Gold coin is justice

Chapter 1194

Facing Simon\'s question, jovia suddenly put on a surprised expression and asked back firmly: "(blood language) why did you doubt me at the first time?"

Such questions, in turn, shocked Simon. He looked at his stubborn compatriots, especially the attitude that he clearly wanted to be irresponsible. He gently bit his teeth and said slowly——

"(blood language) so you want to deny it? Jovia, I\'m lucky to be your village head for the time being, and I\'ll do justice for you. If you want to deny it and can provide evidence, I will never doubt you. "

When Simon said this, the cheese on one side immediately wanted to stand up. But Ariel held out her hand quickly and stopped him.

At the same time, the other three village chiefs also led their own people to the house, either lying in the window or standing outside the door, thinking about another trial.


"(blood language) denial? Hehe, can I deny it? In this world, who can deny what he has really done? "

Compared with the refutation originally recognized by others, jovia suddenly opened his arms, put on an expression of complete indifference, and smiled happily.

Such words immediately shocked Simon in front of him. For a moment, he even thought he had heard wrong!

But the next moment, jovia turned her head, glanced coldly at Ariel and others, and said slowly: "(blood language) say it, what do you want to do with me now? This time, do you want to cut off my two hands again? Or do I cut off all my limbs? Otherwise, you can do more absolutely, cut me in the waist, and then hang both sides of my body on both sides to dry for ten days and a half months! Dear human adults, do you think such punishment is appropriate? If it\'s not suitable, why don\'t you take a knife and pierce my heart directly! How about using my life to satisfy the human Lord to visit the head of our night family? "

Originally, Ariel had expected more than a dozen outcomes of the trial.

She even thought about what she should do if these blood families suddenly turned their faces and insisted on protecting the vampire who hurt her compatriots.

But now she was completely stunned.

Because the vampire has made it clear that he is ready to lead his neck and kill without paying attention to his life.

Because he doesn\'t care about his life at all, now he can show an attitude that doesn\'t pay attention to anyone at all!

Ariel also knows that if she puts on a posture of demanding severe punishment for the vampire at this time, the purpose of the blood clan named jovia will be absolutely achieved!

Although... Ariel doesn\'t know what his purpose is, she almost instinctively feels that this ending is definitely not what she wants.

"(blood language) jovia! Are you admitting that you attacked the mother and daughter of glutinous rice and Mashu? "

Unfortunately, Simon didn\'t seem to realize jovia\'s mental state. He let out a loud cry and shouted again with that condescending attitude——

"(blood language) why did you attack them? Did they annoy you? "

Now jovia simply sat down on the ground and said with a smile: "(blood language) annoyed me? Ah, they did annoy me. Just watching them comply with human wishes and set up stalls here quietly, showing that they want to be forcibly integrated into these human lives, I feel sick from the bottom of my heart. This is not the life of our night people at all. In the name of liberating us, this woman asks us to change our original life and habits. Even... She wants to change our language and make us completely part of mankind. Hehe... I have only one feeling from head to toe - disgusting! "

"(blood language) it\'s presumptuous

Simon roared. He paced back and forth with his hands on his back.

Perhaps it is because he has just been the village head for less than half a year, and the new village head has never dealt with his subordinates who have completely collided with him. So he clenched his teeth tightly and his eyes widened, as if he wanted to give punishment.

"(blood language) I don\'t care what reason you have, and what mess you\'re thinking! But now, it\'s true that you attacked your people! Come on! Lock this guy up with \'blood prison\'! I\'ll make a decision after the mother and daughter of glutinous rice and Mashu recover! "

Then he stretched out his clawed finger, pointed to jovia in front of him, and said fiercely——

"(blood language) jovia, I tell you, you\'d better pray that the mother and daughter\'s bodies can recover as soon as possible, and you\'d better reflect on your mistakes in the blood prison! Otherwise, just wait! Your end will never be as easy as last time! Take it down! "

Simon\'s face was full of anger.

But jovia\'s face was full of disdain and ridicule.

The blood families around constantly wandered back and forth on the faces of the two people, looking at the murderer who attacked his compatriots with hatred, boredom and confusion. Or

In those large eyes, there is also a little recognition, even the scarlet brilliance of pity.

