Great Creator

Chapter 19

At the end of August 2023, groups of small robots are building a new building near the ground base.

All kinds of building materials are carried down from above by carrying robots. At the same time, a group of robots are digging and solidifying them into cement like solids with bonding agents.

Some small robots, armed with saws and weapons, began to clean up the nearby jungle and grassland.

On September 4, the new building was completed.

This is an apron, which covers a little smaller area than the airport on earth, but it is also wide enough to level the ground of more than 20 square kilometers around the ground base and pave it with cement.

Huang Si is still developing small helicopters. At present, there are still many technical problems to be solved. In the future, he also plans to develop jet aircraft for outward exploration.

On November 29, the development of small transport helicopters was completed and put into operation on the same day.

At this time, 75 years have passed in the green world.

Huang Si doesn\'t want to go to the green world at all. What if the time flow rate is too fast, which leads to acclimatization and death? He doesn\'t want to take the risk. But it seems feasible to get some animals and plants back over there?

On November 30, the small robot loaded 50 different fruits and grasses into the interior of the small helicopter.

The helicopter carried it back and forth several times, and another helicopter broke down in the high-altitude airflow.

Finally, all the fruits and grasses were sent to Huang Si.

Huang Si didn\'t hurry to cook them, but analyzed them with consciousness.

His vision penetrated every cell of these plants, even the precise structure inside the cell. The double stranded DNA molecules were directly opened by Huang Si and observed carefully.

"It should be similar to earth species."

Huang Si really doesn\'t study biology deeply, so he knows more about the cells in his family.

For the sake of safety, Huang Si\'s direct consciousness shrouded 50 kinds of plants, together with bacteria and insects on them. The spiritual force field rolled them and killed them all in an instant.

Anyway, cooking doesn\'t need living plants.

Huang Si was ready to go back to the file at any time, then picked up a cyan fruit that looked like an apple, removed the external dust with his mind, and then cut it. He took one and bit it gently.

This kind of fruit is not only very similar to apple, but also very similar in chemical composition, which was only confirmed by Huang sigang with consciousness penetration. Moreover, there are no viruses or insects in it, and even the fruit itself has been killed by Huang Si.

But just in case, Huang si still observed the changes in his body with his internal vision, and was ready to go back to the file and reset himself immediately if there was something wrong.

The green fruit tastes soft and not as hard as apple, but it tastes very good. As soon as it\'s eaten, it brings a sweet and sour taste.

Huang Si had not eaten such delicious food for more than four years. For a moment, his reason was slightly shaken and wolfed down the fruit.

After eating the fruit, Huang Si repeatedly checked his body. He saw that the fruit turned into residue and juice under chewing, flowed into the esophagus and then into the stomach, causing a burst of peristalsis in the stomach. After fully combined with gastric acid, the residue is gradually digested, leaving only a little cellulose.

An hour later, Huang Si confirmed that the fruit was safe, so he immediately devoured the rest of the fruit.

After enjoying it, Huang Si observed the remaining plants.

There are 19 kinds of fruits and 31 kinds of grasses sent by robots.

Among them, 2 kinds of fruits and 14 kinds of grass will be toxic to humans. Huang Si directly threw them aside and entered them into the computer database to prevent the robot from taking these things again.

In addition, the edible parts of 5 kinds of fruits are too few, and 6 kinds of grasses are too hard or fluffy, and they don\'t look very delicious. They are also discarded and entered into the database.

For the remaining 12 fruits and 11 grasses, Huang Si began to try them one by one after checking the chemical composition.

Finally, Huang Si selected eight delicious fruits, including the first green fruit. And five grasses.

Because he was too lazy to name them, Huang Si numbered them fruits 1 ~ 8 and vegetables 1 ~ 5.

Since then, Huang Si has eaten fruits and vegetables in his life.

Then make them into preserved fruit, fruit juice and all kinds of delicious dishes. The days are getting more and more beautiful.

After 10 days here, Huang Si began to try meat after confirming that the plants in the green world were rich in nutrition and did no harm to him.

The small robots once again swarmed into the woods with weapons.

After some hunting, the bodies of more than 20 animals were carried high into the air by helicopter.

Huang Si asked the robot to kill the animals and then send them up to avoid any changes. Anyway, a gentleman is far from cooking. If he can\'t kill animals himself, of course not.

Huang Si once again used the mental force field to completely kill every cell of microorganisms in these animals. After eliminating the threat, Huang Si began to cook.

Because he had not made meat for four years and cut it directly from the corpse, Huang Si spent a total of two days to complete the meat quality inspection of 17 animals.

In addition to the stinky meat of two small animals, for the other 15 animals, Huang Si just wanted to give a thumbs up and boast: "it\'s delicious!"

After many days, Huang Si felt for the first time that it was really good to develop this green world, which directly changed his life.

