Gold coin is justice

Chapter 1202

Now, is there time for the vampire to think?


He had made a decision as early as the moment when the moon shrouded him in the sky?

Little boy: "brother -"

Jovia: howl -- -- -- -- --

With a roar, the vampire\'s claws soared up to half a meter! Then, his face almost died together with anger, rushed to the one eyed Warcraft!

At the moment when the two sides were about to contact, one eyed Warcraft lowered its head and aimed the vampire with the corner of its head.

The vampire also showed his claws and stabbed the only big eye of the one eyed Warcraft!

The next moment

A loud noise burst at the moment of contact between the two sides.

With it, there were the blood flowers flying out under the moonlight. The members of the mermaid song around couldn\'t help but be frightened and sweat in their palms.

Then the vampires began to scream.

And the little boy and his parents.

Even Ma Shu, with her mouth half open, could not shoot the bow and arrow in her hand in time. She could only watch this scene happen.


One eyed Warcraft, stop.

After shaking a little for a moment, its huge body finally fell to one side and stirred up the dust on the ground.

Then, as jovia\'s best friend, Lincoln saw a scene that he couldn\'t believe!

The monster\'s horn pierced directly out of jovia\'s back and heart

"(blood language) boss!!!"

Seeing this scene, the vampires rushed to their boss regardless of others.

Lincoln was the first to arrive. Now the vampire was almost ready to cry. He looked at the flesh and blood blur on jovia\'s chest and burst into tears: "(blood language) boss! Boss! Your heart... How can you do this! boss! Don\'t die! "

For Lincoln\'s cry, jovia, who was seriously injured, tried to squeeze a sneer from the corner of his mouth. He raised his hand and trembled over his chest pierced by the sharp corner. At the same time, he saw the members of the mermaid song who rushed together. He immediately raised his head and raised a... Middle finger at them.

"(blood language) what are you... Amazing? Hey, hey... Not yet... I want you... To... Finish... "

With that, his hand fell as if he had suddenly lost strength. But before his palm fell completely, the three humans behind him ran over immediately, and the woman caught his palm and blurred her tears.

"Please don\'t die... Hero... Please... Please don\'t die..."

"Brother! Sobbing... Brother, you\'ll be fine... You\'ll be fine! "

"Hero, i... really thank you."

Still don\'t understand words

But although I still can\'t understand it, this kind of taste that makes people feel warm in the heart is much more comfortable

As the blood continued to pass, jovia finally began to feel powerless. Finally, he could no longer support it and lowered his head silently.

At the last moment before his consciousness disappeared, he saw the admiration and admiration on the faces of those guys who sang Mermaid songs, and forced the corners of his mouth to tilt up, so that even if he died, he would die with dignity

At this moment, vampires cried loudly.

The three members of the human family are also tearful.

With the fall of these two one eyed Warcraft, the members of mermaid song gathered around. For a time, you look at me and I look at you. It seems that I don\'t know what to do.

But before long, the person who could make a decision at this moment finally came.

Two minutes later, an element car came quickly and stopped at the edge of the battlefield.

The door opened and Ariel got out of the car with a tired face. Maybe it was because she was too tired. When she got off the bus, she even had some unsteady steps and staggered.


Brad, who seemed to be in charge of driving all the time, jumped out of the driver\'s seat and came to help Ariel. But Ariel waved her hand and refused. Helpless, she could only let Bafei sprinkle a little fragrance to refresh the president.

Ariel took a deep breath to relieve her mental and physical fatigue. She glanced at the two fallen Tong Tong Warcraft over there, then looked at the vampires crying here, nodded and came over immediately. After seeing that the sharp corner of Tong Tong Tong pierced jovia\'s chest, he immediately shouted: "(blood language) don\'t cry! Hurry and get him into the carriage! Get back to Pelican city! He is still saved! "

At this moment, the vampires didn\'t seem to care whether they should obey the command of a human. After a slight pause, they immediately withdrew jovia\'s body from the corner and carried it into the carriage. Cream came over and saw Ariel\'s tired face. She said with some worry, "president, are you... All right?"

Ariel wanted to make herself smile, but when she tried to crack the corners of her mouth, she found that it was so difficult to laugh at this time.

After trying twice, she finally shook her head reluctantly and said: "stop... You, hurry up and send him to the territory of the blood clan... At the last moment, I slowed down... And I was a little off the side..."

After looking at Ariel\'s mental state again, cream thought for a while and didn\'t say much. Then he took Brad on the element car and said, "come on! Let\'s send them! Brad, you come with me and go back and drive a car! "

"No, I can carry the president behind my back."

Cheese rubbed his shoulders and came up. He also saw Ariel, who was almost just holding on, said——

"You go back first. I can take the president back."

