Gold coin is justice

Chapter 1160

Seeing the smile on Ariel\'s face now, the red haired man who just seemed a little excited gradually calmed down. He looked at Ariel\'s face carefully. After a moment of silence, he nodded gently and said, "Oh... You\'re right. We are all laymen. Why do we say we are so tall? If you become a red dragon, you can also have such power. You can even let those vampires come to the festival every ten years and contribute several handsome men in their group to accompany you through the market. "

"There is money and power here. When you get the strength to leave, I will hibernate with the rest of the money. In about ten years, I will become a weak human again. Let me spend all these treasures, and I will be willing to die. "

Ariel smiled, "well, what you said is really reasonable."

As soon as the palm was pinched, the soft peach heart burst in the palm of the human girl.

"Wow --! Ah! You... Uh... Wow...! "

This scene happened so fast that the red dragon didn\'t come back!

With the juice slowly rolling down Ariel\'s palm, the red haired man\'s face behind him immediately became distorted! He wailed bitterly, and the whole man was constantly twisted on the pile of gold coins, as if he was on the verge of death!

Under this pinch, the barrier that just blocked everyone was also eliminated at this moment. Several blood families fell because they didn\'t stand firm, but soon they rushed up. Some people looked at the painful red haired man, while others protected Ariel with the mermaid song and hurriedly evacuated from there.

"Bitch! You... Bitch --! "

With this roar, the red haired man who had been seriously injured seemed crazy! While the whole face was twisted, hard scales began to appear on the surface of his body again. In the twinkling of an eye, he turned into a giant dragon again.

"Roar --!"

A broken arm, a blind eye, a badly damaged throat, and the "heart" of the chest are now pinched and burst. From the appearance, the re emergence of the red dragon is like a terrible... Zombie dragon.

But even so, it still took the powerful threat and body shape, got up and turned around, swept its huge tail, and flew all the blood families that rushed to it.


The sweep of the tail bumped heavily against the nearby rock wall, knocking out a huge crack again in the originally unstable cave.

"You traitor! You betrayed... Mankind! I\'m the warden! I give you the death penalty for betraying mankind!!! "

After the roar, the red dragon raised his neck. After a short inhalation, a flame mixed with blood and meat burst out of his mouth and rushed to Ariel who had been frightened there.


Cream grabbed Ariel and quickly ran away to the side. The cheese raised the gun again and pulled the trigger. The bullet hit the red dragon\'s face, cocked up two scales and bounced some blood.

The spraying flame lasted only a short time, and its body was more like facing a desperate situation. Chi Fei coughed. He kept turning his body and attacked the blood families around with his tail and the rest of his arm.

It roared, angry, with an endless roar, and the remaining eye was full of hatred and despair.

Mixed with such complex feelings, the red dragon jumped up, completely ignoring the blood families attacking it, and jumped again at Ariel who wanted to run out of the cave.

"You... Ruined everything! You let my dream... Let the dream of human extinction of blood race... Let everything... End! "

At this moment, the body of the red dragon was raised and its front paws patted heavily on Ariel.

"You killed me... I want you to be buried with me!!!!"

Ariel turned her head and saw that the claw was about to fall on her body. As soon as she gritted her teeth, she quickly shook her hand to get rid of the cream and pushed him forward.

In an instant, the huge dragon claw directly pressed on Ariel\'s body and deeply embedded her whole body into the rock.

Of course, the red dragon immediately realized that a terrible force was released under his claws! The force lifted its claws.


In the face of this resistance, the red dragon\'s eyes are still angry and desperate! Its claws pressed down again, and this time, even the explosive force was extinguished, and its claws pressed down again.

"President --!"

Seeing this scene in the eyes of the people, the members of the mermaid song immediately screamed in horror.

Cream, cheese, pasta and dak shouted and quickly dispersed from the original four places. They all rushed towards the tail of the red dragon.

After reaching the cloaca of the red dragon, Su TA took the cream and cheese with both hands and threw them all to the cloaca of the red dragon. Then he hugged the tail of the red dragon with dak, drank loudly and began to drag them back.

Claws, short swords, mixed with panic and angry attacks.

At the moment when the key was attacked, the badly injured red dragon screamed again. His whole body trembled and retreated a little step backward.

However, its front paw was still pressed in that place and refused to release. Its red linear pupil is still mixed with the madness before death.

(blood language) come together -! "

Mashu\'s mother saw that the human beings of the mermaid song were pulling the red dragon\'s tail. She couldn\'t help shouting. She immediately rushed forward, clasped the scales on the Red Jade\'s tail along the position behind the crisp tower, and pulled back.

When the mother went up, the cassava, as a daughter, naturally rushed up. Since there are blood families, then naturally there will be more blood families on top together.

The blood clans who could still move began to rush to the tail of the red dragon one by one, buckle the scales and work together. With more and more blood groups gathered, the strength of the red dragon began to become weaker and weaker, because cream and cheese still grabbed the scales on its lower abdomen and constantly attacked its cloaca, so that it could not even shake its tail. The two hind feet softened and squatted down.

(blood language) come on! Pull --! "

Simon shouted out.

Hundreds of blood clans pulled the body of the red dragon back one meter.

Seeing that the place where his claws were buckled was about to deviate, Chi Fei couldn\'t help raising his head and yelling at the vampires behind him——

"(blood language) this human has destroyed your Creator! She killed your red dragon chifei!!! "

"(blood language) one, two, three, pull!"

"(blood language) if I die, without Chi Fei\'s source of life, all the power you have gained today will no longer exist!"

"(blood language) one, two, three, pull --!"

"(blood language) you prisoners! You ungrateful monsters! "

(blood language) one, two, three, pull -!!! "

"(blood language) I curse you... Even if I die! I will curse you too! Curse you vampires will be enslaved by humans forever! You will always be prisoners... Forever! Become slaves to mankind --! "

"(blood language) one, two, three, pull -- --!!!!!!!"

With the sound of the trumpet, all blood families and human beings share a common hatred and work together.

At this moment, the rocks under their feet were crushed, all the blood clan\'s fangs burst out of their mouths, and the scarlet pupils became the full embodiment of their willpower!

Power is born here.

The powerful force dragged the red dragon and threw it like a thing! Everyone\'s strength defeated the red dragon at this moment, pulled it up from its entrenched ground and threw it aside heavily.

With a loud bang, the body of the red dragon hit the huge mountain wall again, and the originally exaggerated crack became more cracked at this moment. Cracks in the main road began to spread all over the cave.

"(blood language) you... You!!!"

The dying Chi Fei turned his head. He was like an old man who had entered his twilight years. His eyes were full of anger at the present, but his teeth were full of nostalgia for the past.

Unfortunately, before it could say the next sentence, four figures had poured into its eyes at this moment.

Simon, one eye, copper hand, chain sound.

Four village chiefs, four of today\'s blood clan, can be called the strongest existence.

They jumped high, just like facing their enemies who wanted to be completely erased. There was no hesitation in their eyes, only tenacity!

"(blood language) please..."

At that moment, Chi Fei raised his head, but his only eyes showed a touch of fear.

What does it want to say at this last moment?

Or does it actually want to say nothing, just a meaningless sob?


Touch -!

The most violent collision finally broke out on the top of the red dragon\'s head again.

With this impact, Chi Fei\'s head, which had just been raised, was finally completely lowered, with his mouth open. The eye that was not blind became godless, gently


Fell down.


Pulling away the red dragon, the members of mermaid song were obviously more concerned about the situation of their president and rushed to the depression photographed by their claws.

When they ran to the depression and looked inside, the heart hanging tightly in their heart was completely released.