Gold coin is justice

Chapter 1197

Now, the guild members stopped talking.

They stared at their president silently, with dignified colors flashing in their eyes.

Perhaps for them, the idea of their own president is naive, impractical, and even too romantic.


Isn\'t it romantic to be able to follow a president who is so full of romanticism and is willing to work down-to-earth?

Margo spread out her hands and said with a helpless smile, "our president ~ ~ ~ looks like he can do such things."

She sat lazily in her seat and said slowly——

"Sometimes I really think our guild is really different from other guilds. If you come across an ordinary guild and encounter such people who casually bully good people and even are full of opponents, you should at least fight first. Although I admit that violence is not easy to use at any time, violence can often solve problems very directly. "

"But what about our president? It\'s good for her. Once she encounters a problem, she will never call us up and beat the problem half to death. Instead, she will call us up for meetings, hold meetings constantly, hold meetings endlessly, and then think of all kinds of methods. President, sometimes I really feel that our adventurer guild has undertaken too many obligations that we should not undertake? "

A faint smile appeared on Ariel\'s face and said, "I think not giving up any possible person may be what I want to do."

"Those blood families really need to be punished, but in addition to punishment, they must also have a suitable way out."

"As my teacher once said, all the problems in the world can be attributed to economic problems. At first glance, it seems that jovia\'s affairs have nothing to do with economic problems, but let\'s think carefully. If they can get enough financial support through their own ideas and practices, will jovia still be like this? "

After a short pause, Ariel\'s face reappeared with a romantic smile——

"There is no doubt that they are poor. Not only material, but also spiritual. So I also figured out that if I want to support them, I can not only support them in material terms, but also support their poverty in spirit. "

Margo put on an indifferent expression: "supporting poverty is not a long-term job. There are too many people in this world who are limited to poverty. We can never save all the poor. Moreover, the amount of energy and money spent on poverty alleviation is too large, which is unsustainable. "

Ariel pressed her hands on the table and said slowly but firmly——

"Well, let\'s start with sustainable people."

Now that everything has come to this point, Margo has nothing to say. She nodded gently, put on an attitude of "I recognize it, I\'ll do what you say" and looked at Ariel.

Seeing that no one raised any objection now, Ariel looked around the people again and said, "so, do you have any good ideas?"

Cheese put his hands on his chest and said after a moment of silence, "president, I know jovia, Lincoln and several other bastards. Although they come from different villages, I have dealt with them for more than 20 years. "

After another pause, the cheese continued, "let\'s leave others alone, but for jovia, born in Hunter village, a brave and decisive hunt may be used to rebuild his insignificant and poor inferiority."


Ariel was a little interested in this proposal. She nodded and asked——

"What are the specific details of hunting? Do you have any ideas? "

Cheese slowly breathed out, simply sat up and said, "I had a hand with that guy jovia. Although he was in a state of panic and escape at that time, I think even if we were fighting head-on, he should not be my opponent. But even if it\'s not my opponent, it\'s very powerful for ordinary humans. "

"So, I wonder if he can hunt a powerful demon and improve his self-esteem through this kind of hunting? At that time, if he can drag the hunted Warcraft to our city to sell, he should be able to gain economic benefits and self-esteem at the same time. At the same time, because of hunting demons, he can also boast to ordinary humans and stand on the self-esteem point of a \'strong man\'. "

Ariel held her chin and thought a little, then said, "this method... Is really good. But there are a few small problems. "

"First of all, on the issue of demons. Our mermaid song itself is the adventurers guild, so if you need to hunt demons, the citizens of Pelican city should come to us at the first time. In other words, if we want jovia and his brothers to go hunting, we need to communicate with them through us. But will things change back? He is still just communicating with us, not with ordinary citizens. "

With the first point, Ariel didn\'t hurry to go on immediately, but looked at the members around her. It\'s obvious that everyone can start brainstorming!

