Great Creator

Chapter 48

In fact, Huang Si is in the boundary now, but not in the biology department, but in the robot R & D department.

He is making a big design.

This makes him busier than any artificial intelligence, and Xiaoke is trying his best to help him.

Huang Si makes a large number of metal materials every day and tests them one by one. If there are problems, they will be abolished directly.

The robot R & D department is far from the biology department, so most AI don\'t know that Huang Si is busy here.

And he didn\'t use righteousness.

No one can see Huang Si when he doesn\'t use righteousness. Except Xiao Ke.

After the general framework was completed, Huang Si called Weiji.

Weiji came to the robot R & D department for the first time. If Huang Si hadn\'t been using his consciousness to show him the way, he would have almost lost his way.

You know, the boundary is very large. Many departments in it have never been to AI.

Huang Si is in a shed of the robot R & D department, which is unusually large.

As soon as she entered the shed, she was stunned.

When the sun shines, the shadow of the huge object will remain in it.

He raised his head so that he could barely see the whole picture of the thing.

"Father, is this...?" Wei Ji asked.

"It\'s a man\'s romance." Huang Si stood by and said, "from today on, the biology department doesn\'t have to go. Help me here."

I don\'t know why.

While Huang Si was busy working with Weiji on the new device, the time of the green world passed quickly.

The pointer of fate flew forward, and soon came the moment of disaster.

One day, Xiaoke sent an emergency communication.

According to the global big data climate calculation, in less than 100 years, the 68th year, that is, two years from now, the flood is coming.

The No. 1 continent of the green world, in summer, was only cloudy and rainy at the beginning.

Later, the rain didn\'t stop, but it rained harder and harder.

In the inhabited area, there are two big rivers and three smaller rivers.

After days of rainfall, the upper reaches of the river soon could not bear the pressure of the water body, and the embankments collapsed one after another.

Among the four tribes of Terran, except the Shengong tribe in the south, which has Fangshan as the core, so the disaster is light, other areas have fallen into serious floods.

However, the death and injury were not particularly serious.

"Thank the ancestor god, thank the moon god girl."

The water has flooded the whole village, but most of them have been transferred to a higher place by relying on the wooden boats already prepared.

Here is a part of the grain buried by everyone in the village, which is just in use now.

Now many old people in the village are kneeling on the ground and mumbling thanks to the gods.

After the young villagers saved the old and children, they went to prepare their own disaster equipment.

So now in the mountains, there are only old people, children and some weak women.

"How can you call a girl?" A woman who looked like a wizard said in tears and laughter: "the moon god is also a God. It can\'t be called in a human way."

"But I look at the moon god girl, she is very kind." An grandmother said fondly, "if the moon god girl hadn\'t taught us to make wooden boats, the great God of our ancestors sent down a God to let us hoard food. Now, I\'m afraid the whole village wouldn\'t survive."

Hearing the speech, a 10-year-old boy in the crowd said frankly: "yes! The moon god is really beautiful! It is worthy of being the great God in the sky. I have never seen such a beautiful person!"

The witch quickly made a prayer gesture and said, "respect God, don\'t talk about God\'s appearance."

The boy\'s elders also quickly scolded the child and took him aside.

The same is happening in many parts of this land.

Before the flood, there had been many omens. In addition, the great gods of our ancestors kept sending down gods to make people prepare in advance. In addition, various gods came to the world to teach people all kinds of knowledge.

Therefore, when the flood really came, many places had taken precautions. Only a small number of people were washed away by the flood, and most of them survived for the time being.

However, some places are still facing great crises for various reasons.

Green world, a human settlement, a small village in the Huanghe tribe.

This small village called gravel river village is located beside the gravel river.

Gravel river is a tributary of Fu River, one of the two major rivers.

Now, people in the village are at the Bank of the river, struggling to build the bank with soil and stones.

Loads of soil were delivered up by them in rattan baskets in turn. The people on top used stone shovels to change the soil on the river embankment and flatten it.

Here are almost all the people in the village who still have the ability to work.

In their view, only by constantly building the river embankment can they survive the rising river.

Everyone\'s body was full of mud, and the heavy rain washed them out of gullies.

These people didn\'t dare to stop. Only when the mud covered their eyes did they wipe it in a hurry.

"The water is rising again." Uncle axe looked at the wooden pole he had put by the water, "no, we don\'t have enough hands. Did Xiao Jiu come back?"

Another man looked up at the road in the village: "not yet. I\'m really worried. Didn\'t the leader say he would help us? If Xiao Jiu found them, he should be able to bring someone to help immediately!"

A woman named Mu Sao shook her hair, wiped a handful of muddy water on her face, and said angrily, "you still expect the leader! We are going to build a embankment here today. Isn\'t it all caused by the leader?"

Uncle axe looked bleak: "what you said is that the great God of our ancestors sent a God to us to store grain, build dikes and build ships for disaster preparedness. But the leader said there would be no flood and drove away all the Wizards."

Mrs. Mu shouted hoarsely, "yes, we can\'t even build boats now. It\'s said that there are boats in other villages."

A man said, "don\'t be angry. Continue to build the embankment. As long as we block the water, we can not only survive, but also keep our home."

A middle-aged man sneered at the speech: "can\'t stop it? Let all the old and small people in the family die together?"

"You\'d better wait for the leader." Uncle axe said, "the leader has hands and tools. He will save us."

On the road from gravel river village to the living area of the head man, a teenager named Cao Jiu was running in a hurry.

His complexion is dark. Although his arms and legs are thin, he is very powerful to run.

Cao Jiu is only 17 years old, but he is agile and is the fastest young man in the village.

Usually, everyone will give him any errand work.

And he responded happily.

Cao Jiu is an orphan.

His father is from the village and his mother escaped from the war.

Mother\'s health is not very good. When she was growing grass nine, she died of dystocia.

Cao Jiuyi was put in the grass when he was born. His father saved his mother and had no time to take care of him.

Later, if it hadn\'t been for a newly born aunt in the village to feed Cao Jiu, Cao Jiu would have died at birth.

According to the habits of the village, dad was named Caojiu because he was the ninth child of this generation in the village.

Cao Jiu was brought up by the whole village in turn.

When he was eight, his father died.

He was killed when he went out to fight for the leader. Cao Jiu didn\'t even see his father\'s body. No one brought it back.

Later, Cao Jiu became the child of the whole village.

But now, Cao Jiu, who ran back, looked desperate.

He didn\'t know how to face the villagers waiting for him on the river bank.

On the riverbank, uncle axe suddenly shouted, "Xiao Jiu, Xiao Jiu, he\'s back!"

The villagers suddenly lit up hope and looked back one after another.

However, their smiles were frozen on their faces.

"Where\'s the leader? Where\'s the leader\'s soldiers? Why didn\'t they follow?"

"Is it..."

Cao Jiu quickly ran up the bank and cried:

"Leader, leader, he took people away! Everything has been taken away!"

This sentence shocked the villagers present like a bolt from the blue.

They alone can\'t stop the flood, but the leader has soldiers and all kinds of tools. If the leader comes together, he may be able to stop the flood and protect the whole village.

It was he who did not prevent the flood. How could he leave the whole village and escape when the flood came!

The leader is the one who protects the side. The three villages here depend on him. Why did he leave?