Great Desolate Star Path

Chapter 253


"You are very relieved, elder martial brother!"

Looking at Duobao in front of him, Xuan nodded and said inexplicably.

Who could have thought that this simple and simple young man in front of him would be the top great supernatural power in the future and the Lord of Buddhism - Tathagata Buddha!

"Well, it\'s not easy to get together. Elder martial brother, it\'s not easy for you to go in vain."

"It happened that senior brother just got a pot of Sanguang divine water from the emperor of heaven and gave it to you."

With that, Xuanqing took out the Sanguang divine water sent by Baize and handed it to Duobao.

"Younger martial brother, go and divide these three lights and divine waters!"

"Be sure to be fair and just. Even those younger martial brothers who can\'t come here for some reason, you should leave a copy for them. After they leave the customs, give it to them in person."

"Also, you can\'t forget that they can be stingy, but we can\'t."

"Otherwise, what\'s the difference between us and them?"

After giving the Sanguang divine water to Duobao, Xuanqing told him.

"Yes, elder martial brother, younger martial brother understands."

"Absolutely be fair and just!"

After taking over the Sanguang Shenshui, Duobao promised.

The combination of grace and power is the simplest and most effective means to resist the enemy. Xuanqing is naturally clear.

Anyway, Sanguang divine water is useless to him. It\'s better to give it to the interceptors in exchange for their favor and improve their image in their eyes.

How to calculate, Xuanqing won\'t suffer.


After Duobao divided the three light divine waters, Xuanqing waved and motioned for everyone to be quiet.

"Younger martial brothers, you haven\'t seen each other for many years. I\'m here to exchange some cultivation experience and talk about the feelings of my fellow disciples. Elder martial brother has other worldly affairs, so I\'ll leave first."

After the field was quiet, Xuanqing said goodbye to the people.

"We wish you a farewell!"

They quickly worshipped Xuanqing. After receiving his benefits, the people\'s enthusiastic attitude has become more enthusiastic.

It is also that emperor Jun sent enough Sanguang holy water. In addition, there are only more than a thousand disciples in the newly established sect, which is far from the grand occasion of the coming of immortals in future generations.

So that each disciple gets no less than a hundred drops of Sanguang divine water, but it is not a small fortune.

It should be noted that Sanguang divine water is the essence of stars, the treasure of heaven and contains the essence of creation.

Every drop of Sanguang divine water is extremely precious. It can live the dead and give birth to white bones. It is a treasure that all living beings in the wilderness can\'t ask for.

Most of the truncated disciples are born of innate creatures, but they are not as rich as congenital gods and demons. Most of them are in a state of extreme poverty.

Not to mention the innate spiritual treasure and the innate Taoist Scriptures, they are the acquired spiritual treasure, and the skill and magic power, which are the basic magic doors and magic weapons widely spread in the flood land.

Although the situation was improved only after he became a member of the sect and received the treasure from the Lord of Tongtian sect, it has not changed much. At most, it is no longer so poor.

Therefore, they suddenly get so many Sanguang divine waters. How do they not like, how do they not get excited, how do they not feel grateful for Xuanqing?


"Elder martial brother, please stay."

Outside the mission peak, Xuanqing just walked out a few steps and saw a beautiful fairy. She hurried to him and stopped him.

"It\'s junior sister Yunxiao!"

"Why did you stop senior brother?"

Recognizing the person in front of him, Xuanqing said with a smile.

Yunxiao is the real first person to stop teaching outside. His cultivation qualification is one point better than that of Zhao Gongming. But she was low-key and didn\'t want to steal the limelight from her brother.

The origin of the clouds is also extraordinary.

In other words, there was a breeze and three colored clouds on the East China Sea. They were ignorant and hid in a Fairy Island and were guarded by the congenital array.

After accepting Xuanqing as an apprentice in the East China Sea, the leader of Tongtian church felt that the East China Sea was very close to him, so he often visited the East China Sea.

It was also the will of heaven. One day, the leader of Tongtian sect thought quietly and came to the East China Sea again. He accidentally found these four little guys. He felt interesting and preached for them for thousands of years.

With the help of this, four people came out, three women and one man. They are all congenital demons, known as brothers and sisters. The four people felt the kindness of the saint and begged hard to worship the leader of Tongtian cult as their teacher.

Looking at the four little guys in front of him, the leader of Tongtian sect was happy. With a big hand, he took them back to Kunlun Mountain and accepted them as external disciples.

These four people, Sanxiao and Zhao Gongming, are also the only four outside disciples who are not hated by the emperor of the beginning of the Yuan Dynasty and the saints of the Taiqing Dynasty.

In the Honghuang world, all natural phenomena come out of shape, which are the innate qualifications of gods and demons, and are born according to the weather first. They are the first-class fuzhenxian in the Honghuang.

It\'s not easy to transform the innate spirit into a cloud. In the whole flood and famine, only five can be found, namely Hongyun, Sanxiao and yunneutron. They are all extraordinary people.

It is also extraordinary that the natural breeze turns into shape.

The demon master Kun Peng is born from the intersection of the origin of innate Feng Shui. Kun is the innate water spirit and Peng is the innate wind spirit. The combination of the two is Kun Peng.

Such a qualification is no worse than the three pure true biographies. If it\'s not too late to worship the teacher, it\'s the true disciple of Xuanmen.

Such a birth is really liked by people. Neither the emperor of the beginning of the Yuan Dynasty nor the sage of the Taiqing Dynasty can be disgusted.

Even the leader of Tongtian cult loves the four people very much. Even the best congenital Lingbao Hunyuan Jindou, the supreme magic weapon that can collect all things in the world, has been handed over to Yunxiao, which shows his love.

"Elder martial brother, I want to ask you for help."

Hesitated for a moment, Yunxiao said.

"But for the sake of Gongming junior brother."

Don\'t think about it. Xuanqing knows why Yunxiao came to find it.

Yunxiao has a light temperament. Apart from meeting with a group of female immortals, he hardly contacts with outsiders, and he is not familiar with Xuanqing.

Xuanqing couldn\'t think of any other reason to find him today except to intercede for Zhao Gongming.


"I don\'t know what mistake my eldest brother made. The senior master will punish him to go to Wanzhen Valley to be punished?"

Nodded, Yunxiao asked in a puzzled way.

Zhao Gongming wants to kill master Lingbao. This is a scandal related to Kunlun\'s reputation. How can the disciples present have the face to say it.

So, let the clouds ask all the people, they either hesitate, or can\'t get out, or talk about others. In short, just don\'t tell the truth.

In desperation, Yunxiao had to harden his head to find Xuanqing and seek the answer from him.

Even if you want to plead, you must first know what fault Zhao Gongming has made before you can think of a solution.

"I shouldn\'t have said this to the outside world, but I can\'t refuse when younger martial sister asks me for help for the first time. I\'ll just tell you."

"At the foot of Kunlun Mountain, if I hadn\'t gone in time, master Lingbao would have died under Kunwu sword."

After thinking about it, Xuanqing tried to summarize the course of things in one sentence.


"Brother, is he crazy?"

"How dare you kill your senior brother?"

It was so sensational that the clouds were shocked and turned pale.