Gold coin is justice

Chapter 1170

With Ariel\'s praise, the proud expression on Cocoa\'s face became stronger.

She almost jumped to Ariel\'s side, took back the account book, put it in front of her and closed it obediently.

Then the little girl returned to her seat happily and said——

"Sister president, hee hee ~ ~ ~ I knew it. You don\'t know how I make money! Hee hee... Poof! Ha ha ha! yeah! I can successfully help the president sister! "

Ariel smiled, reached out her hand, gently stroked cocoa\'s cheek and pinched her dimple: "all right, all right, tell me quickly, how on earth did you do it?"

This time, cocoa finally said with her hands on her hips and a proud face——

"Hee hee, President sister, in fact, I found a very interesting thing."

"After you left, I will sell the clothes woven from the textile factory to Honglu Town, Kingfisher Town, Tianhe City and xiehu city according to your requirements."

"Honglu town and Kingfisher town are close to us, so I went to these two towns to sell clothes first. While selling clothes, I suddenly found a very strange thing! "

The little necromancer put on a mysterious expression and whispered, "yes, when I sold my clothes in Honglu Town, I found that the price of things other than clothes in Honglu town will begin to decline! Some things will even be reduced to two-thirds of the usual price! "

"At first I thought it was just a coincidence, but when I went to Kingfisher town to sell clothes for the second time, this happened again! Seeing such a situation, I immediately thought of an idea! "

Although cocoa is very excited now, the expression on Ariel\'s face is slowly solidified from the surprise and joy just now.

However, cocoa didn\'t realize the solidification of the smile on Ariel\'s face and continued: "so next, I won\'t sell clothes anymore. I asked everyone to hoard all the knitted clothes! When all the clothes were stocked up, I took everyone five days ago and dragged them all to xiehu city to sell! "

"Sister president, I didn\'t expect it! The prices of other things in xiehu city really began to drop sharply at this time!!! "

The smile on Ariel\'s face had completely disappeared. She looked at the little girl in front of her seriously, but there was a sense of sadness between her eyebrows.

However, cocoa was still immersed in his joy and success, holding his hands on his chest and said excitedly——

"The plan is exactly what I thought! Therefore, I began to increase efforts to sell clothes and sold almost all our clothes in stock to xiehu city! Similarly, as I expected! The price of xiehu city began to drop rapidly. I immediately used the money I just sold clothes to buy a lot of food, handicrafts, raw materials and so on! That price is really too cheap! It\'s too cheap to believe! "

Cocoa pointed to the gate of the guild, waved his other fist excitedly and smiled——

"After buying so many things, I took them to Tianhe City. Similarly, I sold them in large quantities at a very low price and bought them in large quantities! After this positive and negative, we have accumulated more than ten tons of grain in the warehouse in the new urban area! There are a lot of soap, straw and all kinds of handicrafts! But after buying so many things, our guild can still have a lot of money left! I originally planned to drive the element car to leave the marginal Province in a few days and go to other cities again, but now the president sister you are back, we can continue to make money in this way! "

The more cocoa said, the more excited she was. The way she smiled was really cute. In addition, now that she is 15 years old, even Ariel is happy to see this girl\'s smile without any dirt.

However, joy returned to joy. After Ariel laughed, the color of worry on her face did not weaken at all.

After a moment\'s smile, her eyebrows wrinkled involuntarily. She looked at the account book silently and sighed involuntarily.

"Sister president, what\'s the matter? Did I... Do something wrong? "

So far, cocoa finally felt that Ariel\'s expression was not right. The little necromancer was a little nervous and quickly shrunk his neck. He asked timidly, fearing that he had done something wrong.

