Gold coin is justice

Chapter 1130

Ariel patted her clothes, slightly adjusted the hat on her head, and took the little white cat down. After that, she followed the cheese into the cave and came to the village head.

Inside the cave, everything is still very dark.

Ariel took the pocket fire out of her arms and lit a small torch for the cheese. In the light yellow light of the fire, you can see that the vampire village head is reading some seemingly very ancient books. The words on those classics... Don\'t seem to be the words of the blood language that cheese taught itself these two days. On the contrary, it is more like ancient characters used by humans before.

But Ariel didn\'t have so much time to study it carefully. The vampire village head slowly turned his head and his scarlet eyes fell on Ariel. After taking a lot of blood sugar, the stone leg has obviously felt much stronger. Even his foot, which seems to have been petrified all the time, now seems to be able to move a little.

"(blood language) are you here to tell me when to attack blood tooth village?"

The face of the village head of stone leg was calm. It seemed that everything was very stable without any accident.

In this regard, Ariel smiled and said: "(blood language) chat, I\'ll come. Speak, will you? "

The stone leg village head snorted and said in human language, "I didn\'t expect you were still learning our language. I thought you humans were arrogant in this regard. "

Ariel said proudly, "I think I\'m quite strong in language learning, not to mention other talents. I\'m not here today to discuss a battle. Well, actually, I\'m more interested in your blood culture. So I want to communicate. "

"Communication? Culture? " The stone leg village head\'s face was a little confused. His eyes glanced at Simon in the back. Simon knew that he had put on a posture of ready to fight at any time.

But the next moment, Ariel suddenly took out a blanket from her backpack and laid it on the stone ground. Then she sat down on it and said with a smile, "yes, cultural exchange. Although I have a brief understanding of the birth history of your blood clan, it is far from being a culture? Well... Let\'s put it this way, village head shitui, do you know Mr. de Gula? "

At the mention of this name, the face of the village head of stone leg changed slightly. Although the alert expression did not disappear, it was mixed with some feelings of pride and envy. After a moment of silence, he nodded gently and said——

"I know. Mr. de Gula Gabriel. He is a famous writer, painter, poet, musician and traveling scholar of the night family 600 years ago. My name is Gabriel because my parents want me to learn from Mr. de Gula. "

Ariel nodded with a smile, patted her hands gently and said, "right?! Indeed, the previous war between us has indeed led to a lot of tragedies. But it is precisely because of the war that our cultural exchanges have collided with each other. However, we humans may have few records of your night clan. The only well-known blood clan I know now is Mr. de Gula Gabriel. The manuscript of a novel written by him is still collected in the Museum of our human country. I remember that the name of the book is... Called hundreds of years... Good mood? "

"It\'s called (blood language) a hundred years of shock." After pausing, the village head of stone leg continued, "in your human language, it can be translated into a hundred years of surprise.". It is a book about the love and hatred between Mr. de Gula and a sea demon that has spread for hundreds of years. "

Hearing the name, Ariel\'s eyes lit up immediately! She nodded again and again, clapped her hands excitedly and said with a smile, "yes, yes! Good name, this is really a good name! Oh, our translators are bad enough to decipher your words《 How good is the name "one hundred years of surprise"? What kind of good mood for hundreds of years? Ha! Stone leg village head, your translation is great! "

The village head of stone leg was stunned, but he stopped talking.

Ariel breathed out with a very satisfied look and said, "Mr. de Gula\'s work is really! When I found some translations in the deepest part of the school library, I was really attracted at once! Excuse me, is this a realistic documentary literature? Is it a true memoir of Mr. de Gula? Or is it a fictional novel? "

Stone leg village head looked at Ariel carefully again. After a moment of silence, he suddenly turned around. Seeing this, Simon behind immediately became nervous and looked ready to fight anytime and anywhere.

But this time, the village head of shileg went to the classics over there. After searching for a while, he took out a thick paper book that looked very old, gently brushed off the dust, carefully held it and walked back again.

After that, he also supported his body and sat down carefully in front of Ariel.

"After the last war, there are not many information about Lord de Gula Gabriel."

His hand gently touched the cover of this thick paperboard book and said with great pity——

"This is not the original version of Mr. de Gula, but a manuscript transcribed by later generations. I am not a researcher. If only judged by my knowledge, many stories in this book are too magnificent. Maybe... There should be a lot of content that doesn\'t really happen, but just a novel. "

When talking about the ancestors of the blood clan, the stone leg\'s Scarlet eyes began to show different colors. After hearing these words, Simon behind seemed to be attracted. He also came up and listened patiently.

Ariel leaned over her head, glanced at the book, hugged it with both hands, looked pleading and said, "excuse me... Can I have a look?"

Seeing that this human was so interested in the culture of his own night family, after a moment of silence, the village head of shileg gently nodded, respectfully put the thick book in his hand on the ground and opened a page.

Just turning to the first page, Ariel couldn\'t help exclaiming.

This exclamation was not pretend, but really exclamation.

On the first page, there is a portrait. The man in the picture looks like a human in his forties. On his handsome and thin face, a pair of deep eyes look forward. His slightly untidy hair and clothes seem to indicate his magnificent but wandering life.

There are some words spelled under the portrait. Judging from Ariel\'s simple three-day training in blood language linguistics, it should be de Gula Gabriel. Moreover, this seems to be the self portrait of the writer and painter.

Turning to the first page, although the novel is a manuscript, what emerges on the yellowing page is a neat and powerful text arrangement.

Although I can\'t understand it, I feel very comfortable and tidy at a glance.

Seeing such records, Ariel\'s face could not help showing a burst of crimson and sighed——

"Alas... What a pity... I have only studied for a few days and can\'t understand it at all."

The next moment, Ariel clapped her hand and smiled——

"However, I have read some translations. However, even if it is just some translations, I still don\'t think Mr. de Gula is writing a fantastic story. Although our human translation is messy and there is no beauty of language in many places, I can still feel a surging feeling between the lines! Well... If you really want to describe it, it should be a writing method full of romanticism. It is to transform the things that have happened to me. In order to compile many different life experiences into the same story, I have specially fictionalized them to a certain extent. Wouldn\'t it be more reasonable to think so? "

When Ariel said this, the village head of stone leg was stunned. After thinking about it, he said with a little doubt: "romantic? I understand the meaning of the word romance in your human words. Do you mean... Did Mr. de Gula write in this way? "

Ariel nodded, smiled and said, "I think it\'s possible! After all, you have a hundred years of entanglement between the night clan and the sea demon. This kind of thing can\'t be imagined out of thin air! So I think Mr. de Gula must have really had such a wonderful relationship. He and the sea demon he wrote may really have some feelings that others don\'t know! "

At this point, the smile on Ariel\'s face became depressed again, shook her head and sighed, "it\'s a pity that what I saw is only fragments, and I don\'t know what the end of the story is. And it seems so long, I\'m afraid it will take me a long time to fully understand... "

As she spoke, Ariel looked at the thick book with an almost greedy look, and muttered in her throat.

Seeing this scene, the stone leg village head, who just kept a straight face and remained vigilant, slowly showed a smile at the corners of his mouth.