Gold coin is justice

Chapter 16

All morning, ello simply closed the door and conscientiously cleaned the reception hall on the first floor. Strive to give people a clean and tidy feeling.

According to speculation, the person who came this time should only be the first reconnaissance candidate. It is unknown whether this person is sent by the Empire, but if the boss behind him is from the Empire, doing this first business is tantamount to hooking himself with the top of the blue bay empire.

Business always wants to have a relationship with powerful people. In this way, you will get a lot of information advantages!

Therefore, we must entertain well and show our "attention"!

Ello didn\'t even dare eat too much for lunch. He casually stuffed a bread to satisfy his hunger. He didn\'t open the door until all the cleaning was finished. He stood behind the counter and kept his habitual smile even if there was no one.

If only there were a waitress... It would be much better to hire a beautiful Kanban woman to stand here, right?

Thinking of this, ello couldn\'t help sighing and turned to look at the cat next to him.

... forget it. Think about these things after the guild is on the right track in the future.

Finally, the sunlight shining through the gate came in alone.

"Welcome to mermaid song guild. How can I help you?"

Arrow immediately showed his professional smile and tried his best to make the visitors feel at home.

The person who came in looked around. He first looked at the bulletin board over there. When he saw the empty taskbar, he gave an imperceptible sneer at the corners of his mouth. Then he came towards arrow.

This is a young man of about 17 or 18 years old. He has short hair and looks handsome, but the expression on his face feels a little flowing. The clothes on the body don\'t seem very expensive. They are also coarse cloth clothes. They look light and fluttering, but the scabbards of the two sharp knives at the waist are heavily decorated. It can be seen that the master attaches great importance to his weapons.

Standing in front of the bar, the young man didn\'t take a seat. He just looked around again. Finally, his eyes fell on ello and smiled: "I heard the mayor say that your guild has a set. Call out your president and I\'ll entrust a task. "

Arrow knew that he was looked down upon because of his young relationship. He was not angry, nodded slightly and said, "OK, then please call your boss. It would be more convenient to talk to your boss. "

A curious look appeared on the young man\'s face. He looked up and down at arrow again and sneered: "are you the president? Mermaid song is really a little fish. Even the president is a small fish. "

Oh, once is enough.

Arrow changed the subject, continued to smile and say, "can I help you?"

The young man said, "I have a commission, but I don\'t know if you are qualified to accept it. Sleepy mountains, you know? It\'s in the northeast of your town. I want to do a geological survey there. "

Arrow continued to maintain his enthusiasm: "so, do you need a guide and a bodyguard? Well, the Changmian mountains are far away. If you want to climb, it may take a few days. "

The corner of the youth\'s eye showed a trace of contempt again: "what bodyguards can you give? Well, how many members are there in your guild? "

Arrow: a warrior, a mage, and myself

Obviously, arrow saw the disdain expression in the corner of the young man\'s eyes. He shook his head as if disappointed.

"Sure enough, I shouldn\'t expect too much from your little guild. Three members? Forget it. How much is it? I hired it. How much is it? "

Arrow nodded: "if you just explore the Changmian mountains, there should be no danger. Three silver coins should be enough. "

With a slap, the young man threw a money bag on the counter and said in a slightly contemptuous tone: "here are five silver coins. If there is no problem, the transaction will be concluded. When can you start? "

"Our two members still have tasks, but they will be ready in three days."

"Yes, in three days, I just hope you can be fully prepared."

"No problem at all! As long as the price is in place, the service will naturally be in place. "

Arrow put away his purse, weighed it, and smiled again——

"After talking so much, I don\'t know your name. May I have your name, please? "

"Cream, Robin cream."

Given the money, of course, arrow sent the gold owner away with a smile on his face.

He opened the money bag, looked at the five silver coins in it, picked up the bag and shook it. The crisp and pleasant voice was so fascinating no matter how many times he heard it.

Sure enough, the news of the gold mine began to spread. It seems that I will often take care of the business of the Changmian mountains in the future.

"Huh? Napa? Where are you? "

Excited for a long time, arrow found that the cat was not in the old place now.

But with arrow\'s cry, Napa flew up from behind the counter and landed slowly on the cushion.

"Why are you hiding?"

ELO said casually.

Napa yawned, wagged her tail and continued to maintain that lazy expression: "you\'re really relaxed. There are five silver coins for a simple investigation task? This is the biggest sum you have earned since you started the guild. "

After packing up the money, ello locked the cash cabinet again, stuffed the key into his underwear, kept it close to his chest, smiled and said, "this can only be regarded as a generally low price in big cities. You should be glad that our guild is finally making a lot of money! As long as this business is done well, there will be more and more business in the future! "

Napa licked the hair on her front paws, stroked her ears and said slowly, "I don\'t like this guy. His arrogance makes me uncomfortable. You should be glad that I hide. If he dares to say anything inappropriate to me, I will definitely make this boy pay a painful price. "

After taking care of her hair, Napa sat on the cushion with a clean look and said seriously: "Ariel, I think about it carefully. Although I don\'t like this human, I don\'t want to appear in front of him. But I\'ll go with you on the inspection mission in three days. "

"No, you\'d better help me look after the house."


Napa didn\'t seem to expect that ELO refused so resolutely. She floated again, and her body slowly exuded strong magic!

"As you said before, the emergence of gold mines will lead to a lot of instability. This Commission is obviously to investigate the gold mine. I can\'t trust that guy called cream. He has a feeling of danger. This exploration is not a stupid warrior, a third rate mage and an ordinary person like you who can\'t do anything can cope with it! "

Unfortunately, these thick magic aro still can\'t see.

The president still kept his calm, and the smile on his face remained unchanged for a long time.

He poured himself a glass of water, took a good drink, and then smiled and said, "don\'t worry, I\'m measured. Moreover, you should not underestimate our members. They just haven\'t played their strength yet. Besides -- "

Arrow took another sip and showed Napa the most commercial smile: "don\'t forget, you still need to help me look after the children ~ ~"

That night, as soon as Brad, Buffy and coco came in, ELO told them about the investigation mission.

The three members were very happy, especially cocoa. Maybe it\'s too boring to watch the dead soldiers cut wheat all day. She looks forward to this adventure.

Of course, Brad also wondered why the vice president had been so angry and yelled. But it doesn\'t matter. Arrow perfunctorized the problem well.

After dinner, ello took his family members to the rear warehouse for preliminary cultural education in the temporarily built classroom. I have to say that after two hours of class, ello only felt that he might have to find a serious teacher, or it would be a word - tired!

——On August 31, 1301, Sun Festival, harvest Commission: 4 copper and 5 iron, child care Commission: 5 copper, mine visit Commission: 5 silver, food: - 1 copper and 7 iron, balance: 79 gold and 1 iron——

The next day, with the mayor\'s strong appeal, 23 children accompanied by their parents came to the mermaid song guild. During the day, soldiers and mages went to work in Mai\'s wheat field, while arrow was in charge of the children in the guild. After seeing off the children in the evening, arrow taught the three members words and language.

The third day was the same, but the number of children increased to 40, one month at a time. From this point of view, arrow really felt that he was right to win over the mayor of round cheese! It\'s just that the level of fatigue is also rising sharply.

Then on the fourth day

"All right, let\'s go!"

After leaving all the children to the cat with a brain burst, ello led Brad, Buffy and coco to the sleeping mountains.

——On September 4, 1301, the child care Commission: 3 gold and 6 silver, board expenses: - 5 copper and 1 iron, child food: - 1 gold and 2 silver, balance: 81 gold, 3 silver and 5 copper——