Gold coin is justice

Chapter 1186

At night, it\'s so quiet now.

In the hall of mermaid\'s song, the element light has now been extinguished, and everything seems dark. Only the external element light will shine through the window glass.

The time has entered the second half of the night. At this time, cheese has climbed up the roof and started the work of night watchman he will do every night.

But in the dark guild hall, there were still two pairs of blood red eyes shining here, trying to be busy with the work in hand.

Mashu rubbed the eggplant leaves hard, crushed them, and then sprinkled them carefully and evenly on the long cut paper. Then she picked up the edge of the paper, turned it carefully, and began to wrap the eggplant leaves bit by bit.

On one side, her mother nuomi silently looked at her daughter who was so serious. Looking at her daughter, she finally rolled up a piece of eggplant leaf smoke, but she just picked it up, but the unsealed paper suddenly scattered.

Looking at the depressed expression flashing on her daughter\'s face, a feeling of heartache immediately appeared in glutinous rice\'s eyes. She took out a piece of blood sugar from a small package around her, handed it to her daughter and said: "(blood language) come on, take a break and have something to eat."

Mashu looked at the blood sugar block in his mother\'s hand, his eyes twinkled with a little confused expression, and said: "(blood language) Mom, but I have eaten my blood sugar block?"

Glutinous rice smiled and said: "(blood language) you eat, mom is not hungry. You should eat more so that you can have strength and better restore your original appearance. "

Looking at the blood sugar lump rolling slightly in his mother\'s thin palm, Mashu shook his head firmly. She said with a serious face: "(blood language) this belongs to my mother. I can\'t eat it. Mom, you\'d better eat it quickly. We still have to work hard. "

With that, glutinous rice continued to study how to fix these rolled up papers without using glue.

Glutinous rice\'s eyes were full of love for her daughter. She sighed and said: "(blood language) is it meaningful for us to do these things now?"

Mashu didn\'t stop the action in her hand. She might not be listening at all. She just lay down her head, widened her eyes, carefully folded a gap in the paper and tried to fold out a card slot.

Nuomi: "(blood language) even if we can successfully make this kind of eggplant leaf tobacco, will those humans really be willing to buy what we make? They hate us so much. Since a long time ago, they think we are a group of monsters... Although I think the judgment of several village heads is a little radical, I also think the contradiction between us and mankind can not be resolved so easily. "

With great difficulty, Mashu finally folded a card slot on the cigarette that was not as thick as her finger. She stuck both ends of the paper with these card slots, and finally formed a cigarette that could be fixed. At that moment, she lifted the cigarette excitedly, but it moved a little, the card slot was unhooked immediately, and the eggplant leaves inside were scattered again.

"(kinship language) Mashu, come on, let me take care of your hair."

Glutinous rice put down his eggplant leaves and paper, walked behind his daughter and gently combed her scalp with his fingers.

Just now, Mashu, who seemed a little annoyed, immediately closed his eyes, slightly opened his mouth, closed his eyes, and felt his mother\'s feeling of combing her hair with her fingers.

When she was comfortable, she hummed softly.

"(blood language) my daughter is the best. I know you are serious. But sometimes, we should also pay attention to the combination of work and rest. "

Glutinous rice\'s face showed a smile, gently rubbed Mashu\'s head, and then helped her press her shoulder.

After kneading for a few minutes, Mashu shook his shoulder, nodded and said with a smile: "(blood language) Mom, I\'m fine. I\'ll keep doing it! "

With that, she lay down her head again and began to study.

Nuomi sighed and returned to her seat. She held out her hand, raised her head and said, "I\'ll let you rest now. We don\'t have to work so hard. Besides, people didn\'t say that we must study it tonight. We can continue tomorrow. "

Mashu looked at her mother\'s face. After a little hesitation, she shook her head and said: "(blood language) if I can, I really want to finish this quickly. Mom, let\'s help together. When it\'s done, our night people can walk in the human world. "

There was a funny and angry expression on nuomi\'s face and said: "(blood language) do you believe that human\'s words so much? Don\'t you worry about her lying to us? "

Mashu was stunned: "(blood language) cheat me? Ariel? Why did she lie to me? She is the human who saved her mother from chifei. "

In a word, let the glutinous rice suddenly don\'t know how to answer. After a moment of silence, she continued: "(blood language) well, even if she doesn\'t want to cheat us, do you believe that her idea will be realized? The gap between us and mankind has been more than 400 years. With her, a human without any power, can her idea really make our two races harmonious with each other? "

Mashu lowered his head and continued to study the way of wrapping: "(blood language) but mom, we don\'t have any other way now, do we?"

