Gold coin is justice

Chapter 1294

"But, although not at present, because you have given us some benefits, we will have something to repay you in the near future! In order to ensure that our return can be directly in your hands, not in the hands of others, you hope that our village can sign such a contract with you that will not be violated! "

"If you think so, our village itself should have nothing to give you. What can we give you in a dilapidated village with more than 30 people and many young people running away? However, if you intend to invest in our village and let our village develop, the logic will be smooth! "

"So I dare to guess that President Ariel... No, Baron Ariel Garcia! Mr. Pelican city mayor! When you come to our magic mine village this time, you don\'t want to get lost or visit old friends, but want to invest in our village, right?! When others failed to invest in our magic mine village and let those magic crystals be transported out, you intend to inject vitality into our village in person, right?! "

It can\'t be said that * * is inseparable from ten. It can only be said that this dog st, the former president of the war song guild, really has a lively brain.

In fact, it\'s not surprising to think about it carefully. How can a man who can set up a war song guild in such a remote village and lead the guild to the top eight in the guild championship, and then become the president of the guild at such a young age be a guy without any brains?

Now that everything had been said, Ariel stopped pretending. She nodded gently and said with a smile——

"Village head Goust, since you can see it, let\'s talk about some business now. I am not talking to you as the president of mermaid song guild, but as the mayor of Pelican City, I am talking to the village head of Goust in magic mine village. Is that all right? "

Dog\'s eyes immediately showed a large brilliance, nodded repeatedly and said, "nature, nature! Mr. Mayor Garcia, please speak! I absolutely know everything and say everything! What do you want to know? What do you want to invest in us? "

Ariel breathed out and drank the water in her hand. Well, the mountain spring water is still very sweet.

She said slowly as the others began to eat——

"The village head of Goust, in the name of his majesty, blue XIII, of today\'s Blue Bay Empire, ordered that Pelican city now belongs to a pilot area in China."

"In fact, not only the pelican City, but also the entire marginal province belongs to a pilot area. In this experimental area, your majesty today allows us to use the element machine, a new source of power. For the existence of the element machine, he does not need the operation of a magician, nor does he need to undergo hard training. He only needs to master some very simple operation steps, and he can give play to things that far exceed the power of ordinary people by ten times, a hundred times and a thousand times. "

"However, the operation of the element machine needs magic crystals. I\'ll just say it directly. It\'s too wasteful to directly purchase those magic crystals of one gram and one gold coin. So I want to get my own magic crystal mine. Therefore, I thought of you and hope that in the next few years, we can reach a strategic partnership. "

"To put it simply, Pelican City pays money to help your magic mine village develop roads, so that your village can have a road directly to the pipeline, inject capital into your village, and make your village prosperous and strong. On the contrary, I also hope that after the construction of roads and mining facilities, our Pelican city has the first purchasing right of magic crystals, and you can buy these magic crystals at a very low price. "

"These are my thoughts. Don\'t you know what the village head of Goust has questions?"

The war song guild returned to the village shortly after losing the top eight battle that day. It\'s not because they don\'t want to spend the holy night sacrifice in Hanhai city. In fact, the price of the capital is really high, and they have been eliminated. Naturally, they have no reason to spend the money the villagers have worked hard to save just for the festival. It is precisely because they were not able to have fun and play, so they were completely unclear about the element car incident after the holy night sacrifice, which also made dogster a little confused when listening to these topics.

However, Ariel\'s words of "injecting capital into your village" immediately swept away all that she didn\'t understand just now, so that dogster understood it immediately!

At that moment, he stood up excitedly, his lips trembled and said nervously, "Mayor Garcia... Mayor Garcia! No problem... No problem! You are willing to... You are willing to help us build the magic mine village! Build our hometown! In this way... Everyone who goes out to work can come back! As long as you are willing to invest... I can promise anything! I am willing to accept any conditions! "

The man\'s expression is sincere.

I believe his heart must be as sincere as his expression now.

Ariel had no doubt about it.

After all, if anyone is willing to give himself a timely aid when he is in a desperate situation, then I believe he must be willing to give everything for each other.

