Gold coin is justice

Chapter 1184

With that, the copper hand got up and was ready to leave.

Seeing this, Ariel was in a hurry. She immediately reached out and grabbed the copper hand, which was still a skinny wrist, and said anxiously: "(blood language) please believe me! That must be a good idea! You can give full play to your sensitive sense of smell and choose nitina, which is less toxic, less spicy and more suitable for our human beings! Please believe me! "

The copper hand held Ariel\'s hand in turn and nodded with a smile, but he broke away from Ariel\'s hand without hesitation and said: "(blood language) ok, OK, I understand. I\'ll really think about it. I\'ll bring this topic up for discussion when our village heads meet tomorrow. Miss Ariel, do you have anything else to do? If you like, we can continue to visit. How about it? "

Seeing the copper hand\'s attitude, Ariel finally realized that it was futile to say it again now.

She stood where she was, and after a moment, she could only shake her head helplessly.

Copper hand smiled politely, then turned and walked out of the room. After looking at Ariel here, other blood families in the room did not have any reaction, but continued to curl up and chew leaves. No one said what they wanted to do.

"It should be said that they have no hope of being friendly with us? Or do they think your plan is completely infeasible? "

Cream came up and said slowly.

But after a while, he continued——

"But President, I still think this thing is a little dangerous. For the blood clan, there is almost no loss of toxins, which is not what we humans think. Even if the amount of toxin is light, it is also a toxin. "

Ariel breathed out and said, "but the smell of this thing is unique. And I believe that as long as the taste is good enough, no one is willing to experience this wonderful feeling with life. Of course, the premise is that the toxin will not kill people immediately in a short time. Even if you want to poison people, it should take at least 30 or 40 years. "

Cream shrugged his shoulders and was noncommittal.

However, the most important thing now is that no blood clan member is willing to carry out this operation. What can we do?

Would you like cheese?

I\'m afraid not. In the view of ordinary people, cheese can be classified as a member of mermaid song rather than a blood family. Therefore, letting the cheese come forward to sell these nitina can not improve the favor of the Terran for the blood clan.

So who should do these things now?

"That... Ariel..."

Just as the president stood here hesitating, a small voice came from the side.

Ariel turned her head and saw a small blood clan with a half bald head - Mashu, who was wearing a shabby single clothes that could hardly cover her body.

Now, Mashu\'s eyes are full of serious color. After making Ariel\'s attention completely focus on her, the little blood clan immediately raised his finger to his nose and nodded seriously——

"I, do it. Mom, let\'s do it together. "

Ariel was stunned: "are you coming? Are you sure? "

For Ariel\'s doubt, Mashu nodded more seriously. Different from the red eyes with a slight sense of awe in the eyes of the copper hand, the blood red pupils contain more hope.

Mashu nodded seriously again. There was no sense of greatness or pride. Is a child who wants to be serious.

Seeing that the little blood clan was willing to take the initiative to take the responsibility, Ariel\'s mood changed from surprise to joy! She even couldn\'t help but come forward and put her arms around Mashu. She nodded excitedly and said, "good boy! Mashu is really a good child! Thank you, thank you so much! Little potato! "

Such a scene is really strange for the cream next to it... After all, Mashu looks like a short woman in her 40s, while Ariel is young. Such a girl called a 40 year old woman "little potato"... Although cream also knew that this was determined by the physiological characteristics of the blood family, she still couldn\'t help shivering.

After hugging Mashu, Ariel immediately asked her to take herself to meet her mother, nuomi. After seeing the mother and explaining her intention, nuomi\'s expression showed that she didn\'t pay much attention to it, but on the whole, she nodded and recognized it.

Later, Ariel learned about the nature of niktina and returned to the guild to prepare. The next day, after a busy day of guild affairs, as soon as it was dark, she began to implement the established production plan of blood family specialty products.


Ariel must admit that she made a mistake.

As previously thought, she thought that as long as these blood families can work for themselves, these blood families can naturally communicate with humans and then integrate with each other.

But now imagine that this is a big mistake!

The root of the mistake is that although these blood families work for themselves, they do not give them enough wages.

Yes... It\'s very painful for Ariel to realize this mistake

She didn\'t realize before that she didn\'t give money to these blood families, but only gave them some blood sugar blocks. Although this behavior can greatly reduce her labor expenditure, it will make these blood families unable to obtain any currency that can be used to communicate with humans.

