Gold coin is justice

Chapter 1112

Simon bent down slightly and nodded slightly: "(blood language) I understand. What can I do? Village head. "

Stone leg turned his head and hummed: "(blood language) stare at them and see what they want to do. If they have any intention of running away, kill them immediately. Rather than let them be eaten by the bastard of the giant ghost, let\'s have a big meal first, maybe... "

Although Simon didn\'t show a firm attitude towards the idea of stone legs, a trace of uneasiness flashed on his face. However, he did not directly say his uneasiness, but gently nodded and answered.

At this point, when the clouds in the whole mountain rise again, the sun also began to gradually penetrate the thick fog and fall on the world abandoned by the Terrans.

Compared with the outside world, the day here is so peaceful that it is like a perfect outdoor peach garden.

However, no one can come here completely unprepared and enjoy the hard-earned "peace"


Tonight, there is no moonlight.

Ariel raised the torch, took out the pocket fire and pressed the button. A flame rose from the pocket fire and lit the torch, transmitting a little human warmth in this dark night.

After eating and drinking, the members of mermaid song also left the hunter village and went down the mountain at this time. Along the way, the members of mermaid song all walked in front, while the blood clan members dominated by Simon followed closely behind.

After walking a few steps, cheese turned around and looked at the fellow villagers following behind. Some couldn\'t help shouting to them in blood language.

Unfortunately, Simon and others did not want to come up and walk side by side with Ariel and others, which is still the meaning of refusing from a distance.

"It\'s clear that it\'s watching us."

The cream snorted, showing some dissatisfaction.

Su TA shrugged his shoulders helplessly and said, "I feel strange if they are not allowed to monitor us. President, what are we going to do next? "

Ariel stretched out her finger, drew a circle in the air, smiled and said, "when I left the mountain of the five blood conference yesterday, I carefully observed the direction of the five villages. So now, we\'ll visit other blood clan villages to see what ghost Tong Village, poison claw village and Hongxiang village are like. "

Dak glanced back at Simon and others closely following him and said, "other villages? What are we going to do after we know the villages? "

Ariel put her hands on her hips and said as if she had already thought about it: "what are you going to do? Needless to say? Don\'t forget, we\'re here to find a way to turn humans into blood. There is no Hunter village. Of course, we have to go to other villages to ask. Even if there are no other villages, we should get in touch with the people in these villages so that we won\'t be eaten immediately. "

After some words, the cheese behind me was moved again. He stepped up two steps to Ariel\'s side, nodded vigorously and said, "please rest assured, President, I will definitely do my duty!"

Ariel smiled and said, "don\'t worry, I don\'t need you to fight. We have come to your kindred this time not for war, but for communication, for peace, for mutual help, unity and fraternity between human beings and blood families in the future. You don\'t want to see us humans and blood families continue to maintain this hostile attitude towards each other? "

The cheese was stunned. After thinking about it, he said, "President... Do you think so far? I thought I was just looking for a way to turn humans into blood... "

Ariel continued to fill her face with a smile and said, "always keep a back hand. Don\'t force yourself into a desperate situation unless you have to. If there is no way to turn human beings into blood clan by asking all over the night, then think of a way to make human beings and blood clan more tolerant and accept each other. Isn\'t it also a good way for president lanwen to continue to be friends with you? "

If she wasn\'t on her way now, Ariel believed that the blood family around her was moved and was about to cry.

This guy should no longer be the blood clan who was forced to join the mermaid song just because of the request of blue stripe a year ago? Uh huh, good. Now it seems that even if this guy doesn\'t have the relationship of blue stripe, he shouldn\'t want to take the initiative to leave the mermaid song.

Well, don\'t think about this kind of thing now. Let\'s think about how we can talk to Simon and others behind us.

In Hunter village, I\'m afraid it\'s really inconvenient to ask the stone leg village head. The village head was afraid of being beaten by the giant ghost at the festival ten years ago, so he was under great psychological pressure and was not so easy to communicate.

