Grasping Evil

Chapter 411 - Chapter 411: Tai Su’s Three Questions

Chapter 411: Chapter 411: Tai Su’s Three Questions

Translator: GE_Team Editor: GE_Team

Ferocious beasts gathered like clouds above the sky. Their very presence seemed to overturn heaven and earth. As soon as they appeared, they charged at Ning Fan and Hong Yi single-mindedly!

The pack of beasts was composed of ten thousand Nascent Soul Realm beasts, one hundred Wild Beasts and 4 Early Void Refinement Realm beasts!

Hong Yi's blood-red eyes revealed a bone-chilling killing intent. She conjured lightning using only her bare hands. Each of the ferocious beasts which had approached her was blasted to pieces by lightning one after another. Be it the Nascent Soul Realm beasts or the Wild Beasts, none of them were able to withstand a single strike from her.

She took a gentle step and moved. By just taking a step, she then bizarrely emerged in front of a Void Refinement Realm beast.

She pointed at the beast with her tender finger. Circles of blood-red lightning scattered in the vast sky and struck its gigantic body. The speed of the lightning was too fast. It did not give the beast a chance to evade at all.

In just an instant, the skin and flesh of the beast got charred. The degree of pain it experienced was difficult to describe. Then, it let out a shriek and fell down from the clouds.

Hong Yi had actually grievously injured a dignified Early Void Refinement Realm beast in a matter of seconds!


The remaining three Void Refinement Realm beasts immediately realized that Hong Yi was their greatest enemy and surrounded her. Each of them let out a roar of rage which dispersed the clouds and disrupted the air currents.

All of the three beasts had bodies that were ten thousand zhang* (3.33 m per zhang) tall. They shot out black lightning rays from their mouths which transformed into one hundred thousand magic weapons and sharp blades. All of the weapons were filled with distinct killing qi as they rained down on Hong Yi in torrents.

Each of the magic weapons was comparable to a Peak Nascent Soul Realm magic treasure! In the face of one hundred thousand attacks from Nascent Soul Realm weapons, it would be difficult to block this even for an Early Void Refinement Realm cultivator. All of a sudden, the light given out by innumerable weapons filled the sky!

However, a corner of Hong Yi's mouth curved into a contemptuous smirk. She turned her silky white palms and muttered in a cold tone.

"Sacrificial Thunder Technique, Five Imperial Thunders Palm!"

Her soft palm was so flexible like it was boneless. However, the force she exerted when she turned her palm over seemed to be strong enough to topple the heavens.

At this moment, Hong Yi was like the lord of lightning. By just turning over her palm, the one hundred thousand magic weapons all trembled in fear. In the next second, a surge of lightning power exploded from her body, breaking each and every one of the incoming magic weapons!

With just a turn of her palm, she overturned the heavens and nullified the combined full-powered attacks of the three Void Refinement Realm beasts!

It was due to the strength of her Five Imperial Thunders Palm which was a secret technique that could control lightning and thunder that Ning Fan's Spirit Crushing Whip was abnormally seized from his hands earlier!

After just a short while, Hong Yi had already injured one Void Refinement Realm beast and overpowered the other three. In spite of that, she did not feel proud at all. There was only contempt in her eyes. To her, Early Void Refinement Realm beasts were just insignificant ants which could not even withstand a single blow from her. Hence, she could not feel the slightest hint of joy in winning against them.

She turned to look at Ning Fan and ordered him in an indifferent tone.

"You will be keeping that injured Void Refinement Realm beast occupied. As for the ten thousand Nascent Soul Realm ants, you will wipe them out."

"You're underestimating me, huh…?"

Ning Fan's eyes flashed with a mild cold light. What Hong Yi let him handle was just a severely injured Void Refinement Realm beast. Despite that, she still did not think that he would be capable of killing that beast…

In Hong Yi's eyes, the three half-completed spiritual puppets were just about satisfactory with regards to their strength.

As for Ning Fan's strength, since he had yet to attain the Void Refinement Realm, perhaps he could not even gain the slightest recognition from Hong Yi at all.

