Gold coin is justice

Chapter 83

Grain is in a good mood.

In other words, his diligence also made his mood very comfortable.

These days, he works hard every day. And every time he finished his work with a smile and enthusiasm, which also helped him get away in Pelican town soon. Before long, almost everyone in the town knew the mermaid song, and a new member, a cheerful and outgoing bard, came.

"Hey, I said don\'t look so unhappy. We are all members of the same guild, but you look at me like a stranger. Isn\'t that very uncomfortable? "

With a hammer in his hand and a few nails in his other hand, he looked at the guild members in front of him with a smile.

Brad was a little embarrassed. He laughed, touched the back of his head, and turned his head to look at the cocoa and cream next to him. After thinking about it, the big man also said, "yes... Yes! Cocoa and cream, we are all members of the same guild. Brother Meiduo has been working in our guild these days. The work has been completed very well! You think so? Buffy. "

Buffy, sitting on Brad\'s shoulder, didn\'t seem to think she would be called by her partner. She was obviously stunned. Then, the flower goblin tilted his head and spread out his hands in a completely incomprehensible way.

"Big bread! Which side are you on? "

Cocoa\'s face was stubborn. As long as he wasn\'t facing arrow, the dead mage\'s eyebrows were always so fierce. She stamped her feet angrily and pointed the wrench in her hand at the grain——

"The singing toad is so rude to the president\'s brother. Are you still on his side?"

Brad looked wronged. He scratched the back of his head. He was carrying a piece of wood on his shoulder. Now he didn\'t know whether to put it down or continue to carry it.

Cream sat on a pile of wood, hummed a sneer and said, "these days, there are people who think they can do whatever they want because they are strong? Hey, Bard, maybe you think you\'re strong, so you think you have the power to tell the president what to do? But I want to tell you that the last guy who thought he was strong enough to beat a hundred presidents is now three feet tall. "

"I don\'t know whether your grave grass is high or not, but I know I didn\'t ask your guild to help me because you were chatting here! Hurry up! "

The figure of the mayor of round cheese appeared behind the cream and roared loudly. The cream immediately rolled down from the pile of wood, fell to the ground and covered his ass.

The mayor put one hand in the fat waist, pointed to a row of large houses under renovation and said, "half of autumn has passed, and winter will come soon. Now you must reinforce and install everyone\'s house as soon as possible, so that you can withstand the cold wind and snow in winter. So... We didn\'t pay you to sit here and chat and contact the feelings of the guild! "

Yelled by the mayor, cream quickly picked up the saw he had just thrown on the ground and began sawing wood vigorously and angrily. Coco also waved his wand. The dead soldiers and skeleton dogs carried the cut wood and quickly handed it to Brad waiting there. Brad threw the wood on the roof, and the grain that took the wood immediately picked up the hammer and knocked it.

"Don\'t worry! Don\'t worry, mayor! When did our guild work cause trouble to Pelican town? don\'t worry! This gold coin in Pelican town is absolutely worth it! "

The cheese hummed, "I hope so. Hey! Everybody! People\'s mermaid song is here to help, but it doesn\'t completely replace our own work! Get busy, don\'t be lazy! "

With the roar of round cheese, a large group of villagers gathered here took action and began their busy work.

The guild members of mermaid song surpass ordinary townspeople in both physical strength and accuracy, and their work speed is naturally much faster. While others were still busy working on the roof, they had finished decorating the roof of the mayor of cheese in one morning, strengthening the walls and repainting them. By the way, they also sorted out the flowers and plants in the courtyard.

When he left for the second house, he waved his hammer and said with a smile, "you see, don\'t we cooperate very quickly? Coco, cream, how can you two stop treating me like this? "

Cocoa snorted, "I\'m not unhappy with you. I\'m unhappy with your attitude towards the president\'s brother. As long as you can treat the president respectfully in the future, I won\'t treat you much. After all, we are all members of the mermaid song. "

The grain laughed and said, "Alas, it\'s really wronged. ok In order to express my apology to the president, let our magician be vigilant. In this case... "

He looked left and right, and it happened that the next shop to be decorated was a snack shop. He walked into the shop, said something to the boss, gave the money, and soon came to the public with five cream cakes.

