Gold coin is justice

Chapter 217

With the escape, the light of the light wand is getting weaker and weaker. This dimness directly leads to the terrible tentacle sound from behind again! The speed of those things was so fast that arrow couldn\'t even imagine that it was his group of people who reached the exit first to escape? Or did the staff in your hand go out completely first, resulting in the complete destruction of the mermaid song here?

But at this time, a weak but firm voice came from behind them——

"Light, forbidden curse, holy fire burn the body."

With a light like the summer noon sun, it suddenly burst out of the darkest place. These lights are so hot and dazzling. Even with his back against these lights, arrow seemed to be able to feel the gentleness of the uncle, his smile, and the way he taught himself from time to time, a girl who likes to be greedy for small things and do anything to make money.

But all this, all of it... Now it\'s all

Finally, in the light and cocoa\'s wailing behind, the people finally ran back to the rope ladder and the party quickly climbed up.

In Ruichi\'s surprised and questioning eyes above, ello looked back at the underpass again.

The last light... Now it has darkened silently.

When it was shrouded in the creepy darkness again, ello bit his tears, pulled up his hands and closed the door that shouldn\'t have been opened again.


On the way back to Pelican Town, coco was tired of crying and fainted on Brad\'s shoulder.

Buffy gently lifted the little girl and wiped the tears from the corners of her eyes. At the same time, she couldn\'t help sitting on Brad\'s shoulder and wiping her tears silently.

Arrow walked in front with his head down and a dusty face. He was still holding the light staff in his hand, and at this moment, the staff had completely lost its light and turned into a broken, old and dusty staff.

It was already midnight.

Does the black sky represent some kind of irony? Ironically, small human beings dare to resist this endless darkness?

Looking into the distance, ello even began to feel that the pelican town not far away had become a part of the twisted meat, ready to open a terrible mouth anytime and anywhere in the dark and devour all life

"Hello? What\'s going on? What\'s the matter with your mermaid song? After coming out without saying a word, what are you doing? What about the high priest of the holy bread? Where has he gone? "

Viscount Ritchie and his entourage followed him all the time, but after following to Pelican Town, the Viscount finally couldn\'t help asking.

But he just opened his mouth to ask, and the cream that had been holding back tears seemed to be unbearable. He came forward and grabbed the Viscount\'s collar, took out his dagger and put it heavily against his neck.

"I\'ll kill you! I\'ll kill you and make amends to uncle! You bastard!!! "

Seeing the Viscount being kidnapped, the four guards behind quickly pulled out their weapons, surrounded the cream and shouted: "put down your weapons! I order you to lay down your arms! "

Cream\'s eyes had become red, and his voice began to become hoarse. He shouted at the guards like crazy: "you TMD, put down your weapons! Believe it or not, I\'ll chop this dwarf right now?! If not for you... If not for you!!! "

"Cream! Enough! Drop your weapon! "

While the cream gradually got out of control, arrow in front shouted. The president\'s voice finally pulled cream back from the edge of madness. He looked back and looked at ELONA\'s serious and serious eyes. In an instant, I couldn\'t bear the tears I had been trying to hold back any longer. When I released my hand, I rolled down with a crash.

"President... President ello... I... i... what I finally... Said to Uncle... Unexpectedly... Was... Kidding him? I... I... "

"No! I am the one who is most sorry for uncle pancake! "

Brad didn\'t turn his head. The muscles on his face were pumping. His fist was clenched as if he wanted to kill himself directly. He hammered his chest hard——

"If I can stop the sludge, uncle pancake doesn\'t need to release purification to help us... If I won\'t be so weak by the smell, those tentacles can\'t cross me and attack uncle pancake! It\'s all me... It\'s all me! "

As the leader of the guild, arrow shook his head, changed his old gentle smile to a stern expression and said, "well, I know everyone is very sad. But this is not the time for you to blame yourself. If there is a problem, all the problems lie with me as a leader. Brad, cream, you... Alas. "

Wiping tears, they walked slowly to the gate of mermaid song. Seeing that he had reached here, viscount Ruichi behind thought and stepped up two steps to catch up.

"Hey, mermaid song."

The Viscount took a deep breath and spread out his hands——

"I don\'t care whose fault you are, and I sympathize with the experience of the high priest of the holy bread. But what I want to say is that you can\'t blame me for all the personnel injuries in your guild. I have paid funeral expenses for those two children before, but one can\'t have two. You can\'t count it on me! "

Ailuo tried his best not to hate the Viscount, nodded slowly, "I understand. Viscount Ruichi, now our guild has just experienced some very painful things. I\'m afraid we can\'t entertain you or listen to your complaints. Could you please leave first? "

Even if Reich had no brains, he could still understand the obvious expulsion now. After skimming his lips, he finally turned around and left with his followers. But after a few steps, he turned his head again and asked——

"So... When will the funeral be held? I\'d like to come to worship. I don\'t know if it\'s convenient? "

Yeah... When is the funeral?

Go back to the guild and close the door.

The members were all dejected and spiritless one by one. After returning cocoa, who was still in a coma, Brad returned to the room with Bafei, who was also in tears. Along the way, his steps seemed a little unstable. In contrast, after putting the weapon and armor away, the cream did not hesitate to start the light shackles left on him and ran out at midnight.

Such a big guild, after losing one person, suddenly seemed very cold.

Holding the staff, arrow dragged his tired steps to the back warehouse and slowly entered the training room.

He looked at the shelf used to put all kinds of weapons. For a moment, he seemed to be confused. He couldn\'t move just standing here.

"What about the priest?"

Napa\'s voice sounded slowly in her ear. The cat Warcraft slowly floated in front of arrow and circled around the old light wand.

"Ah... I see."

Sapphire pupils reveal a little solitude. Napa shook her head slightly and said slowly——

"I don\'t know how to comfort you. But as the leader of the adventurers guild, I hope you can try to understand that the discount of guild members is the norm of a guild in many cases. After all, adventurers live a life of licking blood with the tip of a knife. To be honest, I\'m surprised that your guild hasn\'t lost a full member after operating for so long. "

Perhaps it was Napa\'s words that made arrow recover from his memory. He shook his head, took off his hat and let his hair fall.

Then she raised her hands and respectfully placed the light staff on the shelf. After stepping back a few steps, she continued to look at the staff.

A moment later

"Napa, you said... What does uncle pancake mean when he finally left his staff to me?"

Napa slowly fell on Ariel\'s head, thought about it and said, "let you hand it over to the Holy See of light?"

In this regard, Ariel just shook her head gently and said, "I think uncle pancake wants me to give this staff to his daughter. At the same time, tell the girl named \'an\' how powerful and kind her father was. After all... Now the only direct evidence that can make the girl understand what kind of person her father is is is this magic wand. "

I don\'t know whether the light in the training room is too dark, or this staff is like this. At this moment, the dust and wear on it are more conspicuous, and it seems that it has completely lost the holy feeling of the light staff. Instead, it looks more like a fire stick.

With a sigh, Ariel now can only blow out the lights and turn out of the training room. He put on his hidden hat again, changed from a weak girl to a strong and powerful guild president, and went back to the room.

After all, the guild will continue to exist, and the agreement does not tolerate too much sad time.


The next day, the news of the death of the holy bread spread all over Pelican town almost instantaneously.

The death of the high priest, who had always been kind and maintained a good relationship with his neighbors, immediately shrouded the whole Pelican town in sadness.

Early in the morning, round cheese came to mourn in person and quietly asked if arrow needed any help. If there were any difficulties, the whole Pelican town was a home and could help each other.