"The daughter of the thunder sovereign certainly is strong and arrogant… Your insight in the aspect of spiritual puppets and magic treasures is indeed sharp. However, your understanding of me does not seem to be as keen… Underestimating me is a wrong choice…"

Ning Fan muttered internally but not a single word went out of his mouth. To prove one's strength and capabilities, it did not depend on their mouths. To earn the respect of others, it did not depend on debates and arguments.

Ning Fan manipulated his puppets using his spirit sense. His three Void Refinement Realm puppets instantly dashed towards the injured beast in three traces of smoke and surrounded it. They then hurled a torrent of fists at that beast harshly and ruthlessly. Their earth-shattering strikes had even shattered a vast piece of earth to pieces.

The mountains and rivers on the earth crumbled just like that!

Unfortunately, his three spiritual puppets lacked ultimate killing moves. Even though they had beaten the beast to the point where blood flowed out from its wounds in streams, it could still move. Even though they battled so vigorously that even earth shook and the mountains crumbled, they were still unable to kill the beast.

The beast that had first been injured terribly by Hong Yi and then was beaten like a dog by the three puppets had finally turned mad. It was filled with wrath and hatred to fight back even if it meant death.

It let out a ferocious roar and ignited its own blood veins. All of a sudden, its qi sharply rose. It shook off the three puppets from him with a single move and confronted them forcefully. Even though it bled so horribly to the extent where its blood had washed over mountains and rivers, it did not intend to yield at all.

As a matter of fact, it was within Hong Yi's calculations. Spiritual puppets were undead creatures after all. When three Void Refinement Realm spiritual puppets faced a desperate Void Refinement Realm beast, they might not necessarily be able to finish it off.

However, she had underestimated Ning Fan!

Ning Fan had let his three puppets deal with the injured beast.

On the other hand, he made a step forward and stood facing the ten thousand lightning spirits.

Despite his thin and feeble body, he looked like an insurmountable mountain. There was not a single ferocious beast which could get half a step past him.

His sword sense swept across the group of beasts again and again. Ning Fan annihilated the ten thousand Nascent Soul Realm beasts in just a matter of seconds. The roars of beasts reverberated across the sky like thunderclap as massive violent qi filled the atmosphere!

Ning Fan's eyes were merciless and cold. The look on his face was the result of the countless massacres and bloody situations he encountered which had made his heart as cold as steel.

After one breath, there were only one hundred Wild Beasts which were each one thousand zhang* (3.33m per zhang) tall left in front of him.

Ning Fan's speed in wiping out the Nascent Soul Realm beasts surprised Hong Yi.

"Oh? This young man's sword sense is quite strong. He could even kill Nascent Soul Realm beasts instantly… However, there are many Divine Transformation Realm experts who can also perform such a large-scale massacre… But he is still an ordinary Half-Step Void Refinement Realm cultivator in my eyes, unless he is able to deal with the one hundred Wild Beasts."

Just as her voice fell, her eyes flashed with a hint of amazement for the first time.

Ning Fan did not have the slightest trace of fear despite confronting one hundred Wild Beasts. He extended his five fingers and clawed at the vast earth. Then, a vigorous aura force suddenly spread throughout the area. The soul of the great earth was extracted. Grass and trees withered and the mountains and rivers crumbled and dried up!

As for Ning Fan who had devoured the soul of the vast land, his qi was incredibly boosted. With this boost of strength, his magic power reached one million units. In terms of magic power alone, he was not any weaker than common cultivators at the Void Glimpse Stage at all. Unfortunately, his cultivation realm did not advance as he was still at the Half-Step Void Refinement Realm.

Even if one uses the Soul Extraction technique, the technique would not be able to let cultivators progress over the bottleneck of the Void Refinement Realm.

Despite that, Hong Yi was really astonished by Ning Fan for the first time.

"The Soul Extraction Technique? This young man has actually comprehended this technique. It seems like I have truly underestimated him…"

With the help of the secret technique, Ning Fan's magic power skyrocketed. Looking at the one hundred Wild Beasts, his eyes became even colder.

