Great Tang's Talented Little Landlord

Chapter 1029

In the Yi man King\'s tent in Yu dujun mountain, Yi man Khan was still discussing with his confidants about the search for Li forgetful. The door of the king\'s tent was suddenly opened, and a young man broke in regardless of the guard\'s obstruction.

"Father Khan, please allow me to hunt down the murderer who killed my brother personally! I want to avenge my brother myself!"

The one who broke into the king\'s tent was Jie Li, another son of Yi man Khan.

Yi man Khan is just these two legitimate sons. He is not willing to chase Li forgetful.

"Jie Li, don\'t mess around. It\'s my father\'s own opinion!"

"No, father Khan, I want to avenge my brother with my own hands! I already know that it was Li Lianyou, the king of Qin in the Tang Dynasty, who killed my brother! Please allow me to lead the army and avenge my brother!"

Yi man Khan was about to shake his head and refuse, but the old man next to him said, "big Khan, Prince Jieli has grown up. If it\'s an eagle, it\'s going to spread its wings and fly to prey. If you don\'t let Prince Jieli go, the king of Qin is now a lost dog. Is big Khan still worried that he can bite back?"

Hearing what the old man said, Yi man Khan hesitated. After a little hesitation, he nodded and agreed.

"Well, in that case, go! Take five thousand wolves and go after your prey! I will wait for the news of your triumph in yudujun mountain!"

Jie Li was overjoyed. He immediately knelt down on one knee and saluted his father: "father Khan, don\'t worry, I will come back to see you with Li forgetful head!"

He didn\'t expect that his father gave him five thousand wolves to ride, which made Jie Li excited.

In the legend of the tiele people, their ancestors were descendants of the Hun Shan Yu\'s daughter mating with the gods. Therefore, many customs of tiele people are handed down in the same line with the Huns.

The most powerful thing of the Xiongnu and the most frightening thing is a cavalry holding a wolf totem flag. It is as efficient and mobile as a pack of wolves. It is fierce, fearless and cruel.

Therefore, those who can be called Wolf cavalry are the most terrible and frightening cavalry on the grassland.

This is true for Xiongnu, Turks and tiele people.

Xue yantuo, who supports 200000 soldiers, can be called Wolf riding, but only 10000 people. In order to catch Li forget you, Yi man Khan once set aside five thousand wolves to ride to Jie Li. It can be seen that he is cruel to kill Li forget you.

Jie Lipeng didn\'t delay for a moment. He took the golden arrow from Yi man Khan and was ready to set out immediately to track Li forgetful and others.

The old man ran after the king and whispered a few words to him.

Jie Li Peng\'s eyes lit up and nodded again and again.

After thanking the old man, Jie Li led five thousand wolves to ride away that day.

In this regard, Li forget worry and a die and others naturally know nothing about it.

After Li forgets worry and decides to use the desert as an escape route, ah die immediately leads the team to turn and go in the direction of their tribe.

Soon after Li forgot to worry about leaving the desert, he met wolves. Later, he met ah die and others who went out hunting. Therefore, the Hult tribe is not far from the desert.

They carefully avoided the Xue yantuo cavalry who were searching for them all the way. They came out day and night, rolled around the grassland for more than ten days, and finally returned to the Hult tribe, which had long been in ruins.

A die and others are naturally very familiar with the surroundings of the Hult tribe, which is also equivalent to their "safe area". Being able to return to his familiar hometown again relaxed the tense nerves of ah die and the surviving clansmen.

When the Hult tribe was attacked, a group of women and children were slaughtered by Xue yantuo\'s cavalry. In order to revenge, ah die and others could only hastily restrain the bodies of their relatives, so they set out in a hurry to catch up with the cavalry.

Now when they return to the tribe again, they naturally want to worship their relatives.

According to the funeral custom of tiele people, after their relatives die, they should be mortified in the tent for seven days, and then burned for burial. Relatives will also face with a knife to show their condolences.

To cut one\'s face is to cut one\'s own face with a knife.

He cut his face and ears, broke his hair and clothes, slaughtered livestock and worshipped ghosts.

This is the funeral custom of Turks and tiele people.

Before, due to time constraints, ah die and others did not sacrifice their relatives and people like this. Now when he returned to the tribe again, ah die discussed with Li forgetful and wanted to stay in the tribe for a few more days to sacrifice the people.

"Ah Xie, we\'d better leave here as soon as possible, enter the desert and stay here. I always feel a little uneasy." Li forgets worry. His left eyelid always jumps suddenly recently. He is nervous and can\'t help persuading him.

From the Hult tribe to the desert, a fast horse can arrive in half a day.

Li Lianyou would rather run into the desert to eat sand again than face the pursuit of Xue yantuo\'s iron cavalry.

As long as they can enter the desert, they are temporarily safe.

Ah zhe grinned: "Li forget worry, you Tang people have a saying, it\'s called black under the lamp. Those Xue yantuo cavalry certainly didn\'t expect that we would return to the tribe. Besides, now people are tired, so we have to rest for a few days and enter the desert again."

It is not unreasonable to say that the most dangerous place is the safest.

Although Li forgot to worry, he was still uneasy, but out of respect for ah die and others, he nodded.

Ah die was right. Nearly a month ago, they were chased and killed by Xue yantuo cavalry on the grassland. Almost everyone was injured. Now they are in urgent need of rest.

Now it\'s not easy to get out of danger temporarily and get rid of the pursuers who have been chasing closely before. Naturally, it takes time to recover.

Even if people can persist, the horses under their crotch have lost a layer of fat and need time to recuperate and recover their energy.

After consulting with ADI, the people stayed in the ruins of the Hult tribe. After preparing to sacrifice his people, he fled to the desert and followed Li forgetful to the Tang Dynasty and leave the grassland.

After staying in the Hult tribe for several days, Xue yantuo\'s cavalry did not appear on the surrounding grassland. Li forgets worry slowly and feels that he is too nervous because of his previous worry.

After all, the vast grassland is quite sparsely populated. It\'s normal to ride on the grassland for a day or two and see no one.

Even though the xueyantuo Khanate sent tens of thousands of cavalry to chase them, it is not easy to find them on the vast grassland.

After all, Datang Zhenguan is not a future generation, but there are no high-tech means such as reconnaissance aircraft and reconnaissance satellites. Just relying on manpower to find dozens of people on the grassland is like looking for a needle in a haystack.

After staying in the ruins of Hult tribe for several days, Li forgetful and a die finally raised their spirits, stepped on the horse, and prepared to leave and escape into the desert.

Ah Xie was the last one to walk out of the ruins of the Hult tribe. He turned his head and looked at the tribe again. He was about to mount his horse, but his body suddenly stiffened.

Li forgot to worry about it. He was about to ask, but he saw Ah Yi make a silent gesture to him, then he fell on his stomach to the ground and listened.

Immediately, ah fell\'s face changed greatly, jumped up on the horse\'s back and shouted to the people, "go quickly, there is a large cavalry coming, and the number is no less than 1000!"

His words surprised Li.

Found out so soon?

Without enough time to think, Li forgot to worry and his party immediately urged the horse to whip, rushed out of the ruins of Hult tribe, and galloped towards the desert