Therefore, Ariel is quite sure that dog\'s current commitment is true, sincere and without any conditions.

Of course... It\'s just now.

Sometimes, even Ariel herself feels very tired. Why is human a creature so easy to repeat? Even if you really wanted to give everything for someone, with the passage of time, with the change of the situation and the growth of greed in the people\'s heart... Your sincerity will gradually become the last layer of moral window paper and the last layer of simple gap waiting for people to cross.

Ariel is certainly willing to believe that the village head is now pleading and loyal to herself, but similarly, as a businessman, President and mayor, she will not invest all her money in the village just because of one\'s sincerity at this moment.

At that moment, Ariel took a sip of water, ate two mouthfuls of breakfast, got up, smiled and said, "now that you know what I think and I am willing to invest, village head Goust, can you take me around first? I want to know what the situation is like in your village. "

Hearing Ariel\'s words, dogster didn\'t seem to realize the vigilance in the mayor\'s heart. He also ate breakfast in twos and threes, got up and said, "of course, of course! I\'ll introduce you right away! Introduce it right away! "

With the end of breakfast time, dogster immediately led the way in front, and the people leading the mermaid song began to turn around the magic mine village.

On the whole, the magic mine village is not big. There are only a few than 20 houses scattered. On the hillside there, you can barely cultivate a thin field, so that the villagers here can barely survive starvation.

The overall facilities of the village are very dilapidated. Even the fence is covered with black spots of moths. It seems that it has not been replaced and repaired for a long time.

There is a mountain spring well in the village, but it is only used as a supplement. The villagers mainly use a small mountain spring waterfall on the back mountain. According to dogster, the well was only available when the spring froze in winter.

After a turn, finally, dog st led Ariel and others to the real center of the magic mine village, which is also the biggest goal of Ariel this time - the magic crystal mine.

The mine is not far from the magic mine village, but it may look hidden. If it weren\'t for the villagers here, even if you walked around the whole village for a few times, you might not be able to find the entrance to the mine.

After walking back and forth along a path in the mountain road for almost ten minutes, a canyon with knife cut cliffs on both sides appeared in front of Ariel. At the end of this canyon is a shallow cave.

But on the rock wall of the cave, there are all kinds of magic crystal ores everywhere. It seems that as long as you casually break a small stone from here, it may be elemental crystallization.

Ariel stood in front of the cave and looked inside with her head out.

The cave is not deep, but in the past, it lasted about two or three meters. It\'s not so much a cave as a concave cave.

Looking down, the ground is full of all kinds of elemental crystalline stones. These crystal stones, which are very expensive in the outside world, are placed at will like ordinary stones here, and no one is willing to pick them up and use them.

Ariel lowered her head. After searching for a moment, she picked up an element crystal that seemed to twinkle with yellowish brown lightning from the ground and weighed it in her palm. Then she turned around and gave the magic crystal to the gel that followed.

"Mr. Mayor...?"

Facing the surprise and fear of the gel, Ariel just smiled and said, "feel it and see what you can feel?"

Looking at Ariel\'s smiling face, gel trembled all over, then nodded hard, covered the magic crystal with both hands and closed her eyes.

Perhaps it was because of the affinity and proximity of the elements. Soon, his hands slowly opened, and countless lightning shuttled back and forth between his palms, forming a terrible lightning storm in those square meat palms! In the center of the lightning storm, the lightning magic crystal stone is suspended there.

With the louder and louder crackling sound coming from the palm of the gel, the magic crystal began to shake constantly, as if it was under some terrible pull.

With a happy smile on gel\'s face, she looked up and looked at Ariel when she was going to accept the mayor\'s praise, suddenly! The lightning magic crystal in the center of the thunder storm suddenly broke into gray stones and dust. At the same time, the thunder storm also disappeared and slowly returned to tranquility.

"Mayor... I... this... I..."

Gel frowned, looked regretfully at his hands that were no longer so powerful lightning elements, and said apologetically——

"I\'m sorry... I... I screwed up... But I\'ll never screw up next time! Next time... Never next time! "

"Well, don\'t worry, the president didn\'t blame you."

