Great Desolate Star Path

Chapter 114

In the Zichen cave, the wind Zichen sat cross legged under the star tree and imagined the Taiyin star in her heart.

Gradually, a black moon rose slowly from behind him, half covered, blooming black awn, and the innate spirit of the lunar calendar rolled out, pervading all directions, and all miles were shrouded in black fog.

"Come!" at the command, the star tree trembled violently, and the virtual shadow of the lunar star appeared, like a mirror, with laurel swaying and palace pavilions

The silver glow of the Taoist way fell down and turned into the Qi of the origin of the Taiyin, which melted into the black moon behind Feng Zichen, making it more and more profound.

Then, the virtual image of the lunar star was exhausted, broken into a little light and dissipated, and the star tree returned to calm.

"The divine light of congenital Taiyin, condense it for me!" his hands were sealed. The black moon behind Feng Zichen suddenly contracted and turned into an illusory black light, frantically swallowing the Qi of congenital Taiyin around.

"Come again!"

In the sky above Zichen cave, the unreal lunar stars vibrated violently, and the air of the innate lunar spirit helped the innate lunar spirit to refine the entity.

However, at the moment when the congenital lunar divine light was about to be condensed, the congenital Zhiyang divine light in Feng Zichen seemed to feel a threat and suddenly appeared spontaneously.

A little to the sunlight flickers, and the innate sun divine light comes out, smashing the innate lunar divine light. In an instant, the Qi of the Taiyin overflowed and frozen all the miles around.

"Still can\'t?" while talking, Feng Zichen waved his big sleeve, and the majestic mana surged out.

In the click sound, thousands of miles of cold ice smashed and turned into the innate spirit of the lunar calendar, which was easily broken into the lunar stars in the sky by him.

"Alas! It seems that my plan to cultivate the divine light of innate Yin and Yang has failed." for a long time, Feng Zichen sighed. This time he suffered a heavy loss.

The plan was to cultivate the innate Taiyin divine light with the help of the original Qi of Taiyin, and then integrate it with the innate Zhiyang divine light to evolve the legendary innate yin-yang divine light.

Unfortunately, what he didn\'t expect was that the repulsive force of yin and Yang was so strong that the innate sun light directly broke the lunar light and didn\'t allow it to exist in his own body.

The innate sun divine light was condensed by Feng Zichen with the origin of the Eastern Prince, and the innate Taiyin divine light was only condensed by him with the origin of the innate Taiyin.

The essence of the two is too different. One side is strong, the other is weak, and they are hostile to each other. It is impossible for them to live in peace.

In this way, Feng Zichen not only didn\'t practice the innate Taiyin divine light, but lost a source of Qi, which can be said to be heartache.

"Now it seems that if you want to cultivate the divine light of congenital Yin and Yang, you must find the origin of congenital Yin."

"But the flood and famine have been open up for so long. The congenital origin has either turned into a congenital God or a congenital treasure. Where can I find it?"

Feng Zichen scratched his head. He had coveted the innate yin-yang divine light for a long time, but now he found that he could not practice it, and his heart was depressed.

"Alas, the demon clan is really in the way!"

In fact, congenital Yin belongs to the origin, which is not too difficult to find. At the very least, there is no shortage of congenital Taiyin origin on the Taiyin star.

But, after all, it is the territory of the demon clan.

Now, let alone steal the innate source of the Taiyin from the Taiyin star, even if it is the stars of the week, Feng Zichen doesn\'t dare to traction.

In the past, it was good to be in the golden fairyland. The stars in the sky were scattered on the wasteland, which the demon family couldn\'t find.

But after he was promoted to Taiyi Jinxian, he could already use the power of the origin of the stars in the sky. It was good twice at a time. If he often pulled the stars in the sky, and the star master of the demon family was not blind, how could he not find it.

At that time, the demon family will regard him as a congenital star God hidden in the wasteland, and it will be great fun.

"Forget it. After the Lich war, I\'ll go to the Taiyin star to collect the origin of the congenital Taiyin."

"No, at that time, I want to be the origin of the congenital Taiyin. I want the whole Taiyin star."

After thinking for a while, Feng Zichen put down her miscellaneous thoughts, took out the chaotic beads and planned to play a great magic power.


On the chaotic bead, wisps of innate evil Qi emerged, dark and incomparable, emitting the power of eroding everything, and rushed to the wind Zichen.

If at ordinary times, even if she is sure to suppress the innate evil Qi, Feng Zichen will not let it enter the body. After all, the innate evil Qi is too insidious. If she is careless, she will degenerate into a fierce beast.

But with the virtual shadow of Buzhou mountain, everything was different. He did not refuse these congenital evil spirits and let them flow into his body.

With Feng Zichen\'s current strength, although he can\'t urge the virtual shadow of Buzhou mountain, there is a virtual shadow of Buzhou mountain in his body, which can suppress all external forces, and congenital evil Qi is no exception.

As soon as the innate evil Qi rushed into his body, before he could destroy it, he could not see the virtual shadow of Zhoushan. A force to suppress everything came, which directly pressed the pressure of his former Tiansha into a ball and didn\'t move.

"Good!" shouted, the divine light in Feng Zichen\'s body burst out, and the heaven and earth oven roared out, directly swallowing the innate evil Qi and refining it.

"The divine light of five elements, the divine light of the sun, the divine thunder of all phenomena... Go to me!" Feng Zichen\'s magic power surged out madly, displaying all kinds of magic powers and blessing on the oven of heaven and earth.


On the oven of heaven and earth, there are holy beasts roaring, thunder roaring and divine light shining, which makes its power explode geometrically, and its refining power surges, rolling to the innate evil Qi with all its strength.

Under the suppression of the virtual shadow of Buzhou mountain, the innate evil Qi could not resist at all. It was continuously refined by the oven of heaven and earth, turned into a continuous stream of black paint, and flowed to the body of Feng Zichen.

"Hiss! How painful!" where the innate evil spirit passed, the flesh and blood of Feng Zichen seemed to be cut by a knife, and the pain was incomparable.

I understand in my heart that my body is too weak to bear the power of innate evil Qi, resulting in the destruction of the body and a sharp pain.

Fortunately, Feng Zichen had expected this, endured the severe pain, sank her mind into the depths of her memory, opened the sky opening memory, and began to observe the Tao rhyme on Pangu.

"When!" the bell of Hongmeng road vibrated gently and made a rumbling sound, deepening his connection with the avenue.

In the sea of fengzichen\'s understanding, a vague shadow of God and man appeared, and his breath was incomparable; On his body, the purple black evil spirit flowed.

As the strongest chaos demon God, Pangu naturally has an innate evil spirit, but it is not called chaos evil spirit, but is called Du Tian god evil spirit.

According to the flow law of purple black evil Qi on Pangu, Feng Zichen slowly mobilized the innate evil Qi and ran in his body.

With the operation of innate evil Qi, a trace of evil Qi integrated into his flesh and blood, constantly expanding his body, and slowly, the sharp pain began to reduce until it disappeared.

"Well, isn\'t it enough?" before long, the innate evil Qi was absorbed by Feng Zichen, and he also woke up from the enlightenment.