Great Tang's Talented Little Landlord

Chapter 243

Another bet?

Cheng Yaojin laughed angrily at Li\'s words. Is this bastard addicted to gambling?

"Good nephew, what do you want to bet?" Cheng Yaojin asked angrily.

Li forgot to worry and said with a smile, "bet this wall is a brick wall! If it is repaired by bricks after breaking it, uncle Cheng, will you lose me 50 episodes? If it\'s slate, I\'ll lose you 50 jars of the best drinks."

He is eyeing Cheng Yaojin and wants to get some tough episodes from the old hooligans.

Originally, the Li family\'s old house was small, and he didn\'t use any trilogy when he introduced himself. Even the Niu family brothers were killed first and then played by Niu Yong.

But now he has been granted the title of Kaiguo County man, and Li Er is about to repair the county man\'s residence for him, which is in short supply.

According to the Ministry of work and his plan, the new County men\'s residence covers an area of hundreds of mu. When the manor house is repaired, there will be no one at home.

Servants and maidservants are easy to do. Just go to the west city of Chang\'an and spend money to buy it, but there is no place to buy this episode, so he made Cheng Yaojin\'s idea.

For these military leaders, it is a piece of cake to choose some loyal veterans from the fierce veterans in the army.

Seeing Cheng Yaojin questioning the brick wall made of cement, Li forget worry naturally thought of this. He immediately teased Cheng Yaojin with a bad smile and wanted to bet with him to cheat some episodes from Cheng Yaojin.

Cheng Yaojin\'s palm will fall again: "bastard boy, is my episode worth a jar of wine? If you want to take advantage of me, get out!"

Li forgot to worry and smiled away from Cheng Yaojin\'s palm. He said with a smile, "Uncle Cheng, what are you talking about? Don\'t you think you don\'t believe it\'s a brick wall? I\'ll give you a chance. Hey, hey, if you don\'t think there\'s enough wine, we can discuss it again."

Cheng Yaojin, an old rascal, can\'t let Li forget worry take advantage of him. Seeing his determined appearance, he knows that the wall like a slate in front of him must be repaired by bricks.

He stared at the big eyes of Tongling: "bastard boy, you want to cheat me. Go away. I won\'t bet with you!"

Then he turned the hammer in his hand again and hit the wall again.

The strength of the artificial pozzolanic cement made by Li Qieyou is naturally not as strong as those of later generations. Cheng Yaojin smashed it with all his strength, and the cement on the wall surface burst and fell off, exposing the bricks inside.

Cheng Yaojin put down his hammer and said in surprise, "eh, there are really bricks piled up here! How can you make these bricks so firm?"

With Cheng Yaojin\'s strength and all his strength, he just smashed the cement on the surface of the brick wall, which surprised everyone.

Li Er, Li Jing and other military leaders immediately gathered around and looked carefully at the brick wall in front of them.

"Ziyou, what are your walls and bricks? How are they the same as stones?"

"It\'s amazing. It\'s really made of bricks."

"Zhijie\'s strength, a hammer, just smashed the surface? What a strong brick wall!"

"Tut Tut, did you burn the stone and pour it on the brick?"

Li forgot his worries and was speechless. Thanks to their imagination, did they think it was casting metal? He must have the ability to melt stones.

"Your Majesty, gentlemen, this brick wall was built with cement."

Li Er\'s eyes stared: "hurry up and make it clear. What is cement? What is it?"

Li forgot to worry and raised his middle finger in his heart. Is the emperor great? Is that your attitude? What are you fierce?

Well, the emperor is great. Li forgets to worry.

He bowed his eyebrows and obediently replied, "Your Majesty, cement is a kind of adhesive created by Minister. After mixing with water into slurry, it can firmly bond sand, stone and brick together. After solidification, it will harden into what it is now."

"Ziyou, what\'s the cost of cement?" Li Jing asked.

Li forgot his worries and spared his head. How about the cost? There seems to be no cost?

The cement used now is made by him after grinding with broken pottery chips, and there is almost no cost.

If you want to burn on a large scale, it is also simple. You can calcine lime and clay in a kiln.

The process of replacing cement is very simple, the calcination temperature is low and the requirements are not high. Of course, compared with later Portland cement, both strength and hardness are very poor.

But in Datang, this artificial pozzolanic cement is enough.

Li Lianyou can\'t really cement. He doesn\'t study those majors. Like burning glass, he knows it and doesn\'t know why.

After thinking about it for a while, Li Qieyou replied uncertainly, "Duke Wei, if this cement is fired on a large scale, the cost should be very low. I haven\'t calculated the specific amount. But it\'s just to calcine lime and clay in a kiln. It\'s very simple."

Li Er couldn\'t believe it: "it\'s so simple? Ziyou, this matter is very important. You mustn\'t talk nonsense!"

Li forgot to worry and said wrongfully, "it\'s so simple, your majesty. I don\'t have any nonsense."

Li Er, Li Jing and others asked around Li forgetful and finally confirmed that this thing called "cement" is really so simple to burn.

Li Jing twisted her beard and said with a smile, "Your Majesty, if you really want to be as Ziyou said, this cement can be produced on a large scale. It\'s really a blessing of the Tang Dynasty!"

"Yes, your majesty, this cement is really a good thing. Congratulations, your majesty. I have such a divine thing in Datang!"

"Zhiniang thief, if you use this cement to build a city outside the Great Wall, I think the Turks can be rampant?"

Li Qieyou is a little confused. I meow to repair the cement for my house. How did it become Li Er\'s again?

Congratulations, you ghost? Why do you want to rob me?

Bah, they are not good people. They think about robbing babies from themselves day by day! In the future, you have to let the beautiful boss take care of the things at home. All the kings and ministers of the Tang Dynasty are bandits!

In fact, Li forget worry is not stupid. He naturally knows the importance of cement to a country.

Even this kind of artificial volcanic ash cement is a priceless artifact in Datang!

Whether it is used to build cities, roads or river dams, it is indispensable.

Since he took out the cement, he had expected that it would cause Li Er\'s peep.

Li Er is the one who wants to pull anything good into his mouth. However, Li forgot to worry that he didn\'t intend to hide. He also wanted to make the cement public for the benefit of Datang.

Although Li forgets worry, he has been mentally prepared, he still feels very unhappy when he sees that Li Er and these national leaders have turned the cement into something in their pockets!

He simply coughed: "well, your majesty, gentlemen, I don\'t know how much I can sell this cement formula?"

Li Er, Cheng Yaojin and others were stunned and sold money?