Gold coin is justice

Chapter 1132

Stone leg village head smiled confidently.

For this commitment, Ariel\'s eyes lit up, nodded repeatedly and said excitedly, "thank you! Thank you, village head of stone leg! Thank you! "


The plan looks very successful.

After leaving the hunter\'s village, Ariel turned her head, glanced at the mountain that was gradually shrouded in the sun and fell into a deep sleep, and breathed out slowly.

Dak carried the cheese and said with a smile, "president, I didn\'t expect you to really like literature so much. Sure enough, the people who come out of the old tengshu college are highly knowledgeable! "

Ariel just smiled at this.

In fact, her interest in literature is average, and she doesn\'t feel so good about painting. Many things are entertainment for ordinary human beings. When you see good-looking and interesting stories, you want to play, and when you see interesting stories, you want to read them.

But it really involves the content of literature. The words she learned in Lao tengshu in those years are almost searched and can\'t say anything anymore. That\'s why she\'s here, but now it\'s different. Now, the human girl likes this book. Of course, I have the obligation to translate this book and share this beautiful story with more people.

Yes, share it with this human.

As long as she is willing to listen, what can\'t she do?

Soon, his expectation ushered in an answer.

A figure penetrated the mountain and climbed up very quickly.

The shadow didn\'t pay attention to the vampires around, but rushed straight to the cave of the village head of stone leg.

Seeing his arrival, the smile on stone leg\'s face, which was originally filled with, is now slightly closed. Before the shadow was about to enter the cave, he took two steps down, opened his mouth and shouted at him.

"(blood language) what about the girl? Why are you alone? "

The comer stopped. He stepped on the cliff, raised his head, looked at the stone legs in front, exhaled, and slowly said: "(blood language) I want to talk... Between individuals."

For this newcomer, the expression on stone leg\'s face didn\'t look much good. But for the sake of the human girl before, he nodded and walked into his cave.

The visitor came in with him, and his scarlet eyes had fully demonstrated his will. When the stone leg village head in front sat down in front of the pile of ancient books, he breathed out a little and said slowly——

"(blood language) village head, do you still think... Am I betraying our village?"

The head of shileg village turned his head, glanced at the villager who had left the village for 20 years and now finally came back, and slowly said: "(blood language) in those years, you ran away. Then, you\'re running back now with those humans... What do you want me to think you\'re not a traitor? "

Cheese exhaled, took two steps forward, and sat cross legged. He thought for a moment and said, "well, what do you think of our president? Is she a person who will want to harm our night people? "

Speaking of that human being, the village head of stone leg pondered for a moment and said: "(blood language) she is a good child. But... "

"(blood language) since you also think she is a good child, can you believe the president? Our action is imminent. We have less than three days to actively sacrifice. At that time, Mashu will be sacrificed, and this cycle will continue! Village head... You already know who our president is. Can\'t you make a decision? "

Originally, the expression on stone leg\'s face was very gentle. But after hearing the cheese, his gentle expression immediately dissipated and became severe, saying: "(blood language) did the girl ask you to confirm my decision? As I have said, I will unite with you to resist - "

Cheese shook his head and said firmly: "(blood language) on the contrary, village head. This time, I asked to come and ask you. Although you may have been pretending, our mermaid song... All of us have seen that you are secretly delivering blood sugar blocks to xueya village, ready to... Betray us. "

The village head of shileg, who had planned to hold on by force, was suddenly stunned.

It seemed that he did not expect that those humans had completely seen through all this, and he hesitated for a moment.

Seeing that the village head of shitui stopped talking now, the cheese continued: "(blood language) President actually realized that you might betray when you said you wanted to unite with us against xueya village that day. In the past 20 years of my observation of human society, human conspiracies and tricks are often far superior to our night people. Therefore, it is useless to be careful in front of these humans. "