The members of the guild didn\'t have to say much. They immediately agreed with each other. Soon, the element car started, carrying Brad, cream and those vampires, and quickly drove towards Pelican city.

When the position of the element car finally left far away, Ariel finally couldn\'t support her. As soon as her legs were soft, she had to kneel down on the ground.

If it hadn\'t been for Mashu to come and resist her with her back at this time, Ariel thought she might really be able to sleep here directly.

"Ariel, what\'s the matter?"

Carrying Ariel\'s cassava, it seemed strange why this human looked so tired today. He turned and asked.

Cheese smiled, came over and took Ariel from the back of cassava, put it on her shoulder as if carrying a sack, and said, "yes, it seems that I haven\'t told you carefully?"

Dak also came over now and said slowly, "is it all right to carry the president like this?"

The cheese smiled again and said, "it\'s all right. Didn\'t you hear her snoring? Come on, let\'s look after the three actors we hired first. Their psychological preparation seems to be insufficient. They are really frightened. As for Mashu, on your side... We\'ll talk to you about what\'s going on on on our way back. "


Ariel vowed that if there was another time, she would never do it again.

Today, when I was in bed, my head was still dizzy. I felt top heavy and light. The whole person seemed to have lost his center of gravity.

If she didn\'t know what she had done, Ariel would really doubt whether she had been drugged. This feeling of dizziness even made her wonder whether her virginity was still there at the moment she got up?

Holding the handrail of the stairs, she stumbled downstairs. Seeing that the cat was still lying on the counter happily, Ariel breathed out, touched the counter, lifted the cat\'s back neck and let it face herself.

"Do you say... Such things were often done by humans before?"

Napa is sleeping. Now he was suddenly lifted up. He opened his eyes. After seeing the human girl in front of him, he put down the claw he was going to raise and said, "what\'s the matter? Do you doubt the willpower of people in the past? "

Ariel rubbed her skull. She couldn\'t bear it. She had to put down the kitten and stumbled to the rest area to sit down and rest——

"No, I doubt... Really... I\'m too tired! I only control two this time. People in the past... Can I really control several at once? Can this controlled Warcraft really be used as a strategic weapon? "

For Ariel\'s doubt, Napa simply turned her head, pretended not to hear, and said, "believe it or not, it\'s true anyway. Is it so difficult to admit that her willpower is not so strong?"

Ariel lay on the table and raised a finger. But before she could speak, Napa next to her had gathered together and said——

"Well, well, don\'t worry about such small things. Anyway, things have been solved now. Everything looks good, doesn\'t it? How\'s the vampire doing now? "

Although Ariel still wanted to distinguish two sentences, to tell the truth, this kind of discrimination is really tiring. After thinking about it, she simply gave up and said, "I don\'t know... I slept very dead yesterday... But it should be all right. What about the others? "

While talking, the guild gate was slowly pushed open. Now the cream came in leisurely. When she saw Ariel in the rest area, she immediately smiled and said, "yo! President, are you awake? You\'ve had a solid sleep. It\'s afternoon now. "

Ariel put her head on the table. Although this feeling of fatigue made her want to fall asleep again, there was a constant buzzing in her head. It seemed that there was always a feeling that she couldn\'t sleep.

She exhaled and raised a finger: "help me get some water..."

Cream nodded and went to the kitchen to get some water. At this time, Su TA also came out of the kitchen. He not only brought hot water, but also put some hot meals on the table, and then sat down opposite Ariel.

"President, you\'ve worked hard. Can you have something to eat now?"

The paladin\'s face was full of care, which warmed Ariel\'s heart. But now she can\'t eat, so she can only reluctantly raise her head and drink a mouthful of water to count.

"How\'s the situation...?"

Ariel asked as she drank water.

In this regard, cream snapped his fingers and said happily, "president, your move is really great! Ha ha ha! All night, those blood clans were shouting and screaming, anxious and like something. However, after being sent to the blood clan gathering area, the one eyed vampire said to us, "fortunately, we sent it early. Although jovia was seriously injured, he finally saved his life."

Su TA nodded gently and said with admiration: "the vitality of the blood clan is really tenacious... I heard that a big hole was directly pierced in his chest? So you can survive? It\'s okay if the heart is pierced? "

Cream smiled and said, "how can it be all right if the heart is pierced? That\'s the most critical moment. Our president manipulated Tong Tong Tong to deviate his head a little bit! Although it looks like it went straight through his chest, it didn\'t completely pierce his heart! Ha ha ha! That guy woke up at dawn. "

Su TA was also interested and asked with a smile, "are you awake? so what? Has he been as proud as the president thought? "

Cream nodded and said, "if you want to say pride, it\'s really a little. After all, in terms of the result, he blocked such a big Warcraft alone! Of course, the actor of the family of three we arranged directly jumped on the guy as soon as he woke up and began to praise loudly! What \'heroes\' ~ ~ ~\' life-saving benefactor \'~ ~ ~ there are all kinds of thanks. No matter whether other blood families understand it or not, they all greet it. "

Ariel\'s head banged on the table and she still felt pain.

