Gold coin is justice

Chapter 1199

When the method was finished, Napa\'s eyes no longer stayed on Ariel. It fell back on the table, crossed its legs, rolled its tail, licked its claws and said slowly——

"This is what I can offer. Ariel, if you think there\'s no problem... The last question now is, who will be the determined controller? "

For this method, the members around immediately began to discuss it.

Coco: "sounds so cruel... How can this kind of Warcraft throw their children out on their own initiative? In general, shouldn\'t it be after parents break? "

Dak: "you don\'t know. For Warcraft, there are a lot of types of throwing children away and running away. Not to mention Warcraft, don\'t we humans often do such things? "

Margo: "I don\'t feel it. If the big one dies, the small one may not be able to live. Therefore, it\'s better to sacrifice the small and sometimes protect the big. "

Tesla: "what a cruel jungle law..."

Cream: "so... Who can be this strong willed person?"

Brad: "I don\'t think it matters. Anyone should be OK. If those Warcraft... Their willpower suppresses someone, let\'s kill another Warcraft and reduce their will control? "

Su TA: "this is a good way... But in this way..."

Tesla: "hehe, in this way, the combat effectiveness of the controller can\'t be too strong, right? If dak or cream were controlled, it would be quite bad for us. Therefore, you need a guy with weak combat effectiveness. Even if he is controlled, he can be easily subdued by you. For example, me. "

Margo: "come on, are you strong willed? I don\'t think we can even kill the last Tong Tong in the end to liberate you from the control of willpower. "

Tesla: "I... I\'m not that weak!"

Cream: "I\'ll do it. I think my willpower should be OK. "

Margo: "you? Well, your willpower is really OK. But I think... It seems that we can still have a better choice... "

At this point, everyone was silent.

At the same time, everyone\'s eyes turned to Ariel and their president.

In fact, the discussion just now has made both conditions very clear.

One is to have strong willpower.

One is to be weak.

On strong willpower, in the whole mermaid song, who can boast that his willpower is stronger than the president?

Similarly, in terms of weakness, in the whole mermaid song, can anyone say that he is weaker than his own president?

You know, the president of his own family is so weak that he can\'t even launch the automatic counterattack of the tree of life!

Ariel was now somewhat embarrassed by everyone\'s gaze.

Of course she knew that everyone should be harmless. At the same time, she also understood that everyone present should agree that their willpower is stronger than all of them.

Just... Just their expectant eyes now

really Although I know this is a kind of praise, I feel uncomfortable anyway... I feel like I have eaten a fly in my heart. I feel sick and want to vomit, but I can\'t spit it out.

After a long breath, Ariel shook her head and said, "it seems that only I can bear this responsibility."

The members of the guild were silent, and everyone looked at their president with a "natural" look.

At this time, Ariel began to regret that she didn\'t eat chifei\'s heart at that time. Otherwise, I will become a red dragon and burn you bastards!

But there was one thing that worried Ariel.

The goal of worry is not anything else, but from Napa in front of you.

Now the cat didn\'t look at Ariel at all, just licking its claws and wiping its face.

After thinking for a moment, Ariel finally asked, "do I... Have any sequelae?"

Napa continued to rub her face and said carelessly, "sequelae? No, there will be some sequelae. The only thing to say is that you don\'t control for too long. Although human mental power is generally stronger than those Warcraft, too long control will also consume energy. After finishing the play, you can take the initiative to release control and let those Warcraft go back to their place. "

However, Ariel was still a little worried and asked again, "is there really no sequelae? Is it really completely safe? "

At this moment, Napa turned directly and said after a moment of silence: "... You are really worried. At most, it will let you see some pictures of those Warcraft eating plant shit. If you don\'t help yourself, take a break after lifting control. Really, there will be no sequelae. "


Seeing that the cat is always carrying her own appearance, Ariel\'s doubts are really getting deeper and deeper.

Since the cat showed a reluctance to answer positively, to tell the truth, Ariel didn\'t want to do it.

It\'s one thing to solve the blood clan problem, but it\'s another to let yourself eat indiscriminately.

