Gold coin is justice

Chapter 1138

"(blood language) roar -! Traitors... Get out of here!!! "

There are more and more wounds on the giant ghost, and the healing speed begins to become slower and slower. Seeing that things were bad, he began to rush like crazy! Finally, he protected his chest with his left hand and bumped out of a gap before he was completely surrounded by all blood families.

After the collision, the vampire turned his head and looked at the blood families who were still ready to pounce on him. But after only one look, his eyes directly focused on the human girl who was looking at him and smiling.

At this moment, Ariel interacted with the eyes of the arrogant vampire king.

But in the eye interaction, Ariel did not show any fear or color of fear.

She just continued to look at him so quietly, her face was indifferent, the corners of her mouth tilted slightly, and from time to time she smiled and showed her beautiful teeth like moonlight.

Now, the rain seems to be about to stop.

The human easily put away his umbrella and threw it at will.

Everything seems so calm

"(blood language) human... Bluff! Human --! "

There was a fierce light in the giant ghost\'s eyes.

But outside the fierce eyes, a faint timidity was inadvertently exposed.

Perhaps because of his little timidity, the vampire king didn\'t spare no effort to rush at Ariel here, but turned his head and rushed directly to the mountain used to open the five blood conference.

"He\'s running away! Hurry! "

Seeing the giant ghost escape, cream immediately shouted. But just when all the blood families were going to rush there together, Ariel suddenly opened her mouth and shouted——

"Beware of traps! He doesn\'t seem to be running to the territory of xueya village. Let\'s go to xueya village first to suppress the night people who don\'t surrender and save the captured blood slaves! "

With Ariel shouting to stop, the members of mermaid song naturally stopped and began to taste the victory with those blood families who won the victory and discuss the next action strategy.

After distribution and mediation, Ariel turned her head and looked at the cheese that had been looking at the direction of the giant ghost\'s escape. After thinking about it, she called him over and ordered him to say a few words. Then, the cheese immediately smiled on his face, nodded, and then spread his legs and rushed to the peak of the five blood conference.


The moonlight after the rain looks so cold.

The giant ghost covered his stomach, bit his teeth, and stumbled forward.

Those still shining scarlet glasses are now full of flames of anger and revenge.

He knows where he\'s going next.

It\'s not going back to their own village to organize the remaining villagers to fight back against the other four betrayed villages, but

Finally, the scarred ghost ran to the mountain where the five blood conference was held.

At this moment, the hole that was still emitting flame has now been extinguished. It is dark inside, and there are still some rainwater that has not dried up, which is pouring into it.

The vampire king couldn\'t care to see that there was no pursuer behind him, but directly raised his hands and sprinkled the blood on his chest into the cave. Then, with a plop, he knelt in front of the cave, threw himself to the ground, and even shouted with some crying——

"(blood language) master! They all rebelled! They want to disobey our long tradition! Except for my blood tooth village, everyone else defected! Please come out and kill them all... Kill all those betrayal fools! "

The cave is still silent.

After kneeling down for a moment, the expression on the giant ghost\'s face gradually changed from anger to panic. He bit his teeth, raised his hand, cut open the wrist of one of his arms, poured all the blood into the cave and continued to shout——

"(blood language) master! Please... Please come and save your people! Those humans... Those humans! Humans have broken into our territory! They want to enslave us! Want to kill us all! Master! Wake up quickly! Master! "

The voice of desperate supplication, in exchange, is still the darkest silent response in this deep cave.

After repeated calls, there was no way to call out the "master" in his heart, the panic color on the giant ghost\'s face now gradually turned into despair.

Lying on the side of the cave, he shouted at it almost with the most hatred——

"(blood language) master! Why don\'t you come out? Why did you... Why didn\'t you cash it with your servant - me! And my promise! Master? Did you abandon me? Master! Master --! "

"(blood language) what\'s the difference between you and a five-year-old child who doesn\'t dare to go to the bathroom alone? Is there a mother who can take you to the bathroom and accompany you? Coward. "

With the roar of the giant ghost, another voice sounded ruthlessly from behind him.

