Gold coin is justice

Chapter 1191

After seeing this liver that filled the blood clan with appetite, glutinous rice\'s eyes became excited for a moment! But the next moment immediately turned into worry!

She said nervously: "(blood language) you... You killed a man? Took out his liver? Humans... Between us and humans --! "

For his mother\'s worry, Mashu seemed to be at leisure, shook his head, smiled and said: "(blood language) no, no, I didn\'t kill anyone. This is the liver of a pig. I bought one of those people who killed pigs and sold meat in the market. I thought my mother hadn\'t eaten real blood for several years, so I hurried to bring it back. "

All around, those blood clans gradually poured in, and some blood clans whispered again. They looked at the liver and the sweet potato with beautiful clothes. There was flickering and hesitation in their eyes.

Glutinous rice breathed out, then stuffed the raw liver back to Mashu and said: "(blood language) it\'s all right, mom is not hungry, you eat it."

But unexpectedly, Mashu shook his head again and said: "(blood language) I\'ve eaten it. This liver is only half now. Ariel borrowed a snack stand and cooked it for me. That tastes really good! So, mom, you eat. "

The more you say, the more you can\'t understand glutinous rice. She tilted her head and said almost incredulously: "(blood language) familiar Well, even if it\'s cooked, mom will share it with you. "

Unfortunately, Mashu still stuffed this half back into the arms of glutinous rice and said with a smile: "(blood language) really don\'t use it, mom. Compared with cooked liver, raw liver is really a little tasteless. I\'m really full ~ ~ ~ Ariel could have cooked this one if the boss of the snack stand didn\'t lend it to us. Mom, you eat first! I\'ll put things first! "

With that, the blood girl stopped paying attention to her mother behind her and began to turn her head and play with the packages she had brought back.

However, looking at the raw liver in his hand, glutinous rice seemed a little confused for a time.

The Mashu over there tampered with the packages she brought back. It didn\'t take long. The corner where the mother and daughter had been staying was gradually changed.

A small stable vase was placed aside, and two soft bedding were spread on the ground.

Two cushions are placed on the bedding, and a small wooden frame is erected next to it. Some simple small boxes are placed on the frame, and a small mirror is placed by the way.

On the back wall, she took out the nails and pressed a small calendar on the wall. Then put some cups, bowls, knives and forks into the wooden frame next to them and put them in a grid.

In a short time, this place looks so different from the bare places of other blood families. Especially when Mashu inserted a noctilucent flower into the nearby flower bottle, the dark area that originally belonged to the blood family immediately showed a unique aesthetic feeling.

Watching her daughter constantly tidy up here, the glutinous rice gradually began to feel relieved. She looked at the raw liver in her hand. After a moment of hesitation, she picked it up and bit it.

Mmm ~ ~! The taste full of fresh blood fills the mouth. This sense of fullness is not comparable to that of blood sugar block!

After only one bite, the glutinous rice couldn\'t help it any more. He began to gulp the raw liver into his mouth and swallow it whole.

After eating, she even licked her bloody fingers reluctantly. The whole process looked in the eyes of other blood families around, no doubt, it also made the eyes of those blood families more envious.

After licking the last finger, the glutinous rice looked at his daughter with suspicion again. She really couldn\'t figure out why her daughter said she didn\'t want to eat this raw liver? Cooked liver... Is it really so delicious?

Now, Mashu is hanging the exquisite long bow on the wall, both as decoration and as a spare Arsenal.

At this time, some blood families nearby finally couldn\'t help but come up to glutinous rice and say: "(blood language) glutinous rice, are you sure your mother and daughter really didn\'t kill? These things... Are they really what humans are willing to give you? "

Although nuomi himself doubted his daughter, for outsiders, the mother stood beside her daughter for the first time, nodded and said: "(blood language) of course it\'s true! Otherwise, do you think our cassava can come back with so many things so easily? If we really attacked those humans, they may have rushed to our door and blocked us to kill us. "

Seeing the appearance of glutinous rice now so confident, the blood families around began to talk one after another, all looking at what the mother and daughter had achieved with curious and envious eyes.

There are not many blood clan people, so the experience of nuomi mother and daughter now soon spread all over the gathering area of blood clan. More and more blood clan began to rush over. They looked curiously at the clothes worn by the mother and daughter and the small residence carefully arranged by them. For a time, they all showed their eyes of surprise, doubt and envy.

"(blood language) how did you do it?"

