Gold coin is justice

Chapter 1151

It fell in front of the sacrificial girl, and with a slight press of its front paw towards the front, it slowly lowered its body, like a gift, lowered its noble head and carefully observed the sacrificial girl in front of it.

"(blood language) well, the goods are really getting worse and worse."

Chifei looked at the girl\'s bulletproof skin and young and beautiful face, shook his head helplessly and said——

"(blood language) you are really becoming less and less popular. In this way, what qualification do you have to claim to be my people? Forget it, consider me generous. It won\'t take much time anyway. "

Said, Chi Fei stretched out his claws, as if he wanted to catch the sacrificial girl.

Seeing the creator\'s claw coming, the sacrificial girl swallowed a mouthful of water. Finally, she held out her hand and pressed the dragon claw ready to grasp herself.

"(blood language) well... Do you want to resist me? Against your Creator? "

For the resistance of the sacrificial girl, chifei showed a little unexpected emotion, but soon recovered calm. It seems that this is just a kind of fun after dinner.

The sacrificial girl\'s hand was still raised and pressed on the... Nail of the huge dragon claw. She swallowed again and said——

"(blood language) dear... Lord chifei, before I become your sacrifice... Can you let me ask some questions first?"

Chi Fei was silent for a moment, and his outstretched claws retracted. He looked at the sacrificial girl in front of him with great interest and said slowly: "(blood language) it\'s really interesting. Over the years, you can say that you are the first vampire who has the courage to ask me questions when facing me. Well, anyway, we have a whole night. It\'s good to have a prelude to this fun for the time being. You ask. "

The sacrificial girl slowly breathed out a breath, and then raised her head. The same pair of scarlet pupils silently stared at the dragon in front of her and said——

"(blood language) I... am the mother of a child. I have a very precious daughter... She is still under the age of 20 and is far from reaching adulthood. When I gave birth to her, I didn\'t have any nutrition... So I almost risked my death before I finally gave birth to her. She is the most precious treasure of my life. "

Chi Fei raised his head and hummed a little: "(blood language) ah, a mother? Hehe, does it seem to be worthy of sympathy? Don\'t worry. In another 50 years, I may make your daughter the next sacrifice in your village. You\'ll meet. Don\'t worry. "

After hearing the Dragon say these words in such an understatement, the sacrificial girl\'s body could not help shaking again. But she still tried to keep her body, not to fall down all at once, continued——

"(blood language) so... Lord chifei, I want to ask you. If you are really our Creator... Why do you force us to do this kind of... Sacrifice? Our night people... Aren\'t they your children? You gave birth to us... But now why... Drive us to a dead end? "

Listening to the request of the sacrificial girl, Chi Fei\'s voice obviously showed a little ironic laughter. It raised its head slightly, shook it gently, then adjusted its body, changed a more comfortable lying posture, and said with a little smile: "(blood language) dead end? Are you dying? "

The sacrifice girl nodded gently and said seriously: "(blood language) the next sacrifice in ten years will be the poison claw village where the sacrifice will be offered. The only remaining woman in their village is their village head copper hand. If... You really want sacrifices, why don\'t you choose the male night clan? Why do we have to... We women? Moreover, you trapped us all in this barren moon god residence... Are you really our Creator? Or... Do you just want to kill us all? "

Facing the question raised by the sacrificial girl, chifei nodded with interest. It opened its mouth and spit out a small flame, as if waiting for the girl to say anything.

After making sure she had finished, the red dragon sneered again and said: "(blood language) is that it? Is it over? "

The sacrificial girl\'s neck shrank for a moment and dared not make a sound.

Chi Fei tilted his head and thought, then said: "(blood language) in fact, what you think is not wrong. I didn\'t mean to keep you alive. Didn\'t you even notice? How unreasonable is your existence and how contrary to the normal rules of the world? "

This answer obviously stunned the sacrificial girl. She opened her eyes and half opened her mouth. She could hardly believe that her creator had said such a thing.

"(blood language) remember how you vampires were born? Hehe, in the ancient demon war, I was hurt, and you unnatural things are the products born from my blood. "

"(blood language) in the battle, my blood was sprinkled on the dead human corpses who participated in the war or were affected by the war. Those corpses were infected by my blood and resurrected. They sucked (harmonious) my strength and became... Deformed things like you. In other words, you are not something created by me at all, but a monster who can survive by sucking me, parasitic on me and dividing my flesh and blood. "

"(blood language) I gave you my strength, so that you who should have died long ago can regain life, regain your heartbeat, breathe again, and even become nearly semi immortal creatures. You vampires really use my power very thoroughly. "

"(blood language) I created you? Yes, in a sense, I did create you. But have your deformities and perverts not been self aware for so many years? "

The Dragon raised his head and looked into the distance of the stone forest. His eyes had gone far beyond the residence of the moon god, but reached the residence of human beings, continued——

"(blood language) although you grow up from human corpses, you don\'t have the consciousness of those dead humans. You are more like a group of bloodthirsty monsters reborn through those corpses."