He touched his glabella and the White Lightning Whip appeared in his hand.

As he struck using the whip, he seemed to be flogging all living creatures. His body radiated a terrifying devil prestige which no one could look at directly!

One strike. Ten strikes. One hundred strikes!

Ning Fan made a hundred strikes with the whip almost instantly. As soon as he finished using his whip, lightning flashed and an ear-splitting thunderclap reverberated across the sky.

Even though he clearly lashed the air with his whip, countless and endless blood-red lightning rays emerged in the sky and exploded the insides of the one hundred Wild Beasts!

Moreover, since all of the one hundred Wild Beasts were lightning spirits, they were completely restrained by his White Lightning Whip.

In a flash, the demon cores of the one hundred Wild Beasts were struck by the lightning rays. To the destructive power of the White Lightning Whip, all kinds of defenses were useless.

Each of the demon cores which was as solid as black iron was crushed by Ning Fan's whip. Twenty-one Wild Beasts died on the spot as their demon cores were completely destroyed!

As for the remaining beasts, they suffered injuries with different degrees of severity. All of their qi was greatly weakened. Besides, there were even many Wild Beasts which showed signs of regressing to the Nascent Soul Realm due to the damage to their demon cores.

A deeply frightened expression filled the pupils of the Wild Beasts.

Originally, they were never afraid of experts who were at the same level as them. However, when they met Ning Fan's cold eyes, all of them felt their bones rattle, as if they were in a land of ice and snow!

It was as if they were not the ferocious beasts, but Ning Fan was the true devil beast instead which emanated a monstrous and vicious aura!

The White Lightning Whip was truly horrifying! With just a strike, it had eliminated twenty-one Wild Beasts!

Ning Fan stared at the lightning whip in his hand and revealed a satisfied smile. No matter what, the White Lightning Whip which Hong Yi refined and tempered had eliminated the limitations of the Spirit Crushing Whip which required him to strike one's magic treasures in order to activate its ability. Now, it was a lot more convenient to crush his opponent's primordial spirit and eliminate his enemy.


The remaining 80 Wild Beasts still swiftly surrounded Ning Fan despite their fear of him and delivered their full-powered lightning attacks at him.

Strong wind appeared. Heavy rain fell. Lightning flashed and thunder crackled. They had been summoned by the magic techniques which each of the Wild Beasts displayed. All the attacks of the eighty Wild Beasts combined into one. Its destructive power was frightening!

To Ning Fan, however, it was nothing more than a Void Refinement Realm attack!

He looked at the lightning flashes and thunder clouds which covered the entire sky with an imposing and fearless expression. He raised his whip and thrashed the air of the eastern direction, killing all twenty Wild Beasts there.

When their combined lightning attack struck Ning Fan's body, he should have been severely wounded even though his physical body was at the Fourth Level of the Jade Life Realm.

At this moment, however, ninety-nine black stars rose in the vault of the heavens.

Starlight shone upon Ning Fan. His eyes were like a cluster of stars and his body was like that of a devilish god. No matter how much the lightning bombarded his body, his long hair gently danced in the air while his body did not suffer any injuries at all.

No. He was not unscathed! It was just that the speed of the combined attack of the group of Wild Beasts inflicting damage to his body was a lot slower than the healing speed of his starlight!

"Star Healing Technique!!"

Hong Yi's blood-red eyes were filled with surprise. She had never expected that Ning Fan would actually possess such a heaven-defying divine ability.

In regards to the Soul Extraction Technique which Ning Fan displayed earlier, Hong Yi found it slightly surprising because she also knew that technique.

As for the Star Healing Technique, however… It was a truly supreme secret technique. Even if one reaches the Void Fragmentation Realm, they certainly would still not be able to learn this technique. On top of that, even a Life Immortal Realm expert might not necessarily be able to comprehend it!

But Ning Fan actually knew this secret technique. It really shocked Hong Yi.