However, just when Ariel wanted to speak and directly reject the issue, the cat suddenly turned around and continued to stare at Ariel with her sapphire eyes. It seemed that after hesitating for a long time, she finally made up her mind and said, "OK! There are still some problems! Just rest assured that these problems are not related to life or health! Just... Just... "

Ariel was stunned and hurriedly asked, "just what? What\'s the problem? "

Napa was silent again for a moment, then exhaled and said, "well, I\'ll tell you. After being completely connected with Tong Tong Tong, there will be a little change in human appearance. Well... In short, the face will grow longer, the chin will become wider, the forehead will swell, the hairline will move back, the hands and feet will begin to become thicker, and sparse hair will grow on the body... To put it more simply, it will become a little... Like opening the pupils. "

At this moment, Ariel\'s heart seemed to welcome a bolt from the blue!

Just now, those members who were still encouraging their own president to carry out this action put away their smiles and looked at their own president one by one.

Ariel, a beautiful 18-year-old girl with long blond hair.

About to become so much for a job?

Brad thought about Ariel in his mind. The corners of his mouth cracked and wanted to laugh heartlessly. Fortunately, the cream next to him punched him in the face, so that he couldn\'t laugh for the time being.

"Why did you hit me?"

No one answered Brad\'s question. Except for his simplicity, everyone\'s faces glittered with worry.

Ariel covered her face with her hands, and the corners of her mouth began to twitch involuntarily.

Although Ariel didn\'t want to make money through her face from childhood, for a young girl, let her take the initiative to become ugly? This... This!

Seeing that Ariel began to hesitate now, Napa knew that her words were a little heavy. She quickly raised her two claws and shouted, "no, no, no! Don\'t get me wrong! Not permanent! As long as you remove the mental link, your appearance will recover within a week at most! And... And... Yes! During the time you control, I can also apply illusion magic to you! When people around you see you, they still see you now! You can even see what you look like when you look in the mirror! So don\'t worry! It\'s really okay! I really didn\'t lie to you! "

Ariel\'s face showed a slight blush, looked at the little white cat more seriously, and said with a little shame: "really? Do you really, really, help me do these things? Will it really not become permanent? "

Now, the little white cat nodded seriously again and said sincerely, "really! I swear by my name! After the mind link effect is removed, your face will gradually return to its present appearance within a week at most! I absolutely promise that! "

For Napa, Ariel was willing to believe a lot of what it said. After all, the Warcraft didn\'t deceive itself. Since it was so guaranteed... Well, now it seems that this method is indeed the most useful one.

At this point, the type of Warcraft is selected. In the following time, Ariel and the members began to discuss a lot of specific details about the operation. For example, when to pull out the Warcraft named Tong Tong Tong, when to attack, where to attack, who to choose to be ambushed at this time, and how to arrange jovia in advance. Those vampires who are ready to escape can "naturally" join the plan.

After the main plan is planned, four subsidiary plans are planned as each stage of the plan. If there are any problems, how to remedy them. After all this has been arranged, the next stage is the stage of preparation for implementation.

As the main person in charge of bringing Warcraft out this time, Napa never said a word from beginning to end.

The little white cat just looked at Ariel in front of her and watched the human girl tangle up all kinds of plans and plan all kinds of actions here.

After all the actions were planned, it flew out of the guild according to its promise, circled over the whole Pelican city for a while, and then began to fly towards the sleeping mountains in the distance.

However, when the little white cat is about to cross the Changmian mountains and close to the lush \'country of life\' not far away

Napa stayed in the air, stretched out her body as far as she could, and felt the wind blowing from the other side of the mountain.

In today\'s summer, it smelled the hot feeling from the wind, and seemed to be able to smell a sweet taste from the opposite side.

After a long silence, the cat Warcraft seemed to have finally felt it and turned around in mid air.

However, it still did not immediately enter the world on the other side of the mountains, but turned around and faced the shining forest to the east of the Changmian mountains.

It looked at the forest that has now become the residence of flower goblins. Its sapphire blue pupils seemed to be looking at something in the forest and stared for a long time

A moment later, he looked back again, but his eyes were on the hidden lake in the west of Pelican City, and he remained silent.

