Gold coin is justice

Chapter 1296

But think about it in another direction. If there are all kinds of problems within the elf family, it must mean that there must be all kinds of voices and opinions. The more voices and opinions are, the more complex they are, the more they can find the part willing to communicate with humans. Just like this Igor, he looks like an open school, not the elves who may be hostile to humans.

"By the way, you haven\'t said your elves... What\'s the situation now?"

Ariel turned the subject back carefully.

Igor on the roof paused for a moment again.

During this pause, gel looked at Ariel and dak next to him. After a while, she said softly, "Mr. Mayor... It seems that she is really persistent..."

Dak raised his finger and made a "Shh" in front of his lips.

At this time, the genie on the roof was no longer silent and said slowly——

"More than a thousand years ago, the elves sealed the demon king with all the races on the golden continent, such as Terrans, dwarves, giants, orcs, mermaids, Skywalker, blood families and so on. You humans should also know this?"

Ariel thought about it and said, "we human beings know that the demon king was sealed. So far, our chronology starts from the year when the demon king was sealed. Now it is 1304. But I don\'t know that there are so many races besides human beings. "

The voice on the roof paused again and said, "so... It has been more than 1300 years unknowingly? 13004... You humans really remember this year very clearly. Perhaps for a long-lived race like me, I often forget the years. "

Ariel did not speak to prevent herself from interrupting the ELF\'s thought.

After a while, the Spirit said again: "in that war, many races fought with the demon king. Finally, although they successfully sealed the demon king, it is a pity that other races in the golden continent have also been hit hard."

"Just when everyone thought that the decisive battle with the devil king had won and relaxed their vigilance, they didn\'t expect that the war to destroy the devil would be much longer than they thought."

Igor\'s voice gradually became a little heavy, while Ariel leaned back in her chair and listened with bated breath.

"After the demon king was sealed, the demons that were originally controlled by the demon king suddenly lost control. Although they no longer have a uniform battle, they become uncontrolled and more crazy. Even when he is injured, he will not retreat in order to preserve his strength. He will just keep fighting and fighting until he completely falls. "

"As I said just now, after the demon king was sealed, other races relaxed their vigilance? That\'s when the rest of the demon clan began to fight back frantically. Taking advantage of the gap where a large number of troops of these races were used to concentrate on the demon king and didn\'t have time to withdraw, they began to kill the whole world on a large scale. "

"At the beginning, such a disaster still didn\'t attract the attention of these races. They all felt that after losing the control of the demon king, these demons were just the end of a powerful crossbow and could be easily solved. Therefore, after the first wave of attacks, all races did not regroup and deal with it as a major event, but decided to return to their respective territories and solve their own problems. "

"In my opinion, this is foolish enough. Under such foolish behavior, countless races were attacked and destroyed by the gathered demons. There are even many races that have become extinct, or have been completely destroyed, and their original habitats have not recovered yet. "

"Unfortunately... Our elves are one of these completely defeated races."

Such a history is indeed beyond everyone\'s expectation. Now it sounds like a joke.

The first person who raised her objection to this was Mashu. The little girl of blood clan shook her head and said, "is what you said true? I don\'t believe it. "

The gentle voice came from the roof again: "ha ha, it seems that our little vampire doesn\'t believe it."

Mashu said seriously, "please don\'t call us vampires. We are not ghosts. "

"Well, well, dear miss night family. Do you have any questions? "

After hearing the honorific title, Mashu\'s face softened a little and said, "it\'s understandable if other races were careless and suffered losses at the beginning, but after clearly seeing some races being exterminated and defeated, they haven\'t united to destroy those demons together? You know, before that, all the races in the golden continent sealed the demon king together. "

There was a sound of piano strings on the roof again, followed by Igor\'s voice: "this problem... To be honest, I can\'t think about it. But history is like this. It\'s like a joke. Everyone seems to have lost their wisdom... If you don\'t believe it, I understand. If you think this is me, a bard, really preaching a story I made up and sang myself... I have nothing to say. "

Mashu nodded seriously. But just as the little girl was about to feel her "victory" and shake her head, a voice suddenly came from one side——

"Indeed, it is because of loss of wisdom. In other words, it\'s because our races are naturally short-sighted and stupid, so it\'s not surprising that this result occurs? "

They turned their heads and saw Ariel over there holding her chin. She seemed to be thinking about it very seriously.