Su TA: "so engaged?"

The cream head said goodbye: "it\'s not?! Even if the guy didn\'t understand what they were talking about, he felt very proud! Now, let alone have any malice towards mankind, that guy can\'t wait to recover immediately, and then hold the hand of the family of three to swagger through the market in the central square! "

Not to mention the cream, this guy was really funny. He made Su TA giggle with his mouth covered.

At this point, Ariel waved her hand, then forcibly supported the table and got up! Keep your head straight, at least so you can see what\'s in front of you.

"Jovia\'s business can be here for the time being... Next, we need to observe a little to avoid any other accidents... How are the supplementary matters done?"

Cream put away the smile on his face and said, "I\'ve agreed with the three of the family to give them enough money to shut up and don\'t say too many unimportant words. They\'ll leave in a day or two, and everything will be arranged by then. "

Ariel nodded and closed her eyes. "Where are his associates?"

Cream sat down opposite Ariel and continued, "those vampires seem to be led by jovia. It seems that as long as you control that guy, his men are not difficult to deal with. So, no matter now or when that guy gets well, these vampires should not make trouble again. "

Hearing this, Ariel breathed out slowly. But after waiting for a moment, she still opened her mouth with some worry and said, "so... What about the situation of cassava and glutinous rice, their mother and daughter..."

The smile on cream\'s face suddenly froze at the mention of the mother and daughter, cassava and glutinous rice.

He slightly buttoned his cheek, turned his head and glanced at the nearby crisp tower.

Su TA also looked at him, waiting for you to speak.

Seeing this, cream finally breathed out reluctantly and said, "the child... Oh, no, she\'s about the same age as me. I can\'t call her a child... The girl with cassava has been arguing with us last night and asking us what\'s going on. After the cheese told her everything, she felt... We were lying to her. "

Sure enough... Ariel\'s most worried thing happened.

In essence, Ariel also wants to resolve the resentment between Mashu and jovia through last night\'s incident.

After all, anyway, jovia beat their mother and daughter. Now let Mashu know that he has become the fact that he has shaped him into a hero. It will really upset you

But Ariel still felt that if the little vampire saw jovia fighting hard for others, it might be a little changed... But now I think it might be a bad idea.

Su TA\'s face sank now and said, "she thinks we\'re lying to her? How is she now? Will you mess up our plan? "

Cream shrugged his shoulders and said, "well... I don\'t know. But she returned it. "

With that, cream reached into his arms, took out a guild nameplate of mermaid song and put it on the table.

The name engraved on the nameplate is not someone else, it is Mashu.

Cream then said, "she said that the mermaid song was to help her mother and daughter find an explanation, so she joined our guild inexplicably with the help of her mother. She didn\'t object to it after she knew it at first. She just felt that she could join it. Anyway, it seemed that it was no different from usual. "

"But now, she feels that we use her membership of the guild to let her help us do things she doesn\'t want to do, so she feels a little uncomfortable... Ah, President, of course, she doesn\'t say she hates our guild! It\'s just that I don\'t think it\'s appropriate to join us now, so... "

Ariel breathed out slowly, reached out and picked up the guild nameplate and looked at it in front of her eyes. Then she put the nameplate on the table again and said——

"Things can\'t be forced. Now that she has made a decision, let\'s do it for the time being... But you\'d better send this nameplate back sometime. Just say... Although she doesn\'t want to join the mermaid song at present, I won\'t force her to do anything. But the nameplate of our mermaid song is of little use in Pelican city. If she encounters anything in the city, showing our guild nameplate may help her solve a lot of problems... "

The cream glanced at his mouth, but after all, he put away the nameplate and said, "president, you are very kind to that girl. Now we can\'t join the guild casually. With this nameplate on her, her activities in Pelican city will be much simpler. At least, you can give a 10% discount for shopping in several specific stores. "

Ariel smiled and then stopped talking.

Now, the matter about blood clan has finally come to an end for the time being. I really hope there won\'t be any more moths in the next

Alas, this head... Why does this head hurt more and more? I feel that the whole person has a feeling of irritability and torture that he wants to sleep but can\'t sleep

Is there really no sequelae as the cat said? Is this really just a normal phenomenon in the short term? Or is your willpower really too weak?

I hope... Nothing will happen to my body