Glutinous rice sighed, stretched out his hand, gently stroked his daughter\'s hair, which gradually became thick, smiled bitterly and said: "(blood language) baby, do you believe in that human being so much?"

Mashu nodded hard.

Now, as a mother, glutinous rice became angry and funny. She simply put down the eggplant leaf in her hand and said with a smile: "(blood language) tell your mother why you believe her so much? Did she save her mother from chifei? "

Mashu raised a carefully wrapped rolled eggplant leaf in his hand, looked at it for a moment, and said: "(blood language) Mom, don\'t you think she really wants to help our blood family integrate into the human society?"

After looking at it, she took the rolled eggplant leaf and turned it around in her hand. She found that the rolled eggplant leaf had not spread. Her eyes showed a look of joy. Then she took the pocket fire next to her, lit one end of the eggplant leaf, looked at the burning condition above and said——

"(blood language) since I was a child, I have heard the village head of shileg talk about human horror stories. Those horror stories are handed down from ancient times? "

"(blood language) but in the end, even the village head of shileg was willing to believe Ariel. During the time I spent with her, I also felt that she was very kind to me. She was sincere and didn\'t have a little selfishness. She wanted to be good to our blood family. "

"(blood language) she helped us fight against xueya village, helped us fight against chifei, and tried to integrate us into their human society, work for us, give us blood candy, at least avoid the situation that we haven\'t had enough to eat all the time."

"(blood language) in this case, if she really wants to use us, I think it should be. But so far, she has no other requirements except for us to help her work in her textile factory. She even tries to adjust the contradiction between us and mankind. "

"(blood language) so I want to believe her. I want to believe what she said and that she really wants to help us. Isn\'t that enough? "

Unfortunately, perhaps too many eggplant leaves were filled inside, which led to the extinction of the rolled eggplant leaf after burning to one-third of the place, so it could not continue to burn.

Mashu\'s eyes did not show disappointment. Instead, it seemed to have determined something and began to wrap up new rolled eggplant leaves again.

Looking at her daughter now so serious, the tired and evasive eyes in glutinous rice\'s eyes finally dissipated gradually. She looked at the rolled eggplant leaves in her hand, then took a deep breath and said with a smile: "(blood language) well, OK! Then mom, come and help! Since my baby believes that human woman so much, my mother will also believe my baby! After all, these are the only things we can do now. "

Seeing that his mother now began to study how to pack, Mashu looked up and his eyes began to show a smile. She nodded hard at her mother, then lowered her head again and tried to pack it.

One night, it passed so slowly.

When Ariel came down from the second floor yawning early the next morning, she looked at the row of ten wrapped eggplant leaves on the table and showed a happy smile.

"Now! We finally have a roll of eggplant leaves that can be sold smoothly! A big step has been taken towards our success! "

After three days of hard work, the guild hall of mermaid song is brightly lit again tonight.

The members of the guild surrounded the glutinous rice and sweet potato that had been trying to knead the rolled eggplant leaves for the past three days, and constantly applauded and cheered the mother and daughter.

Such a warm reception made the mother and daughter look a little embarrassed.

Ariel took a bamboo basket in her hand, looked at the full roll of eggplant leaves in it, nodded with great appreciation and said: "(blood language) it\'s hard for you, glutinous rice and sweet potato. I believe your hard work will be rewarded. "

Mashu pulled her mother\'s sleeve and could only smile, but she still seemed a little shy and didn\'t speak.

Nuomi stretched out his hand to protect his daughter. After a moment of silence, he said: "(blood language) miss Ariel, although we wrapped all these rolled eggplant leaves according to your request. So next, shall we sell it like this? "

At this time, the face of cheese, who was also applauding, was cold. He thought about it and said: "(blood language) well... I\'m afraid it\'s a little difficult."

He turned his head and said to Ariel, "president, how do you sell these rolled eggplant leaves? Shall we all go out and help them sell? "

Ariel smiled, raised a finger, shook it, and said, "how is it possible? If we sell these things for them, how can we integrate them into human society? "

Cocoa also asked curiously, "so? Sister president, if we don\'t help them sell, do they still need to sell by themselves? "

Ariel clapped her hand, looked at Cocoa with approval on her face, smiled and said, "that\'s right! Is to let them sell themselves! Only by letting them sell these rolled eggplant leaves themselves can they have better communication with us and deepen understanding with each other. After understanding, we can avoid misjudgment between the two sides and deepen the integration between our two races! "

Although, Ariel is very happy and beautiful now.