It\'s like waiting for something... Waiting for the crystal clear, without a trace of impurities. At a glance, you can see what can appear in the secret lake at the bottom of the lake tens of meters below from the top of the lake

But after a long time, the hidden lake was like a shining forest without any change.

In that case, Napa finally took back her sight, re placed it on the towering vine wall, and slowly flew over.

"(unknown language) of course... There will be no sequelae."


Tonight is another quiet night.

As a imprisoned blood clan, jovia doesn\'t know how long it has been or how long he can last.

He only knew that a few days ago, the blood prison that trapped him was finally removed. Although his compatriots did not allow him to leave the locked room, they would still provide him with some blood sugar blocks to prevent him from becoming extremely weak again.

As soon as it was dark today, he woke up from his sleep almost like an alarm clock.

Stretching his limbs, he felt that his whole body was full of strength, and he even had an impulse to tear open a human with his own hands.


He snorted, got up and moved a little.

But at this time, the door to imprison him was slowly opened. No one came in. It was his good brother Lincoln and several other vampires who followed him.

"(blood language) boss! You look energetic! "

Seeing jovia\'s healthy face, Lincoln immediately smiled.

Jovia opened his palm, clicked and turned his fingers into half meter long claws. He looked at his claws and nodded with great satisfaction. His claws retracted again into fingers and said: "(blood language) how can you come to see me today? What are those old things trying to do to me? "

Lincoln smiled and said: "(blood language) boss! In my opinion, those adults should still decide to maintain the dignity of our night people! Otherwise, how could they gradually relax their control over you? Even the effect of blood prison disappeared and didn\'t come to continue blessing. I think the boss\'s persistence may have succeeded! We, the family of the night, are still standing together after all! "

Other vampires are now echoing and congratulating jovia.

Jovia snorted coldly again. He looked at the open door and those companions who could come to visit him anytime and anywhere. He couldn\'t help laughing.

"(blood language) it seems that they still know a little discretion. Is this trying to let me go on purpose? Ha ha... "

Lincoln nodded and said: "(blood language) boss, I also think these adults deliberately want to let you go. let\'s go! The night market is coming soon. Let\'s go and toss around again! "

For the proposal of this good brother, jovia shook his head very decisively, put his hands on his hips, looked at the open door and said with a smile——

"(blood language) to the night market? No, no, no, you\'ll be wrong, my old friend. It\'s true that those village chiefs want to let me go, but they don\'t really think I can continue to survive here. Hehe... Their meaning is obvious. They want me to take the initiative to go away and leave here far away. In this way, they can also explain to those humans that I took the initiative to break through their control and escape. "

The other vampires were stunned. You look at me and I look at you. The original smile seemed a little nervous.

Seeing this, jovia stretched out his fist, hammered Lincoln on the shoulder and said: "(blood language) why are you so nervous? Didn\'t we decide to leave? Now they take the initiative to let us go. It\'s too late for us to be happy. "

Lincoln was stunned, immediately understood jovia\'s meaning, quickly nodded and smiled and said: "(blood language) right! Boss, since we can\'t stay here, let\'s go! Anyway, as long as there are human beings, we can have a steady stream of fresh blood to drink. There is no need to stay in such a poor place! Let\'s go! Let\'s go today! "

Jovia looked at his good brother with appreciative eyes. After confirming the number of blood sugar blocks carried by the people, he nodded. He took three blood sugar blocks from Lincoln\'s hands and put them into his mouth. After feeling the power into his abdomen, he nodded slowly and stepped out of the cell.

Walking on the road, jovia had some scruples in her heart at the beginning.

But soon, the desire for freedom made him give up his vigilance against those human beings.

Rush out of the street and jump on the roof. He looked at the compatriots who were moving around the blood clan gathering place from a distance, looked at their silly way of rubbing cigarettes, laughed at them, turned around and rushed out of Pelican city with his "comrades in arms".

There were few people in the new city itself, so jovia and them hardly met a pedestrian along the way. With ease, they rushed out of the city and came to the wilderness outside.

It was almost five or six kilometers away from Pelican city that the vampires stopped. They turned around and looked at the city behind them, which was still shining under the moonlight not far away. Then they turned around and looked at the dark scene in front of them. One by one, they all showed a happy smile of escaping from the sky.