But in contrast, the vampire named Simon has the courage to fight against the giant ghost directly. Although Simon lost completely in the duel, it didn\'t seem to make the vampire have a certain sense of psychological submission to the giant ghost.

So, if you can communicate with him

As she walked, Ariel looked up at the sky without any stars.

At this time, the cream on one side suddenly stopped, turned his head and looked at his side.

Such a move was a little reminder. Ariel also turned her head and looked in the direction of cream\'s eyes.

In fact, not only cream, but also pastry tower, cheese and dak. Even those vampires who followed, such as Simon, are all looking in the same direction now.

(blood language) come out! Don\'t think I can\'t smell you! "

Simon raised the stone spear in his hand and knocked on the ground with a thud.

After a moment, the rock over there slowly turned out a pair of scarlet eyes and approached slowly in the dark. Before long, those eyes entered the light range of the torches in the hands of the mermaid song, and let Ariel and others see the owner of these eyes.

Mashu - the female vampire listed as a sacrifice.

At this time, Mashu was wearing a set of simple stone armor. Although it was much lighter than the stone armor on Simon and others, it still looked very heavy.

In addition, she also carried a stone bow in her hand and an arrow bag made of stone hung on her back with several stone arrows in it. With her bare feet and a scold from Simon, she finally leaned over with her head down like a child who admitted her mistake.

"(blood language) come here! Come to us! "

Simon shouted again.

Mashu\'s footsteps stopped slightly. She raised her head and looked at the mermaid song people over there in the light of the torch. Then she turned her head and looked at the villagers hiding in the dark, only revealing their scarlet eyes. After hesitating for a moment, he still bowed his head and walked towards the position of his compatriots.


Since you don\'t want to come, why don\'t I come?

Seeing Mashu walking towards her family, Ariel immediately raised the torch with a smile and leaned towards them happily. However, a few steps later, Simon and the villagers of Hunter village appeared in the light of the torch.

"Cheese, translate it for me. Ms. Mashu, do you want to help us, too? Thank you very much. Like Mr. Simon, you are willing to take the initiative to help us humans. We humans are really grateful. "

Cheese took a step and said all these words.

When the cheese was finished, Ariel smiled, looked at the villagers in the hunter village in front of her with a very harmless, even pure smile, and said slowly——

"(blood language) thank you."

Mashu stood next to Simon. She looked at Ariel\'s expression full of smiles, then looked at Simon next to her, and then looked at Ariel over there again.

"Do you want to help us? Otherwise, how could you throw it out? "

After the cheese translation, Ariel continued to take two steps to bring herself closer to these vampires. Maybe it was because she was too close. The cat that had always been entrenched on her shoulder couldn\'t stand the smell of blood clan. She jumped down directly, floated to the shoulder of crisp tower behind and squatted down.

Mashu\'s eyes turned back and forth on Simon\'s and Ariel\'s faces again for a long time. When she saw that Simon didn\'t show too strong opposition, she finally said——

(blood language) I -- "

"(blood language) don\'t talk to this human. It\'s because of them that you have to become a sacrifice. Don\'t forget that."

As the current leader of Hunter village, Simon needs to ensure the safety of his villagers. The mother of Mashu, who was supposed to be a sacrifice, was disqualified because of these humans. Instead, Mashu, who is younger and more likely, became a sacrifice, which is undoubtedly a great loss for the hunter village with a small population.

But now he has no other way. He can only try to avoid these humans from doing anything too much.

For Simon\'s warning, Mashu bowed his head and thought. But a moment later, the female vampire raised her head again, looked at Simon with very serious eyes and whispered: "(blood language) but now, these humans want to save me and their mother? If Uncle Simon and you are all trying to save me and my mother, what qualifications do I have to wait in the village. I also want to contribute. My blood archery is the best in our village. "