Goddess Rescue System

Chapter 968

Li Feng can't believe his ears!

At first, he thought that aishania did not know the meaning of "early birth", so he took it to congratulate himself.

But now Li Feng is not so sure. Isn't ashaniya clearly aware of the meaning of "giving birth to a noble son" and deliberately congratulating him?

"That..." Li Feng pondered for a little while and asked tentatively, "ashaniya, do you know what it means to have a noble son early?"

Isanya tilted her head and pondered for two seconds: "maybe it's about the same Do you know that? "

Li Feng:

Say, are you learning from Luo Tian in this way of speaking?!

Damn it, what a girl isanya is. Look where Lao Luo has taken the people and gone astray!

"Then you can explain." Li Feng vomited out a mouthful of turbid gas and said.

"That's to say, give birth to the North nose early." Isania blushed and whispered.

Li Feng was speechless for a while. Well, ashaniya really knew the meaning of this sentence.

Now the question comes. Isania says that she wants to have a baby with him. This is not a hint, but an explicit one. Is she joking with him or is she serious?

When Li Feng didn't know how to answer, Tang Qiong suddenly came out of the bedroom.

She is now a master level strong, ear power is superior, Li Feng did not set up a real gas barrier, aishaniya's words were all her ears.

If she doesn't come out at this time, isn't Li Feng going to be eaten by aishania?

"Ah, sister Tang Qiong, aren't you shy?" Asked isaniah, covering her mouth with her hand, and pretending to be surprised.

Tang Qiong's face changed slightly, and said with deep hatred: "I don't seem to have any reason to be shy?"

At the same time, the two women's four eyes are opposite, there is an invisible spark flashing at the intersection of vision.

Li Feng left to look at Tang Qiong, and then look at aishania, and then shrink his neck, pretending to be deaf and blind.

It is obvious that there will be a war between the two women. He'd better not get involved in it, so as not to be a stranger at that time.

However, before that, the two women seemed to match each other by their sisters, and their feelings were even better than those of their own sisters. Now it is the rhythm of war at any time

Is this the legendary plastic flower sisterhood?

"Well, women, it's hard to fight for men."

Li Feng thought with a little pride.

"Yes, sister Tang Qiong and Mr. Li were a couple. Now they are worthy of the name. We should not be shy. Our sister misunderstood her sister."

"But then again My sister was on the same front with my younger sister. Now my sister will not regret it, right? "

Aishaniya stood up, went to Tang Qiong, took her little hand and said intimately.

"What front? What do you regret? Sister, what you said is a little abstruse. I can't understand it. "

Tang Qiong clenched aishaniya's small hand and said with a smile.

"Is this the legendary hidden sword in a smile?" Li Feng touched his chin and commented in secret.

"Sister, you are really humorous..." Isanya covered her mouth with a smile, playing with the smell: "what I said Sister should be very clear, after all, we discussed how to chase Mr. Li to his hand, and then united against Wei Bingqing and them."

Li Feng can't help but take a breath of cold air!

I'll go. It's not easy for isania. What's the name of this move? Fire company? Just expose Tang Qiong's background!

The cow criticizes the cow, does not stir up!

"No way, you're talking nonsense. I didn't!"

Tang Qiong denied the third company directly. Then she took Li Feng's arm and shook her way: "Li Feng, you must not believe ashaniya. I didn't say that!"

"Mm-hmm, I understand, I understand, I accept." Li Feng nodded his head and came directly to "feel the same".

"Oh, that's good." Tang Qiong patted her fierce breast and took a long breath.

But at this time, aishaniya suddenly rushed over, learning from Tang Qiong, took Li Feng's arm, and said, "Mr. Li, don't listen to her sophistry, she really said such a thing!"

"Oh, really?" Li Feng gave a dry smile and hesitated: "maybe she's just joking with you?"

"Bah! You just said you understood it Tang Qiong was not happy, and spat out directly.

Li Feng took a puff from the corner of his mouth: "yes, I really understand. Ah, suddenly my head hurts. I feel that I must have been injured in the battle with Philip. I need a rest."

He's going back to his bedroom.

This is called thirty-six plans to go!

But the two girls didn't mean to let him go at all. They held the hand lines of his arm!

"Don't think I don't know, you and me When we were together, we didn't say you had a headache. You just made an excuse to leave. In short You can't leave until things are clear! "Tang Qiong said angrily.

"Well, so you really have..." Ashaniya covered her mouth with her hand, and could not believe it.

Before today, Tang Qiong and Li Feng had no definite relationship, and then within a day, they had

I didn't expect that Tang Qiong was cold and beautiful in front of her, but after her

It's true that people can't judge their appearance!

Although Tang Qiong is shy in the heart, but also did not deny, directly provocative said: "yes, that is what you think, are you envious, jealous and hateful?"

"Ah?" Isania was stunned, then rolled up her sleeves and said, "I'm so angry!"

As she spoke, she would go to Tang Qiong to talk about it.

Li Feng was startled and quickly stopped her: "stop, stop, stop, I said you two are not good sisters, how suddenly make up? All right, all right. You two should be calm and calm. Don't be impulsive

"Get out of my way and let her fight with me, and I don't believe I can't cure her!"

After her death, Tang Qiong rubbed her hands, which meant to fight with aishania.

Li Feng urinated as soon as he heard it. I said, miss, you just got promoted to A-level, and you didn't have a good grasp of your own ability. If you start to do it, you will die!

Thinking of this, Li Feng held down Tang Qiong with one hand, pushed ashaniya with the other hand, and said with a bitter smile: "OK, OK, let's stop this matter first. After you two calm down, let's sit together and have a good chat. Oubuok?"

"No, OK!"

The two women refused in unison.

Then, Tang Qiong shook her head with a bitter smile, and said with a helpless face: "I really didn't expect that one day I would turn against a good sister for the sake of a man."

"Li Feng, I want to understand that I and isanya are good sisters, good sisters for life, I don't want to have estrangement with her. So... "

"In order that our two sisters can be reconciled as before, we can only aggrieve you, will you?"

Li Feng:

It's not What does Tang Qiong mean? How can I be wronged?

Tell me out loud, you don't mean what I think!

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