The cream in front slightly stepped on the pedal and said, "how do you understand this?"

Ariel continued to hold her chin, thought for a moment and said, "before the war against the demon king, it was probably because there was only one place where the demon king was located. There is only one place to seal the demon king, so the problem will be very simple. "

"However, in the war against demons after sealing the demon king, those demons will not focus on attacking the territory of a country or a race as commanded by the demon king. It must attack everywhere, no matter how. "

"Since these demons are blooming all over the golden continent, in this case, if a race asks for help from another race and a country asks for help from another country, it will involuntarily produce suspicion."

"The race or country asking for help will think, I call others to their own territory. What if they refuse to go after solving those demons? Or what if they have gone, but they have carefully investigated the population, terrain, material storage and other information on my territory? Don\'t let the front foot drive away the demons, and the back foot ushers in the invasion of other countries or races! "

"In addition, this time is just after the seal of the demon king. It can be imagined that the combat heroes and elites of all races and countries must have suffered great losses and casualties, and they have not been able to recover in their own territory. If other races or countries know their weakness at this time, who can guarantee that others will not be weak because of their weakness, Swallow yourself in one gulp to give them their own blood? "

"The Warcraft who attack everywhere has led to the rampage of Warcraft in almost all countries. Such rampant Warcraft has led every country to worry that other countries will be bad for themselves, so they insist on sweeping the snow in front of their own door. Perhaps when some weak races and countries realize that this will not work, the situation will be irreparable. "

As Ariel finished these words, there was a sudden sound of slapping on the roof——

"I see?! What?! Yeah... Yeah! My clan must be like this, so they will be scattered, so the gathering place of the Elves will be swept up by Warcraft! Alas... Why... Why can\'t all races and countries on this continent unite with each other to solve all the problems that arise? "

Ariel smiled, spread her hand and said a helpless move: "I guess so. It\'s not necessarily accurate. In addition... Do you want all intelligent races in the world to unite and solve all problems together? This may be the real dream. "

Igor\'s voice came again: "dream? Didn\'t we work together when we worked together against the demon king? "

Ariel: "in my opinion, after sealing the demon king, I think all problems are solved. This way of solving problems that only cares about one point is not a concerted method in itself. The problems in this world are always full of complexity. The idea that solving one point can solve all other problems is problematic. Many problems will certainly have a complex solution mechanism, which needs to be solved step by step, slowly and step by step. "

In this regard, the spirit on the roof sighed again and said: "maybe this is the reason why Warcraft has been rampant for almost 200 years after the warlord was sealed... More than 70% of the creatures in the whole golden continent died and injured. After surviving for thousands of years, they slowly returned to this level."

The demon war is too far from the current history.

The legend of more than 1300 years is as far away as ancient times for ordinary people. Even the oldest kinship Mashu here is now just a young girl in her early twenties. Naturally, she can\'t feel the heaviness of history.

Perhaps it is because of this that when Igor on the roof makes that sigh now, almost everyone in the carriage has no common feelings. At most, just like Ariel, there is no way to make more gestures by stitching a few words.

After sighing, the elf on the roof seemed to have begun to fall into his silence and memory. Ariel, seeing that this was no good, broke the silence and said——

"Well, Mr. Igor, since you are so clear... Have you ever experienced that war? "Demon war?"

When she asked this question, Ariel was a little cautious. At the same time, she swallowed a mouthful of water. She was very worried that her desire for history and knowledge had once again become a kind of fantasy.


"The war? Well... I was there. It was really a terrible war... "

Hearing this answer, Ariel almost resisted the excitement in her heart without shouting! She covered her mouth and stamped her feet excitedly! The other members next to her looked at her with strange eyes.