"This time, I have really underestimated him… Ninety-nine natal stars. He might not be able to kill a Void Refinement Realm being, but there is probably no cultivator at the Void Glimpse Stage that can kill him with so many stars protecting him!"

Finally, Hong Yi began to regard Ning Fan with respect!

Ning Fan still did not know about all this. Meanwhile, he turned his head facing the east. The killing intent in his look was enough to drown the twenty Wild Beast in the east with fear!


The roars of the Wild Beasts were filled with fear!

They could not understand! They could not understand at all why Ning Fan could withstand the combined attack of eighty of them while his physical body remained unscathed and indestructible!

Unfortunately, how could they understand since they were mere beasts?!

Ning Fan had condensed ninety-nine natal stars in total. Even if he takes a barrage of attacks from a group of Divine Transformation Realm experts, he would definitely also remain undefeatable and invincible!

"Only forty Wild Beasts are left…"

Ning Fan glanced sideways at the injured Void Refinement Realm beast. Even though it was on the brink of death, it still managed to damage one of his Void Refinement Realm puppets after it ignited its blood to make a final struggle.

Half-completed spiritual puppets are indeed very weak compared to others which are of the same level…

Ning Fan knew that if the fight continued to drag on a little longer, there was a possibility that the Void Refinement Realm beast would choose to perish together with one of the puppets. If that happens, Ning Fan's losses would outweigh his gains.

He kept his lightning whip and looked at the last forty Wild Beasts in the surroundings. His eyes flashed coldly.

"Five Graves of Dragon Burial Technique!"

"When the five dragons die, the black dragon shall rise! When the five elements vanish, the five graves shall emerge!"

The tombstones which did not belong to any of the five elements greatly restrained the five elements of heaven and earth. As for these Wild Beasts, all of them were lightning spirits and their beast bodies were transformed purely from the gold element which was one of the elements that was restrained by the five tombstones!


Ning Fan's fingers moved rapidly as he formed a series of hand seals. He rotated his magic power vigorously and five tombstones of the black dragon which were each one thousand zhang* (3.33 m per zhang) tall appeared in the sky. When Ning Fan willed it, they split into countless tombstones and crashed into the Wild Beasts.

One of those falling tombstones was just like Mount Tai falling from the sky!

As soon as the countless tombstones crashed into the ground, a ghastly scene of death appeared and blood flowed out like a river!

Within just a few breaths, the remaining forty Wild Beasts had been turned into chunks of splattered meat under the five tombstones!

The one hundred demon cores from the Wild Beasts which were filled with strong lightning power were, of course, taken away by Ning Fan as his rewards of this battle.

The depletion of his magic power was rather serious. He consumed a few Spirit Recovering Pills and rapidly digested them. Then, he made a step forward with the tip of his foot and charged at the injured Void Refinement Realm beast.

In an arrogant manner, he appeared directly in front of the beast. Under the protection of the starlight, he hurled his fists. Each of his punches landed on the body of the beast without fail!

Even though the beast had already ignited its blood, it had yet to reach the Mid Void Refinement Realm after all. Its attacks might be strong and the injuries it caused on Ning Fan were severe, but he healed himself almost instantly using his Black Star Healing Technique.

As for Ning Fan's attacks, they firmly landed directly on the body of the beast, causing the innumerable wounds on its body to split and greatly worsen.

Aside from that, while the beast was busy handling Ning Fan's powerful attacks, the three puppets focused on its vital points. After the time it takes for an incense stick to burn, the beast exhausted its strength and it was no longer able to keep itself alive. Eventually, it died!

Ning Fan was the one who delivered the final blow by pointing his finger at the beast!

A current of purple mist spread into the air. That ethereal golden purple mist covered the vast sky.

The mist contained a terrifying power which could eradicate everything!

It literally caused the beast to disintegrate!

Ning Fan did not use the Myriad Sword Style. After all, the Zhou Clan seemed to be on bad terms with the Rain Palace. Thus, it was unwise to recklessly use the sword technique from Yun Tianjue.

He also did not use the Star Punishing Bow technique as the power of drawing a single arrow would completely use up his entire reserve of magic power, which would weaken him temporarily.

