Gold coin is justice

Chapter 1354

Speaking of this, Ariel closed the documents in her hand, stood them up, patted them gently, and showed a very gentle smile on her face, saying: "we both control each other\'s economic lifeline. In this way, no one can directly cut off each other\'s trade route. So what else can you worry about? "

As a member of the blue bay imperial mission, although other officials have generally heard of Ariel\'s main plan of the mission, basically no one has paid attention to it.

After all, we are now facing the aggression of the enemy! When a country begins to invade you, you turn around and say, "let\'s do business with each other!" If he is not immediately beaten as a traitor, he may be said to be a capitulationist.

Everyone will only pay attention to the affairs of their own country, and no one will pay attention to the affairs of other countries. In particular, it is unimaginable to fully link each other to form an economic link that you have me, I have you, and absolutely cannot be separated from each other!

But this is Ariel\'s plan.

It is inherited from her teacher, Connor conservatism. It links all countries in the world through economic policies, so that all countries begin to feel that hurting each other is hurting themselves, and will deeply hurt themselves. In this way, we can achieve the dream of world peace, which sounds unreal and almost daydream.

Previously, Ariel used this method to bind herself to Pelican town.

Later, she bound herself to the marginal Province, bound Viscount Ritch Wald and Viscount Norris paxsas.

Later, she bound herself to flower goblins and blood families.

Even, she bound the magic association that was supposed to monitor herself with the Holy See of light.

Now, she also hopes to use this method to deeply bind hunter and blue bay. As long as it can be successfully bound, a certain degree of peace can be achieved

"Ladies and gentlemen, you must be very tired all the way?"

Seeing that everyone stopped talking, her majesty finally opened her mouth.

She also has a smile on her face, which looks amiable and full of the charm and composure of older women——

"It\'s late now. We might as well talk about it here. How about we continue to discuss the present matter tomorrow morning? "

Hearing this, Ariel\'s heart tightened. Looking at the empress and the savia who always kept smiling opposite, I don\'t know what they think.

However, since the queen said she was going to rest, their guests certainly could not continue.

As the "long Princess", dak also got up and saluted the queen, saying in a hoarse voice, "that\'s OK. Then please rest your majesty as soon as possible, and we won\'t disturb you. "

Well, although Ariel has always asked herself to get used to his voice, his voice doesn\'t match his current dress. It\'s really... Awkward.

So far, the tense negotiations have come to an end for the time being.

But when the people got up one after another, sevia over there suddenly said——

"Your Majesty, if you can, can I invite some women from the blue bay mission to enjoy morning and afternoon tea tomorrow?"

The queen thought and her eyes fell on sevia\'s face. After confirming sevia\'s idea, she naturally nodded and promised it.

So far, the negotiation has come to an end for the time being. Under the guidance of her entourage, Ariel and other members of the blue bay imperial mission returned to the banquet hall just now. After chatting with the nobles who didn\'t know about the negotiations and were only interested in drinking, chatting and entertainment, they slowly returned to the arranged rest place and had a rest when the banquet ended at midnight.

Just how could Ariel sleep in the middle of the night?

During the nominal break, she quickly convened the members of the diplomatic corps who had just participated in the discussion to meet overnight to discuss the next countermeasures. At the same time, further exchange of information to see if we can find a breakthrough in this negotiation

However, when she couldn\'t sleep, there were also a group of people who couldn\'t sleep tonight in the crystal crown castle.


"What do you think of the blue bay mission?"

At night, the queen put on a lighter dress, sat on the sofa in her bedroom and looked at the prime minister\'s wife in front of her.

Now sevia has also changed into a pajama. Compared with her previous clothes, this Pajama is a little more conservative.

The woman of the red fox family didn\'t have much smile on her face, just holding her chin and standing in place. After thinking for a moment, she nodded gently and said, "at least, the so-called \'long Princess\' should be a decoration, which is not wrong. The Viscount Ariel Garcia should be fully responsible for the whole negotiation of the blue bay mission. "

The queen breathed out slowly and said, "I\'ve always heard that LANWAN doesn\'t respect women. I didn\'t expect to send such a woman out this time... Where did they find this woman?"