They don\'t have human money. All the blood sugar blocks they get can only circulate within their blood group. There is no way to buy anything with humans at all.

In this case, the gap between the rich and the poor between the two sides is widening, and the goods are not in circulation. Even if they do cheap labor for themselves for another 100 years, they can\'t mix with the human world!

Yes, salary

If you want these blood clans to really integrate into the human world, your boss must give them money that can be used to trade with humans as wages in addition to giving them blood sugar blocks

Damn... Damn... Damn!

Why did you bring these blood families back?! If you don\'t bring it back, it\'s only human three shifts at most. However, after bringing it back, there will be so many problems. Their strong productivity will also lead them to pay extra energy to deal with it. This is not a very profitable thing!

Hoo... Now the trouble has been caused, and it\'s impossible to drive them away again. Then there is no way but to admit their fate and integrate them again.

But beyond that, Ariel swear!

If you hire people in the future, you must try your best to keep the salary down! It doesn\'t matter if those hired workers can\'t buy anything at all! Anyway, if they hire workers themselves in the future, they can only be human. Workers just have to work hard for themselves. They can\'t afford to buy things and can\'t promote the prosperity of the market economy. Finally, all of them curl up in their own corners, isolated from each other, and even angry with each other. What does that have to do with themselves? He is just a factory owner who kindly gives them a bowl of rice~~~

This time, Ariel nodded seriously and made up her mind to carry out such an idea.

But before that... Let\'s solve these blood clan problems first.

When it was dark and after dinner, a small head poked out of the guild gate and swayed inside.

When Ariel saw the little head, she immediately smiled and waved, "come in, mashed potato, glutinous rice."

The cassava at the door nodded, and then the head retracted. When she appeared again, she took her mother\'s glutinous rice arm and walked in carefully.

Mashu is really interesting. When she is alone, she looks very responsible, brave and serious. But as long as she is beside her mother, the blood clan will become a young (harmonious) child who seems not to be separated from her mother, just standing behind her mother.

Nuomi looked at the guild hall. Soon, her attention was attracted by the mermaid carving on the ceiling. After a while, she looked back at her daughter. Seeing that his mother noticed the mermaid carving, Mashu immediately lowered his head and muttered: "(blood language) I\'m very careful... Don\'t break it..."

Glutinous rice stretched out his hand, gently touched his daughter\'s thin haired head, smiled and said nothing.

(blood language) all right, come on! Have you brought anything? "

Ariel came forward, led the two blood families in and sat down in the rest area.

At this time, cocoa also came over and stood beside Ariel.

Glutinous rice nodded slightly, picked up a package wrapped with a large leaf in his hand, put it on the table and opened it carefully.

It was full of sun dried niktina.

However, as soon as the package was opened, the strong smell immediately filled the whole guild hall.

Cocoa didn\'t realize that the taste was so strong, and immediately coughed a few times.

Ariel also covered her nose and waved. Other guild members who had come to watch the excitement nearby covered their noses and retreated. As for the cat, Napa immediately raised her claws, covered her nose, floated off the counter and flew out of the door.

When the taste was important, Ariel waved her nose and said, "the taste is still so heavy... Ms. nuomi, are you sure these eggplant leaves are very toxic?"

"(kinship language) eggplant leaf...?" Glutinous rice\'s face is full of question marks.

Ariel exhaled, nodded and said: "(blood language) I checked some data. Although there is no specific name of this plant in our human plant records, I think it looks like the leaves of eggplant, so I named it eggplant leaves myself. Forget it, the name is not important. The key is toxicity. "

Nuomi nodded slightly and said: "(blood language) I don\'t know what kind of toxicity you want... Nicktina. I just picked out the ones that don\'t taste so strong. Why don\'t you try? "

Then the glutinous rice took out a dry leaf and handed it to Ariel.

Unfortunately, the smell in the whole hall is still very strong, so this small leaf can\'t make Ariel feel how light the taste is. The strong, bitter and spicy taste is still very exaggerated.

She frowned, turned her head and said to cocoa, "what do you think?"

Cocoa was stunned, then pointed to his nose and said, "ask me?"

Ariel stretched out her hand, gently knocked on the skull of the necromancer, and said with elder sister\'s blame: "of course I ask you! You forgot? I taught you alchemy. Isn\'t it the work of a magical alchemist to refine a plant into something that we humans can use? "

Hearing this, cocoa understood why sister Ariel had to pull herself directly to this work (harmony).