Ariel thought, and a faint smile rose on her face again. She shook her head and said, "it\'s not your fault. I didn\'t expect it in advance... But it can\'t be said that I expected it in advance. It\'s the first time that I can have so much money. I\'m a little confused and didn\'t think of the key. "

Hearing Ariel say this, cocoa was even more afraid. She hurriedly left her seat and came back to Ariel. She stretched out her hand to hold her sleeve and said nervously, "sister President! You... Don\'t scare me! What on earth did I do wrong? Will I hurt the mermaid song? I... I... "

Ariel smiled, shook her head again and said, "sit down and I\'ll talk to you about the key problems. But you don\'t have to worry too much. What you do won\'t harm our mermaid song. Whether from the surface or from the inside, what you do is good for the mermaid song. It\'s just going to cause a lot of vibration elsewhere. "

Comfort cocoa, Ariel took a deep breath, sorted out the ideas in her mind, and finally said——

"Coco, do you know that there are several ways to kill people on a large scale in this world. Ah, I don\'t mean using your necromancer magic or other members to rush out and kill. It\'s a method of mass murder like war and slaughter. "

"Even the kindest and kindest people in the world will use one of these methods to kill others when they are not aware of it, or when they are aware of it but do not recognize its great lethality."

Cocoa\'s face was still worried, but her mood seemed to ease up under Ariel\'s comfort. The girl rubbed the tears from the corners of her eyes because of fear and said, "President sister... I... don\'t understand. Why is such a terrible method of killing... Even the kindest and kindest people use it? Isn\'t that contradictory? "

Ariel nodded and said, "I\'ll explain this method of killing to you now. So... Let\'s start from the point you began to notice that prices fell. Coco, why do you think prices in those places will drop so quickly after you sell a lot of clothes? "

Cocoa tilted her head and immediately shook her head, "I don\'t know."

Ariel did not worry, smiled and said, "because the number of currencies in that area has decreased."

Cocoa was stunned: "the amount of money decreased???"

Ariel went to the counter, took out the paper and pen, wrote it on the paper and continued: "first, our mermaid song sent a large number of clothes and woven cloth raw materials to Kingfisher Town, Honglu town and xiehu city for mass selling."

"Well, because the price is very low, many local businessmen will buy a lot of our clothes and cloth. In this case, we need a lot of money to pay us. "

"Because the amount we provide is too large, in a very short time, the currency in the local area will be greatly used to pay us mermaid song to buy these things."

"Although there will be circulation between currencies. Is to circulate from one place to another, but circulation takes time. If there is not enough time, it can be determined that the total number of currencies in a region is fixed over a period of time. Then, if a large amount of money comes into the hands of our mermaid song through this transaction, the amount of money owned by other people will decrease rapidly. "

"What do you think will happen once the amount of money in a region decreases to a polar level, cocoa?"

Cocoa lowered her head, looked at the various formulas written by Ariel on the paper, thought for a moment, and suddenly said as if she had awakened——

"Ah! What was originally priced with a gold coin, now because everyone has no money, but in order to sell, the price will fall! Maybe you can buy it with only one silver coin! "

Ariel nodded with great satisfaction, smiled and said, "that\'s right. Because the total amount of money in the hands of local residents is reduced, the amount of money circulating in the market is reduced, resulting in the local goods can not be sold at the original price, and the price will plummet rapidly. But if that\'s the case, the problem may not be too big. "

After hearing Ariel\'s explanation, cocoa thought again. Soon, her originally sad face gradually stretched out and became a feeling of... Fear.

"I... president sister... I... I... I used my money... To buy their low price goods... Again... Again... I... I..."

Seeing that cocoa had understood the problem, Ariel exhaled and said in a comforting tone, "don\'t worry, cocoa. I know you didn\'t mean it. "

Cocoa looked up and the girl\'s eyes began to burst into tears again. However, it was not the tears from fear of Ariel\'s punishment. On the contrary, it was an expression of regret that he knew he had done something wrong and led to many terrible things.

"I used... I sold clothes and cloth at a low price... After I got a lot of local gold coins... Local prices fell... I bought their goods again at a low price... Come and go... I... I..."

"Sister President... I unknowingly... Have I... Plundered the... Wealth of many people? Have I plundered away all the wealth of many people... Years... Decades... Or even decades? "

Ariel did not deny this question. She just looked at the girl with a very gentle look. This tolerant look was in cocoa\'s eyes, so that the girl couldn\'t help it any more. She left her seat, threw herself into Ariel\'s arms, bit her teeth, grabbed Ariel\'s clothes, and couldn\'t help sobbing.