Sevia smiled and said, "nominally, she is the current Prince of the blue bay Empire and the mistress of tide blue. Before that, she was the current Princess of tide blue, that is, Alice Kingo\'s maid. It can be said that it was a servant who climbed up step by step. "

When sevia said this, the queen was a little surprised and said, "a maid? Can you climb to this position If I hadn\'t seen her talk and behavior just now, I\'m afraid I\'d think she must have climbed to that position step by step by relying on her beauty and court tricks. "

In this regard, sevia sat down in the next seat, sighed slightly, and said: "I really hope she is just a woman who is good at court tricks and only thinks about the top all day... A woman who only cares about how to please the emperor and tries to exclude others, It\'s much easier to deal with than the Viscount Garcia who is full of all kinds of big strategies. "

The queen smiled and said, "really? I think so do you. Sevia, don\'t belittle yourself. Since I like you, I think you will never lose to her. "

They smiled at each other, and sevia\'s hesitation and frustration recovered a little after seeing the Queen\'s caring eyes.

"So... What do you think of Garcia\'s proposal? Our connection with blue bay? This may be the beginning of stopping fighting between us. "

Facing the Queen\'s inquiry, sevia raised her head again. After a little thinking, she said——

"Your Majesty, have you found that the problem we are discussing now has become an economic problem?"

The queen was a little stunned. After thinking about it, she immediately showed a suddenly enlightened expression on her face and said, "you mean... She\'s diverting her attention?"

Sevia smiled and said, "it\'s really a diversion. However, she should also consider that we will soon come back to God. Your majesty, with regard to the economic and trade link between us and blue bay, if we really want to implement such a national policy, several of them will have to conflict with our current laws and regulations. "

When sevia said this, the Queen\'s face began to hesitate. She got up from the sofa, walked slowly to the next cabinet, poured herself a glass of wine, took a sip, turned and sat on the edge of the bed and said while drinking——

"Do you mean... The series of laws and regulations issued by me at your suggestion since the beginning of last year?"

Sevia nodded and said, "yes, and have you noticed? During the negotiations just now, Garcia did mention those decrees, hoping that we can lift them. If we really want to implement links with each other, these laws will undoubtedly cause obstacles. "

Now, the expression on the Queen\'s face looked very hesitant. She closed her eyes, took another sip, reached out and gently rubbed her temples. After a moment of meditation, she said——

"Tell me again about the law we have implemented since the beginning of the year, and let me think about it."

Sevia came forward and helped the queen lie on the bed, leaning against the pillow. Then he took a chair and sat next to it and began to say——

"China, the hunter Empire, has implemented a series of laws and regulations for reform due to the economic development and the intensification of social contradictions in recent years. The following is the specific reform strategy. "

"First, the military merit system was implemented in the aristocratic system. All our citizens, whether nobles or slaves, men or women, who can kill the enemy on the battlefield, cut off the enemy\'s head, reward hardware, kill ten enemies, and grant the first-class title. "

"However, those who evade the war without reason, escape and do not obey orders on the battlefield, the nobility will reduce their first-class titles, the civilians will be fined, and the slaves will be punished by cutting off a finger."

"The purpose of the military merit system is to revitalize the fighting capacity of our people, so that all subjects have the heart to kill the enemy and will never be afraid to fight."

"Second, the equal field system. All Chinese citizens, whether nobles or slaves, men or women, should participate in farming and maintain farming time in non wartime. Take hard work as a reward, neglect and blasphemy as a punishment. Those who have land in their hands but do not cultivate it in person will be fined and confiscated and distributed to those who worked hard on the farmland in the previous quarter, so as to encourage the security of China\'s grain output. "

"Third, the bureaucratic system before the reform was changed from the previous hereditary Baron system to the promotion system. All outstanding talents can be introduced to our court regardless of their birth and social status. Once the recommended person is selected and employed, the recommended person can get rich rewards. "

"The above are the three most basic laws and regulations implemented in China since the beginning of last year. Some laws and regulations promulgated since then basically belong to the supplementary provisions and code of conduct of these three decrees. "

After listening to sevia\'s retelling, the queen nodded gently and said, "so, how are these decrees implemented now?"

