Goddess Rescue System

Chapter 979

When we saw the end of the 300000 pound party, we just chuckled

Although the development of cashless payment in country y is not as good as that in China, online transfer is still developing very well,

"yes, we should thank Jack and Kelly for their invitation, otherwise we will not be able to come here." Isaniah covered her mouth and said with a smile.

Jack and Kelly hate each other, but they can't refute it.

Yeah, why did they invite these two people to the party? If they didn't invite them, they wouldn't have to lose money!

It can only be said that it is "selfishness"!


Stephen spat out a sullen breath and sneered, "well, it's only 300000 pounds. For me, it's just a little money. It's a reward for you."

Jack and others couldn't help but gasp.

My special It's a little bit of money for you, but it's a lot of money for us, and Only 100000 out of 300000 are from you. The remaining 200000 is ours. Can't you not say that 300000 is your own!

"Oh." Li Feng nodded and played: "since the 300000 yuan is a small sum of money for you, it's better for you to pay it all by yourself. I believe Jack, they will appreciate you."

As soon as this was said, Jack and others looked forward to Stephen.

Stephen's face was dull: "this Well What I meant was that... "

"Just say that 300000 pounds is not a small sum of money for you." Li Feng asked impatiently.

"Yes, it's not. To me, it's small money!" Stephen said haughtily.

"Are they your good classmates, Jack?" Li Feng then asked.

"No Stephen laughed.

Jack and others suddenly look ugly!

I didn't expect that Stephen was such a person. He didn't even recognize his friends for money!

Even Li Feng raised his eyebrows and looked surprised.

Although he knew Stephen didn't want to pay for Jack and others, he didn't expect that Stephen would say so simply

When the crowd was shocked, Stephen suddenly said with a smile: "because they are my good brothers and sisters, the word classmate is not enough to describe my relationship with them."

Hearing this, Jack and other people are excited, quite a feeling of meeting a bosom friend!

At this moment, it doesn't matter whether Stephen will help them lose money. The biggest gain is to get Stephen's approval!

Li Feng was shocked. Stephen dared to say anything in order to win over people's support: "if you say you, what you say can't be finished in one breath. We almost misunderstood you."

"It's not enough to show the friendship between Jack and me." Stephen shrugged and laughed.

"Mm-hmm, but I think it's more believable to talk about it with money." Li Feng also learns from his appearance, shrugs and laughs.

There is a saying that it is better to say well than to do well. Even if you say that you are willing to spend a dime, you are just saying it.

Stephen's face changed slightly, and then sneered: "this is no problem. I have enough money. I think it's a smart invitation to Las Vegas."

Hearing this, Jack and others send rainbow farts one after another: "Stephen, you are so nice!"

"Stephen, you are the most noble man I have ever seen!"

"Stephen, believe me, you will be my friend for life!"


"Well, please be quiet. I haven't finished yet." Stephen raised his hand and pressed down. In the puzzled eyes of Jack and others, he said, "but it's meaningless. It's better to make money by yourself."

Jack and others were fascinated at that time!

So you don't want to lose money for us? How many hairs are you talking about that long string?! It's fun!

"So I suggest, let's have another match, just racing cars, OK?" Stephen said, with a twinkle in his eyes.

Li Feng was also fascinated: "no Why do you think I'll promise to race with you? "

"You drive a Panamera. It's known as a suit thug. It's a good driving skill, isn't it?" Stephen first put a high hat on Li Feng's head.

Li Feng took a puff from the corner of his mouth and said with a strange complexion: "you are right. I can't say how confident I am in my driving skills. It's just..."

"A little arrogant?" In the distance, Jack helped Li Feng connect the words behind.

Stephen took a puff from the corner of his mouth and turned to Jack.

Who did you mix up with? Why did you help this Chinese?

Li Feng turned to Jack and thumbed up: "you are very conscious, I appreciate you."Jack's face was stagnant. He snorted coldly and turned his head haughtily.

He just said it subconsciously. It's totally out of line with consciousness. OK!

"Well, if you're so arrogant, you'll have to compete with me, no matter what. It's faster than a quarter of a mile straight. Who's the first to cross the finish line and who wins?" Stephen said provocatively.

"I'm curious. What kind of car do you want to compare with me?" Li Feng raised a mocking arc around the corner of his mouth and said, "mine is the top matching Panamera. If you want to run faster than three seconds after 100km acceleration, you will be bullied?"

Quarter mile linear acceleration is a race that is purely dependent on the performance of the car, and the one with the same level of drivers will win.

Although Panamera has the reputation of a suit thug, it is still inferior to those top-level super runners. For example, Bugatti Weihang only needs 2.5 seconds to accelerate 100 km, which is 1.3 seconds less than Panamera.

This kind of result occupies the superiority in the straight line acceleration needless to say?

Stephen's mouth a hook, play flavor: "either super run, or a modified polo, the performance is not so good. Of course, if you don't dare to compare with my polo, I'll give them Jack's money one by one. "

On hearing this, Jack and others were secretly excited.

What is Stephen's Polo? Enough money to buy two Panamera monsters!

Just say that it takes only 2.9 seconds to accelerate at 100 km, you are afraid!

If Li Feng suffers a big loss, he will not agree with him in the competition!

"Forget it, Stephen. Chinese people are cowards. He can't compare with you."

"It's OK, Stephen. We'll take the gamble, and you don't have to be prodded by him."

"OK, let's go on with the party. I'm tired."

Jack and others consciously cooperated with Stephen in the play.

Maybe it was their play that had an effect. Li Feng said: "it's just a modified polo. What can I dare not compare with you? Let's say bet."

Stephen was overjoyed at this!

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