Gold coin is justice

Chapter 1142

At that moment, Ariel exhaled slightly, patted her hand and said——

"I haven\'t had much time to elaborate before, but now I think I need to explain to you in detail the path I have arranged for you. Well, yes, I did arrange this road for the night people. But I think it\'s not so much my arrangement as a matter of great benefits for both of us. "

Looking at Ariel\'s peaceful face now, the four village heads look at me and I look at you. They all keep silent. But they all sat down in front of Ariel and listened to your explanation with patience.

Seeing this, Ariel smiled and began to talk——

"Allow me to introduce myself more completely now. I, Ariel Garcia, belong to the blue bay Empire and have the title of Baron. Nominally, I am the second prince of the blue bay Empire and the mistress of tide blue. But the second prince can\'t command me or control me. This mistress status is a compromise that he allows me to do my own things outside. "

"I founded a guild called mermaid song. In addition to the cheese, dak, crisp tower and cream you see now, there are several members."

"In addition to establishing this guild, I also bought almost half of the new urban area of a city called Pelican. I can be regarded as the manager of a small half of the city."

"Under my management, I plan the half of the city I can control as an \'industrial zone\'. In other words, I hope to open factories in my city. The factory I set up first is a textile factory that makes clothes by weaving linen, leather, cotton and other materials. "

Ariel spoke slowly and tried to make her words easier to understand. It was also convenient for the one eyed and stone leg village chiefs to translate to the other two village chiefs.

When Ariel said so, some blood families around who seemed to be interested in the human world also slowly surrounded. Especially the vampire named Mashu. Now she squeezed her head under the creaking nest of stone legs, looked at Ariel seriously, and also pricked up her sharp ears to listen carefully to the translation of the village head of stone legs.

Ariel smiled and continued——

"My textile factory may be different from the human textile factory you knew before. In my textile factory, there is something called \'element machine\'. As long as the sorted raw materials are put on according to a certain law, the element machine can automatically weave those raw materials into cloth or even clothes. In terms of efficiency, the textile efficiency of my factory is more than 20 times that of other textile factories. "

Perhaps Ariel said something too "exaggerated". For these blood families, I\'m afraid they simply can\'t imagine what the so-called "element machine" is, and what it means to be 20 times faster than before.

After the translation, the stone leg frowned and thought, and said, "you mean you have mastered a kind of magic? A magical magic? If we wear clothes, we can dig down some stones with our claws, and then empty the middle of the stones to make armor( Blood language) Simon, how long will it take you to make a armor? "

Simon, who was also listening behind, was stunned and hurriedly said: "(blood language) it will take about a day. If you want to be more exquisite, it will take about three days."

The stone leg nodded and continued to ask, "we can only make stone armor at night. Simon is the best stone armor craftsman in our village. He also needs at least 30 hours and almost three days to make a stone armor. Do you mean that you can make a stone armor in less than two hours? "

One eye translated nearby. At present, there are more blood families gathered around. Before long, all these blood families squatted or sat around and listened carefully to the meeting here.

But now Ariel could only smile bitterly and say, "well... How can I describe it? Well... You can understand it as a kind of magic. It\'s just a magic that needs a specific medium. That element machine is a magic prop. Let\'s do it first. "

After the translation, the four village heads looked at me and I looked at you, nodded and continued to listen.

Ariel continued: "although with the help of the element machine, the textile efficiency of my factory has reached 20 times that of other factories. But after running for almost a month, I still found something that I was not satisfied with. "

"That is, my textile mill can only work during the day. Once it\'s night, there\'s no way to continue. "

The copper hand was slightly stunned: "(blood language) why?"

Ariel smiled, spread out her hands and said, "although we humans are indeed creatures that can act during the day and night, anyway, we prefer to work during the day rather than at night. I have also thought about whether to let some of my current workers arrange night shifts and some of them work during the day, but first, I don\'t have so many employees. Second, we humans will be unconsciously tired in the evening, which is not very good for work efficiency. "

Of course, these are just obvious reasons.

Ariel didn\'t try to adjust the shift so that the employees could work at night. But after thinking about it, she still felt that it might be more convenient to let the blood clan work directly.


Because the blood clan doesn\'t need to turn on the light when working at night! Not only the oil lamp, but also the element lamp can be saved! You know, although the element lamp can generally illuminate the night of the whole Pelican City, for places such as textile mills, what is needed is not only lighting, but also lighting enough so that people won\'t blur things. In this way, the brightness of the element lights erected in Pelican city is far from enough. What if a person who works at night is careless, distracted, or dazzled by the lack of light, and puts his hand into the machine? At that time, there will be a lot of flesh and blood. The amputation of those hired workers is small, which will delay the commencement of their own factory, but it will be big ~ ~!

On the other hand

Don\'t pay extra for the night shift?! How can a blood clan send you a blood sugar block? It\'s simple and cheap!

Ariel continued with a embarrassed smile on her face——

"Although I employ my employees, I don\'t want anything to happen to them. If you don\'t concentrate at night and get hurt by the element machine, it\'s not good. Therefore, I hope to have some people who can be energetic all night, not tired and absent-minded even at night to help me work. "

At this point, Ariel smiled, spread her hands and said slowly——

"This is the way I plan for you next."

"Come to my human city, come to my city - Pelican city. In Pelican City, I will be your guarantee and your barrier so that mankind will not conflict with you. If there is a conflict, I am responsible for mediating and solving the contradictions and difficulties. "

"Then, I don\'t need you to make a so-called charge for me, kill people, and take risks. The only thing you need to listen to me is to spend ten hours to help me maintain the operation of the textile mill between sunset at night and sunrise the next day. In addition, I will not restrict any of your freedom of life, nor will I ask you to do anything that may threaten yourself. "

"As for what you imagine, I hired you to assassinate, fight and so on. I would be happy if you were willing to serve me, but I would never ask you to do these things. It can even be said that I will try my best to avoid such a situation. "

"My goal is to make money and earn more money. On my way to making money, I hope to have as few bloody conflicts with others as possible. This is my rule in business. "

"Of course, if you work in my factory, you will naturally get the reward you deserve. Work ten hours a day and take six days off. A month, I will give every night family who works for me a hundred blood sugar blocks as a reward. If you convert it, you can have a little more than three blood sugar tablets every day. However, because my current factory is not large enough, I may not be able to hire all of you for a while. For any blood clan that can\'t be hired by me in a short time, I will give a blood sugar block every three days so that you can maintain your strength. What do you think of the reward? "

Blood sugar block.

This magical gadget has given active or passive publicity to the blood families in each village in the past few days.

They may not know how these small blood sugar blocks are made, nor why such a small bead can make their throat feel so satisfied.

But they certainly know that if they can have three blood sugar blocks every day, what a huge change it will make to their previous life that they couldn\'t drink a mouthful of blood for ten days and a half months, or even half a year!

Ariel\'s words were finished.

After she finished, after the stone leg and one eye translation, all the blood families present sat around her and listened. They all kept a quiet and breath holding state.

After a long silence

Chain sound: "(blood language) really... That\'s it? You just want us... To help you weave and make clothes? "

Ariel smiled and nodded: "yes, if the two village heads have not translated correctly, that\'s all we need for the time being."