Gold coin is justice

Chapter 1310


The key spat fiercely. Unfortunately, this saliva was undoubtedly blocked by the bright and clean light barrier.

For such resistance, the high priest just glanced at him with disappointed and disgusted eyes, then stretched out his hand and grabbed the key in the light barrier

A pair of hands were stuck on the exposed back neck of the high priest at this time.

At the moment of feeling the touch on the back of his head, the high priest\'s gentle eyes suddenly turned into shock! However, those hands did not wait for him to return to his mind at all, just in that moment

"Electric hand!"

Thunderclap -!

A series of yellow lightning with severe paralyzing effect detonated quickly on his back neck! Although the scale is far less than the thunderstorm just now, in the face of this sudden attack, priestly high priest was completely unprepared and was electrocuted by surprise!

"Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa

After an electric shock, the high priest couldn\'t help falling forward. At the last moment, Rao clenched his teeth and stretched out a foot to support himself. Only then did he barely maintain his semi kneeling posture and didn\'t fall down completely.

As his consciousness gradually blurred, he raised his head, watched another masked teenager rush past, pulled out the key from the vaguely disappearing light barrier, and couldn\'t help gritting his teeth——

"You... And... Associates?! Also... Lightning... Affinity... So... I just... Didn\'t... Notice?! "

Gel was not in the mood to take care of the Templar. He took up the key in great fear, then turned his head and ran towards the wall that had been collapsed by the thunderstorm on the other side of the cemetery. With a few lightning sprints, he jumped out in the twinkling of an eye and disappeared into the middle of the slums.

"Shit... Shit! Damn... Damn!!! "

Seeing the results of his hand disappear again, the high priest\'s gentle face has immediately become ferocious! He began to spit and curse those magicians in the name of the God of light!

It was almost time for other people of the Holy See of light to come in and see that their high priest was frustrated. When he knelt here, he was still cursing and cursing, as if he wanted to classify all his resentment on the terrible magician, so as to make up for the frustration slightly.


The gel ran away with the key on its back. He did not dare to go to the roof, nor did he dare to go where there were many people. All the way, he could only drill where there were few people and where it looked remote and dark.

The key behind him obviously didn\'t expect that the "little brother" would rush out to save himself at this time. The child was kind-hearted, clenched his teeth and said, "didn\'t I... Let you... Run away?"

"Stop talking nonsense!"

The gel looked left and right, finally determined an alley, and immediately drilled into one of them——

"If you didn\'t want to protect sister Mashu and me, you must have escaped at your own speed? You want to protect me. How can my little brother not protect your big brother? "

The key\'s face, which had been pale because of fatigue, was now a little red. It seems that I am not convinced, but I feel relieved and happy.

After several turns, the gel finally got into a dead end alley. He looked into the dead end and confirmed that the blood girl was still lying there. After sleeping, he was a little relieved, walked over and put down the key on his back.

"Ouch! It hurts... "

The key covered his shoulder and kept shouting.

The gel didn\'t have a good face. After putting him down, he immediately came to the corner outside the dead end. After confirming that there were no pursuers outside, he slowly breathed a sigh of relief and turned back and said, "should we hide now? As long as we hide, that\'s all! How are you? "

The key breathed loudly, stretched out his hand to cover his shoulder, gritted his teeth and said, "what else... I feel like my whole body is falling apart... Alas, it\'s hard to use up all my magic... The old man is too difficult to deal with, I can only destroy all his magic protection with all my strength... But don\'t be happy too early, little brother! If I hadn\'t knocked out all his protection, you wouldn\'t have solved him so easily! "

Gel didn\'t have time to argue with him now. He just nodded and said, "OK, OK, I know you\'re good. You\'re all hurt. You\'d better have a rest and don\'t hurry to talk. "

Although the child still wanted to say more, the wound on his body really made him unable to talk freely. In desperation, he could only close his eyes and lean against the wall, panting and trying to recover himself.

A group of three people are dormant in this small dead end.

They dare not act or speak. They can only hide here for fear of being found.

Before long, gel seemed to be able to hear all kinds of search sounds from a distance, and gradually approached this side. He turned his head, stretched out his hand, took the cassava and the key, and the two men shrank into a shabby eaves under the dead end. He narrowly avoided the searchers who crossed the heads of the crowd, and it took a long time before the surrounding area became quiet again.