After a while, Ariel loosened her hand over her mouth, calmed herself and asked——

"Well... Excuse me... You must know what the war was all about? Since you are the witness of the war... Then... Then! You... You must have fought bravely! "

The sound of lute came from the roof, followed by Igor\'s slightly self mocking laughter: "it\'s not so brave. There were countless people braver than me in that war. Those heroes who died in the war, those great soldiers who knew it was impossible and rushed forward... Compared with them, I am simply insignificant. "

After a moment of silence, Igor said again——

"Maybe it was because the war had a great impact on me that I put down my sword, picked up the lute and began to travel around the whole golden continent as a bard."

At this time, the cassava next to him finally couldn\'t help but ask, "are you fighting badly?"

Igor smiled, raised his head and looked at the sunlight that had completely fallen into the horizon, accompanied by the stars dotted in the sky. After thinking about it, he said, "maybe it\'s very powerful. But I\'m not sure, because I haven\'t done it for more than a thousand years... The longer the time, the more I dare not do it with people. Now I almost forget how to do it... "

Dak thought for a moment and said, "it\'s understandable in this respect. If you don\'t train for a long time, you will be unfamiliar with weapons and combat. It takes practice and diligence. However, I\'m still very interested. I haven\'t competed with the veterans who have experienced the demon war. It could be a completely different experience. "

Seeing that the light on the road was getting darker and darker, cream stopped the car slowly, replaced Mashu and continued driving in front. Back in the carriage, the cream took out a piece of dry food and asked, "are you elves really destroyed by those Warcraft?"? I can\'t believe it... "

Turning to this point, Igor on the roof sighed again and said slowly: "in fact... It can\'t be said to be annihilation. I don\'t want my people to be destroyed. In other words... They were broken up, which may be more accurate. "

Cream tilted his head: "break up? So easy to break up? "

"I know. Do you want to know the history of our elves? Don\'t worry. Let me think about it. I\'ll answer you. Well... Let me think about it... What did I say before? By the way, let\'s start with those Warcraft attacking the territory of the elves. "

"Although the power of our elves is much stronger than that of your humans or blood families. But on the whole, we elves are a race that doesn\'t like moving very much. "

"For thousands of years, we all like to settle in one place, do not expand outward, and do not like to contact other races. We just like to delimit our own area, as if isolated from the world, and do not have any contact with any other civilization. "

"Then, those Warcraft attacked us when our elves had just experienced the Warcraft war. During that time, I, as well as other elf soldiers, had not come back in time. When we got the news and rushed back to our settlement, we found that our settlement had been destroyed by Warcraft and even burned by a Hellfire Warcraft. "

"I remember at that time, we tried our best to kill the Hellfire monster, but our people had scattered and fled. Our home has become a sea of fire, and other Warcraft will come to attack our territory, so we can\'t stay and rebuild our home. As a last resort, those of us who came back to rescue had to leave and embark on the journey of finding other compatriots. "

"Then, it\'s the 200 year long journey to eliminate Warcraft I just said."

"It\'s been a hard time... There are Warcraft everywhere, and uncontrolled Warcraft attack anyone. Our Elves were also gradually dispersed in such attacks one after another. Finally, we watched our compatriots disappear one by one, and finally they all disappeared. "

"Sometimes we even often wonder if our act of sealing the demon king is essentially wrong? If we did not seal the demon king, but let the demon king lead his demon family to live quietly on their own territory, would the whole world not suffer such a devastating blow? "

"Alas... In a word, our team scattered. I don\'t know whether I was separated at the beginning or slowly separated from my compatriots in the later stage. In a word, when I returned to God, I was walking alone on this beautiful and dangerous golden continent. "

Igor\'s voice was a little sad. With the slow playing of Lute in his hand, the music was a little nostalgic and confused.

In this gentle and sad music, gel swallowed a mouthful of saliva and said softly, "so... Do you want to find your compatriots? For thousands of years... Haven\'t you found anything? "