He deliberately used the Wind Mist Finger because Hong Yi had told him that she had set her eyes on that technique and she would require his help with it.

As such, Ning Fan did not mind displaying the Wind Mist Technique again to let her witness clearly how strong this technique was. It could solidify his usefulness to her that might make her befriend him and also lessen her erratic behavior.

After killing that Void Refinement Realm beast, Ning Fan obtained a Void Refinement Realm demon core and kept it into his storage pouch. Then, a cold and arrogant voice of a lady was heard from his back.

"Excellent strength… You are the first Divine Transformation Realm junior who has gained my respect and attention."

The person who spoke was none other than Hong Yi.

Ning Fan had wiped out ten thousand Nascent Soul Realm beasts, one hundred Wild Beasts and one Void Refinement Realm beast. Hong Yi had also eliminated the three Void Refinement Realm beasts.

"You have overpraised me, Miss. I could only kill a Void Refinement Realm beast after expending quite a lot of effort and the help of my three puppets. On the other hand, you killed three Void Refinement Realm beasts on your own. You are truly admirable." Ning Fan had to admit that Hong Yi was indeed very strong. She was even fiercer than Yue Lingkong.

"Humph! Are you telling me that I'm only capable of killing three Early Void Refinement Realm beasts in your eyes? Are you being sarcastic with me?!"

After hearing Ning Fan's compliment, Hong Yi actually expressed her displeasure. Her temperament was certainly strange and hard to accommodate.

Even though her eyes were filled with discontentment, she did not express her anger at Ning Fan. She just waved one of her bloody hands and tossed three Void Refinement Realm demon cores to him which were still dripping with blood.

"For me?' Ning Fan felt stunned. Even though Hong Yi was just using him, she was really generous as she gave him the three Void Refinement Realm demon cores without hesitation.

"Since you are serving under me, I certainly will not treat you badly. Besides, these demon cores are just trash. They aren't precious. You don't have to refuse!"

Hong Yi's eyes did not show any emotion. She showed utter disregard towards the demon cores.

If the news of the existence of this demon core were to spread, it would certainly start a bloody fight among the Void Refinement Realm old monsters in order to obtain it.

But in Hong Yi's eyes, such a precious item was just trash…

Ning Fan was at a loss for words.

Clearly, Hong Yi was not trying to humiliate me earlier by saying that the Spirit Crushing Whip was trash. After all, even the Void Refinement Realm demon cores are also trash in her eyes. Her standards are too high…

It would be a waste if Ning Fan rejected the three Void Refinement Realm demon cores which were given to him for free.

He nodded his head and kept the three demon cores.

Then, Hong Yi took out a piece of clean silk handkerchief and indifferently wiped the bloodstains on her hands.

Her blood-red eyes were still filled with arrogance. However, she suddenly said something unbelievable to Ning Fan in a cold tone.

"You are not trash."


Ning Fan did not say anything. He understood that it was a compliment from Hong Yi.

However, if common people heard her words, it would sound like sarcastic criticism, wouldn't it…?

She was an incredibly arrogant lady and what complemented her air of arrogance was her overpowering strength which could make one's hair stand in fear.

If it isn't necessary, Ning Fan would never want to interact with this lady. As for Hong Yi, she remained as cold as ice from the beginning. She completely had no interest in all creations in the world, including Ning Fan.

No one broke the silence.

After killing all the lightning spirits in this area, they took a brief rest and then went up to the peak of the central lightning bamboo in two rays of travelling light.

There, large masses of dark thunder clouds gathered. Even Ning Fan and Hong Yi had to be very vigilant in order to avoid being struck by the black lightning.

Beneath the thunder clouds where alternating lightning flashed continuously, a black lightning ancient formation which was one hundred thousand zhang* (3.33m per zhang) large was set up on the ground. Lightning rays also flashed on its sides.

Ning Fan was proficient in formation techniques. He squatted down and touched the formation light on the ground carefully. A moment later, he could ascertain that this lightning teleportation formation did indeed lead to the cloud realm above.

