Gold coin is justice

Chapter 1286

"When Mr. guangzhongguang heard that I had an uncle, he suggested me to say, let me find my uncle... If you can, take the element car this time and use my own strength... Do a little... My strength to protect the mayor of Garcia... As the fare..."

Ariel smiled, but did not nod.

She turned to dak next to her, breathed out slowly, and said in a helpless tone, "dak, do you really think... Is this OK?"

Dak nodded very seriously, reached out and pointed to the potato snoring next to him, saying, "such a child can do it. Gel is already a very good man, and of course he can."

Ariel shook her head and pointed to the sweet potato blowing bubbles in her nose: "she is twenty years old anyway. Besides, it\'s still a blood race. "

Then he pointed to the gel in front of him: "and he? Just give him a ride. Are you sure you want him to protect me? Think too much? "

Seeing Ariel\'s reluctant expression, dak looked a little anxious, turned to the gel next to him and said, "come on, tell the mayor what you will do? Since you are the affinity of lightning element, how many lightning series magic can you do? "

Maybe dak now wants the boy to show in front of Ariel.

But for gel, it\'s very embarrassing now.

He stared at dak, then looked at Ariel in front, and then looked embarrassed and afraid. The boy lowered his head, and his hands were constantly rubbing against each other. After hesitating for a few seconds, he finally raised his hands tremblingly and opened them.

Crackle - crackle——

Some electric sparks began to jump between his fingers, as if with some rhythm.

Ariel nodded and waited patiently.

But after a while, the boy put down his hand again, lowered his head and said nothing.

"Well... That\'s it? Is this your magic? "

The gel looked even more embarrassed. The child\'s head dropped completely, and it looked like a sense of shame that he was about to jump out of a car and commit suicide.

Ariel shook her head slightly and said to the boy, "gel... Right? Tell me, what do you think? Do you want to protect me? "

The gel was a little stunned and looked up at Ariel\'s face.

For the country boy, there is no doubt that Ariel in front of him has far exceeded his usual understanding of other girls.

Such a beautiful and noble woman, for this boy, is probably the most perfect girl he can meet in his life. In addition, Ariel\'s face was not bad. When he saw it, he felt shy and quickly lowered his head.

"I... i... I am willing to... Protect mayor Garcia..."

Dak smiled and said, "look! Although he has little experience, his heart is still very good, isn\'t it? "

Ariel frowned, reached out to the nearby dakla, took a sigh of relief, and said, "dak, tell me the truth now. This boy, what the hell do you want with him? "

Dak exhaled slightly and said positively, "president, you should also know the power system of our guild. I really want to provide us with the existence of a remote magic system. Although the child has little experience, he really has talent in this field. With such a good talent, I want to ask the president why he always refuses to let this child join him? "

Naturally, Ariel and dak\'s voice was not very light, and they didn\'t mean to deliberately avoid the gel, so these words made the boy listen to them clearly.

He pricked up his ears, looked a little nervous, and his eyes kept sweeping around the faces of the two people, like a puppy who was about to be decided whether to throw out of the house or stay at home.

Ariel looked back at the gel over there and said, "dak, your idea should be to let him join our mermaid song?"

Dak nodded, not denying it.

Ariel: "but you know, although our mermaid song is not a very good guild, it still has many benefits in Pelican city."

"Members of our guild can enjoy discounts when they buy and eat in many shops. If you want to travel to the town next door and don\'t want to drive or ride by yourself, the transportation tools in the city will first prepare what we need for the mermaid song. At the same time, the members of mermaid song will also be respected by many people in Pelican City, because for Pelican Cheng, mermaid song represents the final solution to the problem to a certain extent. It has some authority that ordinary people can never get. "

"I\'m not saying that the boy is bad. He may be very good. But even if he was very good, he was born a robber. "

"If other people in the city see that even a robber can become a member of the mermaid song and enjoy so many benefits as long as he has strength. In this case, do you think ordinary people will still think our guild is worthy of respect? "

Hearing this, gel couldn\'t help lowering his head again, and the whole person looked depressed.

