Goddess Rescue System

Chapter 695

It's not Do you have any misunderstanding about the word "just"?

This is 10 billion Chinese dollars, not 1 million! You say so, it seems that we have never seen the world's poor hanging wire!

The guests who can be invited by Feng Weiyan either have a fortune of more than 1 billion or hold important positions in a certain department. It can be said that these people are the most elite group in Mingzhu city.

They have seen a lot of big scenes, but they have never seen the description of 10 billion as "only".

"10 billion? What a big voice Feng Weiyan was very angry and laughed: "I have seen a lot of young people like you, but the end is generally not very good."

"Just like you, you've seen a lot of stupid 13 young masters, and the end is usually smashed by me."

Li Feng raised his right fist and said with a smile.

Feng Weiyan couldn't help but shrink his pupils.

If there is anything that Li Feng is afraid of, it is Li Feng's super strong force.

There is a saying that is good, the scholar meets Ping with reason is not clear, in this kind of topic continues to entangle with Li Feng, for him there is no benefit.

Behind him, heizeping's pupils shrank, a huge sense of crisis filled his body.

Feng Weiyan is only afraid of Li Feng's powerful force, because he is an ordinary man. Even if Li Feng is said to be powerful, he can only rely on his brain.

However, heizeping, who is also a strong man in martial arts, knows how terrible Li Feng is!

After Teng Tianxiang was rescued, he reported Li Feng's realm to the shadow. The strong man at the early stage of entering the holy land was as simple as crushing an ant at his later stage!

"Fortunately, Mr. Koda is also in the Pearl. I must inform him of Li Feng's return as soon as possible."

Thinking of this, heizeping secretly took out his mobile phone, edited an encrypted SMS and sent it out.

What heizeping doesn't know is that Li Feng has noticed him when he sends a text message.

"Extraordinary late strong, Feng Weiyan should be able to hire such a strong bodyguard, strange."

Although heizeping tried his best to hide his breath, he could see through heizeping's realm with Li Feng's early strength.

In China, the super strong in the late period are the front door of large ancient martial arts families. Feng Weiyan is just a businessman. Without special reasons, how could he hire such a strong man as a bodyguard?

At this time, Feng Weiyan took a deep breath, resumed his smile and said, "I've heard that the Pearl has a sharp tooth and a sharp mouth. Now I see it, it's really worthy of its reputation."

"Since you said that 10 billion is just a small amount to you, you should pay back the money quickly, so as not to change the ownership of the group in the future after 12:00."

We all know that osville's assets have been frozen. As osville's boss, can Li Feng's account not be frozen?

Even if Li Feng used to be rich, he couldn't afford it at this time!

As long as Li Feng can't get the money, he will lose his face in front of the public. This will be regarded as the interest he can get back to jun'er.

Li Feng hit a ha ha, play flavor: "the matter of repayment is not in a hurry, there are four or five hours from 12 o'clock."

As soon as this was said, the faces of the guests became strange.

So he was just bragging, right?

If it wasn't for the terrible impression Li Feng left on them, these guests would have made a mockery of him at the moment.

However, there are always people who are not open-minded in this world. After a short silence, Tang Tian burst out laughing: "Bingqing, is this the man you like? He is a braggart! I said I was better than Li Feng for a long time. Now it seems that I didn't talk big, did I? "


all the guests present looked at Tang Tian with a kind of silly 13 eyes.

Say This guy knows what he's talking about, right? Know who you despise? How disgusted he was to say such a stupid thing because of his long life!

"What's your name Bing Qing?" Li Feng raised his eyebrows and asked in a cold voice.

Tang Tian frowned slightly, and was a little upset. Li Feng said to himself, "what do I call her about you..."


before Tang Tian finished speaking, Li Feng raised his hand and pulled him out.

Tang Tian is 178 in height and weighs about 150. But at the moment, his whole body soars into the air, then leaps over the heads of many guests, flies directly out of the distance of tens of meters and bumps into the wall of the banquet hall.

After hitting the wall, Tang Tian didn't immediately slide down, but pasted it on the wall in large font for five or six seconds, and then slipped down gradually.

This picture has a kind of animation similar to the bridge already see the feeling, let the guests see is a face muddled!

I don't know how long it took Feng Weiyan to wake up from the shock and rushed to the place where Tang Tian fell down. At the same time, he yelled: "Tian'er!"

As soon as this was said, the faces of the guests became strange.

It's not Feng Weiyan's address is a little too close. I don't know that Tang Tian is his son!Li Feng eyebrow sharp pick, a bold idea appeared in his mind.

He always thinks that Tang Tian and Feng Weiyan are somewhat similar in appearance. Should they be?

With the help of Feng Weiyan, Tang Tian stood up with difficulty. He saw that his right side of the face had swollen into a steamed bun. Under the pressure, the left side of his face became a little distorted.

Tang Tian's face now, I believe his mother can't recognize him even for a while.

"Uncle, you will avenge me Tang Tian is now desperate for shame and anger.

He had never seen Li Feng like this. He started directly before saying a few words, and also directly took him away.

At any rate, he is also the nephew of the Tang family and the chairman of the Feng Group. Li Feng, who has the courage to beat him, is not afraid to go to prison?

"Don't worry, I will avenge you."

Seeing that Tang Tian's face was swollen and there was no other serious injury, Feng Weiyan breathed a sigh of relief. At the same time, a burst of anger rose from his heart: "Li Feng, you hit people casually because you are a strong martial arts man. Do you think that no one here can cure you?"

Li Feng frankly nodded: "yes, I think so."

"You Feng Weiyan was more angry, and then said to heizeping, "please teach this crazy boy a lesson for me!"

Heizeping, a Japanese super strong man, once said after he came to his side, he could cross the Pearl with him!

Because of the assurance of heizeping, Feng Weiyan is only afraid of Li Feng, not fear!

Now it's time for hazepin to prove his worth!


all the people turned their heads and looked at heizeping, all of them were suspicious.

This middle-aged bodyguard looks ugly. He was given such a heavy responsibility by Feng Weiyan. Can he beat Li Feng?

Sparta in heizepington!

Shit, I'm honest like a quail. If I can beat Li Feng, I'll do it just now! Can you have some insight!

Heizeping held back for a long time, and finally said, "Mr. Feng, I think we can solve this matter in a more moderate way, rather than fighting and killing."

Feng Weiyan:

It's not Who said that he is a super martial arts strong, have their own can cross the Pearl City?

This special has not yet started you to advise, you special is to make fun of it!

The guests were a little confused.

Does SHENTE solve this problem by means of relaxation? It's not a fight to kill a dog's egg, you are particularly advised, it must be like this!

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