Godly Talent Duplicate System

Chapter 297

Ye Chen arrived at the peak that the man referred to.

At a glance, he saw a large air raid shelter entrance on the mountainside.

Before the world entered the era of vitality, there were wars every year, so it was normal to have air raid shelters.

He found that more than a dozen fierce beasts had arrived at the entrance of the air raid shelter, and had begun to enter the air raid shelter. He breathed a breath, but it was still in time.

Then, he quickly, to the air raid shelter entrance, into the air raid shelter.

"Fierce beast, how can there be fierce beast?"

"Come on, run!"

The voice of extreme panic rings in the ear of Ye Chen.

Only a dozen fierce beasts have blocked the way of hundreds of people, and they can no longer run out of the air raid shelter.

"What shall we do, what shall we do?"

"I don't want to die."

"Is there anyone to help us?"

Ye Chen had already arrived behind a dozen fierce beasts. Listening to the sound of hundreds of people's panic, he jumped to his feet and reached hundreds of people.

When hundreds of people saw the sudden appearance of Ye Chen, they were shocked again. They took a few steps backward and looked at Ye Chen in shock.

"Don't be afraid. I'm here to save you."

Leaf dust exposed a side face to say to hundreds of people behind him.

Hundreds of people were surprised, they looked at Ye Chen in amazement.


Suddenly, more than a dozen fierce beasts rushed towards Ye dust.

These ten fierce beasts are all low-level fierce beasts. Ye Chen can kill them with one blow.


Ye Chen took the Juxing Epee sword and chopped it out with one sword. Because of the existence of weapon talent, a sword awn on the Juxing Epee sword was cut out.

Suddenly, more than a dozen fierce beasts were all torn to pieces by the terrible sword.

Looking at them for a long time, we can't stare at them for a long time.

At this time, the team leader Yang Zheng with several members also rushed to the air raid shelter.

Looking at the corpse of the fierce beast which has been torn to pieces, Yang Zheng and several members of the team took a breath and wiped the cold sweat on their forehead and head.

"My Lord, fortunately you arrived, or the consequences would be disastrous." Yang Zheng said to Ye Chen.

Then there was a burst of gratitude from hundreds of people to Ye Chen, and even many people wanted to kneel down to Ye Chen. They thought they were doomed to die, but they suddenly came out of nowhere. Anyone would be very excited.

Ye Chen and all the people went back to Liuyun town. The residents of the three towns looked at the corpses of fierce animals in the town. They were surprised and pleased.

Seven or eight hours later, Xiao xueruo and Wang Ning also came back from Jinling mountain. After a careful tour of the Jinling mountain, they did not find any fierce beasts.

After a night in LiuYun Town, the three returned to Jianzong.

Of course, it was five days after returning to Jianzong.

Ye Chen went to tianjianfeng and told Bai Shaoan everything about Jinling. After Bai Shaoan attacked him in the Jinling mountain, there were fierce animal disturbances everywhere, but they were only small gathering places of fierce animals.

Like the cave of sick wood and the cave of stone claw, there are no fierce beasts in the gathering places.

After two days of rest at waimenfeng, Xiao xueruo finds Ye Chen.

Ye Chen naturally did not expect that Xiao xueruo would come to him. He looked at Xiao xueruo with great interest.

"Xiao xueruo, you don't really like me, do you?"

Ye Chen thinks that it's fun to tease these girls sometimes.

After all, famous generals love good horses since ancient times, and beauties have always been heroes.

Xiao xueruo's white face turned red in an instant, just like a ripe apple. It was tempting to see it.