This time, the copper hand opened.

The former female head of Tiezhao village came over, looked at all this, and immediately turned her head and asked.

Nuomi smiled and called his daughter over. The mother and daughter held hands and said: "(blood language) copper hand village head is very simple. We sell those nicktina to those humans, they will give me money, and then we use the money to sell these things."

"(kinship) niktina?"

The copper hand was stunned for a moment. She glanced at the blood clan next to her. A blood clan immediately took out several nicktina leaves and gave them to the copper hand.

The female vampire looked at the sun dried leaf in her hand, pondered for a moment and said: "(blood language) these things... Sold to those humans? Don\'t be kidding, nicktina is highly toxic to those humans! Even if they eat now, they will be poisoned tomorrow at most! "

Mashu couldn\'t help it. She shook off her mother\'s hand, walked forward and said seriously: "(blood language) Yes, nicktina is highly toxic. Therefore, we need to select the leaves of nitina with less strong toxin, and then deal with them in a special way before selling them to humans. I\'ve sold some nitina in the past few days. Those humans are still alive! Therefore, this method is completely feasible! "

Glutinous rice was a little afraid. He quickly greeted his daughter and whispered: "(blood language) talk to Lord tongshou. You can\'t speak so loudly!"

Mashu ignored it and continued: "(blood language) Ariel told me that our night people have a strong sense of smell, very sharp observation and excellent practical ability. We can use our noses to smell nicktina whose toxin is not so strong, and then crush these nicktina leaves with our hands and vision, wrap them with small pieces of paper, and turn them into something called \'Cigarette\'. Ariel said that so far, if we want human beings to eat the safest \'cigarettes\', we can only do it through the hands of our night people! "

"(blood language) so we can make cigarettes in this way and sell them to those humans. And those humans will use their things to trade with us! Next, I will sell more cigarettes. I want my mother to live a good life. I want my mother to wear beautiful clothes and eat fresh liver every day. I can restore my youth and become beautiful! "

All the blood families present looked at this little blood family.

The copper hand lowered her head. Her eyes reflected the girl\'s appearance and fell into meditation.

Other blood families are now looking at the former village head and his decision. However, it can be seen that a considerable number of people in these blood families have begun to show interest in this, and each one is a little eager to try.

"(blood language) are you sure... Can we really exchange this kind of thing for human things?"

After thinking for a long time, the copper hand finally made up his mind.

After the mother and daughter nodded again, the copper hand slowly exhaled and said: "(blood language) in that case, can you teach us how to make... Cigarettes in your mouth?"

At this moment, Mashu\'s eyes began to shine.

At the same time, in the eyes of all blood families present, they also swept away the dead spirit of the past few months!

They found something to do.

Moreover, there is no need for them to work hard. As long as they keep working, they can exchange some seemingly beautiful things!

Maybe from this moment, the vampire race will begin to change?

Even if they can\'t change their ethnic characteristics of fearing the sun, even if they don\'t change their recipes, they are very different from ordinary humans.

But as Ariel believes, as long as there are transactions between each other, their economies can be intertwined and linked to each other

So is the so-called contradiction between races still important?

——On June 28, 1304, the daily consumption of mermaid song: - 1 gold, 1 silver and 4 iron, the salary of mermaid song: - 42 gold, workshop salary: - 36 gold, cigarette advertising and promotion expenses: - 5 gold and 8 silver, textile sales: 1187 gold, patent fee: 2000 gold, balance: 16000 gold, 7 silver, 3 copper and 6 iron (debt: 3512 gold, interest 10%; Liabilities: 7733, interest 20%; Liabilities: 1521 gold, interest 15%) [Urban Development: 14]——

"This is all business ~ ~!"


This summer in Pelican city is a lively summer, so that everyone can enjoy singing!

Today is July 15 in summer. On this beautiful day, Ariel watched the carts of goods begin to be transported to her warehouse. Even if she wanted to hold her breath, she couldn\'t help smiling on her face.

The land investment at the beginning of the year has finally begun to pay off. For Pelican City, it is simply a bumper harvest year!

The first crop of this year has been ripe. According to the agreement at the beginning of the year, Ariel bought almost all the crops in all the farms near Pelican city at one go. A large number of cotton, flax and mulberry leaves began to be wrapped in bundles and entered the warehouse of mermaid song in the new urban area.

These textile raw materials will be turned into cloth in the next time, and then into a large number of exquisite clothes! After that, these exquisite clothes will become glittering gold coins and be sold to all places!