Sure enough, the members who had been mobilized early in the morning immediately had an idea. Even, the paladin suuta took the lead in saying this idea: "if so... Can we deliberately let him go, then follow him secretly, deliberately guide him and let him go to areas with more demons? After he killed the demon, we pretended to pass by inadvertently and said we would pay for it. How about this? "

Cocoa on the other side patted the table and said, "what a coincidence. I\'m sure I can find the clue at the first time. That won\'t work. "

Margo smiled: "so what do you think?"

Cocoa\'s fingers crossed, smiled and said, "why don\'t we play a play? We pretended to let him go, and then arranged for a little girl to sneak up on him and pester him for his company before he left! Although he will appear very impatient, he should still take the little girl out of the feeling of carrying "reserve food". After walking a little way and cultivating some feelings between the two sides, suddenly one day! A Warcraft came out to attack the little girl! At this time, jovia hit the devil! How does it feel? Will this vampire immediately have a good feeling for humans? "

Although, coco was very excited.

But the members around silently looked at the youngest child in the whole guild with caring eyes.

Ariel also looked at the lovely little girl with caring eyes, and then gently said to Margo: "has she seen anything strange lately?"

Margo nodded gently and said softly, "she seems to be addicted to some drama story books recently, especially the stories of uncle and little girl."

Ariel showed a "I see." she turned her head and continued, "the first point can\'t be solved first. It\'s not urgent. Let\'s think about the second point first. The second point is that we need to find a motivation for jovia to take the initiative to deal with the Warcraft. If the Warcraft ran to him, there was no problem, but it seemed a little forced. "

At this time, Tesla said, "president, although cocoa\'s words were a little too much just now. But I think her idea is very good. Not to let jovia kill Warcraft and sell it to us, so as to contact us. But when we humans are in danger, we take the initiative to call for help from jovia, and then let him save our humans. I think it\'s very good. "

The assembler began to stick his fingers and said, "you see, our human combat ability is not as good as the blood clan at night. If we human beings encounter danger and call for help to the blood clan, and the blood clan can respond to the call for help and save us, then he will no longer have the psychology of inferiority towards us? At the same time, since he can save us, he will no longer have prejudice against us, but can be more rightfully integrated with us. "

Ariel patted the table, took up her pen, wrote it down in her workbook and said, "good idea! Let jovia take the initiative to save the humans who asked him for help! Well, there\'s a small problem. That is, how can we guarantee that this guy who is now malicious to our mankind is willing to help us when we encounter suffering and danger? "

Cream opened his mouth at this time: "if it were me, I would help."

The people\'s eyes turned to the assassin. Cream put his hands behind his head, leaned back and said slowly, "this is a little like the alley where I lived when I was a child. There are robbers and thieves everywhere in our place. They don\'t have the habit of helping each other at all, and they often don\'t like each other. At the same time, while we look down on other small gangsters, we are afraid of those "big people", that is, those who live a normal life, have carriages and fields. We are afraid of the heavily guarded rich, but at the same time, we will secretly curse those rich people for not dying well. "

"But in this case, if those rich people suddenly ask me for help when they are in danger, and that kind of help is something I can do, I think I should also help."

"Don\'t you think it\'s a very refreshing thing to be able to help those great people who were much more noble than us?"

"If, according to the president, there is a deep sense of inferiority hidden behind the proud faces of jovia\'s blood families, then I believe that once ordinary humans ask them for help, and things are not difficult for them, they will act because of the feeling of \'I save these people who usually despise me\'. After all, there is no deep hatred between each other. I also believe that the blood clan has not reached a mental state that only wants to see mankind die in pain and can\'t get any benefits. "

As cream spoke, Ariel wrote in her book. These things can be well marked and can be easily sorted out and summarized in the end.

But think about it carefully. It seems that the president should not come in person to make the minutes of the meeting? HMM... it seems that none of your guild members can take the initiative to write meeting minutes for themselves now... Alas... If you recruit guild members again next time, you must arrange more work for him in advance.

... by the way, it seems that our guild has recently recruited a new member?

"Then the next question."

