Gold coin is justice

Chapter 138

The two presidents, Keith and Chi Lei, continued to keep their faces straight, trying to keep a more serious expression, and nodded slowly.

The round cheese retreated, and arrow took a step and said with a smile, "you\'ve worked hard all the way. Now, both sides can have three days to adjust. During the period of your adjustment, I need to give you a detailed introduction to our battle process, event arrangement, some precautions and security. "

"First of all, I need to introduce the fighting content of this competition to both sides."

Ello breathed out slowly and didn\'t speak until the townspeople poured a cup of hot water to warm up none of the adventurers——

"In this competition, we have adopted two fighting methods: individual war and group war. In two months, we will fight a total of almost 30 battles. That is, every other day, there is a battle. Such a frequency will not make you feel too tired, but also maintain the enthusiasm of the audience. "

"The mode of team war is three to three. The mode of team war and individual war is limited to five minutes, with a break of two minutes. The two sides play a total of ten games. Before each game, one party first shows its players, and then the other party sends people to the end. The next round, whether team or individual, is reversed. In ten battles, the failure of one party to fight or surrender represents the victory of the other party. If no one is completely destroyed after the end of ten games, the winner will be the party with a large number of people standing. If the number of people standing on both sides is the same, it will be judged as a draw. "

"In a battle, the winner gets three points, the loser gets no points, and both sides get one point in a draw. There is no limit to the means of combat, and both sides can attack in the way they are best at. "

"Then, the candidates for team warfare and individual warfare can repeat each other. I know that some members of both guilds are not good at individual warfare, but they can play an excellent power in team warfare. In this way, you can not sign up for individual war and participate in team war. "

"Of course, if one party sends only one person to meet the team, I have no problem."

"However, the opening battle at the holy night sacrifice is very important for us. I hope to play well, and I don\'t want this battle to turn upside down at once. Therefore, in the battle of the holy night sacrifice, the winner can get ten points at one go. If there is a draw, there is only one point, and the loser has no point. In order to avoid unfairness, the two associations will discuss the players in the first round later, and then inform me secretly. By the way, I decided it was a personal battle. "

"According to the outcome of this battle, the winner will send players to play first in the next battle, and the loser will send players to play later."

"Then there is the number of people. In team war and individual war, each member can only play 3 times at most. In other words, if a member of the lineup of both sides has a strong fighting ability, he can only play three times at most, whether it is team or individual. "

"Finally, in the previous month and a half, the combat results of both sides were calculated according to three points, one point and no point. But in the last few games, the points obtained will change. I have written down the specific data here for the time being. "

With that, ello took out a sheepskin scroll, but the scroll was shrouded in light and darkness.

Robert FEL, President Chi Lei\'s son, looked at the scroll, obviously curious and asked, "what\'s this? President, are you still locked with magic? "

Arrow smiled and said, "this scroll is locked by the light priest and the necromancer of our guild with two magic elements at the same time. Not only you, but also me, even our priests and necromancers, can\'t open it now. Only after the time has arrived can it be allowed to open part of it. "

Keith snorted, "cut, do these fancy tricks."

Chi Lei held his hands on his chest: "why, are you afraid?"

Fearing that the two presidents would quarrel again, ello quickly continued: "in order to prevent one guild from starting to paddle after obtaining enough points, or avoiding the war. In this way, when you don\'t know what will happen to the winning and losing points in the last few games, in order to ensure victory, the superior side will go all out, and the inferior side also has the possibility of turning over in an instant. At the same time, this is also a way to ensure that the associations of both sides can arrange their strongest combat strength in the last few battles as far as possible“

The two presidents thought a little and felt that it was fair to each other. Although neither of them disagreed with the other, they thought they would not lose to the other. However, the strength of the members of their guild can not really maintain a 50-50. If their points are at a disadvantage at that time, there is still a chance to turn over.