"Darling, don\'t be afraid, don\'t worry. We all know that you didn\'t mean it. And no one will blame you, coco. "

At this moment, Ariel gently stroked cocoa\'s head, and her voice was full of inclusive color.

The cocoa in her arms, after sobbing a few times, couldn\'t help biting her teeth and gently choking, "President sister... What\'s my behavior... Called? Those who have been robbed of their wealth by me... What will happen to them? "

Feeling the sobbing of the sister in her arms, Ariel gently exhaled again and said, "my teacher calls this kind of behavior \'dumping\'. Sell with almost dumping power. "

"The dumped market will usher in low prices for a long time, their wealth will shrink greatly, and they will have no resistance to other markets. All goods produced in this region in the future will be plundered by other markets because of low prices. In the worst case, the market in this area will be completely destroyed and can no longer be rebuilt. Finally, the population has been greatly reduced and the security has been destroyed, resulting in some... Such as things that only happen during the war. "

As she spoke, Ariel could feel the trembling of cocoa in her arms.

She patted her back with her hand again to comfort, as if to comfort, and continued——

"However, xiehu City, Honglu town and Kingfisher town should not be so terrible. Because we are in a marginal Province, our own trade is not very prosperous. It will take about ten days to go out from xiehu city and cross provinces to other cities. Their traffic is not like we have element cars, so our marginal province will not become such a terrible place. "

"In a way, because our trading volume with other regions is not large, the amount of money in our entire marginal province can be regarded as fixed. With the money in our hands, we have ways to avoid that terrible thing. "

Maybe it\'s because Ariel\'s comfort finally worked.

Cocoa\'s convulsions in her arms finally eased a little.

She put her head out of the president\'s arms, touched her nose, sat down opposite Ariel again, took a deep breath, and finally said with red eyes——

"Sister President... What should we do now? We robbed them of their wealth. Will they try their best to revenge us? Shall we return the money first? "

Ariel knew that the child was not thinking only about money at this time, but worried about his mermaid song. Ariel was so happy with her kindness that she shook her head and said——

"No. Dumping is not as obvious and radical as the plundering method of war. Many times, the civilians on the dumped side do not even realize who is the person who robbed their wealth, and will only feel that their wealth has been reduced unknowingly. Therefore, we do not need to worry about the retaliation of those civilians. "

Cocoa sniffed and continued, "well... If dumping is so terrible, why would anyone buy our cloth and clothes? Can\'t they not buy it? "

In this regard, Ariel still smiled and said, "No. Because the ultimate victims of dumping are the local civilians. It was the local businessmen who bought our cloth and clothes that eventually led to the transfer of a large amount of money to our mermaid song. "

"These merchants will see that the price of our clothes and cloth is very low, so they will try their best to collect gold coins for purchase. Then, after getting the cloth and clothes, they will transport them to other places for sale, so as to earn the price difference. This kind of thing that buys us is formally equivalent to another person who runs errands for us and sells clothes to other regions... My teacher once had a special term definition for them - comprador. "

"Because of the existence of these compradors, they will never reduce the purchase of goods provided by us in order to take care of the price balance of the local market. Instead, they will buy as much as we have, so as to quickly transfer money to us."

"So, coco, you can\'t do this alone. I know that although you feel guilty, you can\'t move anything by just feeling guilty. In comparison, we\'d better relax first. "

After such a long talk, cocoa finally eased down. She nodded and looked at Ariel with expectation in her eyes. The little girl nodded hard and said, "sister president, what should we do now? Their wealth has been deprived by us. I want to make up for it before things become terrible... What should we do? Should I return the money a little? "

For Ariel, the cocoa in front of her is a little similar to herself. But it\'s not very similar.

Coco is a necromancer. Although her life was wandering when she was a child, she did not experience a stage of great attachment to money on the whole.

When she was on the mountain of her hometown, she didn\'t realize the importance of money. Later, when she was abducted into the eyes of truth, she did not say that she should bear the responsibility of raising money. Later, after he was included in the mermaid song, he didn\'t need to worry about money all day.

It can be said that cocoa wanted to study economics, on the one hand, because she was forced by herself, on the other hand, because she worshipped herself