The expression on her face, which had nothing to do with herself and only came with the mood of watching the excitement, immediately disappeared and turned into a slightly frightened color.

Seeing the little girl\'s expression, Ariel immediately changed her face and said, "so you haven\'t studied alchemy lately, have you? Won\'t you tell me that you have forgotten even the most basic method of alchemy? "

"No, no! Sister president, I remember everything clearly! It\'s just... I haven\'t recovered for a while just now! I\'ve been practicing alchemy. I\'ve been practicing it! "

After reluctantly "Persuading" Ariel, the little necromancer turned around with an embarrassing smile and took the leaf from glutinous rice.

She frowned, leaned close to her nose and smelled, then held it up and looked again. After thinking for a moment, she put the leaf in the palm of her hand and closed her eyes.

A moment later, some black dust rolled up from her feet. Soon, the dust gradually condensed into a head. The neck, feet and body were full of rotten meat. In many places, there were even dense white bones... Zombie dogs at the bottom.

"Xiao Hei, what do you think?"

Cocoa squatted down, handed the leaf in his hand to the zombie dog\'s nose and continued——

"If it will poison you, you will be poisoned ~ ~"

The zombie dog named Xiao Hei kept around cocoa, and the rotten tail was only half wagging like a fan. When he saw the leaves in cocoa\'s hand, he leaned over and smelled them with his nose. After hesitating for a few seconds, the zombie dog suddenly opened his mouth, stuck out his tongue, licked the leaf into his mouth and chewed it twice.

"Hoo... Hoo Hoo!"

In an instant, the zombie dog immediately howled, fell to the ground, and was "dead".

In this regard, cocoa immediately nodded with satisfaction. As soon as she clapped her hands, the zombie dog immediately turned over and jumped up from the just "sudden death" state, continued to turn around cocoa, spit out his tongue and wag his tail.

"Sister president, obviously, if you eat this thing at one go, it will definitely poison people."

For this now proud necromancer, Ariel\'s face looked better. She raised her hand and put it on her shoulder. Her face was full of a smile and said slowly, "so, is this the alchemy you have practiced so hard for so long? Let Xiaohei test the poison? "

The smile on Cocoa\'s face was frozen immediately. She made two embarrassed laughs, and her body also retreated slightly.

"Forget it, anyway, as long as you can understand the toxicity of this leaf."

Ariel was not in the mood to tangle with the magician. She turned her head and looked at a big bag of eggplant leaves over there. She also looked at the mother and daughter of glutinous rice and cassava standing next to her.

"(blood language) well... Are there any eggplant leaves with lower toxicity?"

Ariel asked.

Glutinous rice frowned slightly. She rummaged through the pile of packages while thinking. Take out one and put it in front of your nose. Smell it and put it next to you. After a long time, she finally picked out another eggplant leaf and smelled it in front of her nose for a long time before she got it in front of Ariel.

Naturally, Ariel handed the eggplant leaf to cocoa again, and cocoa threw it to Xiaohei.

This time, Xiao Hei swallowed the eggplant leaves and was still alive. But almost five minutes later, he still turned over to the ground, kicked his limbs, and continued to die.

"(blood language) sure enough, it\'s still not good."

Seeing that the zombie dog continued to die, the glutinous rice over there sighed helplessly. She began to repackage the eggplant leaves, and her face showed an expression of "I knew so".

"(blood language) Mom..."

Mashu reached out and took her mother\'s hand.

Glutinous rice looked at his daughter\'s hand and hesitated a little on his face. But then her eyes turned to Ariel, as if waiting for Ariel\'s next move.

Ariel is in pain now.

You know, all she thought about was that she could solve the problem quickly, and then she could shake her hand easily and sleep easily.

But now, even the less toxic eggplant leaves will still poison people immediately after eating, which is different from what you think.

"I said President, is it because I eat directly?"

Cream is on the second floor, leaning against the guardrail. He said as he laughed——

"I saw those blood clans yesterday, but they all spit out after chewing in their mouth. Is it for this reason? "

Ariel thought for a moment, then nodded, raised her head and said, "are Brad and buffy in the room?"

Cream turned around and knocked on the soldier\'s partner\'s door. Soon, Brad, who had changed his pajamas, came out.