Goddess Rescue System

Chapter 652

Pearl, in a western restaurant opposite the future group building, after some disguise, Mo Wentian sits by the window and looks at a magazine.

If you don't pay attention to it, it's hard to find that he still has a headset on his ear. This earphone is the same color as the skin, and it fits the ear canal very well. Unless you observe it closely, you can't really find it.

In other places near the Pearl Group building, there are also Xiang Tianya, Ren cangsheng and Luo Taibai.

In addition, it is very likely that Shen Zixuan, the Dragon Spirit's leader and four Dragon envoys are gathering here!

As the important tools of the country, the dragon head and the four Dragon envoys usually sit in the capital and are on standby at any time. Once there is something they need to do, they will immediately rush to the place where they left off.

The last time the five of them went out to kill the shadow swordsman, but this time it was just to prevent Shen Zixuan from saving Li Feng, which was also a pity.

When Mo Wentian secretly observes the gate of the future group building, the mobile phone in his pants pocket vibrates. Mo Wentian frowns slightly and takes out his mobile phone for a look.

When you see the name on the caller ID, don't ask the sky.

After a few seconds of hesitation, Mo asked the genius to connect the phone, and said "hello" if nothing happened.

"Qinglong envoy, I'm Li Feng." Li Feng's slightly relaxed voice came from the phone.

"I know. What can I do for you?" Don't ask how cold the tone of the sky is.

"It's OK. I'm just going to report to the Qinglong envoy. I've stepped into the supreme realm." Li Feng said with a smile.

"Oh..." Mo Wentian still wanted to maintain the leadership posture, but he was stunned as soon as he nodded.

What? Li Feng has stepped into the supreme realm? Did he hear me right!

At the moment when Mo asked Tian Meng, Li Feng continued: "I broke through in the battle. The Xiao family, the Zheng family and the Lei family sent six strong men to kill me. As a result, they were all smashed by one punch."

"After smashing them, I stepped into the supreme realm. As expected, fighting is the best way to break through."

Don't ask the sky:

It's not Li Feng killed all the people sent by the three families? no He didn't see the three families come here!

So they lost Li Feng?

"Qinglong emissary, are you listening?" Li Feng doubts way.

Mo Wentian put his face right and said in a deep voice, "I'm listening, Li Feng. I'm asking you if you're kidding me."

If it's really like what Li Feng said, then the matter will be so big.

Killing six people from Xiao, Zheng and Lei is a deep blood feud. These three families will surely launch more crazy revenge on Li Feng, such as sending six most powerful men to kill Li Feng?

However, Mo Wentian is also shocked by the news that Li Feng has stepped into the supreme realm. If he remembers correctly, it will be several months before Li Feng's birthday, which means that Li Feng has entered the supreme realm at the age of 23.

This is special. 500 years ago, there has never been such a monster in the world!

Now the question is, where is the upper limit of Li Feng? Will he step into the later stage of supreme power before he is 24 years old?

If it was before this, someone asked Mo Wentian this question, Mo Wentian would certainly scold the other party for being crazy. Before the age of 24, he stepped into the late supreme period? When you are supreme, is it Chinese cabbage!

Now you don't need to be asked by others. It's really it ' s a long story!

"Qinglong made adults laugh. How can I make fun of you? I really killed the people sent by Xiao, Zheng and Lei, and I really stepped into the supreme realm. "

"But there is one thing I want to confirm with Qinglong envoy..."

Speaking of this, Li Feng is a bit reluctant to speak.

"What?" Don't ask the sky. A bad feeling comes to mind.

"The people who killed me told me that I was abandoned by the dragon spirit. The dragon soul knew that they were going to kill me, but chose to stand by. Is this true?" Li Feng asked.

Don't ask the sky:

He was just thinking about how to deal with the relationship between longhun and Li Feng. He didn't think that Li Feng already knew that he had been abandoned by longhun. What should he do?

In his prediction, Li Feng would not know that he was abandoned by the dragon soul. This matter will become a secret between the three families and the dragon soul, because Li summit was killed by the people sent by the three.

After all, protecting the calf is a good tradition of the dragon soul, which will cause great harm to the prestige of the dragon soul.

But Li Feng not only killed the people sent by Xiao, Zheng and Lei, but also learned from them that he was abandoned by the dragon spirit.

Are all the people sent by the three families all pigs?!

"Hello! Hello? What a bad signal

Don't ask the sky to say a few words to himself and hang up the phone directly.

For this reason, we have to ask Li Feng not to give him a good signal

Forced to this by subordinates, Mo Wentian thinks it's too difficult!After I made a few sentences, I make complaints about the phone call to the horizon: "Hello, faucet, there is something I need to report to you..."

When he told the whole story again, the other end of the phone fell into a long silence.

After a long time, the voice to the end of the world came from the earphone: "all come to me, emergency meeting."

Five minutes later

In the private room of a high-grade tea house, sit around the table to Tianya, Luo Taibai, Ren cangsheng and Mo Wentian.

"Tell me what I think." Holding a cup of Dahongpao to Tianya, she said solemnly.

"I don't think about it." Don't ask the sky to sigh, tone some helpless.

Ren cangsheng some disdain: "at the beginning, we agreed together, but now we say we don't think about it. Are you right behind the scenes?"

"Ren cangsheng, do you want to fight?" Don't ask the sky is a bit unhappy, let the common people laugh at him and feel angry.

"Fight as soon as possible. Who is afraid of whom?" When Ren cangsheng rolls up his sleeves, he will fight with mo.

Don't ask the sky, fearless, stand up to prepare for war.

"All sit down for me!" Unable to see the end of the world, he patted the table and said, "fighting all day long, you are the dragon spirit dragon envoy, not the bandits who occupy the mountain as the king!"

Don't ask the sky, Ren cangsheng Qi Qi Leng hum, and the Damascus knife sits down again.

"The matter has come to this point. It's useless to talk about the past. Let's discuss how to reply to Li Feng."

Knock on the table to the end of the world.

Ren cangsheng and others fell into silence. They could be forced by the pressure of the three schools to agree to their demands. However, they could not say such words in front of Li Feng.

Seeing that the three of them did not speak, he said to Tianya: "contact Wang Sun family, tell Wang Sun Hong about Li Feng's entering the supreme realm, and see what he says."

As soon as this word comes out, Ren cangsheng's eyes brighten.

Yes, they can join hands with the wangsun family. As long as the wangsun family is willing to protect Li Feng and add dragon spirit, Xiao, Zheng and Lei do not dare to start the war lightly!

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