Godly Scratch-Off System

Chapter 16

The clinic has taken several injured people away and training sessions have been suspended.

In the office of the director of the academic affairs office, the old headmaster who has just returned is lecturing the director of the martial arts course. His voice was hoarse, but he was very dignified. "As the person in charge of martial arts, what kind of person did you recruit? And fight with students! What\'s that like? "

Yes, Qi Bin was recruited by the director of the martial arts course. But he listened to the headmaster\'s reprimand, but also a face helpless: "headmaster, I also have no way." Then he took out a business card from his arms.

The name on the black background is in gold, with an even character at the beginning.

Don\'t look any more. The old headmaster sighed and waved, "you can do as he wants."

This is Qi Bin and Qi Long\'s family, which is powerful in Jinzhou and covers many industries. There are many of them in Jinzhou, and Jinzhou middle school is no exception.

At this time, Liao Xiaoduo is also a little flustered. He has no money and no power. How can he fight against a powerful family?

Only continuous cultivation of martial arts, improve their own strength!

"Well done!" Lin Qing\'s words not only make Liao Xiaoduo more nervous and flustered, but also his heart beats faster. Although trying to control, but still feel some blush.

This is probably Lin Qing\'s first emotional words to Liao Xiaoduo. Liao Xiaoduo was stunned for a moment.

Lin Qing is a school flower. She is the kind of girl who can be rated as the school flower no matter from any angle. At the same time, she is also a monitor with strong organizational ability. Most students in the class are willing to listen to the arrangement of a beautiful woman.

After the actual combat, Lin Qing gave full play to the ability of a monitor and actively organized the class students to carry out training according to the daily arrangement.

All over, and then a short break time, everyone in groups back to class.

Liao Xiaoduo was also surrounded by several friends and asked, "Liao Xiaoduo, what\'s the matter with you? How did you suddenly become so powerful? "

"Xiaoduo is sure to keep secret and train crazily in private. Then, if you don\'t sing, you\'ll make a big splash!"

"When can I help some of my friends?" A fat man slobbered and begged.

"The one who succeeds in martial arts is one percent talent and ninety-nine percent hard work." "But that one percent talent is the most important thing!" quipped a tall, thin man

A man with a fat face and eyes said, "that is, Xiaoduo must have discovered his talent, and this has become a bull\'s-eye.". We are not as good as one tenth of Togo. "

Several people are more and more high, not far away, a boy is heavily humming, obviously look down on this once successful villain mood.

He is Wei Hua, whose family is also one of the local famous powerful families. There are many talented people in our family. In the past 100 years, many martial artists have been produced, and they have contributed a lot to the great cause of mankind. Although most of the warriors were not in the local area, relying on the prestige and capital accumulated by their ancestors, the Wei family went into business smoothly and had considerable assets in the local area.

Wei Hua is the direct descendant of his family, and has high talent. In addition, his family resources are inclined, and his achievements are remarkable. Several basic martial arts have been greatly accomplished. Because of this, in his opinion, Qi long and others will only pretend to be arrogant and domineering on the surface, and their strength is no better than ours.

However, what he is not happy with now is not the flattery of Liao Xiaoduo, a group of "Friends of evil friends".

But because of the monitor and school flower Lin Qing, that let him dream, but still can not get the girl. She is smart and beautiful, but she can be a royal sister, a lady, and a Lori...

at this time, Lin Qing walked up to Liao Xiaoduo and called him by his name: "Liao Xiaoduo, I didn\'t notice before. I didn\'t expect you to be so powerful!"

A wisp of light fragrance came slowly, clean, sunny, beautiful girl stood in front of the four boys.

Some of my buddies\' throats wriggled and six pairs of eyes straightened.

Liao Xiaoduo shrugged his shoulders and pushed aside the students leaning on his shoulders. He said with a smile, "where is it? It\'s just that progress is greater.". It\'s just that I didn\'t study hard before, but now I\'m practicing to this extent. " Then he sat down in his seat and opened the book for the next class. It was called "the outline of practical combat of basic Martial Arts (3)"

eh --

for a while, my friend sighed, but he also made room for Lin Qing and Liao Xiaoduo.

Lin Qing blinked, turned his back, leaned forward and asked in a low voice, "how about tutoring for me?"

Liao Xiaoduo was flattered when he heard the soft and soft words and smelled the faint fragrance.

The heart has not considered well, but the mouth has made the answer: "well, well, good."

Liao Xiaoduo shrunk into a fist and covered it in front of his mouth. He coughed and coughed twice. He wanted to refuse politely.

But as soon as the voice dropped, a harsh and provocative voice sounded at one end of the classroom: "Yo, the takeaway man is going to give a lecture to the monitor? What are you talking about? How to deliver takeaway faster? Or is it easy to get five-star reviews? "

"That\'s right. The sage has said that there is a specialty in the arts. Monitor, although Liao Xiaoduo defeated two people, you don\'t know his previous achievements. What else can he talk about besides the delivery route? "It\'s not Wei Hua who speaks, but a couple of boys beside him. It seems that there is no lack of dogleg around power.

It\'s really a dogleg. Liao Xiaoduo\'s good friend whispered.

"Yes, Lin Qing, Liao Xiaoduo has made great progress, but he has never explained anything. How can I tell you about it?" Wei Hua finally said, "if you don\'t understand anything, I\'ll tell you."

Then he got up and closed the book that Liao Xiaoduo had just opened. His gloomy face was swept away, and he looked at Lin Qing with a smile.

"No, I still want to hear how this student who has made great progress has done it." Lin Qing\'s tone was deciduous. He sat next to Liao Xiaoduo and opened his book.

Liao Xiaoduo saw the dense text and strange patterns in the book, and secretly used the top instructor experience card.

Suddenly, a stream of consciousness from the card into the mind, that dense text, immediately become vivid. Every sentence and paragraph is automatically processed by the brain into a vivid dynamic picture.

"Why is the answer to this question like this? What is the principle? "

"Is this the right way?"

Lin Qing is eager to learn. After listening to the question, Liao Xiaoduo only feels that there is something in his mind that he can\'t help but blurt it out. Liao Xiaoduo opened his mouth and a string of witticisms came out.

He turned a big problem into a small problem, a big action, a series of movements, cut into details, vividly explained.

The more he said, the more excited he became. Finally, he walked slowly to the blackboard, drawing circles with one hand and square drawing with the other. Soon, a clear and concise action diagram came out.

Liao Xiaoduo\'s mouth was eloquent and his hands were waving.

Can not help but let the body outside the door Han Sifu thought of a word: Treasure rain profusion, hype. It was originally a eulogy. It was well said, so it is suitable to put it here.

Lin Qing listens quietly. When he meets an incomprehensible place on the way, he wants to interrupt the inquiry. However, Liao Xiaoduo on the stage looks at this place, but as if he knows her mind, he also answers the questions in her heart.

Lin Qing\'s frown stretched out, and Liao\'s eyes slowly changed.

With that, Liao Xiaoduo smiles at her and feels grateful for the scraping card.