Dak frowned and said, "but President, the gel didn\'t do anything wrong? Although he nominally topped the name of a robber, he didn\'t hurt anyone, and even saved people! And now that he has served his three-month sentence, what is the reason to refuse him? "

For dak, Ariel has always believed that this is a powerful crazy warrior.

This crazy soldier has a very keen intuition about combat. He will know where the weaknesses, combat advantages and shortcomings of a team are. This also makes him an excellent battle organizer and participant.

But on the other side, in addition to understanding the battle, he seems to really only read books and be a scholar.

Aren\'t scholars good?

No, Ariel respects scholars. Just as she respects her teachers, if scholars like her teachers join the guild, she will be very happy.

However, scholars like dak have a fatal weakness.

That is, he can clearly know what will go wrong, but the soldier is really one-sided about how to operate it.

"Gel, I\'m not saying you\'re not a good boy. I also know that you are kind-hearted. There are some accidental factors that make you a robber. "

"Last time, I really felt that you could save people regardless of your own safety. Children like you really deserve better. You have the strength and the qualifications. "

After being praised by Ariel, gel\'s head was raised slightly, and a little embarrassed expression appeared on her face.

"But maybe you really should have a bright future, not now, not in the song of the mermaid."

In an instant, the expression of gel became tangled. He anxiously turned to dak next to him, and dak also seemed a little nervous.

"Maybe you look like the mermaid song is developing well and strong, and your future looks bright. If you like, you can stay in Pelican city and live a good life. "

"But in the future, mermaid song may face some very... Very unpredictable things. If you join the mermaid song, then I will probably ask you to do something against your true heart. This kind of thing is likely to be very dangerous and make you precarious. "

"I don\'t know what you think of the mermaid song now. Do you think mermaid song is a good tree to enjoy the cool? Or a work unit where you can eat and drink? Do you think of my adventurer guild as a place where you can eat safely and sleep safely with the kind of labor and work you have done in prison? "

"But now I want to tell you that the real mermaid song is not such a place. Now join the mermaid song, without a certain degree of psychological awareness, it is definitely not a good thing. "

"If you don\'t have enough consciousness, you may die for something you don\'t want to do after joining."

"If I let you join, you may risk betraying the mermaid song against your heart."

"So, gel... No, Mr. gel Fleisch. Please understand my concern, not because you are not good enough or strong enough. But because of various factors, you are really not very suitable to join the mermaid song. "

With these words, the gel with an expectant look on his face finally completely lowered his head.

After a while, he mumbled for a moment and said, "I... I see... I\'m sorry, mayor Garcia..."

Seeing that the child was willing to admit it, Ariel relaxed a little, smiled and said, "no, you don\'t have to apologize to me. Well... Although you can\'t join the mermaid song now, I\'m still glad to meet you. If you like, you can also become friends with people in our guild. It doesn\'t matter. "

When he said these words, there was a little disappointment on dak\'s face. He breathed out a sigh of compromise and nodded.

Ariel clapped her hand and said with a smile, "all right! So now we know each other. Mr. Fleisch, do you have any plans next? "

The gel was obviously stunned. For a time, it seemed that there was nothing to say. He tried to raise his head several times, but in the end he still lowered his head and looked dejected.

To be honest, regardless of the birth of the lightning affinity, Ariel felt that he was not the best candidate to join his guild just because of his very indecisive character.

Even, he may not be suitable to be a combat mage. It would be nice if he could properly use his own magic affinity to be a magic researcher. He really joined the adventurer guild and became a front-line fighter. I don\'t know how he died.

With the regular click of the wheels on the road, Ariel kept a smile on her face, approached the boy with a very approachable attitude and said again, "Mr. flesh?"

When Ariel\'s face approached the boy almost ten centimeters away, the gel seemed to feel the soft breathing sound of the woman. Her face turned red and stopped her head at once.

He rubbed his hands nervously, watched the lightning shuttle back and forth between his fingertips, and said, "I... i... I don\'t know... I don\'t know what I... Want to do..."

