Goddess Rescue System

Chapter 921

"Norton Who is it? " Li Feng frowns slightly, listening to the tone, this Norton seems to be a very big man.

"Mr. Norton is the president of JM, and the show I'm going to leave in three days is his show." Tiffany Elsie got up and got out of bed and said anxiously, "he has a bad temper. We'd better get out of here quickly to avoid unnecessary misunderstanding."

"Well You have to get out quickly Li Feng nodded and seemed to agree.

"Ah?" Tiffany Elsie was stunned. "Why are you so good at talking all of a sudden?"

Li Feng used to give her the feeling that she was ungrateful, but now she is suddenly soft Does Li Feng know Norton's terror?

"What are you talking about? I'm afraid that they'll beat Norton out too late

Li Feng was going to go out first, but just after he lifted his foot, he remembered that Tiffany Elsie's coat had not been worn. If someone happened to be standing at the door, wouldn't he be seen?

"Well, I'll wait for you for a moment. You'll get your clothes on first."

Li Feng coughed and turned around.

Tiffany Elsie's face is blank now.

What kind of thing kills people? Are those old masters so terrible? What kind of TCM museum is this? Except for Li Feng's medical skills, other feelings are not reliable, OK?

Well In fact, Li Feng's medical skills can not be described with reliable, but with magic.

Well known Western doctors can't get rid of her skin disease, and her skin is getting better. It's worth a million pounds!

At the time when the two people have their own thoughts, the outside has become a pot of porridge.

A middle-aged man in an angry suit is walking forward with silver glasses.

Norton is called by Amy. When he comes here, he shouts and rushes into the room under the guidance of Amy.

At this time, Luo Tianzheng moved sideways and blocked him in front of him: "Hey, hey, where are you going? It's the place where our boss works. No admittance is allowed for people who are not allowed to enter."

"What kind of birdsong are you talking about?" Norton frowned slightly.

Of course, he knows that this is Chinese, and not only that, he can speak Chinese.

Although the West has repeatedly discredited and suppressed China, it is undeniable that China's influence in the world is growing day by day. Now it is a trend to learn Chinese.

"What did he say?" Luo Tianzheng turns his head and looks at Wanzi Dao and others. As a result, Wanzi Dao and others are also confused.

This particular language barrier, really special is hard injury!

Luo Tianzheng didn't care what Norton said. He grabbed his collar and scolded: "shit, although I can't understand what you said, you certainly didn't say anything good. Don't make me angry. I'll cut you. Do you believe me?"

"Dare you Norton's face changed slightly, and he was about to break Luo Tianzheng's hand.

But in a hurry, Norton even said Chinese, and he could not break Luo Tianzheng's hand!

Lying trough, he is a person who keeps fit all the year round. His strength is not as big as a bad old man. Is there any reason for this?

"Ouch, you can't speak Chinese." Luo Tianzheng said with a smile: "what, I want to pretend that I don't understand Chinese, and then muddle through. Your grandfather Luo is so brilliant that you can muddle through?"

Luo Tianzheng pushed forward as the voice fell.

Norton could not help but step back and squat to the ground.

"Are you all right, Mr. Norton?"

Amy ran to help Norton up and asked with concern.

Norton supported his waist and said with a look of pain: "shit, my waist is almost broken!"

Opposite, Luo Tianzheng disdains to skim the mouth.

He didn't even use one percent of his strength just now. This foreigner looks like he's big and thick. He didn't think he was so weak. He's really weak. OK.

"Ah, is it so serious?" Amy looked at Luo Tianzheng with a surprised look on her face, and then asked in a low voice, "Mr. Norton, what shall we do next?"

"What else can I do? Call someone!" Norton stands up, pushes Amy away, takes out his cell phone and is ready to call.

Just then, the door of the inner room opened, and Li Feng and Tiffany Elsie came out one after the other.

"Are you all right, miss?" Amy ran to Tiffany Elsie and asked with concern.

"I'm fine. Dr. Li has really cured my illness. I can attend the big show in three days."

Tiffany Elsie couldn't help but say.

"Ah?" Amy was stunned at first, then looked at Li Feng in doubt: "Miss, are you being coerced by him?"

Even Dr. Frank said that it would take ten days and a half months to cure the disease, but it was cured by Li Feng? Is it so mysterious?"Amy, don't talk nonsense. Dr. Li's medical skills are really excellent." Tiffany Elsie gave him a reproachful look and then looked at Norton in disbelief: "Mr. Norton, what's the matter with you?"

In her line of sight, Norton stood still with the posture of taking out his mobile phone, and his eyes were staring at Li Feng. It looked very strange.

What's more, the conversation between Norton and Luo Tianzheng is all in Chinese. She didn't understand, otherwise she would know what had happened just now.

Of course, even if she knew what had just happened, she couldn't understand why Norton looked at Li Feng in this way.

Li Feng frowns slightly. He is not a fairy. Why does this crooked nut look at him in this way? This person is not the direction of some deviation, right?

"I It's OK. " Norton spits out a mouthful of turbid gas and still looks at Li Feng.

At this time, Amy suddenly said, "Miss, it's a good thing that you're well, but I think we'll have to settle with Li Feng about the medical expenses."

Tiffany Elsie showed her eyebrows. Before she spoke, Li Feng waved her hand and said, "don't forget it. A good one million is a million. I still keep my word."

"Have you misunderstood something?" Amy laughed angrily: "I mean This disease can't cost a million pounds, ten thousand is too much, so do you want to return the extra money to our young lady? "

"Amy!" Tiffany Elsie's face changed slightly, and she quickly stopped.

However, Amy's attitude was extremely tough: "Miss, I know you are thin skinned. I'll handle this matter. We can't be the big one!"

Li Feng laughed angrily: "do you think I charge more than 1 million pounds?"

"Isn't it?" Amy sneered: "it's just a simple skin disease. Even if you don't look for it, you can take good care of it. If you take advantage of the fire and ask for a million dollars of Miss, you really treat us as a big injustice, right?"

He has long been unhappy with Li Feng. Anyway, miss's illness has been cured, and Mr. Norton is here again. He doesn't believe that he can't treat this little traditional Chinese medicine!

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