To this end, the original textile factory is not enough. Ariel has increased investment and built three textile factories in the new urban area in order to handle all these dozens of tons of goods.

But is the textile industry alone over?

Of course not.

In addition to the textile industry, Ariel is most concerned about the production workshop of Tesla\'s element car.

After nearly five months of reconstruction and training for ordinary people, a construction factory of element cars has also been settled in the new urban area. At the same time, the production of element car requires a large number of matching industries such as iron ore, wood and handicrafts. Therefore, with the construction plant of element car as the center, several supporting production lines have been widened around.

Seeing the money in her hand reduced so much in one breath, Ariel felt a little distressed, but watching so many workshops start to operate and can ensure that an element car will come out of the construction factory in almost a week, Ariel still felt that the money should be spent.

So, this is business ~ ~ ~!

Originally just a border town in a border province dominated by agriculture, now it has started to make a fortune in manufacturing. Isn\'t that the power brought by business?

In addition to these industries, there are some things that make Ariel\'s face shine now.

For example, now, she is looking at those blood families happily. They were stopped outside the guild by cheese and were not allowed to enter.

(blood language) don\'t make a noise, don\'t make a noise! What a noise! "

Cheese\'s face was full of bored expression. He glanced at the compatriots in front of him, cleared his throat and said——

"(blood language) that\'s it. Do what you want and leave if you don\'t want. We didn\'t force you!"

Simon, standing in front of him, frowned at Cheese\'s wild expression. Holding a packet of handmade cigarettes in his hand, he came forward and said: "(blood language) cheese, no matter how you are a member of our Hunter village, you can help the mother and daughter of Mashu and glutinous rice. Why can\'t you help us all?"

Cheese glanced at Simon in front of him and said coldly: "(blood language) mother and daughter of glutinous rice and cassava are our president\'s friends. Selling cigarettes for them is out of friendship. However, our mermaid song is also an adventurer guild. Of course, we need to collect money to help others. If you want to entrust our mermaid song to sell your cigarettes, I have made it very clear just now. Our mermaid song will take 50% of the income as a commission. This price will never change. "

The blood clan began to talk again. They all looked at the cheese with a resentful look. At this time, the village head of Lianyin nearby was also carrying a large pack of cigarettes. He said slightly angrily: "(blood language) fifty... Fifty? You... That woman! Does she want to suck our... Our blood?! "

Cheese snorted indifferently and said: "(blood language) then you can sell these cigarettes yourself. Our mermaid song didn\'t stop you. Besides, what you call selling through Mermaid songs is essentially selling through me. Why? Because I understand our language and human language. Of course you can only rely on me in doing business, can\'t you? "

"Cheese, you\'ve gone too far!"

The village head in front of the crowd opened his mouth. His palm was also padded with a pack of cigarettes. In the evening, he exposed his fangs and said, "if you want to understand human language, I also understand it. But isn\'t helping our compatriots something we should do as a family of night? "

Cheese smiled and said: "(blood language) one eyed adult, you are a day-to-day machine. Anyway, you can\'t help every compatriot sell these cigarettes all day? And you say you know human language? Normal communication may be OK, but how much do you know about the human language used for business transactions with humans? For example, do you know how to bargain? Do you know how to weigh? So if you really want to do these things, it\'s really just me. And if you let me come, we will draw 50% of the mermaid song, and we will never bargain! If you agree, come in and sign the contract! "

The vampire stepped aside from the gate, reached inside and smiled unkindly at the corners of his mouth.

The blood clan in front of them looked at the same clan who had drilled into the money hole, one by one, they hated their teeth itching.

But what can be done? Who makes them not understand human language and have no way to trade with those humans?

Now, if you really want to sell these cigarettes, it seems that you can only make a price difference for him through this middleman


Just then Ariel came out of the hall. She pretended not to know anything, held a book in her arms, looked at the vampires in front of her and said slowly——

(blood language) yo, are you all here? I thought you weren\'t going to learn human language. "

The cheese beside him covers his mouth and doesn\'t turn his head to prevent other compatriots from seeing him laughing.

Ariel continued with a leisurely voice——

"(blood language) if you want to learn human language, come in. From today on, cheese will be your human language teacher. Teaching is free. Come on, everybody in? Why are you standing at the door one by one? I\'ve read today\'s class. Cheese will teach some human language about business and trading. "