Great Creator

Chapter 9

"On August 5, today\'s upper limit of creative power reached 201 points, and the increase rate was quite uniform. Maybe it was the reason why I used up all my creative power every day? But the recovery rate has not improved. In the past, the recovery rate was about 4 points in an hour, but now the recovery rate in an hour is about 4.3, less than 5 points. Theoretically, my upper limit has been increased from 100 to 201, and the recovery stress The will also increase by 2 times. But why do you increase so little? "

Huang Si thought while writing his diary.

The recovery of creation force is so slow, which makes the improvement of the upper limit very difficult. At most, it can save a little more force and then be used for the manufacture of extremely complex objects or a large number of objects.

How to improve the recovery speed of creation power?

Huang Si didn\'t have a clue about this problem. He once again transferred his consciousness to the creation book, or asked the book, but the book didn\'t reflect anything, as if it had been completely silent since it was first opened.

Don\'t think about it first. Huang Si decided to continue to use his energy to solve real-life problems.

The first is the trouble of carbon dioxide.

Huang Si can make oxygen, but he can\'t eliminate carbon dioxide. Whether it\'s pancakes or his daily life, he has to produce a lot of carbon dioxide.

There are no plants in Huang Si\'s family, which can not form an effective air circulation system.

The dark space where his house is located is also very strange. Even if you open the doors and windows, the air will not leak out, no matter whether the internal air pressure is high or low.

The things in the room will disappear into the darkness only if Huang Si takes the initiative to throw them out.

Therefore, in order to solve the increasing carbon dioxide, Huang Si had to refer to the brief introduction in Wikipedia and designed and made a blower himself.

This blower is made by Huang Si with buckets as the template. It has a long plastic cylinder, about three buckets long. There is a push rod inside, which is connected with a ring. Inside the ring is a shutter in the shape of a camera lens. Push it outward. The shutter is closed and airtight. If you pump it inward, the shutter will open to receive air.

In this way, Huang Si only needs to exhaust a small part of the air in the house every few days, and then replenish the air with oxygen and nitrogen.

Huang Si decided not to consider what would happen when air and garbage were discharged into the dark space outside.

When the dark space is full, think about it again. Now let it be a trash can.

"On August 8, there was really little information about solar cells. In short, make monocrystalline silicon first."

Huang Si stood by the window and looked at the window glass. The microstructure of the glass was magnified in his eyes. Soon, Huang Si found the silicon molecule in the silicon dioxide molecule.

Then, let the silicon molecules arrange orderly, record, and then return to the macro world to synthesize silicon crystals.

Huang Si stretched out a finger of his right hand in reality, with the fingertip of this finger as the core, and his strength was slightly condensed.

A very thin translucent wafer was born at his fingertips, and then expanded rapidly around. Soon, a silicon wafer the size of a CD appeared.

The silicon wafer is 100% composed of silicon atoms, and the arrangement order is absolutely regular and tight, so the crystal structure is perfect.

If the researchers of the Academy of Sciences in reality know it, they will envy it to death, because the silicon wafer in reality can never achieve percentage purification and perfect structure.

In reality, high-purity silicon wafers are generally used for the production of the most high-end electronic components, such as the latest CPU and graphics card.

However, even the most advanced purification and manufacturing technology in reality will leave some defects, so behind the output of each new CPU and graphics card, several times of the silicon wafer is often discarded or moved to the low-end production line.

This has led to the high cost of the latest electronic products.

If those IT practitioners know that someone here is using 100% pure and flawless silicon chips to make solar panels, they may not cry to death on the spot.

Because the requirements of solar panels on silicon wafers are not high at all, and the surface has to be polished, Huang Si is just a natural disaster.

However, for Huang Si, it\'s just a matter of whether to consume creative power. It\'s much easier for him to produce 100% silicon chips than 99%.

Huang Si has recorded the structure of silicon single crystal and silicon single wafer in his book, but the silicon wafer used in solar cells must make a rough surface, and this surface is enlarged to see small edges, and many edges can enhance the light absorption efficiency.

"Well, the number of edges is qualified. It should be recorded." Huang Si looked at the surface of the chip from a micro perspective, nodded and made a record in the book.

In the following days, he pounded out reflective films, circuits, tempered glass and other parts.