In this way, time passed little by little.

Before long, the afternoon sun finally slowly disappeared at the other end of the horizon. In this dark corner where there is no element lamp and no ignition, it is estimated that it will become dark in a short time, and then it will be very difficult for people to see their hands clearly

"Ah... Woo ~ ~!"

Also at this time, gel heard a soft sob behind her. He and the key turned around at the same time, and saw that the blood girl who had slept all day had woken up, got up, stretched and yawned.

"Wuwu... Um... Where is this?"

Mashu covered his mouth and yawned twice again. When she opened her eyes and saw the gel in front of her, she rubbed her shoulders again and got ready.

Seeing that Mashu finally woke up, the gel was very happy. The young man hurriedly came forward to hold Mashu\'s hand and said, "sister Mashu, you are awake! I\'ve been waiting for a long time... A long time! "

"Really? That\'s really hard for you... "

Mashu got up, moved his body a little, then seemed to notice something, put his hand over his face, felt it, and said——

"How can I feel some pain in my face? What\'s going on How can there be dust on my face? "

The gel was a little stunned and didn\'t know how to speak for a while.

Instead, the key next to him came up and said, "Hey, woman, don\'t think about the dust on your face. And I think you look good now! What about? Are you interested in being my woman? "

This is the first time Mashu DA has met someone talking to her like this since she was born. For a time, the blood girl had no way to understand what this meant, but was stunned. But then she pointed to the key and said to the gel, "who is this short white gourd?"

Gel smiled awkwardly, but before he could speak, the key held his meaningless dignity, covered his shoulder and said loudly, "what is short white gourd? I\'m taller than you... Although I\'m not as tall as you now, I\'ll be taller than you in a few years, okay! next year! Next year I will be taller than you! "

Gel quickly stood between them, comforted the key and said, "brother, calm down and stop talking. We\'d better tell sister Mashu the current situation first. Will you listen to me quietly first? "

After being saved by gel, the key seems to be obedient. He looked at the gel and nodded a moment later. He put his hands on his chest and wanted to pose handsome. Unfortunately, once this posture was put, all kinds of wounds on his body began to ache again, which made him bite his teeth.

Gel breathed out, turned to Mashu and said, "sister Mashu, the situation is more complicated now. But the first thing we want to do is to find Mr. Mayor\'s post house as soon as possible... We... We\'re lost. Sister Mashu, do you still know the way? "

Looking at the respectful appearance of the gel, Mashu seemed to enjoy the feeling of being called "sister", then nodded, a little serious expression appeared on his face, and said, "I don\'t know the way, but as long as I look around, I can certainly find the right way in the evening."

Hearing this, gel felt that she had finally recovered from her fears in the past two days. It\'s more like the rootless duckweed. Now it has finally found a way to rely on it. It feels completely relieved. He quickly smiled and said, "then sister Mashu, please hurry up! Lead the way! We\'re being chased now! If it\'s Mr. Mayor... Mr. Mayor will be able to save us! "

"You were chased?"

Mashu was stunned, and a little different color flickered in his scarlet eyes. She looked at the gel and the key with a suspicious expression and said, "what have you done? How did you get chased and killed suddenly Is that the same reason I was chased by those priests and paladins last night? "

Gel nodded, turned and glanced at the key next to him and said, "it\'s basically because of the child called the key... He\'s being chased now. Because I\'m also a lightning element affinity, those killers mistook me for him. So now, we hope to find the mayor as soon as possible... Let the mayor provide us with safety. "

Mashu also looked at the key carefully for a moment, and then suddenly came close to him and sniffed at him.

Suddenly, the girl approached and smelled the senses on his body, which made the key a little uncomfortable. The little boy blushed and quickly hid next to him, holding a breath: "you... What are you doing

With his hands on his back and a serious face, Mashu said, "you have a good smell."

