Gold coin is justice

Chapter 1149

Unfortunately, she only took two steps, but Ariel grabbed her from behind.

"Ah woo!"

Mashu turned his head, opened his mouth, showed his fangs and showed his ferocity.

What she saw was a human girl who had adjusted her mind and showed serious colors on her face——

"(blood language) I, help, you. Fight. "

Then Ariel raised her thumb and made a gesture.

Fortunately, the action of thumbing up made the blood clan understand. After a moment of silence, the little blood clan finally puffed his cheeks, stopped and nodded silently.


The little blood clan said a word again. It\'s good that Ariel still doesn\'t understand. This feeling made her fully feel that she should take some time to learn the blood language... At least she can do daily communication without too many obstacles.

"In a word, we will help in this matter."

When Ariel said this, the cream, pasta and dak came slowly. Her face was full of smiles and she said slowly——

"I will try my best to solve this matter. So will you listen to me for a while? "

Obviously, Ariel\'s words are also incomprehensible to the little blood clan.

But for this human woman\'s smile, she watched silently for a long time.

After watching for a long time, the blood clan finally nodded and stopped talking.


Now turn your eyes to the other side.

Ma Shu\'s mother, who has been dressed up, is now standing in front of all blood families in some human women\'s clothes that are not easy to take care of.

Although she is still weak because of malnutrition, her whole face is dissatisfied with wrinkles and senile spots.

But now she straightened her waist and silently stared at all her compatriots in front of her.

Stone leg came forward slowly. He looked at the mother, his lips trembling, as if he wanted to say something, but he couldn\'t say anything.

After a while, he was speechless after all. He could only stretch out his hand, pat the woman on the shoulder, turn around and plan to leave

"(blood language) please let me see the sacrifice, just one look!"

A scream came from behind the crowd. They turned their heads and saw that the blood clan of cheese was now desperately squeezing into the crowd and running towards the mother\'s position.

Stone leg glanced at the villagers around. You know, cheese challenged the giant ghost and challenged the successful blood clan in one-on-one battle! Although we can\'t say how strong he is, his position in the eyes of ordinary villagers is obviously different from before.

At that moment, the stone leg immediately took a step forward and shouted——

"What are you arguing about! If you want to come to the ceremony, just stand in the back and yell like that! "

Cheese was stunned and immediately realized that stone leg didn\'t want the dialogue between the two sides to arouse the interest of ordinary blood families. Then he separated the crowd with his hands and ground again and squeezed in. He glanced at the Mashu mother over there and said immediately——

"I want to have a word with her. Then, our president is thinking about how to deal with this matter! "

The stone leg frowned immediately and shouted, "no! I\'ll forget it when I was a giant ghost. After all, it\'s our kindred. But now, that\'s chifei! It\'s our Creator, Honglong chifei! Now, Lord Chi Fei has indicated that I will take over the burden left by the giant ghost, so I must abide by this rule! There\'s nothing wrong with you and your humans here. If you want to leave, just go! And never come back! "

Hearing this, the corners of cheese\'s mouth twitched. The next moment, he suddenly waved to the compatriots behind him and shouted——

"Take over the work of the giant ghost?! In other words, do you have to devour the efforts of one compatriot every ten years and sacrifice all the women of our race to the red dragon? "

Facing the abuse of cheese, Shi leg\'s body trembled obviously. But the next moment, he still clenched his teeth, forcibly supported his body, and said in a trembling voice——

"I... do you think I think so? That\'s a dragon! Is our Creator! It has the most powerful power... We can never defeat it! You don\'t have to worry about other people. You could leave everyone and run away. Now you run back and show off as a hero! "

Seeing that the stone leg was a little stubborn now, the cheese didn\'t talk to him anymore, but immediately bypassed the head of the hunter village and rushed to the Ma Shu mother over there.

"Cheese! You stop! "

The stone leg shouted and turned to pull the cheese. But the cheese took a faster step and quickly ran towards the mother.

However, getting rid of the stone leg does not mean that the matter is so over. The three village chiefs, one eye, copper hand and Lianyin, who were also standing next to each other, looked at each other and immediately started to surround him from three directions.

"(blood language) what do you want?!"

The cheese drank loudly, pulled out a short gun from his waist and pointed at the chain sound in front of him.

But his gun had just been pulled out, but a red line immediately flew out of the village head Lianyin\'s finger and pierced his hand holding the short gun in an instant.

The copper hand quickly pushed up, reached out, picked up the short gun, played in the palm of his hand, pasted it behind the cheese, and slowly said: "(blood language) boy, I don\'t know what you\'re doing here. But up to now, I can\'t allow you to destroy the sacrifice. "

With a click, the claws of the copper hand had clasped the cheese\'s neck from the back, slammed him over his head and hit him heavily on the ground.

"Guga... You... You are... Looking for your own death!"


One eye came forward and squatted in front of the cheese. There was a little sadness in his remaining eyes. But in addition to sadness, there is also a determination——

"My wife and daughter have been avenged, and I have no regrets living in this world. If staying here is a kind of chronic suicide, it may be one or two hundred years before we all die. But if you are allowed to fool around now, we may soon be killed by Lord Chi Fei. "

He raised his hand, helped the cheese up from the ground, patted the dust on him, and said slowly, "go back, boy. Get along well with your human friends. Maybe hundreds of years later, you will become the last blood of our night family in this world. "

As he spoke, he pulled the cheese by the shoulder, turned him back and pushed him out of the crowd.

But at the moment of moving, cheese suddenly pulled out another short gun, raised, aimed and pulled the trigger.