Gold coin is justice

Chapter 1288

"Ha... Ha... Ha... Ha..."

The gel kept gasping and looked tired. Bean sized beads of sweat rolled down from his forehead, making him look like he had just fished out of the water.

As for the fire

Ariel stepped forward to see that the firewood looked the same as before, except that a little lightning still swam on the firewood and finally disappeared. Don\'t say it\'s lit, not even a little spark.

"I... i... this... That..."

After tossing for a long time, the fire was still not lit, and the gel was obviously flustered. He rubbed his trembling hands nervously, and when he turned to look at Ariel, it was like seeing the most terrible witch in the legend!

Ariel could not bear to scold him again because of such an obviously frightened appearance. Even the cream nearby exhaled slightly and handed the pocket fire in his hand and the kindling that had been prepared but had not been handed out just now to the gel.

"I... that... I..."

"Come on, you use this. Press this button, then light the fire first, and then light the woodpile. "

The gel took the pocket fire tremblingly and pressed the button. Look at the easily lit flame, ignite the fire in your hand and put it under the pile of firewood. After a while, the fire finally rose.

Seeing the wood pile he tossed for a long time, he didn\'t respond at all, but the fire that can be easily lit with pocket fire and fire, the whole person of gel showed a feeling of collapse.

He opened his mouth and looked at the fire with dull eyes, which completely gave people a sense of ashes that had no idea, even if he died the next second.

The atmosphere now... Seems a little awkward.

If everyone doesn\'t speak, it seems that this solidified atmosphere is brought by the boy gel alone, right?

If this continues, I really can\'t imagine whether he can get a good sleep tonight.

Ariel tilted her mouth and looked helpless. After all, she didn\'t go out this time to comfort a little brother who couldn\'t do anything well because she did something wrong.

But she could not continue to stand still in such a mood. She could only breathe out, turn her head and glanced at dak next to her.

Dak pointed to the bridge of his nose and said, "Why me?" Your expression.

Ariel glared at him fiercely, and then coughed gently again.

Dak had no choice but to lighten his voice a little, came to the side of gel and sat down.

"... it\'s okay. We all know you\'re really good."

After holding it for a long time, dak said such a sentence without pain or itch.

Obviously, he can chat normally in an ordinary environment, but under this embarrassing mood, the crazy soldier is as shy as before, and some don\'t know what to say.

There was no way, but cream sat down opposite the two people, put the pot containing food on the campfire, and pretended to say inadvertently: "Hey, dak, our safety depends on you this time. You are the main combat force of our team this time. You must have enough to eat and drink!"

Dak nodded and looked at the gel next to him again. The little boy still looked self closed, smiled a little embarrassed and said, "OK. I\'ll try, I\'ll try... "

At this time, Ariel also sat down beside her. Cream glanced at the president and continued to say, "Hey, dak, how much do you know about these people?"

Dak was stunned. He didn\'t seem to understand what cream meant. He opened his mouth and said, "ah?" A cry.

Cream put on an expression of "don\'t be kidding", smiled and said, "don\'t \'ah\' with me again." Yes. You used to be the president of the hand of heaven guild! And you rely on the light of heaven, the grand guild, and you should be more informed about them than I am? "

After a while, dak finally realized that the cream was heating up the atmosphere with himself and nodded quickly. But obviously, he didn\'t have much psychological preparation for these things, so he couldn\'t say a word for a long time. He just nodded and said, "I... I think... I should know them. Well, you should know... "

At this point, Ariel is looking at the gel.

Obviously, although the boy was very dull because of his bad performance just now, when he heard that cream and dak told him what he didn\'t know at all, the boy still looked at them with a pair of confused eyes, as if he wanted to know what they were talking about.


Just when Ariel hoped that the boy could speak as soon as possible and break the current rigid atmosphere, the boy opened his mouth slightly and showed some expression of wanting to speak. But then he shut up again and stopped talking.

Such cowardice almost made Ariel have the idea of kicking him directly.

The cream over there also frowned and looked helpless.