The giant ghost was stunned and turned around quickly. I saw the strong traitor vampire, who seemed to be full of endless power, standing in front of him now.

(blood language) Hoo... Cheese

With the arrival of cheese, other vampires are now coming. They stood on the same front as cheese and surrounded the giant ghost with a posture of one and a half encirclement. However, compared with cheese, their nutrition is not so rich. When facing the giant ghost, they still have some fear, and dare not look at him directly with a mocking attitude like cheese.

With the blood sugar in his mouth, the cheese rolled twice with his tongue. With a sneer, he took a step and said: "(blood language) you have no way to escape, coward. They keep saying that they hold sacrifices to counter attack mankind, but in fact, you dare not even step out of the boundary line of the moon god\'s residence. I\'m very curious. What a cowardly deserter you were 400 years ago, so that mankind can cause such a huge psychological shadow on you? "

The giant ghost saw that those humans did not come together, and the panic in his heart weakened a lot for a time. He pressed the wound on his wrist and bit his teeth. He also took a step towards these blood families and shouted——

"(blood language) you traitor of blood! You... All of you are traitors! Do you want to be the running dog of mankind instead of the noble family of night?! Let those humans force you, let you fight for those humans, compete for territory, attack cities and seize land! What you want is this kind of existence like a running dog and consumables?! "

Cheese: "(blood language) Oh, coward. You are afraid of humans. "

Giant Ghost: "(blood language) shut up! What good has that human being given you so that you can betray your compatriots so firmly? "

Cheese: "(blood language) coward, garbage, you\'re afraid of human beings. You\'re afraid to die."

The giant ghost became angry and opened his claws and roared loudly: "(blood language) don\'t call me... Coward!!!"

The roar fell, and the giant ghost immediately waved his claws and rushed towards the cheese.

Seeing that such a blood sucking ghost king was now in a state of anger, the cheese took three blood sugar blocks from his pocket and stuffed them into his mouth again. After feeling that his body had fully recovered and there was inventory in his mouth, he also raised his claws and greeted the vampire king.

The speed of the scarred giant ghost is obviously not as fast as just now. Although it is still very fast, cheese can barely keep up.

While the vampire king\'s punch hit the left rib of cheese, the right claw of cheese can also open a huge hole in the back of his head at the same time.

(blood language) Hello! Coward, I\'ll challenge you now! "

"(blood language) I\'m not a coward! I\'m not afraid of humans! I\'ll kill you! Then kill those humans!!! "

"(blood language) I, cheese from Hunter village! Here, officially challenge the coward village head of xueya village, giant ghost! This challenge will determine who is the strongest night family among us! "

"(blood language) I -- said -- it! Don\'t call me... Brave - little - Ghost -! "

The giant ghost grabbed the cheese with his two claws. After jumping into the air, he hit the ground hard.

The strength broke out, the rocks broke, and the blood families around fled around one after another, hiding in a safe place as far as possible to watch the battle. But even while watching the war, most of them were silently worried about another problem... The eyes of many blood families began to look involuntarily towards the east of the moon god\'s residence

After avoiding the blow, cheese licked the blood sugar block in his mouth again, instantly appeared behind the giant ghost, and punched fiercely at the heart pit behind him.

Hearing a loud bang, the giant ghost was hit hard on the back, and the whole person took two steps forward involuntarily. But at the next moment, he jumped up like a madman who had completely lost his mind and landed on the other side of the cave with a back somersault.

At this moment, he has not only blood red in his pupils, but his whole eyes, all turned into a bright red!

"Roar -- -- --!"

The vampire king raised his hands, and his sharp claws suddenly grabbed at his own chest!

With a few noises, the monster broke off several of its ribs, and then threw them on both sides.

After landing, the flesh stained ribs took root and sprouted as if they were alive. They rolled up the broken stones nearby and combined them into human shapes about the height of giant ghosts. Finally, holding two slender ribs in his hands, like waving a sword blade, he took the stone man to the cheese again.