Goddess Rescue System

Chapter 752

Ren Chongxuan's friends are going crazy.

Shentemo, your card is bigger than his, witnessing the moment of victory, a dog egg!

You got the smallest card, the smallest card!

What kind of luck makes you get the smallest card?!

Ren Chongxuan is going to be crazy. What he got is a spade a, how can he become a square piece?

If he had not seen the card, he would have thought he had taken the wrong card, but he had just set off to see it. It was spade a!

After seeing the cards, he pressed the cards on the table. In this process, his hands did not move. There was no possibility of being changed from spade a to square 2? This is so unscientific!

Because don't want to understand this problem, Ren Chongxuan thinks his skull will blow up!

"My God..."

Ren Xiaolei covered her mouth with her hand and couldn't believe it.

Why did she dare to set such harsh conditions just now? Because she's a great gambler.

She spent too long boring years. In order to pass the time, she once had a strong interest in gambling. Later, she swept the world's major casinos and became the world's top gambling expert.

She can roll out the points she wants at will. Even if Li Feng guesses wrong, she can change the number of dice at the moment of opening the dice cup.

The second time she agreed to let Ren Chongxuan let others lift the dice cup because she knew that Li Feng had guessed it correctly, so no matter who lifted the dice cup, it would not change the result.

Because she is not only an expert in gambling, but also a top-notch player. She has many ways to prevent others from going out in front of her.

Because of her accomplishments in gambling, she saw that Ren Chongxuan's playing cards were magic cards. In that short period of time, she remembered the patterns behind each card.

When Ren Chongxuan got a spade a, Ren Xiaolei knew that Li Feng had lost, but who knew that after Ren Chongxuan opened that card, it turned into square 2!

Lee summit change?

My God, is it so amazing!

"Square 2..." Li Feng mouth a draw, will be in the hands of the square piece 9 opened, mocked: "mine is bigger than yours, you lost."

Pun! Also for Ren Xiaolei revenge!

"Shit, you cheat!"

Ren Chongxuan patted the table, stood up and roared angrily.


Ren Chongxuan's friends surrounded Li Feng and Ren Xiaolei directly, and each face showed a fierce color, as if Li Feng's answer did not satisfy them, they would give Li Feng a good look.

Li Feng's expression is very calm, even vaguely there is a bit of ridicule: "the playing card is provided by you, the card is also you draw first, you say I cheat? It's kind of funny. "

Ren Chongxuan angrily scolded the round glare: "shit, I just took out a spade a, opened it into a square piece 2, not you cheat, what can it be?"

"So you think I turned spade a into square 2 without you noticing? Do you believe it? " Li Feng looks at Ren Chongxuan's friends.

People subconsciously shook their heads, was Ren Chongxuan mercilessly stare, they all nodded and said: "we believe, must believe!"

"God of gamblers, gamblers, gamblers There are such scenes in those movies. Maybe you can change the brand because of your special ability? "

"The world is so big that it's not impossible even if you have special abilities. But anyway, you have to make a thousand, which is what we all see."

"Mad, you're so tired of cheating in front of Ren Shao?"

"Come out with a billion dollars quickly. If you don't take us to death, do you believe it or not?"

These people are shouting, while approaching Li Feng, a friend almost put his face in front of Li Feng.

If other people were here, they might be scared by their ferocity.

Li Feng laughed: "the reason doesn't make sense. Do you want to use force with me?"

"Shit, don't you? My special... "

A young man who was nearest to Li Feng hit Li Feng in the face with his fist.


Li Feng raised his hand and squeezed the man's fist, and then pushed it gently.


the man was like being hit by a moving truck. He flew directly backward and flew a large area of people behind him!

"Sleeping trough! This man has two sons

People who are close to Ren Xiaolei can't help but cry out, and then they should first control Ren Xiaolei to blackmail Li Feng.

Ren Xiaolei picked up a sarcastic arc around the corner of her mouth, raised her hand and patted it gently.

The wind blows!


the people on her side flew directly backward under the slap of this palm, hitting the distance and folding up the wall of people, and the cry of pain continued.

Opposite, Ren Chongxuan pupil shrinks: "you are also a strong martial arts?""You too?" Ren Xiaolei cocked up her legs and said in her spare time.

"Hum!" Ren Chongxuan swept Ren Xiaolei's leg and sneered: "yes, I'm also a strong martial arts player, and I'm a super martial arts strong one!"

Li Feng's mouth a draw: "super martial arts strong? How super? "

"Soon you will find out!" Ren Chongxuan sneered and released his own breath.


a breath that belongs to the later period of the grand master burst out!

After showing his breath, Ren Chongxuan waited for Li Feng and Ren Xiaolei to cry out in surprise, but they seemed as if they had not seen each other. They were still sitting on the sofa.

On the contrary, Ren Chongxuan's friends, friends and friends, were excited like chicken blood: "Ren Shaowei Wu!"

"No matter how much cattle hide

"Ren Shao, smash them and avenge the brothers!"

At this time, Ren Xiaolei took Li Feng's arm and put her head on Li Feng's shoulder: "son in law, is this the legendary super strong? The breath is so weak. "

Li Feng nodded: "yes, it's like a candle in the dark night that can be extinguished by blowing it gently."

Ren Chongxuan:

The candle fire in the dark night can extinguish a dog egg by blowing it gently. Show me one of you!

In Ren Chongxuan dark hate, Li Feng suddenly opened his five fingers, gently shook him.


just like a candle in the dark, which is snuffed out with one's fingers, Ren Chongxuan's breath is instantly pressed back into his body!

"Lying trough?" Ren Chongxuan was shocked at that time!

Why his breath will be pressed back, such a thing he has never met, ah, this is so unscientific!

When Ren Chongxuan was forced, Li Feng raised his hand and pressed down.


a breath of terror appeared, and Ren Chongxuan was directly crushed to the ground!

"What the hell are you?" Ren Chongxuan finally understood Li Feng's strength at this moment.

The person who can suppress his breath from the air and press him to the ground is at least a super strong one!

If Li Feng knew Ren Chongxuan's idea, he would be sure that he would be able to do so

Before still excited clamour of little brother all a face frightened closed mouth, lie trough, this time any little is kick to super big iron plate!

"It doesn't matter who I am. The important thing is that you owe me 1 billion yuan. You can leave if you give me the money Take your life to pay for it. " Li Feng said with a smile.

Ren Chongxuan's face changed several times, and finally gritted his teeth and said, "it's OK to give money, but I don't have so much money on my card. I want to call my family."

On hearing this, Ren Chongxuan's younger brother came to the spirit.

Ren Chongxuan's elders are the real super strong. As long as they arrive, Li Feng will die!

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