Godly Student

Chapter 5840

"What if these people with tokens really made an appointment in advance? They also know that it will be very dangerous when opening the exit, and almost everyone will seize this last chance to compete for tokens.

So they may have already discussed it, and try to compress the time to open the exit to the shortest possible time so that they can leave in time! " someone asked.

"This should not be possible. As I said just now, the token itself does not have any special aura, but if you carry the token directly on your body, it will still be detected by the strong.

So no one would be so stupid to carry the token directly on the body, and would definitely put the token in the magic weapon of the storage class.

Since they are all just placed in tokens, how can they possibly have tokens on them?

Naturally, they didn\'t agree in advance to open the exit together, so the time to open the exit naturally couldn\'t be that short. said the man.

"But it is also possible that these people are together, so naturally there is no such thing as not knowing each other\'s existence!

And what if the eight tokens are on one person? The time to open the exit is naturally shorter, maybe we don\'t have time to make a move. "Someone said worriedly.

"Although there is such a possibility, I think the probability is too low. How rare are eight tokens, and the possibility of wanting all eight tokens on a group of people is very low, let alone the eight tokens The cards are all on one person.

Of course, if this kind of thing really happens, then we can only look at the destiny.

If he exposed the token information in advance, we may still have a chance to get the information. But if he hides deep enough, doesn\'t show up until the moment the exit opens, and leaves before we even know it, then there\'s nothing we can do but wait for the next opportunity. ’ the man explained.

"That\'s true, but if the eight tokens are really on a person, I don\'t think that person\'s strength should be very low.

Because if you search by yourself, it is basically impossible for all eight tokens to be discovered by one person.

So I think his token can only be stolen from others. Since it is stolen from others, he is naturally strong.

And as a newcomer, he might have already shown up. He obviously has a better understanding of the situation here, so he is hiding deep enough.

It seems that this time it is either an opportunity, or there is no chance at all. Someone speculated based on everyone\'s guess.

"So we don\'t need to rush to make a move now, just wait here. Anyway, no matter how hard they fight, it is impossible for them all to die.

If the token doesn\'t appear all the time, even if we sell it now, it doesn\'t actually make any sense.

But how weak will the people who can come here be?

Especially those cultivators who are Xuxian Dzogchen, even if they are not those old monster-like existences, they can still be very strong.

It would be very unwise for us to risk fighting them without even seeing the token, and some of us might even lose our lives.

So it is best for us to wait now. "Someone suggested.

"That\'s right. If the other people hidden in the periphery can\'t bear it anymore, then we just have a look at the excitement and see if it\'s what we think." Someone said with a smile.

Looking at the smile on this person\'s face, the others had wry smiles on their faces.

Who wouldn\'t want to get a token if given the chance?

But now there is no news about the token, which will inevitably make everyone worry.

Some newcomers thought they could leave after getting the token because they didn\'t understand the situation.

But when they really got here, they realized that what they were heading was not the road to go home, but the road to death.

The situation this year is obviously not so clear, which means that those who get the token should have a clear understanding of the situation here.

So they hid early. Under such circumstances, it\'s hard to say whether they can see the token this time, let alone get the token.

As for the monks hiding in the periphery, they have already lost interest.

Unless they can lure out the token, in that case, they are definitely interested, but it seems that this is not an easy task now.

On the edge of the giant lake, the battle is still going on.

There were casualties on both sides, but obviously more people died on the side with a larger number. After all, their strength is lower, and apart from having a numerical advantage, they can\'t take much advantage.

On the strong side, after some strong men died, the rest were actually the top strong men, so even though there were more people on their side, the number of people killed was not less than at the beginning.

However, the life and death of these people is not really what the peripheral people really care about. What they care about is when this year\'s token will appear.

They have been killed to such an extent, if the token does not appear again, there will not be many people left on both sides.

Logically speaking, at this time, those who have tokens should have already taken out their tokens, because it is obviously not a good deal if they continue to fight.

Of course, not everyone can hold their breath.

Some people saw that there were not many strong men left here, and those who had been hiding on the periphery couldn\'t help but make a move after all.

In their view, it doesn\'t matter how many competitors there are. As long as everyone\'s strength gap is not too big, then they will naturally have a chance to get tokens.

But these experts are much stronger than them. If they don\'t get rid of them now that they have enough helpers, they will have no chance to kill these experts after everyone here is dead.

So they saw that there were not many of these strong men, and some of them were injured. This was definitely a rare opportunity.

However, those strong men obviously also found that the other party had reinforcements appearing. These people were obviously coming for themselves, so their first reaction was to run away first.

It\'s just that these hidden people don\'t have any preparations?

Before they made a move, they had already laid out the situation and blocked their retreat.

As a result, these strong men were besieged on the spot.

Since these hidden people dared to attack, their strength would naturally not be weak.

"The strength of these people is not inferior to ours!" After seeing these people make a move, Boss Liu and the others immediately felt extremely stressed.

Sure enough, the strength of the people hidden in the periphery is not bad. Although they are not as strong as those strong, they are much stronger than those competitors.

"Maybe some of the hidden people are old monsters themselves. It seems that we are still under a lot of pressure!" Seeing that these people have successfully killed some strong people, they didn\'t know whether to be happy or worried.