After pulling jovia down, Simon turned to look at Ariel.

From before to now, Ariel did not say a word as she said, but just sat here quietly.

But now, her face is full of seriousness, without the slightest smile of the past.

Looking at the human woman\'s so serious expression, Simon breathed out a little and said slowly: "(blood language) Ariel, our matter has been solved. Next, I will discipline my compatriots well. But I also hope you can understand that even if you want to intervene in this matter, even if Mashu is a member of your guild, it is still within the scope of our blood clan. Can you understand what I said? "

Ariel\'s face remained serious. She nodded gently and still didn\'t say a word more.

Now that the matter has been preliminarily solved, Ariel got up and said slowly: "(blood language) I want to see my seriously injured member. I don\'t know whether it is feasible?"

Simon was slightly stunned, then gently nodded and stepped away.

Ariel went to the room where the glutinous rice mother and daughter were lying and looked at the mother and daughter who were smiling at themselves yesterday. Now they are lying on the hard ground like dead bodies and let the blood family medical personnel nearby treat them.

For the mother and daughter, Ariel came forward to care about them for two words, turned and left, which was the end of today\'s event.

But at the end of this time, he still had a problem in his heart that she couldn\'t get around all the time.

How did all this... Happen?

In the next three days, Ariel would go to the gathering area of blood clan to visit Mashu and glutinous rice once she was free.

But after each visit, the doubt in her heart will become more and more deep.

There is no doubt that the injuries of glutinous rice and cassava were caused by the blood clan named jovia.

However, at a time when they are trying to ask blood families to learn human language, trade with humans and promote mutual communication, why are there vampires like jovia who would rather risk punishment than attack their compatriots?

What on earth is that vampire thinking?

Is it really because of self-esteem? Because the vampire has no place to place his self-esteem, he can\'t stand it. After coming to human society, he can\'t stand on human head, so will he be rough?

Or... Is there still a deeper reason?

On the third day, nuomi\'s injury was almost healed.

On this day, Mashu\'s eyes finally opened slowly. At the first time, she opened her mouth to find her mother. After making sure that her mother was with her now, the next reaction of the little blood clan was to settle accounts with jovia.

Seeing her wake up again, many blood families, including mermaid song, naturally smiled. At the same time, everyone began to make a commotion and asked to chop jovia into meat sauce to let him know what kind of painful punishment it would bring to his compatriots.

Under this agitation, some blood clans even ran directly to Simon and asked him to chop off his hands and feet again and send them to cassava and glutinous rice to dispel their hatred.

For a time, Simon even couldn\'t contain this trend of thought and was about to order.

But when he was about to order the severe punishment of jovia, chain Yin stooped over and pulled him out on the grounds of going out to chew nicktina together. In this way, we can avoid a punishment of hatred between blood families.


The question in Ariel\'s heart has never been answered.

She didn\'t understand why someone would do such a terrible thing after clearly giving these blood families a way to live?

With such questions becoming more and more intense, Ariel finally couldn\'t stand it and put forward a small request to the two former village chiefs, copper hand and one eye


In a remote alley about a street from the blood clan gathering area, a small room is now emitting strange bursts of red light.

Several blood clans led by Lincoln turned their heads and looked around. After confirming that no other blood clans followed, they crept open the door and went in.

As soon as they entered the door, these vampires immediately saw a terrible look in front of them.

As soon as the two huge blood red magic arrays went up and down and attached to the ceiling and floor, jovia was trapped in the center of the two blood red magic arrays. The two magic formations seem to be using a slow and painful force to continuously absorb the blood on him, which makes the vampire seem to be dying.

"(blood language) boss, boss!"

Lincoln hurried to the blood prison, took out a piece of blood sugar in his arms and threw it in.

Inside, jovia stretched out his skinny hand, shook the thrown blood sugar piece and put it in his mouth.

However, as he began to recover, the blood extraction speed of the upper and lower blood magic arrays began to become faster, making him look weaker.

