Goddess Rescue System

Chapter 912

An hour later, Luo Tianzheng and others packed up and returned to the chamber.

Seeing Luo Tianzheng's dress up, Li Feng couldn't help but draw from his mouth. What's the ghost of a black Zhongshan suit with a big gold chain and a big gold watch?

I'm sorry to take you out of the mountain if you dress like this!

"Cough Do you have any other clothes? "

In order not to combat the enthusiasm of Luo Tianzheng and others, Li Feng intends to gently remind them.

"Yes, but they are all in this kind of Zhongshan suit." Luo Tianzheng and others replied respectfully.

Li Feng: Why are they all Chinese tunics? Do you like to wear them

"Well Well... " Luo Tianzheng and others are reluctant to speak, and they look very embarrassed.

"If you have something to say." Li Feng's eyebrows are slightly wrinkled. They are all figures with a head and a face. How can he speak so hard.

"We just think it's more cultural to wear Zhongshan suit..." Luo Tianzheng said with a red face.

Li Feng:

It's not What's the relationship between culture and Zhongshan? People without culture can also wear Zhongshan clothes!

In fact, this is a misunderstanding in Li Feng's thought. He grew up in a new era, and it's normal that he is not cold to Zhongshan suit. However, Luo Tianzheng and others are the older generation and have special feelings for Zhongshan suit.

In addition, they spend most of their time in the Jiuyou sect, isolated from the world and unable to keep up with the development and aesthetic appreciation of the outside world. Therefore, in their hearts, wearing Zhongshan suits represents a person's status and knowledge.

"Well What the hell is this big gold chain and watch? " Li Feng asked in doubt.

Luo Tianzheng pondered for two seconds: "do you look rich?"

Li Feng:

When you are outside or in the '80s and' 90s, how many real rich people wear these things? Wearing cloth shoes is the real big man!

"OK, you like it, but you have to change your dress for this operation, or it will be too dazzling to walk together."

Li Feng made a decision, after going out, he would take them to the mall to buy some replacement clothes, otherwise others would not know how to look at them.

Of course, Luo Tianzheng and others did not have any opinions, and they took off the big gold chain and the big gold watch and put them back in the storage ring.

After the revival of Feng Dehai, Li Feng returned the storage ring to them. At that time, Feng Dehai was really moved, but when they saw the empty storage space, they wanted to cry without tears.

Well, they're all back to life. If they want bicycles, they'll buy their lives with money.

Seeing that the matter was settled down, Liang Yuxin prayed in a low voice: "Lord, we also want to go out and have a look. Do you take us with us?"

"Yes, patriarch, I can do laundry and cooking, and rub my shoulder and back. It's right to take me with me." Bai Xuelian will come to serve Li Feng.

They didn't mean to flatter Li Feng, but they wanted to go out with the patriarch to see the world.

Before Li Feng came, they also went out, but most of them were for "purchasing" the necessities of life. They didn't have the leisure to enjoy the outside world.

Just like Wei bin, if you go out to eat a hot pot, you can feel the Royal dinner, which shows how pale their life experience is.

It's not that they don't have capital, but that most of their possessions are gold, jewelry, crystal stones, natural materials and earth treasures, and it's difficult to realize them because of their embarrassing status as members of the Jiuyou sect.

Secondly, they are lack of understanding of the outside world. If they don't go out for a period of time, it will be earth shaking changes. They can't even use a smart phone

Now, with Li Feng's leadership, they can enjoy the outside world

Li Feng quickly stopped: "well, my girlfriend will be with you, so don't let them misunderstand me..."

On hearing this, Luo Tianzheng and others understand this, but how many meanings do "they" mean? Are there more than one woman who has feelings for the patriarch?

Master Niu PI!

Although Liang Yuxin and Bai Xuelian are reluctant, they can only be honest and honest when Li Feng refuses.

"All right, let's go."

Li Feng got up and went out.

A few minutes later, a vortex gate appeared above the stone tablet outside Gufeng mountain, and then Li Feng and Luo Tianzheng stepped out of it.

The night is like ink.

"Let's take you downtown to find a place to live."

After his voice landed, Li Feng flew into the air and took Luo Tianzheng and others to Yuantai city.

On the way, Li Feng asked the system to make an ID card for each of Luo Tianzheng's seven people. This is not as simple as making a fake card. With the intervention of the system, the household registration system already has the information of Luo Tianzheng's seven people.

No matter where they go or what kind of business they do, their ID cards can withstand checking.

This is the power of the system!

After entering the sky above Yuantai City, Li Feng found a deserted place to land, and then took Luo Tianzheng seven people to find a star hotel to check in.When Li Feng took out their ID card and opened a room, Luo Tianzheng and others would cry with joy. They could only stay in that kind of small hotel every time they went out, because they had no certificates.

Now, Li Feng has solved the household registration problem for them!

At this moment, Luo Tianzheng and others had a deeper understanding of Li Feng's power.

The next morning after breakfast, Li Feng took Luo Tianzheng and others to a large shopping mall nearby. Before entering the door, Li Feng found a deserted corner and put on a changeable mask.

Later, the performance of Luo Tianzheng and others will certainly cause many people's sidelights. In order to reduce embarrassment, he'd better not show his true face.

After changing his face, Li Feng came to the gate of the shopping mall to meet with Luo Tianzheng and others. At this time, many passers-by around Luo Tianzheng and others pointed out to them.

"These people are so strange. What are they doing?"

"It's so funny to wear Zhongshan suit."

Listening to the whispers of passers-by, the expressions of Luo Tianzheng and others are ugly.

In the past, they all took their disciples to act alone, far less than today's collective mobilization. Although it will cause other people's sidelights, it will not cause the current "sensational" effect.

At that time, they thought it was their extraordinary temperament and attracted other people's attention. Now they know that it is because they are so funny!

Li Feng took a puff from the corner of his mouth and gave himself a thumbs up in his heart. Now it seems that he has just made a wise decision.

In this way, Li Feng took out a small red flag from his backpack, went to Luo Tianzheng and said, "well, dear guests of the VIP group, our station is the largest shopping mall in Yuantai city."

"It's rare to come to Yuantai city. Tourists must buy more local products to go back. It's a worthwhile trip."

With that, Li Feng took the first step into the mall.

Luo Tianzheng and others are confused!

What kind of VIP tour? Buy wool local products! So Lord, are we despised by you? It must be!

At this time, the onlookers suddenly realized: "it's a tourist group, no wonder."

"This tour group is so interesting that it is made up of a group of old men."

Luo Tianzheng et al

Your sister's uncle!

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