Goddess Rescue System

Chapter 693

At the door of the banquet hall, Wei Bingqing, dressed in full dress, came in alone.

After all, she is the first beauty of the Pearl, and she has been well dressed. As soon as Wei Bingqing came in, she attracted the attention of all the audience.

Seeing this, Wei Yang, Huang Bin and others began to mutter: "I'll go, Wei Bingqing is really here. Isn't there something fishy in it?"

That is to know Wei Bingqing's character, or they will think that Wei Bingqing is in collusion with Tang Tian to dig their money.

On the other side, Tang Tian showed a kind of "I said it" expression, and then quickly met up.

On the other side, Feng Weiyan also laughed and welcomed him: "Mr. Wei, please come here. Let's make a living here."

"Bingqing, I'm really happy that you can come. Believe me, you will have a wonderful night here." One side, Tang Tian said with deep meaning.

"Mr. Feng is joking." Wei Bingqing smiles faintly and doesn't even look at Tang Tian.

Wei Bingqing's indifference makes Tang Tian a little shy and angry, but then he thinks that since Wei Bingqing is here, he can't escape from his palm.

Now what if she doesn't answer her love? Soon he could make Wei Bingqing kneel in front of him!

In the distance, Wei Yang and others couldn't help laughing.

Is this what Tang Tian said that Wei Bingqing would marry him in public? Damn, Wei Bingqing doesn't pay attention to you, stupid 13!

"No joking, no joking, I'm serious, you can come here really make this room shine."

Feng Weiyan laughed, then turned to the guests and said, "gentlemen and ladies, who is this? I don't need to introduce you?"

The guests looked at each other.

Now who doesn't know that Feng's group and the future group are inseparable. Wei Bingqing unexpectedly came to the banquet held by Feng Weiyan. Is he going to tear it up face to face?

In the past, people would just watch the fun and not be stupid enough to choose a side station. But now

Feng's group is in the ascendant, and the group will be subject to comprehensive suppression in the future. How about giving Feng Weiyan some face?

Think of here, a group of guests began to echo: "ha ha, Feng always joked, Wei is the flower of pearl, how can we not know?"

"To tell you the truth, we are really surprised that Feng can always invite Mr. Wei here. Mr. Feng's face is really great!"

Feng Weiyan pressed down his hand and said with a smile: "as we all know, our Feng and Wei families have been making friends for generations. Bing Qingxian's niece almost married my son Feng Jun, but it's a pity..."

Speaking of this, Feng Weiyan turned pale and closed his mouth.

A crowd of guests sighed on the surface, but kept sneering in their hearts.

Wei Bingqing almost married Feng Jun? How come we don't know? You can put gold on your son's face!

After sighing heavily, Feng Weiyan's face showed a smile again and said, "maybe this is fate. Although they two failed to get together in the end, we still need to get married."

Once this was said, the guests were a little confused.

It's not What does Feng Weiyan mean? How can you marry Wei Bingqing after divorce? This is so funny.

My father married a woman his son liked, and Feng Jun must be angry to vomit blood under the nine springs!

At this time, Wei Bingqing finally couldn't bear it: "Mr. Feng, your jokes are not funny at all."

Feng Weiyan laughed and said in a funny way: "Bingqing, don't be embarrassed. You can't hide anything from Tang Tian. It's better to publish it in public, so as to let everyone feel happy."

A crowd of guests:

Tang Tian and Wei Bingqing? It's impossible to do this!

If Feng Jun and Wei Bingqing are still on the right track, then compared with Wei Bingqing, Tang Tian is a heaven and an underground.

The Tang family where Tang Tian is located has more than one billion yuan in assets, and the appearance is not so outstanding. What qualifications can he have to marry Wei Bingqing?

Wei Yang and others became nervous.

Ma De, Tang Tian said it just as if he was bragging, but Feng Weiyan said it in front of Wei Bingqing, which is not bragging.

Without certain assurance, does Feng Weiyan dare to say this? The next day, let him be ridiculed by the whole Pearl society, believe it or not!

For Wei Yang and Huang Bin, it's small to lose 10 million yuan. They can't afford to lose this person!

Wei Bingqing was angry and laughed: "Feng Weiyan, Tang Tian and I are not even friends. What do you mean by this?"

As soon as this was said, the banquet hall was quiet, and the expressions of all the guests became strange.

Nima, feelings, this is all Feng Weiyan's wishful thinking, there is a good play to see!

Feng Weiyan didn't care about the eyes of the guests around him. He playfully said, "Bingqing, do you want to change the ownership of the future group?"

Wei Bingqing's reaction was all expected by Feng Weiyan, so he was not surprised at all. On the contrary, he enjoyed the feeling.It's good to deny in public. The more Wei Bingqing denies it, the more she will take the initiative to change her words at that time, which will cause more sensation.

Why did he invite all the celebrities of Mingzhu to come here? That is to let these people know that Feng Weiyan has the ability to turn his hand over the cloud and cover his hand for the rain!

As soon as Feng ruinian and Feng Jun died, the reputation of the Feng family fell to a freezing point. Feng Weiyan wanted to announce the strong rise of the Feng family in this way!

A group of guests looked at each other again. What kind of future group wants to change owners? Wei Bingqing has a handle on Feng Weiyan's hand!

"What you don't know, I have acquired 46% of the shares of the future group..."

At present, Feng Weiyan said about Wei Bingqing's equity pledge loan.

Meanwhile, Zhou Nansheng testified for Feng Weiyan: "yes, 12 o'clock tonight is the deadline for future group repayment. When the time comes, if the future group can't repay, then I will sell these shares to Mr. Feng to recover the losses of Mingzhu bank."

Feng Weiyan nodded his head and said, "of course, if Mr. Wei is willing to marry Tang Tian, I can take this old face down and plead with President Zhou, and ask him to give you a grace period of one or two years. After all, the future group is the painstaking efforts of master Wei Fu all his life, and can't give it to others in your hands."

"So what should we do next? Mr. Wei must have the answer in his mind?"

Speaking of this, Feng Weiyan turned his head and winked at the middle-aged bodyguard behind him.

Hearing this, people will understand that Feng Weiyan is threatening Wei Bingqing with the ownership of the future group!

What will Wei Bingqing do next?

On the occasion of speculation, the middle-aged bodyguard suddenly called out: "Mr. Wei, look here."

Wei Bingqing subconsciously looked at him. First she smelled a strange smell, then she saw a pair of very strange eyes. These eyes were like a pair of rotating black holes, giving people a deep and mysterious feeling.

And then Wei Bingqing turned her head and looked at Feng Weiyan.

Feng Weiyan eyebrows a pick, in the heart of the excitement has been unable to restrain the spread of the spread.

Mr. heize has made a move, and Wei Bingqing will finally go down according to his script!

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