"I\'ve been busy all morning. Come and try this? What our little princess needs most is this kind of thing. Let me apologize to the president, OK? "

Cocoa stared straight at the beautifully decorated cake in front of her, and her eyes began to shine! After hesitating for a moment, she snorted. The dead soldiers on one side came forward and held the cake, picked up a spoon, scooped a small piece and handed it to cocoa.

"Don\'t think I\'ll forgive you. I\'ll just try it first! You can\'t say that much to the president\'s brother in the future, you know? Ah woo. "

A mouthful of cake, the sweet taste spread from the mouth to the whole body!

Although ello\'s three meals a day are delicious, the president has always made food that is very easy to eat and made of cheap materials as much as possible. Such a cake that needs to waste a lot of eggs, milk and flour and even spend a lot of time on exquisite decoration has never been made. What\'s more, in this case,

Seeing that cocoa began to eat, the grain laughed and handed the cake to Brad and buffy. Obviously, the two partners didn\'t expect two copies to be delivered to them. Brad was a little stunned. He held two cakes in his hands, stretched out his tongue and licked one of them, and immediately handed the other to Buffy on his shoulder.

"Oh, how big the grain is. We can\'t eat so much. Buffy only needs a little."

That said, Brad looked very happy when he saw that Buffy was now eating cream happily.

Grain smiled and said, "if I remember correctly... The two registered as a profession in the mermaid song, can they be regarded as an artificial one?"

Brad nodded innocently, "yes, we are one person. The president told us. But it\'s also normal. Buffy and I can\'t leave anyone. She can help me guard around and I can protect her. "

"Even if neither of you can be separated from the other, I will count the two as two instead of one. So please ~ ~ "

I have to say, the voice of many grains is really gentle. Maybe it\'s because he often sings. His tone seems to have a certain rhythm.

While Brad and buffy were eating the cake, grain duo also handed a cake to the cream over there.

Looking at the cake, cream gave a sneer and reached for it. But when his fingers were about to touch the cake, many grains suddenly retracted their hands, leaving the cream empty.

Grain much: "cream, your prejudice against me... Is really not small?"

Now that he had caught nothing, the sneer at the corners of cream\'s mouth continued to maintain, and simply retracted his hand: "why, now we start to build small groups? Want to crowd me out? "

"Oh, no, no, no, no, you think too much. How can I crowd out the guild because who doesn\'t think well of me? Isn\'t this a song against our mermaid? "

The grain much handed over the cake again, and at the same time, his body bowed slightly to show his respect——

"What I am curious about is why I make complaints about why the only thief who joined me in the guild before me is the most intense response to my speech."

Cocoa looked up, and the little face with a mouth full of cream was a little unhappy.

"Ha ha, I\'m not saying that your reaction is not fierce, little sister. I just said that after I admitted my mistake to you, only Mr. cream still didn\'t look at me with a good face. So, I really want to know what happened to make you so loyal to President arrow? "

The sneer from the corners of cream\'s mouth never stopped. He just glanced at the cake. But then he saw the cocoa over there. Brad and buffy were eating and looking at themselves. After thinking about it, he finally reached out to take the cake and took a sip.

"Loyal? I can\'t say. But the president saved me at my most helpless and hesitant stage. The world says it\'s easy to add flowers to the icing on the cake, but it\'s the hardest to send charcoal in the snow. Bard, if someone gives you a helping hand when you are in the most painful, hesitant and helpless time of your life, won\'t you remember and be grateful all your life? "

When it comes to this sentence, the smiling look in the eyes of many grains was calmed for a moment.

His smile was slightly put away, and his eyes jumped into the distance... It seemed that he remembered some unknown memory.

This distraction lasted only for a moment. Soon he raised his smile again, nodded and said, "I see. I\'ll give you coal in the snow... To be honest, I\'ve been in this situation before. Therefore, I am very grateful for the smile she showed me at that time. When I was in the most difficult, helpless, and even desperate to think that there was no hope in life and only death was the only way out, she helped me and made me summon up the courage to tide over the difficulties. So... I can understand your idea. "