When the gel was excited, dak in the back put his hand on his shoulder and said with a smile——

"The president originally wanted to test the quality of element crystallization here. Normal element crystallization cannot be exhausted just because of a magician\'s extraction of energy, so it can also prove that the quality of element crystallization here is really not good. "

Perhaps, dak\'s words were just comforting gel, but his words undoubtedly fell into the ears of the nearby dog ste.

The mayor wanted to cover up and said, "this is just the beginning! President Ariel, who knows if we will find any excellent element crystals in this mine if we continue to cultivate? You\'ll be rich then! "

Ariel didn\'t reply immediately. She just looked up and down at the mine, went in, reached out and touched these colorful rock walls, and watched many elements crystallize in so many stones, jumping and flashing back and forth. Such a scene is really full of "magic". If this place does not appear in such deep mountains and forests, it is also a good place for Ariel to protect it and make it a tourist attraction.

After reading the specific conditions of the magic crystal pit, they began to turn back.

Along the way, Ariel always thought carefully with her chin clenched. Such silence made the dog next to him seem a little nervous. For a time, she didn\'t know whether she had said something wrong or done something wrong. For a time, she began to worry about whether the mayor disliked the minerals in her village. Now she began to repent and refused to give money?

Back in the middle of the village, some villagers had prepared lunch - some roasted sweet potatoes.

Ariel just wanted to reach out for a sweet potato, but the dog over there immediately stood in front of Ariel, showing an embarrassing smile. Then he reached out to pick up the largest sweet potato from the table, blew a breath, tore open the skin, revealed the melon meat roasted like yellow gold, and handed it to Ariel.

Ariel glanced at him, bypassed him directly, picked up another baked sweet potato from the table, peeled it and said, "I\'ve basically seen everything. Now let\'s have lunch."

Later, other guild members also came forward, took a sweet potato and began to eat, even the elf Igo, who had been wandering around with the mermaid song all morning. Now he was happily holding a sweet potato, leaving dogster alone in the wind, confused and at a loss.

"Village head Goust, to tell you the truth, although the mines in your village may be rich in minerals in terms of quantity, they may not be very suitable to be used as magic materials for magicians in terms of quality."

Before bargaining, she deliberately belittles the other party\'s products. Although this routine is old-fashioned, Ariel still feels that it has been tried repeatedly.

Dogster hurried back to his seat and sat down. He said nervously, "Mayor Garcia! The situation of our village... You knew it early in the morning! "

Ariel nodded, took a bite of sweet potato and continued, "I do know, so I\'m thinking about it. The quality of your mine is not good, but it is better than nothing. Well, let me tell you what I think first. "

After a short pause, Ariel held out her hand, gestured three points and said——

"Your magic mine village needs to meet at least three points to achieve the job I want. That is, population, transportation and reclamation. "

"At present, there is no construction of these three points in your village. The most important thing is that the population of your village is gradually shrinking, and there is no traffic that can greatly reduce the transportation cost. Your village also has no road that can be directly connected to the official road. Even if there is, it is not open enough to meet my needs. "

"Therefore, before I recover my investment, I need to invest in you to open up a road, and then let the population of your village return. In this way, I need to do more than just give you money. "

At that moment, dog st patted himself on the chest and said loudly, "you can trust me completely! You don\'t need to think about how to find people and open up roads. As long as you are willing to invest, I will help you solve these things! "

It\'s really heroic words ~ ~ ~!

However, Ariel has seen that some people go out to spend their time immediately after they get their investment, and then wait until investors come and want an answer. Those people run away directly and secretly.

At that moment, Ariel waved her hand and said with a smile, "I can give you the solution and give you the money, but my money will not be invested in you all at once, but in stages. And during this time, I will send someone to supervise you. "

Gusteau: "that\'s no problem at all! Mayor Garcia, you can send anyone to supervise! If I dare to do anything harmful to the village bit by bit, you can cut me down directly! "

Still, Ariel didn\'t believe in this kind of promise made at once.

At present, she continued: "in fact, in addition to my investment in you for mining, I have another request. I hope you can agree."

Dogster was a little nervous for a moment and asked, "what\'s the matter?"