Sevia smiled and said, "the effect is good. The military merit system of Article 1 directly led to the overwhelming momentum of our border troops against the upper blue bay empire. In addition, we have a feud with each other, which has led to the move of our border line by more than 100 kilometers. Had it not been for this decree, the blue bay Empire would not have sent someone to negotiate with us so soon. "

"The effect of the land equalization system is also obvious. Although the national drought last year caused many problems, those who are willing to farm can still cultivate a lot of food. Compared with the previous year, China\'s grain output has not decreased much. Compared with the blue bay, which suffered heavy losses after the drought and now has many rebel insurgents inside, our state can be said to be much better. "

"As for the final reform of officials and barons, the ability of our administrative officials has been greatly improved. Compared with the Procrastination of those nobles in the past, the documents submitted in the morning can be signed in the afternoon. At least three times faster than before. "

After listening to sevia\'s introduction, the Queen\'s sad face finally brought a little smile. But such a smile was only a flash in the pan. Soon, she opened her eyes and looked at sevia in front of her with a little sad eyes——

"But sevia, although it is said that such reform is very useful for the strength of our country, I have secretly heard a lot of bad news."

Sevia was stunned and said with a smile, "what news?"

When the empress saw that the prime minister\'s wife looked like nothing, she couldn\'t help worrying. She got up, gave the glass in her hand to sevia, put her hands on her shoulder and said slowly——

"Your three reforms seem to have improved China\'s national strength. But on the other hand, I heard that these three laws have weakened the power of my country? "

"As for the military merit system, I was told that those soldiers wanted to cut off people\'s heads all day, so they began to disobey orders and even compete with other armies for credit and disrupt the plan."

"The equal field system, some people say, not only does it not improve the output of food, but it makes farmers intrigue with each other and always want to destroy each other\'s production so that they can get more land!"

"The last reform of officials and barons is also. Many people have complained about the new civilian bureaucrats. They don\'t understand etiquette or even procedures. They always make a mess of all kinds of things!"

Hearing this, sevia\'s eyes glittered with a little thought, but she didn\'t speak.

After a pause, the queen looked at sevia with worry again and said slowly, "someone suggested to me that your reform policies are completely wishful thinking of your daughter\'s family and have no practical use at all. I hope I can immediately abolish these reform policies and return to the old system... Even, I have heard that some people want to be unfavorable to you because they really don\'t like you... No, it\'s not just heard. Some nobles exposed to me the other day that you are greedy (harmonious) and arrogant, even arrogant to civilians and indiscriminately kill people. "

Sevia put down her glass, took the Queen\'s hand in turn, and looked at each other sincerely.

Her eyes seemed to twinkle with stars. The queen looked at sevia\'s eyes. There was a touch of anxiety just now, but now it somehow dissipated

"Your Majesty, if they think I\'m not doing well, why are they eager to target me? If my reform plan is really so useless, why can we occupy more than 100 kilometers of blue bay for nothing? "

The empress silently stared at the female of the red fox family and didn\'t speak.

Sevia continued, "I\'ve done a lot. The more I do, the more voices against me. Your majesty, do you remember why you insisted on making me your adviser? "

The queen thought for a moment and said, "it\'s because there are problems in my country. It\'s because of those people... Those people now try their best to make my son ascend the throne and inherit the throne immediately, force me to abdicate and be a empress dowager in peace. "

Sevia smiled and nodded softly, "yes, they want the prince to ascend the throne as soon as possible. They can\'t even wait for our prince to grow up. If a child as young as seven or eight years old becomes the emperor of a country, what will the country look like? "

The queen nodded gently, and her eyes became sharp: "yes. My brothers and sisters fought to the death for such a throne. They even killed each other before their father died, making the crystal crown full of blood. At that time, I ascended the throne at the age of 17. At that time, those nobles refused to accept it. They have made difficulties for me over the years. "

Sevia looked sympathetically at his majesty, who was standing high, but his face showed some lonely color, nodded and said, "yes, they hope to restore the old system. Because the old system is the representative that they can act recklessly. As long as the emperor is your young prince, they can do many things they want to do but dare not do in the name of the hunter empire. "

"Therefore, when your majesty chooses me and adopts my reform policy, they will naturally feel trampled on their tails. For the crystal crown? For the hunter Empire? In the hearts of those people, I\'m afraid the strength of the hunter empire is far less than the richness of their family, which makes them more concerned. One by one, they are just vampires lying on the body of the hunter empire. Now they have a big appetite and want to get more. "