However, the assassin deserves to be an active group in the guild. As soon as he turned his eyes, he immediately said with a smile, "I mean! And we have helped them so much, they must be willing to help us! Dak, what do you say? "

When dak was still a little confused, cream quickly followed up——

"Don\'t tell me you\'re still stubborn about your previous ideas and think they can\'t help me! You\'re still stubborn, aren\'t you? Ha! I knew it! "

The play was all performed by cream alone.

Dak is also confused now, and it seems that he doesn\'t know much more than the gel next to him.

Seeing this state, the cream quickly turned his head and said to the gel next to him, "Hey, little brother, what do you think? You think they\'ll work with us? Or won\'t you cooperate with us? What do you think is the reason for cooperation? What are the reasons for not cooperating? "

The gel has been obedient since just now. I\'m afraid he never dreamed that this topic would involve himself all at once!

If dak\'s face was confused, he would have a look that he didn\'t understand anything and didn\'t understand anything.

Unfortunately, the cream in front of him didn\'t mean to make him perfunctory. He always stared at his face and smiled. It seemed that he was looking forward to an answer.

Being pressed all the time, the gel finally couldn\'t hold back. He can\'t agree or disagree. After hesitating for a long time, he finally lowered his head, opened his mouth, looked apologetic and said——

"Well... Sorry... I... don\'t know... What are you talking about..."

"Ah? hear nothing of? Don\'t you know what we\'re talking about? Haven\'t we talked about this topic with you all the way? "

Cream took advantage of the situation and said in a slightly exaggerated language.

In the face of cream almost sticking to his face, the gel\'s head is lower. He shrunk his shoulders, after a moment of silence, finally nodded and said in a more and more slight voice: "I... I don\'t know... I\'ve never heard... What are you... Talking about..."

At this time, cream patted his hand, showed an expression of enlightenment, nodded, sat back in his seat and said, "Oh, so we never told you? Yeah, yeah, I don\'t blame you. So, gel, do you know who we\'re talking about? Who are we looking for this time? "

The question was finally simple. Gel didn\'t hesitate, but directly shook his head.

Seeing his reaction, cream smiled, took out a firewood, stirred the campfire, and said with a smile——

"This matter, in fact, has to start from last year. Hey, the boy named gel, do you know how powerful our mermaid song is? "

Gel thought and turned to look at dak next to him. Seeing that the crazy soldier was only smiling at him now, the boy turned his head again and looked at the president of the mermaid song on the campfire without saying a word.

Looking at the beauty, her face looked red in the light of the fire. Even if he can only see her side face now, the boy can\'t help feeling an instinctive emotion of adolescence. For a moment, he blushed and said, "I... of course I know! Mermaid song... Mermaid song is... Last year\'s Guild championship... Champion! "

Ariel puffed a smile, did not speak, and continued to maintain such a cold and noble attitude.

But when gel saw the president smile, she quickly shrunk her neck for fear that she might have done something wrong again.

Cream continued, "yes, we are champions! Hee hee, it\'s not easy for us to win the championship. You know what? In fact, our opponent in last year\'s championship final was dak guangzhongguang next to you. "

Hearing this, gel was shocked! He quickly turned his head and looked at dak nearby in surprise.

Dak smiled and said, "that\'s right. It was a hard battle. "

Seeing that the melancholy and self reproach that the little boy had just hung on his face had weakened a little, cream silently agreed that the method of changing the topic and making a hot atmosphere was effective, and then continued——

"Of course, this is just a digression. In fact, we met another group of people in the guild championship. It\'s an adventurer guild that calls itself the war song guild. And that guild is what we are looking for on this journey. "

As soon as he heard the name "war song guild", dak immediately reacted. He nodded and said, "yes, I remember. We\'re going to find them this time. Uh huh, that\'s why we rush here day and night with plenty of time and element opportunities. Because we need to find this war song guild on the way to the capital. "

At this point, cream and dak both stopped and waited for an "opportunity".