But when cheese translated these words to the mother and daughter, the original joy on their faces went out quickly.

Not only they, but also all the members of mermaid song present felt a little incredible about it.

You know, human beings are afraid of blood clan!

Those humans are so afraid of blood clan almost out of instinct, and now let these blood clan sell these eggplant leaves themselves? It\'s a bad idea to think with your ass. Don\'t get the last rolled eggplant leaf. You can\'t sell it.

Seeing the hesitation on the faces of the people present, Ariel also knew that these members did not directly refute because they took into account their status as president.

But it doesn\'t matter. Ariel is not the kind of person who must hold his mind when he has any idea, and then wait until the last breath to surprise everyone.

She knows exactly how many pounds she has, and she knows that it is impossible to think of an idea perfectly by herself. Therefore, we must take out our ideas and discuss with you, so as to fill the loopholes in our plan as much as possible.

At that moment, she put her hands on her hips and said with a smile, "well, well, don\'t worry and look embarrassed first. Listen to me first. Cheese, please translate it for me. "

After Ariel paused for a moment, she said slowly from a rolled eggplant leaf in the dark of the bamboo basket she was carrying on her arm——

"First of all, there is the concept of \'tobacco\' in our human cognitive concept. We humans know that the leaves of a plant can be eaten after drying. "

"But it\'s basically something that aristocrats or rich people can suck. It belongs to the enjoyment of a powerful class. Therefore, what we have to do now is to sell these rolled eggplant leaves to ordinary people. We are responsible for expanding the civilian market. "

"Well, in order to offset the influence of blood clan in our human mind as much as possible, we now need to package the rolled eggplant leaves. HMM... let me be more precise, that is, I need you to be responsible for the sales of rolled eggplant leaves. However, I don\'t need you to take the initiative to sell anything, but to find a way for us humans to take the initiative to buy these eggplant leaves from you. "

When he heard the interpreter, nuomi immediately put his hand in front of his daughter and said: "(blood language) my daughter is alone? Please let me come with you. "

Ariel shook her head and said with a smile, "Ms. nuomi, I know you want to take care of your daughter, but please allow me to make this judgment. Because this is essential for selling rolled eggplant leaves. "

Nuomi\'s face still looked a little nervous. She looked down at her daughter. But Mashu seemed very brave at this time. He nodded seriously, took a step and said: "(blood language) I know. Please give it to me. What exactly do I need to do? "

Ariel smiled and continued: "if we humans want to take the initiative to buy rolled eggplant leaves, we must make a little means. The first point is that we can no longer call this rolled eggplant leaf \'rolled eggplant leaf\'. Now we\'re going to change our name to cigarette. "

The cream beside him was stunned and said, "cigarettes Fragrant smoke? Oh, that\'s an interesting title. "

Ariel gave the cream a favorable look and continued, "there\'s nothing wrong. Fragrant cigarettes are called \'cigarettes\' for short. With this name, most people will have the idea of "this is a thing that can produce aroma" at the first time after hearing "cigarette". What we want is such a preconceived concept. "

Su TA came up and looked at the cigarettes in Ariel\'s bamboo basket. After thinking for a while, he said, "cigarettes... This statement is really much easier than rolling eggplant leaves. And we are not lying, it does emit a little smoke. President, are we going to print a lot of advertising messages next? "

"Advertising? propaganda? I understand that! "

Buffy jumped up on Brad\'s shoulder, held out her hand and kept shaking, shouting optimistically——

"We advertised! Just use a lot of paper, write a lot of words, and then post them everywhere in the city, right? "

Tesla clenched his chin, thought and said, "if we want to do this, it will take a lot of time to paste the whole city... And we have to write. We need to try to think of an attractive slogan."

Ariel shook her head again, smiled and said, "no, no, it\'s too troublesome. We now have a lot of resources and don\'t need to do so hard low-level advertising work. We can use a lot of resources in our hands to achieve a method that can make all the people in Pelican city attracted by cigarettes at once. "

She shook her head twice and happily asked these members to think carefully first. When everyone thought about it, she immediately raised her finger and drew a circle in mid air, laughing——

"Let\'s just make a real person advertisement. How about it? Cheese! "