Ariel breathed out, as expected.

Then, the president nodded and said, "so just now, you said you had an uncle, and dak said you should take refuge in your uncle. Is it true?"

After thinking about it, the expression on gel\'s face is still so hesitant and full of flashing colors. After thinking about it again for a moment, the boy finally nodded and said, "I... I think... Maybe..."

To tell you the truth, Ariel thought her temper might be getting worse.

If you think about it carefully, as the mayor and President, you have a lot of things to deal with every day, a lot of people to see and a lot of reports to listen to. Therefore, she hopes that everyone who answers her questions can be straightforward and speak clearly in the happiest way, rather than vague and evasive words. She really doesn\'t have that much time.

So now, when she heard that the boy kept talking in this almost procrastinating tone and couldn\'t hold out a specific thing for a long time, she really had an impulse to directly interrupt him and let him stop talking!

Soon Ariel\'s patience reached the limit she thought she had. After taking a deep breath, Ariel turned to look at dak next to her and said, "this boy may be shy. Can you make it clear for him?"

Dak frowned. He looked at the gel next to him, and now the gel obviously felt Ariel\'s dissatisfaction. He immediately looked at dak with a pair of frightened eyes, and his face was filled with the color of asking for help.

Dak breathed out and said slowly, "president, unfortunately, his parents have encountered difficulties. There is no one in his hometown. I chatted with him. I think we are familiar with each other. The child mentioned that he had an uncle in a distant town, but his uncle and his father didn\'t seem to be very harmonious. His parents left his uncle and moved out before he was born. Therefore, it is more accurate to say that he is a complete stranger than an uncle. "

Ariel nodded, glanced at the gel again and said, "so? Do you still suggest that he go to his uncle? "

Gel: "Mr. guangzhongguang... I... I..."

When dak looked at the boy, he obviously had some feelings of hatred for iron and steel, but he still held out his hand, slightly pressed the boy\'s head and said, "according to common sense, he really should go to his uncle or rely on himself. He is already fifteen years old. When you were fifteen, you were already the president of a guild, so he should also be responsible for himself. "

Heard that Ariel became the president of the famous mermaid song when she was the same age as herself?! Gel\'s eyes lit up immediately, and when she looked at Ariel, she was full of admiration.

Lovely lil didn\'t think so and said, "in other words, he still won\'t go to his uncle? Then our topic has turned back. "

After straightening her body slightly, Ariel breathed out slowly and said, "dak, I know you want to increase the combat effectiveness of our guild. It\'s also clear that you don\'t think it\'s wise to leave a person with strong magic and affinity in Pelican city. That\'s why I allow you to bring him out. I think I can observe the child a little better and see if he is suitable for the mermaid song. "

"But now, I still have no idea of including him in the mermaid song. But now that we have left Pelican city and even the marginal Province, it is impossible to put him down and let him go back. So, what should we do now? Is he going to follow us to Hanhai city? Or are we even taking him to the hunter Empire? Do you think this is feasible? "

Dak thought about it, and obviously thought of the difficult situation.

But even though there were many unhappy, when he saw the boy\'s poor eyes full of expectation, dak still felt that he might be too soft hearted. Compared with his own president, he began to find that he was really not suitable to be the president of a guild.

"President, I admit that there are many inconveniences along the way. So... How about this? "

Dak rubbed the bridge of his nose and continued——

"I left this child with us as our entourage."

Ariel: "entourage?"

Dak nodded, "yes. Anyway, mermaid song is also a guild that won the guild championship, and you are also the mistress of the second prince. You should have one or even several followers. "

"I\'m responsible for all his food and drink expenses along the way. President, you can be a free worker who can be called at will. Until we can successfully return to Pelican City, what do you think? "

In fact, compared with this gel, Ariel is more curious about dak\'s psychological state.

When this crazy warrior first entered the guild, he was also a type who was not good at contacting people. But now, he is so strongly hoping to keep the boy around. What\'s the reason?