Gold coin is justice

Chapter 206

"I\'m such a brainless president. If I encounter any bastards with ulterior motives in the future, how can I protect my daughter and the guild..."

Ello\'s eyes rolled and smiled and said, "President Keith, do you think... What do you think of the members of the soul inflammation guild during the battle with the soul inflammation guild? Well... Especially their younger generation. "

The holy bread, who was drinking water and socializing on one side, immediately looked at this side with deep meaning, and his eyes showed expectation and approval.

In this regard, President Keith pinched his chin and thought for a while, showing some hesitation: "what other idea? Let me see... Some of them are really powerful, especially some young people. They are very talented in combat effectiveness and combat wisdom. It won\'t be long before they become the main force in their guild. "

Arrow smiled again: "so... What do you think of the son of the lightning mage and the boxer?"

As he spoke, ello glanced at Youji over there intentionally or unintentionally. When Keith saw arrow\'s eyes, he also glanced at his daughter. Now, he understood the president\'s idea, and his eyebrows could not help wrinkling: "that smelly boy? Well... Good strength, but what should I say? I always feel a little uneasy. The boy? Well, yes, he\'s at least three years early, at least three years! "

Since Keith had expressed so clearly, ello could only sigh, shook his head reluctantly, and simply continued along the topic: "by the way, what will the killer bee guild do next? Crowbar unbeliever, what will you do with this guy? "

President Keith gave a sneer and said, "sending spies to infiltrate and destroy other guilds is not a crime that can be easily passed. Our Jushan guild will be responsible for taking this guy back to xiehu city completely, and then handing it over to the local police force. "

Arrow\'s eyebrows wrinkled slightly: "guard? But as far as I know, the police force in each city is basically directly led by the local Lord? "

Keith held his arms and showed a helpless expression on his face. "In fact, it\'s impossible. In fact, even if it\'s true, as president ello speculated, the main messenger behind many destruction events is Viscount Norris, who has done nothing to our mountain and soul inflammation. In essence, we will continue to hold the office meeting in xiehu city next, so we can\'t be unhappy with the Lord. "

"I will sue the court of xiehu city for this guy\'s penetration and sabotage of our guild. At that time, I may invite you mermaid song to testify as a witness. But beyond that, we can\'t sue him for undermining the guild war. If you really want to sue, you mermaid song should act in person, but I think even if you sue in xiehu City, you may not get any results? If you really want to say, in the end, viscount Norris may step in and bail this guy out of prison. "

Ello could not help but clench his fist gently and said with some regret, "so... In fact, it means nothing has been solved?"

Hearing that ello was so depressed, Keith couldn\'t help laughing, raised his huge palm, patted ello\'s thin shoulder twice, and said with a smile, "Okay, okay! Although it is impossible to treat this bastard in essence, some "enthusiastic members" of our guild will treat him well on the way back! Moreover, the crime of openly infiltrating our guild is committed in the name of the killer bee guild, so this alone is enough to freeze their guild. Without the guild, this guy can only act as a thug at most. He can\'t be the opponent of the guild organization at all. "

Now, I can only think so.

Arrow\'s face was filled with a smile to deal with Keith\'s comfort.

After all, in fact, their own mermaid song is too weak and lack of financial strength. If your guild is strong enough, this kind of destructive action can be contained from the beginning.

"All right, all right! Happy today! President arrow, you invited our mountain guild to drink and eat here. You should be happy yourself! Hey, Jackie, come here. You are the same age as president arrow. Talk to President more and relieve boredom! "

Youji over there was a little helpless when she heard her father say such drunken words. But she had no aversion to arrow and came over with the a juice glass.

But just then, cream gently pushed arrow\'s shoulder and glanced at the entrance of the arena.

Almost in an instant, the laughter and laughter in the whole arena were quiet. Everyone looked at the direction of the entrance, at the two people who were walking towards this side step by step with a sneer on their faces——

Fairs and sons of the soul inflammation guild.

Walking in silence, Robert secretly waved to Youji standing next to arrow and said hello. But Eugene pretended not to see it and took a faint sip of juice. Such a cold attitude made Robert a little depressed for a time, so he could only follow his father obediently.

The lightning magician\'s face was full of smiles. He came slowly and stood in front of Keith.

Keith: I thought you started back to town early in the morning. I didn\'t expect you to stay here? "

Chi Lei smiled: "yes, I heard that President ello invited the loser to dinner tonight. Of course, I\'ll see you again before I leave. After returning to xiehu City, we may not have such an easy chance to meet. "

Then he glanced at the dinner table, smiled and said, "it\'s very rich? Keith, won\'t you buy me a drink? "

Keith stared at him. After a while, he turned and went to the table, picked up the glass, poured a glass of wine full, and handed it to Chi Lei: "this time, I lost. But next time, don\'t think you can win so easily. "

Seeing the wine handed over by Robert, Chi Lei couldn\'t help but flash a happy mood in his eyes. He turned around and handed the lightning staff he had never left his hand to his son. Then he rolled up his robe sleeve slightly, came forward and took the glass of wine with both hands and drank happily.

"You think you lost? But I don\'t think I won. "

After drinking, he handed the wine glass to his son. Robert was holding a magic wand in one hand and a wine glass in the other hand. He looked very distracted and glanced at Youji over there from time to time.

Chi Lei slowly breathed out a breath and continued: "the inflammation of the soul wins in the rules. Before the last game, you took the lead in points. Once you lose or draw, you will lose in terms of total points. So for you, you must maintain an aggressive posture. Correspondingly, our soul inflammation can take the defensive. Although I won this time, I don\'t think it\'s meaningful to defeat you in this way. "

As he spoke, he stretched out his right hand to Keith: "and we fought three times, and I didn\'t beat you once. In this case, say I beat you? Hehe, I can\'t pass myself. "

Seeing Chi Lei\'s outstretched hand, Keith couldn\'t help humming and laughing. He also stretched out his right hand and held it tightly with Chi Lei\'s hand: "yes! I haven\'t been able to blow your guy\'s head out three times, and I lost in the end! This also makes me feel very uncomfortable! Chi Lei, you have almost a year to prepare for the second guild war this year. I must defeat you openly and regain the title of winner of the guild war! "

Hearing that Keith was so boastful, Chi Lei just sneered, but he held each other\'s hand harder: "that\'s each other."

With the laughter of the two presidents, it seems that some obstacles have dissolved between the two sides. Although this competition will continue, I believe both the mountain guild and the soul inflammation guild can feel something different from before.

After a grip, the mood between the two presidents obviously spread out. They talked and laughed with each other. Although the atmosphere could not be said to be very harmonious, they could at least sit down and talk.

While his father was chatting, Robert hurriedly came over with his magic wand and wine glass. He walked carefully to Youji and said with a smile: "that... Miss Youji? I don\'t know between us... That... "

Youji still ignored her and continued to take care of herself.

Robert was a little anxious. He glanced at ello over there. Ello spread his hands and made an expression that he had tried his best.

Seeing this, Robert hurried up and said, "Miss Youji... If I remember correctly... When we two dealt with the traitor Huailin Xinyu brilliantly, you seem to have made it clear that... You can accept me, right?"

Here, Youji finally responded. She turned her head to Robert and looked at the boxer carefully from top to bottom. After a moment, the cold ice mage finally breathed out and said slowly, "Mr. FEL, I hope you don\'t get wrong. At that time, I said that among you and Huailin, your attitude is more consistent with my heart. However, I mean you, and Huailin, two people, comparison. I think... You don\'t think you can\'t even compare with a traitor? "