"(blood language) boss... Boss! are you all right? Damn... This damn blood prison...! "

Lincoln cursed the cage and said——

"(blood language) it\'s really unexpected that Lord Simon would use blood prison on our own compatriots for those humans!"

Inside, jovia struggled to get up slowly. He used his limbs together and climbed to Lincoln\'s vampires. He was finally able to sit well through the blood prison.

The vampire with white hair and even severe hair loss in some places raised his face like a skeleton, smiled coldly and said——

"(blood language) they... Have fallen. They have forgotten the glory of our family... Hehe, now, what are they going to do with me? Kill me? Will my head go to those humans... To pray for peace? "

Another vampire nearby said: "(blood language) boss, now Lord Simon hasn\'t said what he wants to do to you. Moreover, the mother and daughter had awakened, and their injuries were not serious. So... I think Lord Simon also wants to be lenient with you. "

Touch -!

Suddenly, jovia\'s palm slapped on the wall of the blood prison, making a cazha sound.

The vampire inside clenched his teeth, tried to breathe and said: "(blood language) treat me leniently? Hehe... Hehe... It\'s really a joke... A big joke! Why should he be lenient with me? Just because the mother and daughter\'s heads are still around their necks? If I had known this... I should have really screwed their heads off that day! "

The blood clans around nodded gently, and all showed an unhappy expression one by one. A vampire said: "(blood language) boss, the more I think, the more angry I am. Those humans don\'t like us at all, they force us to learn their language, and even want to cut off our hunting culture! Why should we listen to them instead? "

Another vampire also said: "(blood language) Yes, boss! I also don\'t like them. We could have hunted wantonly, and we could have become hunters in the dark! But now, our family is tied up. Although the previous days were very depressed, I have never felt such an unfettered way of life! After staying here for almost half a year, I feel like I\'m going to be suffocated all over! "

In the blood prison, the vampire nodded gently, the corners of his mouth cracked and said slowly: "(blood language) do you think... I don\'t think so? Hum, if they let me out this time, I must do more things to make them feel sick! If Simon doesn\'t kill me, I\'ll kill those humans! I want to see whether he will stand on the side of his compatriots or on the side of those humans! "

Lincoln\'s face was slightly frightened and said: "(blood language) boss! You... Even if Simon doesn\'t target you, the other night people can\'t guarantee not to target you! Now they are all selling nitina. Some have made some money. The other three village chiefs will never look at you! They will really kill you! "

Jovia snorted, raised his head and said: "(blood language) if you really want to kill me, come on! Use my death to awaken those souls in our night family who have not been destroyed, then I... Is also worth dying! "

Seeing that jovia was so full of sacrifice, the attendants around him looked at the vampire with worship again. Obviously, they have begun to regard jovia as their soul totem and worship it more than they can.

"(blood language)... Boss, why don\'t... Let\'s run away."

But at this time, Lincoln suddenly said such a sentence.

"(blood language) escape?"

All the blood families around him, including jovia, looked at Lincoln.

The vampire nodded and said: "(blood language) I have hidden almost more than 100 blood sugar blocks since this time. And our bodies are now adjusted to a good level. At least now when everyone walks in the early morning or evening sun, they won\'t be directly burned to ashes. "

Lincoln gathered a little and continued——

"(blood language) boss, let\'s rely on these blood sugar blocks to escape! We can run far away to a place where our fellow countrymen will never find us again! You know, we are a family of night! As long as it is at night, few humans are our opponents! "

"(blood language) we can go to a large city to settle down, and then go out at night to attack those sad humans and suck up their blood! When those humans notice, we can change places again. "

"(blood language) as long as we can keep a low profile and don\'t set up a flag and drum, I believe we can definitely show our absolute terror ability to these humble Terrans! At that time, these humans will naturally think of the strength of our night people. When they spread to this small city, I believe Lord Simon, they will immediately understand that it is impossible for our night people to coexist peacefully with those humans! "

"(blood language) there will always be only one battle between our night clan and Terran clan! Only the winner can continue to enjoy the flesh and blood of the world, can\'t he? "

"(blood language) so, boss jovia, let\'s run away! As long as we escape from this Pelican city like a cage, what awaits us will be an incomparably broad free and dark world! "