If it is a modern process, it needs to use screen printing to print the circuit, but for Huang Si, it is something he conceives and generates directly on the surface.

So far, there are two main things bothering Huang Si. First, the description of Wikipedia is often too simple. Even after checking all relevant materials, it is very difficult to make complex components such as solar cells. Basically, you need to draw your own drawings.

Second, the recovery of their creative power is too slow.

4.4 o\'clock an hour is 105.6 o\'clock 24 hours a day, and the expenses of air, water, daily necessities, power supply, etc. have to be deducted. Finally, Huang Si can only control more than 60 points of free creative power every day.

And he casually developed some new things, which soon ran out of creative power.

Many times, Huang Si is forced to learn circuit knowledge while waiting for blue.

On August 21, Huang Si finally made a usable solar cell.

Huang Si registered the composition of solar cells in the creation book and used the last few forces.

"My recovery speed should be 4.6 now, but the upper limit of creation power has been 297. Now the amount of recovery in one day is less than half of the upper limit. It\'s really a headache. I don\'t have such a pit when I swim back."

Due to the limitation of power recovery, Huang Si had to develop various parts in batches and times, so he didn\'t develop solar cells until late August.

Solar cells are an important part of Huang Si\'s energy supply plan, because previously, it was necessary for him to manually replace the battery by charging the mobile phone computer with the battery. It is not only not environmentally friendly, it will produce a lot of empty battery waste, but also consume creative power.

It\'s really dark here, there\'s no sun, but isn\'t there a Book of creation?

Huang Si has long realized that the unscientific thing of creation book is the only real permanent energy source in this room.

Before the creation of nuclear energy batteries, the real automatic power supply can only be solar cells that rely on the light of the book of creation to generate electricity.

On August 22 and 23, Huang Si made 32 solar cells and related components with the creative power recovered in these two days, and then connected them with toughened glass and plastic clips to form solar panels.

The photoelectric conversion efficiency of solar panels is not high, so a panel can not provide high enough voltage.

After that, Huang Si took another 7 days to construct four solar panels, which were connected in parallel with the previous five panels to supply power, and finally reached the voltage of 220V.

Huang Si connected the line to the distribution box next to his door, so the power supply in the house was completely restored, and there was no need to use his invented battery pack circuit to supply power.

Now, Huang Si put a cabinet in the living room, and then put the creation book on the cabinet.

The five solar panels are a little larger than A3 paper. They are respectively hooked on the roof by steel lines and wrap the creation book like petals, making full use of the light of the creation book.

Huang Si, of course, maximizes the brightness of the creation book and generates electricity 24 hours a day.

In this process, Huang Si was so bored because he had to wait for the restoration of creation. He watched all the more than a dozen movies on his hard disk and cleared a 3A game masterpiece. Now he is playing the second week\'s project.

When he is tired of playing games, Huang Si reads novels. When he can\'t read novels, he plays games.

No way, in this completely closed space, Huang Si\'s way to keep himself from being bored to crazy is to find all kinds of interesting things to do.

Without this entertainment, Huang Si was afraid that he was not really going crazy when he closed it in a completely dark room for a month or two.

After finishing the solar cell and playing the game for a few days, Huang Si began to think about other automation devices.

For example, an automatic blower? Air conditioner? It\'s best to absorb carbon dioxide automatically.

Or continue to develop new foods?

Huang Si had not yet developed a method for making potatoes and ham, which were broken.

In desperation, he had to throw them away.

It also reminded him that there were germs in the house, so it made the food bad.

It seems necessary to develop a sterilization device.

"On September 3, I began to check the data to make an ultraviolet sterilization lamp. It seems that the principle is not too difficult. I hope it can be done as soon as possible. Today\'s upper limit has reached 325, and the recovery speed is 5.0. I feel that this upper limit is useless. I don\'t know when I can recover faster."

By September 7, Huang Si had hung ultraviolet disinfection lamps everywhere in the room. The power was a little high. If they were fully turned on, other electrical appliances would not work.

On September 12, Huang si used an electric blower to solve the problem of air pollution by carbon dioxide.

On September 15, Huang Si made a light yellow film with plant protein, which should be called gluten outside. Then he spent another day adjusting the structure and improving the taste, and finally recorded it.

In this way, gluten has become the only dish on Huang Si\'s table. He has developed several dishes around gluten, making it less difficult to swallow.