After seeing the chairman as like as two peas, there was no objection. Eero took out a identical scroll and handed the two rolls to two presidents. "After two minutes, the rolls will naturally open. After the battle between the two sides, it will show the points obtained by the winner and loser of the game on the spot. "

After that, arrow began to introduce the defense mode of the battle to both sides. At the moment when it comes to the curse, everyone\'s face is obviously a little scary. However, when ello called cocoa and asked her to perform the curse well, and let the holy cake show her defense magic, both sides were relieved.

However, arrow didn\'t say anything about gouging mice with a knife. After all, this operation is really too rough and technical.

After everything was introduced, arrow asked the members of the two guilds again if they had any questions. After answering some detailed questions, the two associations look at me and I look at you. It seems that there are no other questions.

Seeing this, ello clapped his hands: "in that case, we have decided so. If both sides have any questions, you can send someone to call me at any time. The mayor of round cheese will arrange several townspeople to be around you anytime and anywhere. You can order them if you need anything. "


Arrow smiled: "I hope we can hold a guild war that will convince everyone. I also wish the guilds of both sides can have a good time in this battle and decide the outcome! "


Whew - touch!

Fireworks lit up the night sky.

The huge sound and gorgeous colors illuminate the pelican Town, which should have just fallen into calm, like day!

The streets were covered with banners, and the streets were full of children running and passengers calling friends.

The happiest smile is on the faces of the town residents all the time, and everyone can experience the enthusiasm overflowing here.

It\'s winter. It\'s the holy night sacrifice that should fall into silence. Now, like those big cities, it has become so lively and colorful!

"Come on, come on!"

Coco took off the bloody robe and put on a new little skirt.

Her head of hair has grown a little longer in the past six months. She tied two double horsetails, just right.

The little girl is now standing excitedly at the gate of the guild and constantly greeting the people behind.

"If you don\'t hurry up, it will start!"

The back Buffy flipped her handbag while flying. Although her original petal clothes had rotted away in winter, arrow cut her a petal skirt by herself, which looked more elegant.

"Wait, don\'t worry, it\'s still early."

With her handbag in place, Buffy flew to cocoa and smiled at her.

Then, the flower goblin waved to the back, and the three male members are now ready to come out. Except that the holy bread needs to maintain the magic array and still wear the robe, everyone else has changed into new clothes, and everything seems to be thriving!

Cream smiled: "look, I\'m worried about you. The official competition starts at 8 o\'clock. It\'s just after 6 o\'clock. It\'s just a warm-up stage before the competition. And there are president and vice president at the scene. Everything is OK. "

Cocoa suddenly frowned: "although the president\'s brother can really handle everything alone, how can we be so relaxed? And don\'t forget, we go to work, but we don\'t really go to the game! Besides, you are willing to let the vice president do things with a cat. Are you standing and watching? "

Although the little girl said so, the excitement on her face was really stronger than anyone else.

In fact, all she needs is to cast a curse, not much magic. After that, she had nothing to do. Naturally, she could watch the game happily. In this case, the little girl is unhappy.

Brad laughed and walked to cocoa. Buffy also stopped on his shoulder. Take the lead in stepping out of the guild gate.

"Ah! I thought I\'d go out first! "

When Leng Buding heard cocoa shouting, Brad was embarrassed. He didn\'t know whether to step out of the guild or retract his foot first.

Seeing Brad so stunned, coco said "Hey!" He jumped out of the guild, turned his head and made a face at Brad, and then ran to the meeting happily.

The holy cake said happily, "the necromancer in our family is really enthusiastic. It\'s really rare to see such a vibrant necromancer. "

Brad smiled and said, "cocoa was not so cheerful at first. How to put it? Slowly, she became so noisy and so fond of jumping. "

Cream then walked out of the guild door: "this proves that our guild is really full of friendship, isn\'t it? Ha ha, I\'m the second one to come out! "

The holy bread quickly took a step: "Oh? Then I\'m the third? "

Cocoa in front turned around and shouted, "what are you doing?"? Come on! "

A group of people smiled, stepped out of the guild and walked in the happy street.