Gold coin is justice

Chapter 1135

"(blood clan language) I thought the giant ghost village head of the famous blood tooth village was a great vampire! It turned out that he was such a useless coward after working for a long time! Ha, it\'s unexpected that such a humble and timid heart should be hidden under your huge body! Bah, blood waste! "

Seeing the appearance of cheese, there was no accident on the giant ghost\'s face. On the contrary, his face still showed that arrogant color, sneered and said: "(blood language) who did I think it was? It was you, a desperate boy. Call me a loser? Ha ha ha! I\'ve never heard such a funny joke in my life! "

Cheese raised his hands to block his chest, couldn\'t help rolling a drop of sweat on his forehead, forced the confident smile on his face and said: "(blood language) what? Didn\'t you even find out? I\'m not trying to insult you. Because... Giant ghost, you are really a waste! "

It\'s raining. It\'s cold.

Cheese bent down, his whole body pressed on the cliff, put on a posture of ready to rush out to fight anytime and anywhere, and said with a sneer——

"(blood language) you always claim that after we make you strong, you can lead our compatriots out of here. But what happened? The result is really funny! "

"(blood language) what have you done for the so-called human beings who want to counter attack in the past 400 years? Sacrifice? Sacrifice our people and give you strength? Ha! It\'s a joke! "

"(blood language) over the years, you have absorbed the efforts of more than 40 compatriots. If you want to become stronger, you will already be strong! But so far, you just want to be the king in the moon god\'s residence? Just tell the truth! You have never thought of leaving here or leading us out of this cage! "

"(blood language) you are the only survivor of the war with mankind 400 years ago. You say you are a defeated soldier, but I think you are a deserter! You are afraid of being beaten by human beings. This deep fear has not dissipated even after more than 400 years engraved in your heart! That\'s why you want to absorb power so desperately. But at the same time, you are so determined to occupy the entire Luna residence! The real reason is that you dare not attack human forces at all! The so-called counter offensive against mankind is a complete lie! You coward! "

The villagers of xueya village below all raised their heads to welcome the falling rain.

Because of this, each of them can hear the sound of cheese from top to bottom clearly.

At present, these blood tooth vampires could not help turning their heads and looking at their giant ghost village head. Although it can\'t be said that every vampire\'s face shows a color of doubt, after all, there are still a small number of vampires with some shaking in their eyes.

In this regard


In an instant, even cheese was completely unaware of what had happened. In such a blink of an eye, the figure of the giant ghost who was still standing below suddenly appeared in front of him and waved his fist towards his heart.

Touch -!

With a bang, the cheese\'s body was hit and flew into the air. Although he raised his hands to cover his chest at the last moment, his hands were still cracked, and the huge pain twisted his face in the air.

"(blood language) traitor of the night clan, running dog of mankind."

The giant ghost raised his head, and his red eyes showed his ferocity. Facing the cheese falling from the sky, he clenched his fist again! And this time... He has obviously aimed at the head of cheese.

"(blood language) traitors should be punished by traitors!"

At the moment when the cheese fell, the giant ghost\'s fist like thunder burst out again! Seeing this scene, the villagers of Hunter village couldn\'t help but turn their heads and look straight at it! Even Simon over there is biting his teeth now, and tears can\'t help rolling down from the corners of his eyes


However, the punch was empty.

At the moment when his fist was about to hit the cheese, his body tried to open like a snake. After a short pause in mid air, his body slipped down the giant ghost\'s fist, raised his foot and stepped on the giant ghost\'s face door.

A successful attack, cheese did not continue to pursue. He quickly separated a certain distance from the giant ghost and returned to the villagers of Hunter village, gasping for breath.

"(blood language) hehe... Are you angry? If I\'m angry, does it mean I\'m right? You pathetic coward! You have never thought about other people, or even your villagers! In order to satisfy your selfish desire to enhance your power, you do not hesitate to make up the so-called sacrifice, which requires the sacrifice of living people. Are you so eager for power? Are you so insecure? The last war with mankind really beat you so badly that you didn\'t hesitate to kill your own villagers. Do you also want to try your best to improve your poor strength to maintain your tiny self-esteem that is inferior to insects? "

Cheese is constantly satirized, scolded and ridiculed.

While he was drinking and scolding, his hands were recovering rapidly. However, he also knows that he has no chance of winning in the face of such a blood sucking ghost king, but if he doesn\'t scold now, he can\'t swallow the evil spirit!

As for the giant ghost below

After being trampled on his face, he raised his hand and mixed the rain to wipe the mud off his face.

At the next moment, his body, which was already very strong, has become stronger and stronger. The blood red light began to cover his skin. When he opened his mouth, even the two tusks had turned red now.

"(blood language) it seems that you really don\'t want to live."

A low voice came from the vampire king\'s throat. He raised his feet and stepped up the cliff. Just one step, the whole mountain came a little trembling feeling again. And now the cliff under his feet can\'t help sending out cracks——

"(blood language) originally, our duel should be three days later. But now... Let\'s start, boy. I will break your neck, so that your mouth can no longer utter any syllable, so that you insult me and pay the greatest price of your life! "

Cheese was slightly stunned, but the next moment, he immediately understood what he should do now!

As soon as he turned around, he immediately jumped down from the cliff and rushed to the valley below. But in the process of falling, he can obviously feel a terrible sense of oppression behind him!