Soon, the boy gel was obviously seduced by this topic and presented this "opportunity"——

"War song... Guild? We... What are you doing with this guild? Are they good? "

Cream smiled and then said, "war song guild... They got the qualification of the top eight in the guild Championship last year. Then defeated by our mermaid song. "

"However, they lost very effectively. In the game against us, they summoned the five elements of earth, water, wind, lightning and ice to fight together. It\'s really a hard fight ~ ~ ~ if they didn\'t lose the game because of the rules, I don\'t think the final outcome has been divided yet. "

Dak smiled and said, "since they have set the rules, they lose in violation of the rules, so they lose. If the rules can be violated casually, the game will be meaningless. Anything such as poisoning, assassination, deception and abduction will appear, and the game will be no viewing. Therefore, you don\'t need to be so modest to win the mermaid song. "

Cream put his arms around Ariel, smiled and said, "president, our crazy soldiers are still facing our guild ~ ~ ~"

Ariel also hit the cream with her shoulder and whispered, "continue."

Cream nodded and continued to say to the gel: "in that battle, the other party\'s Guild president dog st and our president became friends. Our president promised to use the game to help them publicize their hometown. That\'s where we\'re going now. "

Dak pinched his chin and said, "if I remember correctly, the war song guild said that their hometown is rich in a lot of elemental crystals. However, this element crystal is generally of poor quality, and most of them can not be used as magician\'s equipment and props. Because of this, there is not much need to reclaim the element crystallization mine on their side. After all, the energy and money needed to refine those inferior element crystals can already buy a piece of high-quality element crystals. "

Cream snapped his fingers and said, "there\'s nothing wrong. Therefore, they hope to publicize their village through that battle, and hope that someone can help develop the magic crystal mine in their village. However, this is a digression, gel. Now you know what we\'re doing here? "

At this moment, gel has completely forgotten the embarrassment and embarrassment just now. Staring at the cream and thinking, he said, "can we collect a lot of magic crystals for Miss coco... And miss Margo?"

Cream immediately put out his hand and pressed the boy\'s head, rubbed it hard, rubbed all his hair into a mess, and said with a smile: "I told you that those magic crystals are not suitable for magicians. How can they be used back? Your magic affinity is not lost to both of them. Can you use it? "

Gel continued to hold his head and looked puzzled.

Cream walked back and forth beside the campfire with his hands on his back, smiled and said, "anyway, Pelican city is a city with a large number of magic crystals. Therefore, we must consider to determine the source of a magic crystal as soon as possible. Even if we need magic elements, our element cars, element lights, element textile machines and other machines do not need purity to reach the magician level. Even if there are some defects, we can accept them. So, instead of spending a lot of money to buy those high-purity magic crystals, wouldn\'t it be better for us to have a source of magic crystals? "

Now, the gel finally understood what it meant. His expression seemed a little excited. Although he didn\'t start to answer directly, he could still nod very hard.

At this time, Ariel next to her said, "well, it\'s hard for you to travel all day today. Cream, how far do you think we are from their village? "

Cream sat down next to the campfire. Now it\'s not "Introduction", but really to start discussing the problem.

He scooped up a bowl of pasta, took two bites and said, "according to my inference, there must be no more than two mountains. There must be traces of them. After all, it has been almost a year since the championship ended at the end of last year. Even if they can\'t find anyone to invest, they should try to open up a settlement that can be as close to the traffic point as possible. "

Ariel breathed out, nodded slightly and said, "I hope Mashu can find their whereabouts, but don\'t scare them. It\'s really scary to suddenly find a vampire next to his village in the middle of the night. "

Cream laughed and said, "don\'t worry, President, the girl\'s nose is very smart, just like a little flower dog. At night, even in the leeward, it is estimated that she can smell human smell from a distance. Don\'t forget, she used to live on hunting ~ ~ ~ "

"I\'m like a little flower dog. I\'m really sorry."

A young voice suddenly came from behind the cream. To tell the truth, in the dark mountains around, a young woman suddenly came behind. The Yin pity voice really gave people an unprecedented sense of panic!

Cream only felt the cold hair stand up. The whole person jumped up and jumped aside. When he saw the iron green face staring at his cassava, he laughed twice and said, "that... That ha, you\'re good at human language?"

Mashu glared at the cream, then went to Ariel and said, "president, I climbed over the mountain in front and smelled the smell of human beings from a distance. After running out of two more depressions, I saw a candle light on a hillside over there, but it soon disappeared. I didn\'t dare to get too close for fear of disturbing those humans, so I came back. "