Hong Yi did not lie to him… Even though there was no reason for her to do so, he still took precautionary measures by checking on the formation.

He was a little too cautious. However, Hong Yi was not offended by his cautious attitude.

She had met countless people in the past. Thus, she naturally could tell that Ning Fan had actually seen through the internal structure and formation blueprint of this lightning teleportation formation.

Her opinion of Ning Fan improved once again. After all, this lightning formation was a Peak Mortal Void grand formation. In the Rain World, there were not many who could see through this formation.

At least, Hong Yi had to admit that she was inferior to Ning Fain in terms of formation techniques!

"You know about formations, don't you?"

"I only know a bit."

"Humph! Being too humble is equivalent to being hypocritical. If you just know a bit, you shouldn't be able to see through this Peak Mortal Void formation!"

"Being hypocritical, huh…? I don't think so. This is my way of surviving." Ning Fan shook his head and said.

"I am not concerned what your way of surviving is. Just to remind you, once you ascend to the cloud realm in the upper layer, you will face three difficult stages before you can enter the Black Lightning Tower. In order to get through these three stages, you must never have the slightest hint of falsity or pretense. You must face your heart in the sincerest manner."

Hong Yi told him the truth with an indifferent tone.

"Opportunities lie hidden within the three stages. With your capabilities, it won't be difficult for you to get past them. It's also very likely for you to obtain opportunities. But if you face your heart sincerely and openly, there will be less danger. In this trip, what you have to pay the most attention to is the Black Lightning Tower. Remember, I need seven pieces of bamboo leaves. Don't bring any less than that. If you can't get me seven pieces of bamboo leaves, it will only mean that your strength is lacking and could only amount to this."

"Are you trying to goad me into action?" Ning Fan's eyes flashed. The lady standing in front of him seemed to be rousing his desire for success on purpose.

Was she afraid that Ning Fan was going to have some reservations without giving his all which in turn would cause him to be unable to obtain the seven pieces of bamboo leaves?

"I'm just speaking the truth." Hong Yi was as cold as stone.

"Is that so…? Then, you just wait and see how many bamboo leaves I can obtain."

Ning Fan was not provoked and his desire was not roused at all.

He always spared no effort in everything he did and he had never held back.

Half a day later, Ning Fan was in his peak state again after regulating his qi. He made a step forward and entered the lightning teleportation formation.

Instantly, Hong Yi moved her fingers rapidly to form hand seals in order to activate the formation and send Ning Fan to the cloud realm above them.

The scenery changed quickly. After the time it takes for an incense stick to burn, Ning Fan appeared above the sea of black lightning and thunder clouds which was one million zhang* (3.33m per zhang) above the teleportation formation.

He stepped on the black clouds. The clouds which were soft like cotton could not make anyone feel reassured of their solidity.

Ning Fan looked at his surroundings. East of him, he saw a massive tower in the distance which had black lightning coiling around it. The building was so tall that it pierced into the skies and its peak could not be seen. Obviously, it was the Black Lightning Bamboo Tower.

Countless low-grade lightning spirits inhabited the area above the sea of clouds. However, the strongest among them were just at the Nascent Soul Realm. Divine Transformation Realm and Void Refinement Realm beasts did not seem to occupy this place.

After sensing a baleful qi which was abnormally concentrated from Ning Fan, the lightning spirits were overwhelmed with fear and scattered away in the form of flying beasts. All of them retreated and fled.

Ning Fan did not pursue those low-grade ferocious beasts and his eyes focused to the east. Suddenly, his face turned grim.

He did not take any step further. He turned towards the west and his left eye twinkled with purple light. Then, he said with a sneer.

"There is no tower at all in the east. The true Black Lightning Tower is clearly in the west. Do you think this kind of inferior illusion techniques can trick me?! Show yourself!"

As Ning Fan shouted, his aura force spread out vigorously and a surge of intense baleful qi broke the scenery around him. The surroundings vanished like the moon in the lake.

He heard a muffled groan from a hidden corner. It seemed as if someone hidden was injured by Ning Fan.