The key was stunned: "ah? Is it? Ha ha, I knew I was a genius! "

The gel frowned and said with a bitter smile: "sister Mashu, I didn\'t tell him your identity... Also, please don\'t smell the child with the feeling that you\'re ready to taste snacks, okay? You will... You may scare him... "

Mashu looked at the gel seriously, looked at the key, then nodded and said, "I see. However, since I am the president\'s personal guard now, I want to ask you the details before taking you to the president. Who the hell are you? Why are you being chased? Who are they? You have to tell me all these things, and then I can judge whether I can take you to the president. "

The key raised his eyebrows: "why is it so troublesome? Little brother, this woman is so troublesome! Are women so troublesome? "

The gel raised his hand and pressed the little boy\'s head, saying, "please, people should be polite! You can\'t treat others casually with this attitude! "

The pressed key suddenly seemed angry and said, "I... I\'m your big brother! You can\'t do this to me! "

Maybe it\'s because the strength of the key is too much. Now the gel can easily press the little boy\'s head. This made him more confident. Instead, he smiled and said, "what about big brother? When you should have a good attitude, you should have a good attitude! If I teach you to read and write, I should also teach you manners! That\'s what my father taught me! "

"How annoying ~ ~ ~! Sobbing... You guy... Hum! "

At first, the key still struggled. But for this "suppression" of gel, gradually, he didn\'t seem to resist so strongly. The child raised his hands and covered his hair, but he didn\'t show a strong desire to break free.

Gel naturally felt the gradual softness of his actions. So far, he couldn\'t help but warm his heart, ha ha smiled and released his hand.

"Hum ~ ~!"

Hold your head with the key, don\'t turn your head, and show an "angry" look.

All this, the opposite Mashu seemed very boring. She silently stared at the two people in front of her. After they were so noisy, she opened her mouth and continued to ask for answers.

At this point, gel took a look at the key and saw that he had no resistance. Then he said all his things in detail.

After listening, Mashu thought and asked some detailed questions again. This time, the key answered it by himself.

After determining all the questions, Mashu nodded again and said, "I understand the situation roughly. If you are really hunted down, I can\'t just take you back to the post house. "

The gel was a little worried for a while and said, "sister Mashu! We are... We are being pursued now! If we can\'t go to the post house, what shall we do? "

Mashu shook his head again and said, "listen to me. You should be pursued by the people of the Holy See of light now? The paladins and priests of the holy see are my natural enemies, and I don\'t want to confront them even at night. What\'s more... "

The blood clan girl made a bow pulling gesture: "I don\'t know where my bow and arrow have gone. If we go together and encounter those paladins, even I can\'t protect you two."

The key patted his chest: "I don\'t need your protection! Man, I can protect myself! "

Mashu glanced at him, did not answer, but continued: "once close to the post house, there will be more soldiers there, and I can\'t take you back safely. So now there is only one way, that is, I go back to inform the president, and then let the president lead us all to find you. "

The expression of hesitation and fear appeared on the gel\'s face and said, "sister Mashu... Are you alone, no problem?"

After thinking about it, Mashu took out the guild nameplate of mermaid song from his neck, looked at his name on the nameplate and said, "it shouldn\'t be a problem. If I am alone, even if I am stopped, I can use my identity to get rid of the interception. But you two are different. I\'ll tell the president about him. I can\'t take him back until the president agrees. However, I\'m afraid I won\'t be clear. Gel, you can be regarded as our colleague. You can go back with me. After I\'ve arranged for you and said hello to the president, I\'ll come back to him. I\'ll bring fewer people and make it easier to move. "

Although she couldn\'t go back directly, gel couldn\'t think of any way to refute the blood girl. I have to say that even if this sister Ma Shu doesn\'t live in the human world for a long time, her consideration is much more specific than his half bucket of water

"Go, go! If you want to go, go! When I have a good rest, I don\'t need you to bring people to me. Then I will fight out of the city alone with my strength! Hum! "

However, the proud child behind her really worried the gel. He sighed helplessly, smiled and said, "sister Mashu, I\'d better stay... Take care of the child. His life experience is really bitter... More bitter than me. I really can\'t leave him alone... "

Hearing that the gel didn\'t go, the key that had seemed a little depressed immediately changed into a smiling face and became elated.

Seeing this, Mashu didn\'t say anything. She nodded gently, glanced at the key over there again and said, "then wait for me here and don\'t walk around. Well... If you walk around, there\'s no problem. I remember your smell. Just don\'t go where there are too many people. The smell will disperse, okay? "