must catch the murderer and set fire to him.

In this regard, Lu Dejing naturally has a headache.

After asking sun Fang leader in detail whether he had a grudge with others recently and whether he had an enemy, Lu Dejing sent the old man out.

Not to mention how Lu Dejing urged his yamen servicemen to handle the case, Master Sun Fang went out of the Wannian County Yamen and was numbed and received by the clerk in the store.

Looking at the bookstore burned to a white ground, the old man couldn\'t help crying.

Naturally, the architecture of this bookstore is not valuable. It can be rebuilt after dozens of passes. However, a large number of books stored in the bookstore, especially the isolated manuscripts, celebrity calligraphy and painting, are priceless.

Roughly speaking, the value of these burned books, paintings, paper, ink, pens and inkstones is no less than 500 yuan.

Now it\'s all burned by a fire, which makes Master Sun Fang feel like dying.

The shopkeepers of the surrounding shops shook their heads and sighed when they saw the sudden misfortune of Master Sun Fang, and spoke to comfort the old man.

"Master Sun Fang, I\'m sorry for the change. Alas, it\'s really a sin."

"Heaven and earth, there are murderers killing and setting fire in Chang\'an city. Damn it! Master Sun Fang, what can I do for you? I will help you through this difficulty."

"Lord Sun Fang is such a nice person. He has never been red faced and is honest in business. How can anyone be so cruel?"

All the merchants spoke to comfort the old man, which made Master Sun Fang feel a little relieved.

He thanked the people repeatedly and began to arrange to deal with the aftermath. He asked people to clean up the ruins of the bookstore and check the losses.

For the murdered man, he also arranged for someone to report to the man\'s house, and asked someone to send copper money to show sympathy.

After being busy for a long time, leader Sun Fang suddenly remembered something and was surprised. His face changed.

He didn\'t care about the side ground. He pulled the waiter in the shop and gave a few hasty orders. Then he hurriedly turned over and mounted his horse and ran outside Chang\'an city.

Master Sun suddenly remembered the thousands of romance of the three kingdoms that remained in the bookstore. Everything was related to Huxian man. He had to go to Dingzhou village to inform Li forget his worries.

As he was riding on his horse, a thought flashed through the heart of Master Sun Fang. Will this sudden fire not be related to those aristocratic families?

After careful consideration, the old man was in a cold sweat.

He has no grievances and enmities with others. There is nothing valuable in the bookstore except those books and paintings.

If it\'s for wealth, there are many shops in Dongshi that do gold and jewelry business. There are many valuable things. How can thieves kill people and set fire to steal books?

Apart from the minor conflicts with the legitimate sons of Taiyuan Wang family and Boling Cui family a few days ago, Lord Sun Fang thinks that no enemy will be so fierce.

After deep thinking, sun Fang felt more frightened and his heart beat faster.

Thinking of the gambling agreement made between Li forgetful and those aristocratic family CHILDES, he sold 10000 copies of the Three Kingdoms in ten days, but now the Three Kingdoms books in his bookstore were burned by a fire

Lord Sun Fang didn\'t dare to think about it any more. This kind of thing is not something he can participate in.

The old man whipped the horse under his crotch again and sped away to Dingzhou village.

Li Qieyou was surprised to get such bad news as soon as he got up. When you look at your boss, you can see each other\'s thoughts in your eyes.

If this matter has nothing to do with the aristocratic family, Li forgets worry and dares to screw off his head and give it to the aristocratic family as a kick!

Yesterday, he just made a sensation in the marketing of Chang\'an City, which made the Book Romance of the Three Kingdoms sell well. At night, someone sneaked into Sun Ji\'s bookstore to kill and set fire, which can\'t be a coincidence.

The books were burned. Naturally, it was impossible to sell another 10000 copies of the Three Kingdoms. A few days later, even if he lost the bet, he needed to compensate Wang ziqiao and others for 1000 liang of gold.

Li QIAOYOU didn\'t expect that Prince Qiao and others were so crazy!

It\'s really rampant to kill and set fire for a thousand liang of gold.

Li forgets to worry. Naturally, these aristocratic families dare to do anything for their own face.

If he hadn\'t been honored by Li Er Chi, I\'m afraid the aristocratic family would have attacked him long ago.

Whether the Zheng family in Xingyang or the Wang family in Taiyuan, they have been unhappy with him for a long time. Now they are only afraid of Li Er, so these aristocratic family leaders dare not fight against Li forgetful.

With a gloomy face, Li forgot to worry and asked, "Master Sun, can you print books urgently in your Huxian bookstore?"

"Of course, I can. I thought that 10000 copies were not enough to sell yesterday, so I informed the bookstore to start printing. It is estimated that 5000 copies should be sold in two or three days."

"That\'s good, Master Sun Fang. I\'ll thank you for arranging the printing as soon as possible. As for the murder and arson case, I\'ll give you an explanation." Li forgot to worry and said in a deep voice.

Master Sun nodded repeatedly: "I know. As soon as the books are printed, I will send them to the bookstore in Chang\'an City for sale. Huxian man, please rest assured that there will be 10000 copies in four days."

Li forgot to worry about arranging things, so he didn\'t say anything more and asked the old housekeeper Li Heng to send sun Fang out of the door.

The murder and arson case in Dongshi shocked Li forget worry.

At this moment, he realized that this was not the legal society of later generations, but the Tang Dynasty 1300 years ago.

If you don\'t have enough ability to protect yourself and your family, I\'m afraid you can really be eaten without bone residue.

Only a few legitimate sons of aristocratic families dare to kill and set fire in Chang\'an city. What else do they dare not do in this world?

Those who steal the hook will be killed, and those who steal the country will be princes; There is benevolence and righteousness in the door of princes.

These aristocratic families, the so-called name of benevolence and righteousness, are really so hypocritical!

After a brief discussion with Su Changqing, Li forgets worry and greets Niu Wu. They ride together and rush to Chang\'an City