Ariel scratched her forehead with a pen——

"What kind of demons should we prepare? This demon needs to be easy to control, can be defeated by the blood clan, can pose a threat to our human beings, but can not produce strong lethality to our human beings. And there must be a certain sense of oppression. "

This time, members, look at me again and I\'ll look at you. But this time, they were not simply silent, but fell into thinking one after another.

"If we follow the Warcraft near Pelican city... Whether it\'s shrem or hooktoothed mouse, these are not a threat..."

Cocoa lit his chin, raised his head and said——

"Sister president, I\'ve seen other magicians deal with a demon called Cyclops before. It\'s a terrible monster with three legs, a tail, a huge head with only one eye, but an open mouth can almost tear the whole head apart. How about this demon? The last time we went to Hanhai City, I remember some magic shops selling this kind of Warcraft. "

Ariel has seen this kind of monster called Cyclops in the museum atlas, but the records are not very detailed, so she is not easy to judge.

But she didn\'t have to worry too much, because soon, dak next to her began to speak: "the one eyed beast is generally gentle, but it will be very difficult to deal with once she goes crazy. Wild Cyclops often appear in groups. If they are alone, they may often fall into a state of tension and are not well controlled. Well... I can barely suppress an angry one eyed beast if I\'m alone. I mean when I\'m not violent. Cheese, what do you think of the Cyclops? "

Cheese raised his hand, patted himself on the head, thought about it and said, "in the past, when traveling with President lanwen, he also made several commissions to eliminate the Cyclops. Well... That kind of Warcraft... It\'s very docile when it\'s docile, and it\'s really hard to suppress when it\'s grumpy. And with that mouth open and closed, you can easily bite three big men in two. Are you really sure to use this Warcraft? I don\'t suggest much. "


Buffy raised her hand and patted her partner gently.

Brad quickly raised his hand and immediately said, "Buffy has something to say!"

The little flower fairy put on an expression that made everyone wait for a long time, slowly flew up from Brad\'s shoulder and said——

"How about the tree demon?"

Ariel was stunned and said, "isn\'t the tree demon one of the magical images of your flower goblins?"

Buffy looked very proud on her face and said with a smile, "it\'s one of our magic images, but it\'s because we see that the tree demon has strong power, so we can imitate it ~ ~ ~ if it\'s a wild tree demon, they have strong power and complex roots! At the same time, after they catch humans or other creatures, they will not kill them immediately, but will trap them until they have insufficient nutrition or the creatures die automatically. Hee hee, it\'s very consistent with the fact that the killing speed is relatively slow? "

As she spoke, Buffy raised her hand to Brad. Brad also quickly raised his index finger and collided with Buffy\'s palm to celebrate.

"Besides, if it\'s a tree demon, I can ask my sister rose to help us get one or two. Don\'t spend money ~ ~! "

No money? Ha! Dream.

Ariel is very sure that if she dares to ask rose for a tree demon, God knows what a black heart price those flower demon spirits who have been blackened by lust and have only a beautiful appearance can offer.

"Tree demon... Isn\'t it convenient to move?"

At this time, the crisp tower opened its mouth——

"My husband and I used to face tree demons when we were traveling and smuggling. They are basically disguised as ordinary plants, quietly waiting for their prey to fall into their territory. Is this immovable demon suitable for this plan? "

Looking at the crisp tower, the paladin looked at by so many people blushed and quickly lowered his head. Her bangs had covered her eyes. Now with her head so low, she couldn\'t even see the whole face.

Dak exhaled and said, "there are several kinds of tree demons, but generally speaking, they don\'t have strong mobility. If it\'s a tree demon, I don\'t mind. "

Cream: "I don\'t mind. Although I haven\'t seen a tree demon, dak said so. That must be right."

Brad: "agree with..."

Coco: "well... Decided it was the tree demon?"

Margo: "president, what do you say? I have no problem. I haven\'t faced these demons anyway. "

Tesla: "I have no problem."

Cheese: "I\'m sorry, I don\'t agree."