The black tower which appeared in the east disappeared.

Gradually, a black tower emerged in the desolate sea of clouds in the west!

Then, countless traces of lightning power from a formation light surged in the surroundings, heavily trapping Ning Fan!

The lightning power transformed into a black palace. Ning Fan was not in a desolate sea of clouds at all. In fact, he was standing inside a black lightning palace which looked like a labyrinth!

He could only head to the west and enter the Black Lightning Tower after walking out of this palace!

The empty palace was ten thousand zhang* (3.33m per zhang) wide.

On the brick wall of the palace stood a board with a line of words written in black ink.

"The first formation. The stage of 'True Illusion'!"

Ning Fan's face became serious. Now, this palace and the illusions that he faced just now were part of the test in this stage.

When he released his baleful qi just now, he had injured a person hidden nearby. That person was perhaps the individual who was in charge of this test.

"I'm the White Lightning Realm Spirit. How dare a mere ant from the mortal world like you hurt my body? You're courting death! I will certainly teach you how to die on the stage of 'True Illusion'!"

From a dark corner, a proud and vengeful voice of an old man echoed. It carried an Early Void Refinement Realm aura force which charged at Ning Fan. However, it was dispersed by Ning Fan with a flick of his sleeve.

"Just by yourself?" Ning Fan sneered.

"Don't be too cocky! Beware the might of my formation!" The mysterious expert shouted in anger as he activated the True Illusion Formation.

Immediately, two figures of women whom Ning Fan had never expected emerged in front of him.

"Kill either one of them and you can break through the first stage! If not, you will be trapped in this formation forever!" The mysterious expert smiled mockingly.

"This joke is not funny at all!" Ning Fan's eyes turned cold.

Not everything in this world could be taken as the format of the test!

The two women who appeared in front of Ning Fan were both Zhihe!

When Ning Fan observed them carefully, he discovered that these two women were specious. They looked like illusions but they seemed genuine at the same time.

One of them was connected to Zhihe's luck through the Heavenly Dao. It could be considered as Zhihe's true body. If this body dies, Zhihe's luck would be greatly damaged!

As for the other one, it was an illusion. It could be killed randomly without any harm.

If Ning Fan makes the wrong choice and kills the wrong one, the consequences would be unthinkable.

However, Ning Fan did not have the intention of killing either one of them at all.

"Leave my wife's luck alone. Don't force me to act. Otherwise… you will regret it!" Ning Fan's tone sounded colder and more indifferent. It was filled with killing intent which was as penetrating as ice.

"Regret it? Who do you think you are? Do you think you can make this old man regret?!" The mysterious man let out a cacophony of laughter. He was extremely disdainful towards Ning Fan.

"You will die… for sure!"

Ning Fan closed his eyes and no longer spoke a single word.

There were three stages before reaching the Black Lightning Tower and the first stage was True Illusion…

In the lower level of the Black Lightning Realm, Hong Yi stood before the teleportation formation. Her blood-red eyes suddenly turned grim, as if she had sensed something wrong.

"That goddamn evil creature. Unexpectedly, it awakened at a time like this! With this evil creature causing trouble, it will probably be very dangerous for that young man to go through the stages!"

"Humph! If I had known this earlier, I would have killed this evil creature in the past!"

"I wonder whether or not that young man, Zhou Ming, can go through the three stages given this situation where this evil creature takes control of the formations itself!"

"True Illusion, Immortal and Mortal and Life or Dao… These three stages are originally the remnant formations of the White Lightning Realm from the ancient times. It's magical and extraordinary as it is connected to the Heavenly Dao. Now, since there's the interference of the White Lightning Realm Spirit, if that young man is not careful enough, he may end up paying a high price or even put his beloved ones in danger… In the face of the three stages which originated from Immortal Emperor Tai Su's three questions, no one in history has ever passed through them when the White Lightning Realm Spirit is around."

"Zhou Ming! He might be an ant to me, but I wonder if he can surprise me once more!" Hong Yi uttered indifferently.

Translated by Tommy, edited by Roel