There are delicious, delicious and nutritious. Usually I can enjoy watching video surveillance while eating dried meat and drinking juice. And the video is 323 times faster. You can watch what happened in nearly a year in one day. It\'s not boring at all.

Physical and mental pleasure, Huang Si felt that his life could be greatly extended, and he was more motivated in research and development and learning.

However, as the saying goes, happiness kills the will, worries last for a hundred years, and Huang Si, who has had enough to eat and drink, began to think about not continuing to develop jet aircraft, but senior intelligent assistants.

Without him, it is mainly because there is not only a house, but also an underground base and hundreds of small robots to manage. Sooner or later, this number will break thousands. Huang Si has to stare at the monitoring anytime and anywhere every day, which is almost in trouble.

Moreover, the time flow rate of the green world is 323 times.

Either Huang Si concentrates all his attention on managing the small robot opposite, or the small robot has to stop and wait for instructions for a while every time it takes action. Among them, hard work is not enough for external humanity.

Although these robots are called robots, they actually have no intelligence at all, and their mobility and adaptability are not much better than domestic floor sweeping robots. What Huang Si needs is an artificial intelligence senior assistant who can really make overall planning and decision-making.

He does not intend to take out the 12 AI immersed in the virtual world in his computer, because they are anthropomorphic and not suitable.

However, Huang Si previously arranged the 13th artificial intelligence in the virtual world, but it is mainly used for the management and mediation of the virtual world itself. It has no personality and only decision-making ability.

It can be said that the 13th artificial intelligence is the rule manager of the virtual world.

Huang Sishun made a copy of the 13th AI. Fortunately, it did not load the personality module, nor did it have a complex thinking circuit. It was fairly fast to copy.

Next, Huang Si began to take the 13th artificial intelligence as the core system to establish an intelligent assistant that can move freely and automatically control the army of small robots online.

Maybe it\'s because happiness helps to improve the soul, or it\'s honed in the hurricane of dark space for a long time. By may 2024, Huang Si\'s soul essence was confirmed and upgraded again through the creation book.

Now, Huang Si\'s spiritual release has formed a huge field. Within a full radius of 800 meters, everything is under the control of his consciousness. He can distract himself from observing all things within 800 meters of his body at the same time, and more refined insight can be achieved by distracting himself for more than 50 purposes.

Now, the soul essence level registered by Huang Si in the creation book has become the "domain" level.

Huang Si turned the creation book to the page about level and found that there was a line of words on it:

"Domain: the mind takes care of all things and the domain governs the world".

There is also an additional line on the fragment distribution record below:

"Record 5: \'domain\' fragment retrieval failed, distribution failed."

Huang Si doesn\'t care about the fact that there are no more fragments in the book. The improvement of soul strength is not important. What matters is the progress of science and technology. Only with the progress of science and technology can he improve his current situation and find his way home.

Look at all the changes at present. There are delicious food and drink, and live a happy life, all thanks to technology. The strength of the soul, at most, is to become more convenient in R & D and production.

Huang Si even felt that after his soul was upgraded to the "domain" level, the upper limit of creation power of 52900 and the recovery speed of 8130 were too much to use at all.

However, in line with the idea of not wasting, Huang Si will continue to use up his creative power every day, and take hurricanes to exercise his soul every week.

Now the hurricane does not do so much damage to Huang Si. He can last about 55 minutes in the hurricane. For example, the total duration of the hurricane is 1 hour and 40 minutes.

With regard to the two sentence definition of "domain", Huang Si felt that he was reminding him to develop his multitasking, expand the scope of spiritual irradiation as much as possible, and further strengthen the spiritual force field to become something like the domain.

The sentence "take care of everything" made Huang Si fascinated. He can only do 50 different things at the same time with his mind. If it is repetitive work, the number can be increased, but there is still a big gap compared with taking care of everything.

In short, upgrade well.

Scientific research and development is ongoing. In July 2024, the entity of artificial intelligence assistant was finally born. Huang Si named it Xiaoke.

Xiaoke\'s entity is a flying saucer shaped thing, with many interfaces and cables dragged under it, and then the movement mode is quadruped movement and jet flight.

The interior is equipped with a newly developed isotope radioactive battery, which can provide power for hundreds of years.

This battery is the latest developed by Huang Si. The reason why it was not developed before is mainly because it is afraid of unsafe radiation. But since the establishment of the green world, Huang Si has moved some dangerous experiments to do there, which has made this high-tech gadget commonly known as nuclear battery.

Xiaoke has an extremely advanced intelligent system, which can be networked in a variety of ways, and command and operate tens of thousands of small robots at the same time.

As long as Huang Si gives its instructions in advance, it will faithfully implement them. For example, 20 robots will explore the dark space, 100 robots will cut trees, and 200 robots will collect and hunt.

In the end, Huang Si simply delegated the overall power of the work in the green world to it, so that the small can explore the world and collect resources as the core to develop the business in the green world.