Goddess Rescue System

Chapter 977

Jack, Kelly and others are going to curse their mother!

Well, frankly, they just want to scold Stephanie!

Yes, Li Feng didn't jump in, but he made a jump shot outside the three-point line!

In addition, he also learned from Stephen's appearance and turned around to celebrate in advance. The success demonstrated to Stephen what is the early celebration of success.

This face is slapping!

Jack and others want to ask Stephen if your face hurts or if you can do it!

It's a pity Stephen is so prestigious at LD university that no one dares to say a bad word to his face.

"Yes! Li Feng is great

"Li Feng, Li Feng, Li Feng!"

In the silence, aishania jumped up in the spot excitedly and called out Li Feng's name.

At this moment, aishania is Li Feng's most loyal fan. She has done all the cheerleading work alone.

Stephen's face is even worse. There is nothing worse than being defeated by another man in front of the woman he likes. If there is That is, after being defeated by other men, the woman who likes to cheer for the man!

Double crit!

"It's OK, Stephen. It's only 2-0. Don't worry about it!"

"Come on, Stephen. Don't take it to heart. The final victory must belong to you!"

"Stephen, make sure you score the next goal and show your best

At this time, Jack and others began to speak for Stephen.

Stephen looks like he's going to be down. How can we do that? They've bet money.

League can lose, Li Feng must die!

Jack and others encouraged Stephen to regain his confidence: "yes, you're right. I won't take it in my heart. I'm going to regroup because The game has just begun! "

Jack and others make complaints about their anger.

Shentemo game has just begun, a total of 5 ball game has been played 2-0, OK, now the situation is in a hurry, please sober up, big brother?!

It's just what they can say. Stephen is so prestigious and overbearing at LD university that they would rather lose money than offend Stephen.

So Jack and others can only say: "you are right, Stephen, the game has just begun, calm down, play steady!"

"Come on, Stephen, we believe you are the hope of LD University!"

Under the flattery, Stephen got the basketball again and stood outside the three-point line.

Li fengchong hooked his finger: "remember what I said before?"

"What?" Stephen was thinking about what kind of attack he should use this time. Li Feng was stunned.

"The previous three non-contact is the highlight of your evening. Next It's time to prove that. " Li Feng said with a smile.

Stephen was enraged again: "arrogant! See how I'll get over you

What is the easiest way to score? Besides the slam dunk, it's a layup for the little guy.

Stephen this time does not play three points, with the most secure way, forced over Li Feng, later a small man layup, first take a point to stabilize the morale of the army again!

Thinking of this, Stephen holds the basketball in both hands, first makes a trial step, then to the left, a step over Li Feng.

After Li Feng's moment, Stephen's mind is a little confused.

It's not It's said that the "three non-contact" just now is the highlight time of Laozi tonight. How can I pass it so easily?

Stephen worried that there was fraud, dribble forward at the same time also looked back at Li Feng.

At this point, Stephen was relieved. Li Feng stood in the same place like a fool. Obviously, he was dazzled by his lifelike fake action!

Ha ha, this Chinese boy is finally beaten by Laozi!

At the same time, Stephen began to speed up and run to the basket.

At this time, Jack and others could not help but cheer for Stephen: "let him go! Beautiful

"That's your real strength, Stephen! Come on, get a point first. Let the Chinese see what the real technology is! "

"Ah! Stephen, I love you

"Stephen, Stephen, Stephen!"

Some female students began to play the role of cheerleaders, shouting Stephen's name crazily, at the same time, they constantly used their eyes and body language to provoke ashaniya.

"Oh." Isanya was dismissive of it. Were these people too early to be happy? They knew nothing about Li Feng's horror!

With the help of those girls, Stephen was full of motivation. When he was about to reach the free throw line, Stephen began to make a three-step layup.

Step by step Like the devil's pace, the third step, Stephen flew to the basket.Just then, a exclamation sounded from the distance!

"Well, are you surprised? The real excitement has just begun! "

Stephen thought those people's exclamations were for him, and his heart was both happy and disdainful.

Originally, Stephen wanted to lay up a little man and score in the simplest way, but Li fengdute was dazzled by him. If he didn't take this opportunity to make a horse fork beetle and show the whole court, would he not be sorry for his skill?

In this way, Stephen's body stretched out in mid air and made a Tomahawk chop.

"Let the exclamation be more violent." Stephen yelled to himself.

"Stephen! Be careful

"Stephen, he's catching up!"

"Oh, my God, Stephen!"

As Stephen expected, Jack and other people's voices of surprise suddenly became fierce, but why did they want him to be careful, and who caught up?

Stephen can't think of it. He doesn't want to think about it. The basket is right in front of him. He wants to smash this damn basketball in!

Just as Stephen was about to make a dunk, a strong wind came from behind him. The next moment


a loud bang, the basketball was severely pressed on the backboard!

Stephen felt that his hands were empty and his body was slightly unbalanced in mid air. When he landed, he stumbled and almost fell down.

Nevertheless, he turned his head and looked behind him for the first time, and then he saw a scene that made him feel extremely ashamed.

Li Feng's body is like floating in the air. His right hand presses the basketball on the backboard and casts scornful eyes at him

A second later, Li Feng grabs the basketball and falls to the ground. Then he reaches out his thumb to Stephen, and the thumb slowly turns towards the ground.

Stephen just felt a mouthful of blood gushing up his throat and almost vomited it out!

My special I was nailed to a big hat by the Chinese? How could that be possible!

It was not until then that Stephen understood what Jack and others were exclaiming at just now, but he understood it too late

At this moment, a sense of despair rose in Stephen's heart - in terms of playing basketball, he may not really be Li Feng's opponent

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